Guest Speaker: Jase Robertson

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well we have a guest speaker here today anybody heard of a show called duck dynasty so I'm saying I'm thinking that's a yes right I had the privilege to meet Jase Robertson last night he was the speaker for our on our heroes event and didn't he do a great job those of you that were there he was fantastic ministering to people encouraging them it's a pretty amazing thing that in a public event like that he was openly preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ that is amazing you say pastor how does that happen let me let me just teach you a little bit you saw all of the opportunities to serve you heard about the people who serve we believed in our church that we don't go to our community like this we go to our community like this we give we bless we serve and somehow that opens doors for the gospel of Jesus how many know that's that's that's it that's the way Jesus did it he didn't come to be served he came to serve and to give his life as a ransom and that's what we want to embody as a church but we're so glad today that Jase is here and I just want you to give him a great grace welcome as he comes to share God's Word will you welcome Jase Robertson Hey I merely started yet like I was liking Indiana last night I'm beginning to love Indiana thanks for having me thanks for encouraging our family viewer social media through the years I am not ashamed that I love Jesus Christ so some of you may not have seen our show and so you're looking at somebody like me in your life what in the world is going on what is happening it's bizarro world in the church I'm not a preacher I don't look like a preacher when I was a kid my number one fear number one bigger fear than death itself was public you're laughing and I and him got to the end yeah was public speaking I went to a speech class in the ninth grade I thought it was gonna help me enunciate it was going to learn the English language better look rednecks have a problem with the English language I can talk about them because I am one you know my mom recently had something wrong with her leg she goes to the doctor gets it checked out she comes back my dad said how'd it go I was sitting there because we were worried about her it was a pretty rough infection she said well they did an autopsy and they got me some nitroglycerin to heal me so my dad said so let me get this right they're gonna blow up a dead body y'all think I'm making this up that conversation happened we have trouble communicating and then their side number one question I got last night y'all cheering love this guy has caused me a lot of stress in my life is he as crazy as he seems you know did the cameras do that it's way worse if we didn't have editing the man is a psycho but he loves our country and he loves the Lord and so we love him I mean so I'm here today hopefully to raise some hallelujah my buddies when I was young they used to say that you know they would say hey we'll go out there and we're gonna raise him they didn't say hallelujah what about you and I've already told you my biggest fear is public speaking so you say what happened you see the show you see my family you say what happened I want to give you a verse to plant into your mind right now because I'm gonna keep it simple I'm gonna keep it real that was kind of my joke I'm speaking I don't look like a preacher it helps my message you say how does it help your message I have no other reason to declare Jesus Christ as Lord in your life other than the fact that I believe it to be true that's it I get paid and I've gotten paid four years to do duck call seminars I go around and toot on these things you know I did last night let me give you a one minute scores okay you want to be a world champion duck caller it's not that hard you take one of these duck calls you go to Stuttgart Arkansas I think it's October they do the World Championship duck calling contest you take one of these you get up on stage everybody's watching thousands of people and you do this here's your routine these guys do this and women all day some of them pass out some of them turn blue it's exciting the end of the day whoever can do that the loudest the longest day without any mistakes or squeals they crowned the world's greatest duck caller in America awesome so my dad came up with an idea he said you know what I'm gonna build duck calls that sound like ducks because that's not a duck doesn't do that I mean you've been to a pond some of y'all looking really confused right now yeah well what just happened here well this is what I did for a living I build duck calls I'm gonna give you the backstory on why they started my parents we're not Christians when I was a kid did I give you all the verse I said I was gonna give you a verse to tell you y'all thought I forgot didn't you oh it's just I wanted you to feel nervous about that because when I give you this verse I want it to stick in your head the verse is Hebrews 13:8 before I give you the backstory Hebrews 13:8 they might know Hebrews 13:8 just raise your hand there's there's four or five people in here that's reading their Bible I said Hebrews 13:8 and they stuck their hand up and they know me I might call on you to tell you what it says but I'm not going to do it but I love it that you're in the word Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today over now you know you cheated I started Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forever what does that mean the back story on the duck calls is that my parents did not follow Jesus Christ when I was a kid in fact when they got old enough to know right from wrong like all of us do they chose a heavy dose of wrong it led to a hill on the Arkansas Louisiana state line where they leased a bar my dad controlled it with two pistols I told this last night and then you know when you're living in sin he was a raging alcoholic abusive husband abusive father sin is not rational he came up with an idea one night we were standing a trailer didn't have much money he came up with an idea that we and I mean we as in my mom and the three kids at that time they later on have my younger brother jail we were the problem now how rational is that you're out there smoking dope horrible husband horrible father getting drunk every night sleeping with whoever not being loyal to my mom and then you come in one night now obviously it was drunkenness induced and you're like y'all get out so my mom I remember sitting there thinking this guy is nuts so my mom loads us up we head to West Monroe Louisiana where they currently live and my mom didn't know really what to do she went down to one of the local churches it's left in the car that night she went down the local churches and she you know I need some help she told him the story one of the pastors there said well we would like to talk to your husband she said bad idea he ain't coming here and he said I'd like to go to him that man Bill Smith we put him in the ground a few years ago trust me he'll be back just being honest some of y'all don't know what that means that's why I'm glad you're here this morning he said you know what and you call it the Holy Spirit you call it God working he got a fella they got in that car and they drove to that state line I walked into that bar my dad sitting there had a big tall Budweiser between his legs he was sippin on and they introduced the person that I just said on the verse Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forever they introduced him I used to go around and speak and I used to go tell the story of Jesus not quit doing that you said what good garden seed would you just say a story doesn't mean as much to people if you don't know the person who the story is about you've heard the story of Jesus so when I say they introduced Jesus to him it's what I'm gonna do today he's the same yesterday today and forever when we come to churches here's what happens we detach ourselves from the world we compartmentalize Jesus in our faith you say okay let's go worship God we go to the church we worship for an hour and then guess what then we go out there live wherever the heck we want to live and then we're wondering where our kids are looking at us saying something ain't right here always getting personal in here now it's getting hot I told your pastor I said one of the things I say everywhere I go don't listen to everything the preacher says God uses flawed people and we're all flawed to make Jesus Christ known what does that mean at some point they're introducing Jesus at some point you go to this this is what happened with my dad you go to this and you say who is this Jesus Christ you read on your own you say yeah but the Bible is so thick how would I know you're gonna learn the Bible in less than 60 seconds you ready Genesis to Malachi it's a pretty big section Jesus Christ God in human form is coming to earth BAM you just got that whole section you got the point you said well wasn't there a law and it tells the crit yeah it was the law what was the law here for to prove that we're all flawed you can't do it so what so Jesus Christ is coming to earth I'd love for you to clap at that Matthew to John next section Jesus Christ God in human form if on the earth he's here I love John 1:1 you know in the beginning was the word because Jesus Christ the same yesterday today and forever they're not up there waiting when you're eternal you don't wait on anything your eternal your mind has trouble grasping the awesomeness of God just look at creation look at the galaxies and the stars and somebody designed that and built it you can go with what you talk got taught in school I went to public school they said it you know they said Jess basically theoretically if you boil it all down we came from fish and they told me this is what they took us my biology teacher in the 11th grade that's what she said I said so now we're frying up and eating our ancestors no thank you so then you have acts to the revelation you don't take a shot at it does anybody want it we get for you that are slow jesus is coming Jesus is here number three we got Acts to Revelation anybody want to take a shot at it he's coming back yep so you said well why Jesus because God you have God the Father you have Jesus the Son you have the Holy Spirit those are the three things that you see here but they're actually one difficult to explain in less than an hour but that's that's how it is but Jesus came because God is so awesome and so beyond our ability to understand I mean he's making a man out of dust have you ever tried that okay well it's ludicrous right that's what he did that's the story we're going with made a woman out of a rib so a lot of people especially people that I talk to they're like I just think you get past Genesis chapter one and two and three they're like this well then we have an ark and we have all these animals oh they're out how how could you build a boat that big and you come up with all these arguments you know and I'm like well hang on Genesis nine I picked up when I read Genesis 9 you know why when the water went down God made an announcement and this is where this comes into play he said from now on have you read Genesis 9 lately he said from now on the fear and dread of you will fall upon he starts naming food groups he says the beasts of the earth the birds of the air the things that crawl around on the ground the fish of the sea just as I gave you the green plants I now give you everything now some of y'all say what in the world are you talking about Jase it's the birthplace of hunting the redneck translation of Genesis not 1/3 for God says run read it you don't bleed ready so when people's I can't believe you're shooting a duck and putting him on a grill I'm like look I got orders from headquarters they say well I just want to eat broccoli great more for me it doesn't hurt my feelings so what did they tell my dad they introduced Jesus my dad had some problems they didn't talk a lot about the problems it's pretty obvious now it's not obvious when you're in the moment he was a man's man ain't nobody gonna tell me what to do I'm gonna be my own man I'm gonna do what I want to do you look up you don't your wife's gone your kids are going the laws after you your hands are shaking because all the stuff you're putting in your body at some point you guys say to yourself this is not working so they introduced Jesus and it happens to be the greatest love story the world has ever known you've got to consider number one who created all this I talked about that a little bit I love Hebrews three four because it says every house is built by someone but God is the builder of everything you've said what does that mean if I brought y'all down to my house and I said look this house that I'm living in just popped up came from nowhere y'all say well Jase you've turned in the side your uncle you've lost it I wouldn't do that it's absurd because you know by the design that somebody built it even though you didn't see it being built as an outdoors person a hunt I'm in the outdoors my dad later on took me honey bee in an effort to become a better father which was a good base I started looking at the details of creation and I thought somebody built this house I wasn't in a church building somebody built this house too much design too much design you said do you believe in science oh I believe God's the greatest scientists we've ever known you can take a watermelon seed put it in the ground cover it up back up water hits it comes a green vine where's that coming from I raise my hand in biology they said that's photosynthesis someone I need to meet that person they said oh no it's not a person it's a process they said mother nature I said mother nature I need to meet her not a person they're trying to explain the house of God the design of God DNA a love DNA if your DNA is found at a crime site guess what you're in trouble we trust that with our life they will put you in prison and close the door and lock away it lock you away and throw away the key we trust that design it's a complex code in your body they figured out how to look at it in the microscope and they said boy it's carrying information that your cells need and they're unique in fact it's the most complex code that we've ever seen if you unraveled it just one person's definite DNA would go to outer space I'll get a question who wrote the code let me get this right this all started from a spark hitting a mud puddle and a fish and we have this sophisticated code the most sophisticated the world has ever known in your body seemed like we could come up with a more complex code so you have that and then you say what's that got to do with my life so Jesus comes to earth he lives a perfect life in that what God should do if we're gonna have a god we need one that's perfect we don't need a God that all of a sudden could change and go to the dark side a million years from now that's not gonna work that's what gets me about people they'll have a bad religious experience that's why I said he can't always listen to the preacher we're flawed people we introduced Jesus preachers doing his job when he's pointing people to Jesus he's innocent these is 100% you trust him he said why how would I know you got four books Matthew Mark Luke and John and somebody highlighted it in red for you when we were in Hollywood which is crazy all these people we worked with every kind of lifestyle contrary to what this is I worked with you said how'd y'all get along well you know we brought a lot of them to the Lord right and wasn't us they had in their mind a stereotype of how we're going to how we were but they didn't understand we're flawed the difference in us in the world is that we're open about our flaws we live in the light John 3 and so when they came and they would ask us we wouldn't say come to church with me ain't coming to church with us I'd say read the book of John and see what Jesus is like you see what he's like so what do you believe about this lifestyle or this to read the book of John and see what Jesus is like they come back tears well up in their eyes wasn't what you thought huh they're like nope it's the greatest love story because God is love he didn't decide to love you he is love I don't go around and talk about humans DNA you know why cuz people argue with you well I don't believe that came from God I'll talk about God's DNA you can find it in John chapter 1 he's about three things he's about life Jesus is life many said I am the truth I am the life I'm just I am life and it's about light I brought up that John 3 because the most famous first in the Bible for God to love the world John 3:16 He gave His only begotten Son whoever beliefs shall not perish well later on he talked about why people don't embrace Jesus and you keep reading they don't want to come into life for fear that their deeds will be exposed there is a raging war of good and evil it's one of the greatest evidences that there is a God because whether you believe or not you understand good and you understand evil the tricky part comes up when you've got to say you know what I'm bad it's tough we don't want to be bad we want to justify our bad decisions ourselves I've already told you Genesis to Malachi proved that's not gonna work he gave us the law you can't keep it we make mistakes deal with it so he sends Jesus my dad hears that his first word was unbelievable and they said nope it's believable he lived a perfect life they led him to a cross he volunteered to do this he became a man because God is life so he can't die he just is that's why he went around saying I am he's like before Abraham was what I love it I am oh I'm going with a person like that he is he became a man why so he could die x2 is a very interesting verse in there it says he was raised to life because it was impossible for death to keep its hold on him you know why cuz he's life you can't kill God he did that cuz he loved you that's what we deserved for our mistakes my old dad those tears welled up in his eyes he came back from the dead to show you and me we can live again that's why I told you old bill Smith's coming back so am i romans 8:11 says the same spirit that raised Jesus from the dead if it's living in you will raise you from the dead same spirit I went to Israel I was wondering when this time was gonna come on good they got they got I was getting nervous about that we got time so we're on schedule I went to Israel last year and what it did was I've read the story I explained it to you this is a love letter from God Almighty to humans it's not a rulebook I was wrong it was so wrong it's not a collection of fairytales I was wrong so I went to Israel and this it kind of gave the pictures to what I was reading what was that now I want to share one moment with you we went to the place of the skull and we're listening to the person they talk about this is where we think Jesus died on the cross you know and it's moving you know you go to Sea of Galilee and I'm looking at all these flathead catfish swimming around I was like I got it one of the first things he did after he was resurrected is what had a little fish fry on the bank I get it now they were flathead catfish loved it I thought about those guys looking in the eyes of a man they thought were dead they thought he was dead it's the greatest comeback of all times heard him say that after the Masters Tiger Woods want it and they said well what a comeback you know he immortalized himself heard one of the announcers say that I thought putting a ball in a hole be more immortal yeah you want to come back put your body in the ground for three days and then come out now that's a comeback oh yeah so we're at the place of the skull then they go down they have a team and you know they're walk-in tombs so missing nine you go one at a time you know when they got it all blocked off I don't know it was it I'm the type of person that I keep it real so I wasn't the way it was seeming to be dramatic it wasn't affecting me whatsoever I'm a realness I go in there I go in the team I look around I'm like interesting but I'm gonna tell you something when I stuck my head out oh I had a moment I said oh yeah this is what happened this is real Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forever when that's real in your life things change for the better things changed my dad got in the vehicle he drove down to West Monroe to where my wife my mom was working and he repented not because he wanted her back yes he wanted her back because he had been introduced to Jesus Christ and he had surrendered to him you say what's that got to do with me yes your dad because when I got to be 14 years old and I was introduced to Jesus I went to my dad and I said is this what changed your life and he said yep so here I am as a kid I was bitter towards my dad because rightfully so he was a Hellion even though he changed his life didn't care it didn't make right the wrong he did for me some of you can say that bad things happen to good people some of you were born in tough circumstances and it's the reason you turned out making a lot of bad decisions but you know what I realized that day it may be the reason but it's not an excuse this is what God is good at you remember in John chapter 9 man was born blind they said whose fault is this he didn't he man sir the question he said this happened so that the work of God may be displayed in his life the one in us is greater than the one than in the world I mean how many verses do I need to read so I said you know what if I'm going to appeal to the cross the bloody cross the grace of Jesus if I'm gonna appeal to that forgiveness for my mistakes I want to forgive my dad forgiveness is contagious so I did now my family man what I said about the preacher Jesus is what sakes you how you respond to him more religious groups have more different weight you go to any religious group and there's 101 different ways on how they do it and guess what I unite with Jesus you fall in love with Jesus guess what you'll figure it out so you do declare him as Lord you do accept him in your heart you have a moment you get to baptism religious people in the leadership world they love talk arguing and talking about baptism Patrick's probably nervous about what I'm picking to say that yeah Jesus saves us right we're saved a hundred percent by grace we're United on that but I want to read you something I I want to help you understand this I woke up this morning I'm sure not going to take any credit for it I believe it's the Holy Spirit of God the same one that's gonna race rise me from the dead raised me from the dead I want to read this you know Romans before I read Colossians 2 Romans 10:9 says if you confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead you'll be saved that's easy enough right well why don't we just go out and declare that because people don't know Jesus that's why I introduced him today it's that simple there's two teams God's team he shows what he's like there Jesus they win then there's the evil war there's the evil world the evil team controlled by the evil one on the earth they lose make a decision y'all heard this don't be stupid so you say what do you got to say about Bab - that's Romans 10:9 Romans six of all the things because this is the hardest thing for Christians to understand people who follow Christ when I come to Christ what do I do because I still sin what I've already told you God uses us despite our flaws now my dad was different I was different still myself God still uses you so don't believe the lies that you can't do this so that came up in Romans six and they they asked him a question they said what shall we say shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase now that's what it says I know that's hard to understand but that question was well if God's forgiven us why don't we just send some more now look it God knows your heart if you're trying to slit God guess what you're gonna lose he knows what's going on but I thought Paul's answer in Romans six was significant the one thing he brought up about why you don't do that he said don't you know that all of us who were baptized we died to sin he was giving you a reason on why you don't go out there and live like the devil when you have experienced the grace of God grace of God saves you 100% don't misunderstand I'm just reading the text this is before Romans 10 he said we died to sin how can we live in and any longer don't you know that all of us who were baptized I'm quoting it were baptized into Jesus were baptized into his death we were therefore buried with him through death in order that just as Christ was raised from the dead we too may live a new life now that's what it says you so what does that mean God gave you an opportunity to reenact the death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ someone who falls in love with Jesus you don't have to tell him who you think are to do that or not oh he's running to the water he's running so don't don't don't water that down all right it's Jesus is what safety but you have an opportunity the reason I bring that up is because when I walk down to the riverbank at 14 here's my dad me and my dad we had embraced Jesus we've fallen in love with Jesus but we had a moment I'm gonna walk down in this River and I'm just to bury this old man we're burying that stuff we don't want to see him anymore all right it was God's idea wasn't mine you say here's what's uncomfortable in the religious world they said well you're saying that somehow you're saving yourself we've already established the fact that you're not good enough to make it right so hear me out and this is Colossians 2 and I'm not even gonna read it imma let you read it here's what I figured out one day I thought I'd share this with him and it hit me this morning here's this evil battle Jesus and the evil and it started in Genesis chapter 3 in the garden Jesus obtained victory the last way you thought he would through surrender see the evil when when Jesus died he said okay I win he never realized and sir Corinthians T says this they didn't know who Jesus was if they would the dark rulers they would have never done that he actually won through surrender you're in a war you wouldn't think waving away white flag would win see you said what's that got to do with baptism you're waving a white flag you're not doing any work you're doing the opposite you're surrendering to Jesus your surrender so here's what I'm gonna leave you with my priorities are this God yeah Jesus Christ is my Lord I introduce him to everybody I come in contact with now you're realizing why I got over my number one fear was it you that got over oh no God did that for me through the Holy Spirit of God so I want to take my last five minutes and talk to the young people now the parents you can listen I'm in a spiritual war my parties are God people but my family cuz I look I'm trying to leave my family to heaven I believe Jesus is coming back and I don't want my kids looking around saying well how come you didn't try to get me to go with you first Thessalonians 5:4 is real clear on that there's two kinds of people out here when Jesus comes back those that will be surprised and those who are ready you figure out what camp you're in and make the needed adjustment if Jesus Christ comes back in the next five minutes and you're surprised guess what you aren't ready I was on a plane in the cockpit private plane they said no you're listening to all this we have an emergency landing Oh somebody's having an emergency landing I look over there it's the pilot of my plane he said what was the emergency landing we went straight down say emergency on the way down you know what I liked guys ready ready I was way more ready than he was see so what you do we got the car cuz the plane you know we might we survive we got in the car and we had to drive five hours home no boy I'm fixing to have five hours to explain to this guy why I was ready guess what he's ready now go on talk to your kids the hardest people to reach in our society or our kids especially those that come to church they don't develop their own faith and trust in Jesus Christ and they watch you and they see your flaws and some of you are gonna have to rise above like me and you're going to find Jesus despite the way you were raised your parents might have done a lousy job but guess what no matter how good a job they did they make mistakes so kid quit blaming your parents if you're gonna be surprised when Jesus comes back that excuse is not gonna work so I'm gonna tell you one quick story I noticed an attitude changing my daughter she's 15 now this is within the last few weeks I thought what's going on I said go get yourself on because my first two boys I gave them the cellphone and I said look I'm gonna check this cell phone and if there's anything funky in here you won't have a cell phone so guess what happened 24 hours later I checked the cell phone there's something funky in here no cell phone my next kid same thing so I told her go get your cell phone I said is there anything I'm gonna find in here that God wouldn't be proud of she said nope it's all good I said you know I worked with Hollywood right I have people their eyes are real close together they stare at computer screens all day and if you've deleted something I can find it perfectly fine I thought well okay well about a minute later I look and go hmm this ain't good snapchats where I well but the sound of that should tell you something right now hey look I'm gonna be real with you parents you wouldn't hand your kids a gun and say hey figured out all I am well that's dangerous you don't think a phone's dangerous read first John chapter 2 there's three things phone can be used for a lot of positive things but I know there's three things going on there that's real easy to access the cravings of sinful man the lust of the eyes and the boasting of what he hasn't done on social media and your kids are trying to be accepted and they want friends and they want to be cool and so they go to places like snapchat so I don't want this story to get long so for two days after I hooked her but for lying to me I have one rule you lied to me you get your boat well I said you're too old for me to whip you but since you lied right to my face you leave me no other choice may you discipline however you want to I said lean over that chair there and I'm gonna give you three little pops it was more the idea of it you know because tell me the truth and we'll deal with it because we live in the light it's not that Jesus don't want to forgive you so I posed as her for a couple days I got to know her friends real well through snapchat and then I called a group text with her friends cuz I could see her eight best friends on snapchat and I was like this is me as dad things have changed if you want to be friends with my daughter you will bring your parents over to my house and we will have a talk if you want to make better decisions we'll move forward so six of the eight did these the past few weeks there's been a lot of Tears we've shared jeez some of these people they're not Christians you know it's been awesome so I tell you that to say this it's not about policing but we introduce Jesus we all have mistakes some of these girls who were the very worst some of her friends my daughter has been surprised that they're the ones most open to following Jesus look life is messy it's tough but don't go off to your separate rooms with your separate phones and just waste your life and then you look up and your daughter takes her life or gets hooked on drugs you know what happened we're in a war phase in Chapter six he's got a whole armor there for you to wear every day but I wanted to introduce Jesus to you because look in the end it's not about us it's about showing Jesus to your daughter to your son to your fellow worker to your family God uses us despite of our flaws and if there's a way to live forever there's a way to duck gun in heaven Jesus Jesus is the way and if I don't see you again I'll see you in heaven thanks for listening stay standing everybody stay standing I'm asked that no one be moving please and would you bow your heads and close your eyes if you're here this morning and you don't know Jesus the way Jase described him I want to fight you to surrender your heart and your life to him right now today and if that's you you say pastor I'm ready I'm ready to take that step I'm ready to I'm ready to surrender I recognize it I need Jesus in my life and I want to invite you to begin your journey of following Jesus with a prayer of surrender would you pray this way with me and anybody they would like to pray with him just pray dear God thank you for Jesus he is the way the truth and the life I surrender everything in my life to Jesus I confess Jesus is Lord he died and rose again and from this day forward I'm following you Holy Spirit would you help me to serve Jesus with all my heart and Jesus name I pray amen amen somebody give God praise for every person please pray that prayer come on you can't pattycake for that it's the greatest decision anybody can make amen now I want you to I want you to hold steady because okay you say what's my next step well the next step is what Jesus described baptism water baptism and two weeks from today we're gonna be baptizing folks in water so I want everybody to take this connection card in your hand everybody that you already filled it out and there's a place on the bottoms they had like to be baptized in water like to learn more about that or if you make your decision to follow Jesus today would you mark that box it says I'm committing or recommitting my life to Jesus and just mark that we're not gonna hound you we're not gonna chase you down you know we are gonna do we're gonna pray for you we're gonna help you we want to resource you as a matter of fact if you beginning your relationship with God today we'd like to talk to you at that read information tent I'd like to give you a Bible if you don't have one so that you can start reading it start in the book of John like Jay said and just start this journey of following Jesus and you'll be glad that she did and we welcome you on the journey of following Jesus am I in the right Church here today amen amen all right again if you would just stay steady our ushers are gonna come right now and we're gonna receive our tithes and offerings and so if you are giving a tie to the Lord thank you if you'd like to contribute an offering toward our guest speaker you can do that as well if you're a guest here this morning you under no obligation whatsoever to give today this is something that we ask of all those who are regulars here at Grace to contribute to what God is doing aren't you glad that we get to be part of this Sunday today how awesome is that you say pastor how did that happen well because you gave and because you're faithful and giving we get to be part of days like today now this is your place to turn in this connection card with the information and if you'd like to be in the drawing for Jace's book good call I just read the subtitle reflections on faith family and foul all right make sure you write down your information and we'll text you here in the next few minutes the winter and you can pick up that book on your way out all right so let's pray and then we're gonna give today Lord thank you for all that we have received all that you have given to us through this service and but most of all God thank you for Jesus and God we pray today as we give as we as we take the next step of following you we pray Lord God you give us courage to do it and help us so God in Jesus name Amen I mean stay steady while we receive the offering if you don't mind let me give just a couple words of instructions on your way out if this is your first time here we are going to dismiss here in a moment and then you're gonna leave when you leave you're gonna you're gonna leave on the south edge of the parking lot and we're gonna ask that everybody go to the second turn around on 31 okay everybody say second second turn around now there's a little cut through this real small that you're gonna be tempted to cut through please don't do that because you'll back up track it traffic kind of like the agreement freedom festival last night we don't want to be part of that and it actually could become dangerous so go to that second turn around everybody say second all right and that'll and that'll help you get if your that's if you're going north if you're going south or that way god bless you just keep going and we thank you for that so we appreciate that so much let me encourage you if you're not part of a church we would love to have you here at Grace we're on this journey of following Jesus together and there's a reason the name of our church is grace because that's our story that's our testimony and we would love for you to be part of that so thank you so much for doing it thank you for those of you who gave today how many are glad you came to church today so may the Lord bless you and keep you may the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you may God lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace we bless you in the name of Jesus Christ go with God thank you for coming have a wonderful day
Channel: TheGraceAgMedia
Views: 571,721
Rating: 4.8792281 out of 5
Keywords: Grace Assembly of God, thegraceag, wayne murray, whiteland, new whiteland, greenwood, indianapolis, indiana, Jase Robertson, Jase, duck dynasty, jase robertson preaching, jase robertson sermon
Id: 3VJXx7-Ze9Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 17sec (3257 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 01 2019
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