Dr Myles Munroe Activate Your Hidden Potential

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I was born in a family of 11 children one mother one father 11 children I am Number six right in the middle I was born in an island seven miles wide where I still live but I was born in the poorest village on the island it's called Baines town named after a person I was born in a wooden house on four big rocks to keep this wooden house from being on the ground so that the roaches and the rats wouldn't get in well they got in this wooden house had two bedrooms on another room that served as kitchen dining room and sitting room all in one it was made out of clapboard they call it in the Bahamas which was your low-income valid house that you had to keep patching up one bedroom was for my mother and father the other bedroom was for my seven sisters so there were no more bedrooms so myself and my three brothers had to sleep on the wooden floor on these mats that we got from our mother and father we would cover ourselves with dirty sheets that would be washed every weekend and we were bitten by rats and roaches crawled over our bodies and mosquitoes were our best friends we would wake up it brought jizz all over our bodies I remember many times we couldn't sleep because of the mosquitoes and we lived that way but we were very happy because we didn't know we were poor everybody else was poor there was no comparison and I remember my mother and father telling us that we must learn the Bible no matter how difficult life and they would teach us from this book about God and about Jesus Christ and about his sacrifice for us and as kids 3 we grew up with those conditions and as you grow older you began to question why are we poor because you began to see other people's lifestyles and and I remember crying out to God one time at age 13 I said if you exists you gotta speak to me and explain this to me and it was at age 13 that my life was transformed because that night at 3 a.m. outside on the dirt ground under the stars in the Bahamas with tears running down my face I asked God to explain to me why we were poor his answer was simple he says because of your mind that began a journey for me I surrendered my life to God that night at age 13 I never went back at age 14 I wrote on paper everything I wanted to be and to do today I am doing those things and something happened between sleeping on the floor and flying my own jet today now what happened is I had a mental transformation nothing changes until your mind changes you can change your clothes and still have the whole mind you can change your location still of the old mind you can change your house instead of the old mind nothing changes and tell your mind changes and during that journey as a young man I began to read the Bible at age 14 ladies and gentlemen I'm serious about this I read this book at age 14 I read through the entire book and I didn't understand nothing because the Bible is a very complicated book and also I read it in the King James Version which is even worse and but I read it because I wanted to know what God said to man when I was 15 years old I read the Bible again completely true and I began to understand it by age 16 I began to memorize big chunks of this book and my my school lessons went from F to a I became an A student because of this book I graduated top of my school in high school because of this book it taught me that nothing was impossible so my whole life was changed because I fed myself new information from that book which changed my concept of me and I discovered things like this the greatest tragedy in life is not death some people think that when someone dies that's the worst thing that can happen to you that's not true I discovered that the greatest tragedy in life is not death but it's life without a purpose it is more tragic to be alive and not know why than to be dead and not know life because when you are alive you got explain what you're doing with your hours with your minutes with your energy with your talents with your time you got explained why am I here and what did I do last week with my life most people are living as an experiment I discovered that there are five questions that everybody must answer to become successful I discovered it when I was 15 years old write them down the first question every human must answer to become successful these questions and every one of you in this room get a deal with these questions question number one Who am I it's a tough question and some of you think you've answered it but it's not an easy question to answer normally I ask people who you are they what they do I didn't ask you what you did I asked people who are you to say I'm a nurse I didn't ask you what you did I wanna know who are you how do you identify yourself you shouldn't confuse yourself at your career your career as temporary that means when you lose your job then you lose your life who are you second question you must answer is where am i from very important question is a tough question as a matter of fact humans have been trying to answer these questions for over two three thousand years today they have been even attempting to say that you are from monkeys they talk about evolution they talk about man starting as a slime that became a salamander that became a tadpole that developed into a frog which became eventually an ape-man that became a human well I don't know about you but I ain't no ape and I ain't no tadpole but they try to explain that you came from some Big Bang that caused some genetic coding in the slime in the in the abyss of six billion years and all this stuff they talk about they try to explain where you from you see until you know where you're from you don't know who you are what is your source where did you come from it's a very important question and the third question I had to answer and grapple with is why am I here that's a tough question why were you born why were you conceived why are you on this planet right now why did you come to earth these are tough questions and the presents hidden behind you have not yet answered that question because it's a hard question we didn't like to think about it why am I here we we we ask that question silently we don't talk about it publicly much because we are afraid we don't know the answer why were you born I mean they said when a man has sex with a woman and he releases semen into a woman scientists have proven that over 600 million sperms rushed toward the egg and only one makes it and guess who that was and my question is why did 599 million sperms die so that you could live to come to this planet was there a reason why the divine creator chose that Pacific sperm for you to come at this time why don't you come here it's a tough question you didn't come here just to make a living and pay bills and then die you didn't come just to make a living you came here and make a difference you came to deliver something that we supposed to have we gotta find out what that is you're not a mistake you are not a biological accident so why did you come here it's a tough question the fourth question everybody must answer is what can I do what is my true ability and this is a tough question because most of the people in this church sitting here today are living below their true potential you don't know what you capable of why because we have accepted other people's opinions of our own ability people love people and culture and society tell us what we can and cannot do I was a victim of that years ago I had to be delivered from people even living in this city this town right here could be your greatest curse because there are certain things they don't expect you to do in this town they tell your father you can go what you cannot do what's never been done and you better don't don't I've said the boat and and don't achieve that here and you can't do that here they they rough will your true ability what can you do is the question it's a tough question and the fifth question write it down everyone was answer is where am I going this one has to do with your destiny where are you going into your life where would you be in the neck ten years what do you see for the next 50 years of your life what do you want to do with yourself in the next 40 years what do you see in your life as your future destiny what's your hope to become under do in your life or are you simply waiting for the next paycheck is your life as short as the next bill you pay is there a sense of destiny in your life God sent me here to talk to you to let you know that you are not just here as a passing fantasy you came that it's kind of because something that you need to do is still undone tell your neighbor I am loaded said again I am loaded say it again I am loaded he'll be ok just keep looking at me please write this down Bri is very important you were created to live life with meaning and purpose you are not a mistake as a matter of fact until you discover your personal reason for living you will never be fulfilled you were born sir to do something important in this world that's why I am convinced that all of us were created for a purpose equipped with potential and designed for a destiny I am convinced that you are loaded with stuff that we haven't seen yet and is trapped under your fear of people as a matter of fact some of your greatest graveyards are your jobs nothing can bury you faster than a career that you trapped in you were born to do something that the world needs and that's why until you discover your purpose you can never maximize your potential I'm gonna explain it to you in a few minutes before we go your purpose madam is the most important thing for you to discover because when you find your purpose you automatically find your potential and when you find your purpose and potential you become unstoppable no human can touch you when you discover your purpose in life oh I'm about to show all by myself this is why you and I had to meet tonight I had to fly all day from my country to come here because God is saying I'm gonna fix you this year I'm gonna break free this year I'm gonna open you up this year this year you are going to launch into things you never thought you could do this year is your year of breaking out say breaking out say now as we drove here from the airport to the town this afternoon I saw something that always stirs me and it makes me ask a question I asked when I was 17 years old I asked this question what is the wealthiest spot on planet Earth where is the greatest wealth on earth and someone says well maybe it is the gold mines of South America or it's the diamond mines of South Africa or the oil fields Iran Iraq and Kuwait or maybe it is the silver mines of Peru or maybe it's the oceans of the Caribbean that all that seafood what is the wealthiest sport on earth I found it the wealthiest part on earth is right here in Marion I saw it today the raddest what on earth looks just like this it's the cemetery why is the cemetery the wealthy spot on earth do you know why because buried in the cemetery are books that were never written in the graveyard we've got paintings that were never painted bare to the cemetery right here in Marion is music that no one has ever heard because people died with music in their minds what a tragedy the graveyard is filled with businesses that never opened some of you had a business idea for the last 20 years and you are still employed because you wouldn't step out and believe God with that idea and the cemetery is gonna take that business from us the graveyard is filled with ideas that never became reality the Great God is filled with visions that died as nightmares and dreams we got plans that were never executed the graveyard is filled with awesome powerful treasure known as that we used as a matter of fact that is why I came here because I had to come I came here because of the cemetery I came here because I knew sitting in your chair right now tonight would be a person who is the candidate to add to do go to the cemetery you are about to make the cemetery even more wealthy why because trapped in you is a book that you people procrastinating on inside of you is an idea that you still refuse to pursue inside of you is music that you never wrote poetry you never wrote how come the cemetery gonna take from us again I have come to make sure the cemetery doesn't get anything from you I really came here to Marion so Caroline to make sure that you die empty you came to earth to go back to God empty I came here to make sure that the graveyard gets nothing but an empty caucus I came here to make sure that when you die you will die like Jesus Christ who says it is finished listen to me he didn't die old he was 33 years old when he died that's young but to him he was finished that means he's supposed to die oh you're supposed to die finished but you can't finish if you don't know what to stop life is not measured by how old you are it's measured by how much you got left you're supposed to die like the Apostle Paul Paul says I have finished my course I have kept the faith I have been poured out like a drink offering there's nothing else left he says I am now ready to die you should die not because you're sick at all but because you ain't got nothing left to do give God a hand for dying empty the graveyard is Spillman wealth this is why God sent me here because you are getting closer to the graveyard and you are still loaded I wonder what do you call this wealth in the cemetery well I found out what it is write it down the wealth in the cemetery is called potential what is it called say it now one more time say it louder this word is very important to God hate waste a potential again this word is intimate with God and we don't understand the word we've missed it what changed my life from sleeping on the floor to running a multi-million dollar organization around the world today in 89 countries it's because I discovered this one word when I discovered it everything changed I'm about to give you my secret hey boys a potential the graveyard is packed with potential what it is potential write this down first of all potential is dormant ability dormant ability secondly potential is untapped power untapped power thirdly potential is hidden strength strength that is hidden away fourthly potential is reserved energy like the car battery in your car is a whole lot of power in the battery but it is hidden away it is dormant it is buried in other words potential is kept capacity when your capacity is being kept and no one lets it out potential is on used to success potential is also unleashed talent why is this choir still sing other people's songs when you can write your own songs for other people the same there is music in this choir trapped inside of you with the graveyard get that Marvin Sapp is not the only one I can write a song you can write a song he can produce music you can change the world with your music but you gotta understand it's trapped potential is all you can do but you haven't done yet potential is all you can become but you haven't become it yet potential is a very strange concept but yes that's who you really are but no one knows it yet I'm gonna make a statement don't ever forget it every person write it down whatever you have done is no longer your potential whatever you have what done is no longer your potential potential is always what you haven't done yet but you could still do in other words potential is the you that nobody knows yet we already know the one you showed us as a matter of fact the greatness you are still to obtain is trapped on the inside potential therefore is what you can accomplish we haven't achieved yet that's why I come to this church to talk to this church also 18 years gotta say anywhere okay you built this building five years ago you have a beautiful structure well thank God but God is bored listen to me carefully potential is never what you've done because once you've done something it ceases to be your potential but two interests always what's left that you haven't done yet potential is always hidden God is a God of potential he always goes after what you haven't done yet he is more than what you've done once you've done something it's over potential therefore is always what's left that you haven't done yet and God always is motivated by potential why because God knows what he put inside you this building 18 years later is not the one God showed you am i right this is just a stop on the way to another stage God assent okay stop here put up a pillar call it ever needs it but keep moving see we are so attracted to our own success we begin to worship our own success it's matter of fact write this down the greatest enemy of progress is your last success I'm going to say it again the greatest enemy of your progress is your last success say with me the greatest enemy of my progress is what my last success that means nothing can stop you from growing like success you can become so proud of what you've done that you stop doing what you could do you see but tangent never what you've done because once you've done it is the longer your potential but tension is always hidden it demands that you never settle for which you have accomplished take a photograph of this building coming in and worship every week fine but ask God okay what's next he's a builder school and built a radio station and been a TV station and bigger youth center and better children's school and build an old folks home look at was he never stops I hope you hear me you were not supposed to die on the job you have doctor created to make you die in a career oh I'm talking to myself you aren't ready for me he never stops he's he is always going after potential as a matter of fact write this down the greatest any of your potential is what your last success don't ever trust what you've achieved it will trap you I remember Peter James and John was taken up on a mountain by Jesus Christ they was meeting with joke vivid Moses and Elijah and they saw him in his original state he began to glow the Bible says God is light so when Christ showed his true self to his skin and they saw the light praedyth the son later than the son Peter and James and John from the faces and they were so overwhelmed they saw some they never saw before and they said let's stay right here let's build three houses and just stay out here that's how we are we like to stay where God does stuff write this down don't ever get caught where God used to be [Applause] some of your testimonies are so old God is tired of them I don't want to hear what he did in 1954 I'm sick of that give me something me did last night God is too creative to repeat himself that's why he never duplicated a miracle in the Bible not once God never repeated a miracle in the Bible never why he took creative he's a goner potential this ministry has done this well good it's done it's no longer your potential there's a church inside this church now another one oh you don't understand what I'm talking about [Applause] this is why potential is never finished say with me potential is never finished I'm about to send you home shouting with a revelation they're gonna keep you up all night are you ready for this are you sure write the word all night down Oh em and I it's a word you never saw before all night om and I the word all night I saw it on a store in Carolina North Carolina the other day the word online means all it means entire it means always all it means complete or total hey why say um9 say it loud I'm not good say it again all night get used to this worst important word to you not in other words right as the word potent the word potent P o TN T is the word which means power means my energy strength it means force that was a pretend say it again potent it means power it means might it means strength it means energy now take the word online and put it next to the word potent and you should have a new word that you've probably heard before how do you pronounce that I can't hear you omnipotent omnipotent that person I'm different there's only one person that name is subscribed to who's that Jehovah Jireh Jehovah Rapha Chava sister new God himself he is what omnipotent I'll never the means all potential oh I'm getting ready to talk to myself God is not only the god of potential he is potential he is all power oh lord have mercy do you know what that means listen to me Catholic that means that God says he himself is omnipotent that means he is all potential he is always full of potential no you don't hear what I'm saying that means what God has done already he spit out of his mouth with his word 500 million galaxies he made milky ways and he made solar systems he made on the eons of space on black holes he made all these millions of planets and then God made a solar system in one Sun and three planets from the Sun he called it earth and he made four rivers and and forests and birds and bees and fish and animals and beautiful stuff and God says this is good and then God made all this powerful universe and God says I am still omnipotent that means you ain't seen nothing come on getting a big praise for being a mythical omnipotent means I am still loaded oh lord have mercy when you walk outside look at the skies the millions of stars God says you ain't seen nothing yet I haven't shown you everything on the inside of me as a matter of fact here's the mystery before anything was God is that means everything that is was inside a god because there was a time when there was nothing but God so if you meant God when there was nothing you'd meet God standing or nothing by the corner of nowhere forbid everything everything was made by him the Bible says that means before he made anything everything was inside of him and therefore he released everything out of him when he was standing or nothing by the corner of nowhere here's the beauty of being full of potential that means if you meant God before anything was on the corner of nowhere by the time of not nothing and he shook his hands you'd be shaking answer to everything but wouldn't it known you've been shaking out and everything oh you don't hear I've said another one's potential it's always hidden on the inside that's why I'll be careful how you treat people you don't know what they carry oh I'm talking to myself tonight tell your neighbor be nice to me you don't know what I'm carrying they were the potential sale again potential sale again potential save again potential that's why you should never judge a person by looking at them [Applause] he is omnipotent that means he is all-powerful almighty he is all strength he is still full of stuff you haven't seen yet that's why God never panics if he can't find something he'll go inside and bring it out for glory hallelujah God has never stopped creating what he needs if he doesn't have it he'll produce it that's why I should go to sleep tonight don't worry about tomorrow he got everything covered whatever you need he'll make it if you have to he is omnipotent sorry man somebody come on didn't play he's omnipotent son that word is not a religious word it's a description of his reality in other words omnipotent means that God is still able to do more than he has done you think this building is nice wait till you see the next one he gonna put up right here somebody oughta shout now [Applause] shaboo gamoo qey I'm trying to be nice tonight they'd never be careful you don't know what you're sitting next to you don't know what I'm carrying I'm loaded pop your hands all you people don't know who you are son [Applause] oh we're getting ready to shout again he is Almighty he is all never plucked look at Genesis 17 verse 1 it says where Abraham was ninety years old who sound like some of y'all it says the Lord appeared to him when he was 190 and God induce himself with a word now you see he knows the guy is 90 and kind of children and his wife is barren no no you hear what I said don't already know what you think you cannot do so God's Abraham before you say anything let me say Who I am I am one God all potential oh lord have mercy but before we do business let me tell you who I am I can do anything I say you should do like I say it again I can do anything I say you should do selling everything I can do anything I say you should do so let me tell you who I am I am all right now let's talk he says God will never tell you to do anything that isn't already done this building is an old building God finally found somebody dumb enough to believe it's possible he is Alpha and Omega he's finished God is trying to find people who will stop things that are already finished I am Almighty Abraham now let's talk I am all potential look at isaiah 14 verse 26 God says this is the plan I determine for the whole world this is the hand stretched out over all nations for the Lord Almighty has purposed and who can stop him his hand is stretched out and who can turn it back listen I am all-mighty explain what that means in Hebrew almighty means all potential all energy all towers I all of them under my control that means nothing can stop you and if it thinks it's stopping you God's allowing it to do something for you until it's finished doing what it's supposed to do it can stop you [Applause] if he's Almighty then that means no might it's not under his control [Applause] if you think you lost your job he sent me to tell you that was a setup start your own business now he is all-mighty let me give you this before we go where does potential come from write this down very important list everyone number one God is potential he's omnipotent number two God is the source of potential that means every power comes out of God number three God is a God of potential that means he does nothing without potential principle number four everything was created with potential principle everything that God created he put in it potential principle this is the biggest thing I'm going to give you for tonight all right write this down number five everything possesses potential how many things everything how many things please don't miss it this is what got me delivered at age 17 everything God created possessed potential that leads to number six potential is a product of purpose or being I need to be at two more weeks just to talk about that purpose is why a thing exists potential is its ability to perform it so when God makes a thing for a purpose he puts in it it's a known potential so potential is a product of purpose at least number seven potential precedes purpose in other words God will never demand from something what he didn't put in it do you understand I just said sir so when God tells them to do something it's because he put the do in it no you said they got it yeah this is why when God come man to do something excuse is impossible let me let me drive this on before we go I discovered that God does nothing without potential principle at least whatever God created he built it with potential in it let me give you a verse to remember Genesis 1 verse 12 this is the first place God introduced potential now get ready you're about to change right before someone's eyes God created the universe created the planets created our solar system created the earth and then he started in Genesis 1 putting stuff on the earth now listen carefully because when I see you again you'll be a different person God is about to show us how everything is made verse 11 Genesis chapter 1 it says I'm the earth brought forth grass and heard and yields seed according to its kind and the tree that yields the fruit whose seed is in itself according to its kind now this is too complicated for you let me break it down when I went to university I get three patches degrees two master's degree and four doctorate I'm not a dumb man okay I took a course in Hebrew a university aramis University when I took my course in Hebrew and in Greek I was shocked to discover that most of the stuff we read in English don't make sense the Bible was written in Hebrew not English Old Testament in the Hebrew language here's the way this is written it says and the Lord God made the trees and the plants and he hid in them then on see it says on God blessed the seed of everything in itself I read my lips God placed the seed of everything in itself and we stayed over here because y'all know understand I'm talking about it said I'm God place the seed of everything inside itself the Hebrew context means whatever God wants a thing to become he hides it into think [Applause] I'm getting ready to run right across there in other words God takes everything a thing is supposed to become and put it inside the thing and he gives you the thing with everything in it you can get that yet this is the key to your future God therefore finishes everything first are getting ready to go home now oh you gotta get this please some of y'all feel and believe me God finishes everything first and then he takes the finish and puts it in the start that's what that means because it's see [Music] even Jesus said I am a see if you plant me in the ground I will bring forth millions in other words don't judge me don't judge me by what I look like I am loaded he said God finishes everything first all right you don't believe me turn your Bibles right now come on turn your Bibles to Isaiah chapter 46 I can straight you a million scriptures but I'll show you this one this one to make your hoop is a in chapter one forty says come on pass this time fast Isaiah 46 come on man you gotta find this one for your job Isaiah chapter 46 you got it alright look at verse 8 it says I'm the Lord God says remember this fix it in your mind take it to heart now when God repeats himself three times you'd better listen to is about to say he says fixes in your heart take it to mind what don't rebel against this he says that the rebels means don't repeal it but what I'm going to put about to show you he says look at verse 9 he says I am God and there is none like me now pause look at me look at me look at me okay God is pulling rank just in case you confuse him with any other God God is about to pull rank he said look let me just tell you or something I am God not only that there's no God like me now keep in mind now they lot of folks during that time with what they were God he says listen to me Isaiah I am God and there is no God like me but the next verse I am God and there is none beside me what's he talking about he said let me tell you or something the reason why there's no God like me and ain't none beside me the next verse he said because I am the only God who sets the end come on Yuki written before the beginning and make known from ancient times what is yet to come I say my purpose keep reading will step alright what does he mean first of all first of all God says I am God there's none like me why cuz I'm the only God who sets the end first and then I back him when I begin I gotta go God says look I am God there's no God into this he says I said the end first I end things first then I back up and I begin there I am God I never stop with the beginning you got to get this this is why I'm debt free today this is why I never pray for money this is why I don't worry about a thing in my life because of this one stating God says I am God there's none like me why I said the end first I always end things first I finish them first then I back up and I started that means whenever I start something that's because it's already you will get in a minute see in other words this is why God never panics why he's finished that's why he placed the seed of everything inside its shell he puts the end in the beginning he puts the finish inside the stock he put the final into the initiation he puts the completion into the initiation when God stops something it's already finished that means God doesn't allow anything to begin unless it's already that means when those 500 million sperms were dashing toward the egg in your mother and father's sexual intercourse god looked down from heaven at 500 million sperms and he says I want that one guess what that was that was you you still ain't got it you stop it I'm gonna say it again you started didn't get it in your mother's womb when the sprite hit there boom cause that's the beginning he doesn't allow anything to begin unless it's you are already finished potential is when you hide the end inside the beginning this is why every one of you in this room every one of you inside of you you feel that you were supposed to do something important even if you never do it you feel there's gotta be stupid that I came here to do matter of fact let's read one more verse verse 10 says I said the end before the beginning and I make known from what ancient times what is yet to come that statement means not only do I begin with the end but when I begin I let you see the end at the beginning that is called vision this is why children are born dreaming this is why you had big dreams until you ran into your parents you had big dreams until you run into your teachers at school you have big dreams until you ran into these adults in the church your problem is you to grown up they killed your dreams what you saw when he was nine was your end but they trapped you into a job now you know what Jesus said he said look when you come into my kingdom you stop being an adult because adults don't dream anymore except you become like little children again you cannot enter Kingdom lifestyle it takes a child to buy a piece of property and build this building in the city it takes a child to plan the next building doesn't make no sense for God says you are a child I like you think like a child nothing is impossible [Applause] you should be proud if they call you childish you know we built the largest building in our country everybody uses it now the government uses it the colleges uses it all the big groups uses it because I noticed it they said I was a child they said you're crazy no one has ever done anything this in my country I said yes but that's when I saw you know what your problem is and it's a book of their please get that book on power vision because your eyes are your problem the greatest gift God ever gave man is not the gift of sight it's the gift of vision why because sight is a function of the eyes but vision is the function of the heart sight shows you what is vision showed you what could be and the British enemy of vision is sight you ask a child what do you want to be when you grow up I want to be the mayor what do you say Oh be realistic you just kill their dream they were seeing what's already finished [Applause] here's a teenager he has a daydream by the way you need to daydream more because your daydreams are your real dreams your daydreams are your purpose [Music] this young man teenager had a daydream he saw himself sitting on a throne he saw his whole family kneeling before him he saw himself feeding them and taking care of them he was a teenager in a porno village in Marion South Carolina and he went his momma and daddy said I saw something today I saw me feeding all of y'all and his brother says who do you think you are sounds familiar you think you're better than us they said sound familiar you don't do that here in merrier get a job McDonald's and turn burgers on several down who do you think you are dreaming there big you can't drink that big in Marion you know what we got here you get a job you pay bills and you die but God said a man one day named Mouse Monroe to Marion to tell you don't believe nothing they tell you they've God be for you who can be against you let God be true and every man shout Amen somebody it was already finished that young seventeen year old boy was thrown into a pit his clothes were ripped off by his own brothers but you see look at me once you know what you saw then what you see is temporary you still hang at it see he already saw he's finished but his eyes could see the pit talking to someone here tonight if you know what you saw on what you see is not what you saw then what you see gotta be temporary I'm about to spring all by myself I say just Tupperware it when you go to work tomorrow I want you to walk and work with a nice smile on your face and they ask you why you smile and tell them they say what I saw [Applause] [Music] this is a temporary job enjoy me while I'm here I'm on my way to my destiny surely men survive when you go home tonight walk around your house and your apartment and say the same what I saw did some temporary residence I'm on my way to where he shot me oh come on pass this go back to that building at you in walk around a billion said this ain't what I saw this is the temporary church building clap your hands and scream hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Music] stop living by your eyes stop living by your vision the just shall live by faith not by sight chop your head off thank God you are not gonna be where you are next year oh come on somebody listen to me and we gonna go home look what God says you see this yeah God says look he says I put the seed of everything in itself because everything is in a seed God does not give trees he that giveth see tell your neighbor you don't know what I am and he gave me to you yes sir God doesn't give DOS he hides them in children I want to show you something don't forget this are you all ready for me all right God today we got 6.7 billion right now 6.7 billion god only god been to the soil and made one and God blew it 2-1 I remember God don't start until he's already so God started which means he was already you see God finished with everybody first he made everybody first and then took everybody I'm put him in one body so Adam was everybody in one body that's the C so in the garden when God was talking - no I mean - Adam rather he was talking to everybody in one body but I've told everybody in one body don't touch the tree if you shook hands with Adam he'd be shaking hands with everybody he wouldn't have known it because everybody was in that one body whatever that one body does everybody does that's why the Bible says by one man sin entered into the whole world and the passed upon all men because everybody was in that one body hey boys the potential Adam was loaded when God friends on the instructions then God didn't go outside to find a female he went inside she was already in there it was a potential that means everybody was into one body this is why Jesus Christ didn't need a million bodies to die cuz when he came he had Adam he was the last I doubt he had a Dom inside of him he had everybody inside his body so by one man sin entered by one man all were safe thank you very much now follow me gonna go follow me so that means when God has a seed here's what God says I put the seed of everything inside the scene it's called potential so in every seed have a seat let's see I ask you what do you see okay this is an apple see what do you see you say I see an apple scene well that's a fact but it's not the truth because what I have in my hand is not an apple seed I have an apple tree but that's not the truth either because in that seed is an apple tree with apples but that ain't quite the truth yet because in that seed is an apple tree that has apples that have seeds and those seeds in the app will get trees but that ain't true either because in that seed there's an apple tree that has apples that have ceased that have trees and those trees get apples that have seeds that have trees that are fruit that have seeds with trees with fruit that have seeds with trees you think that I rappers with seeds with trees that I fruit that I've seen that I've trees without fruit and those fruit that seeds with seeds with trees that I fruit that I've seen there are trees that are fruit that I've seen that have trees with food which sees and those seeds got trees that are fruit that I've seen that are trees there are fruit what did God do here in my hand you see an apple see that's a fact but the truth is I have a forest tell your neighbor it's a fact right now that I'm broken but the truth is I'm loaded you've gotta have a potential your son today is Malka holic God says no that's just a fact the truth is he gonna be a great preacher in Mary [Applause] only God can look at a murderer and see inside the murderer that a factor is he's a murderer as a fact but the truth is inside of him is Genesis Exodus Leviticus numbers Deuteronomy inside a murderer the next time you read the book of Genesis Exodus Leviticus you're reading the writings of a murderer only God look at a murderer and see a deliverer the Ten Commandments the laws of God inside of murder it was a potential that means none of your mistakes can cancel which you carry him come on screams amen only God could look at a shepherd boy and see a king on the inside only God could look at a prostitute named Rahab and see the lineage of Jesus Christ inside a prostitute only God could look at a shepherd boy in the wilderness and see the leader of a country only God can look at a serial killer named Saul and see Genesis coming teeth in the New Testament inside that serial killer he said friends agree this Colossians ladies Ephesians Philippians he saw the New Testament in a serial killer I wonder what he's seeing tonight looking down on this building he never sees what you've done he sees what you are carrying and you are carrying awesome treasure let no cancel your future with their words tell your neighbor I am who he says I am I can do what he says I can do if I see it it's already done and I'm going to my destiny I am full of potential give God a big scream and shout for a second I want you to understand tonight that he knew you'd be here and he knew that you hit a brick wall your life has stopped and he has sent this word to tell this church and to tell you visit us you ain't seen all come on get him bro come on get him oh come on give him glory Oh stand up on your feet and give them worship mr. mayor what are you dreaming that's the question what are you what is he showing you when you as a child being a mayor is nothing why it's done now I'm gonna be governor do something else dream big this is why the word retirement does not exist in the Bible don't get quiet on me now it's not in the Bible you don't retire you empty yourself and then you leave God call him ma'am at 75 years old he got started at 75 what's your problem tell your neighbor you ain't seen nothing here hey neighbor no retirement retirement come on get that fire back give God a praise you gotta get that fire back in your bones brother hallelujah sold hands together take your neighbor's hands and you're writing to tell your neighbor unloaded hallelujah take your neighbor you don't know who I am yet keep holding that hand I want to pray for you our organization is in over 100 countries in 30 years we award millions of dollars started with nothing but an idea potential my first employee in the company and in our organization was my eldest sister 11 children she's my elder sister I have this one in the fact when I was born she told me that I was born and asthma and she and mum told me stories how I literally died many times choking in that wooden crib and that how she would get up every night but she heard me choking she would pick me up of that dirty wooden crib put me on his shoulder my sister said she would walk that wooden floor not sleeping because she knew she lied me down I would turn blue again and die and for months she says every night she would get up to make sure I didn't die you know today my eldest sister is my administrative assistant I pay her salary and she and I were talking in the office a couple of months ago again and and she was reminding me she says he you are all over the world in television books in 89 countries 30 languages offices in 17 nations millions of people being impacted by you all over the world should I remember walking up and down with you saving you from death and I said I'm not amazing you didn't know all those nights you had your boss in your hair [Applause] so you never be careful with that hand I could be your next boss you don't know anybody in this room you don't know who is in this room stop canceling people don't throw your children away don't throw members away who fall you don't know what they carry this is why God loves the garbage dump every time society throws someone away God catches it because he knows what he put inside of you he died to protect the treasure that you carry we have this treasure in earthen vessels to show for the glory my sister had no idea not only would I pay her salary but her husband is my financial vice-president her daughter works in my mentorship department her second daughter works in my television Department I paid a sorry of all of her family she was carrying that in her hand every night didn't know what she was carrying tell your neighbor be nice to me you don't know hallelujah you are not finished yet they're books inside of you the job you have is not where you will die you are as big as your dreams not as big as Mary I believe what he showed you don't give up son don't go to school for their sake go to school for your own sake study for your dreams 18 years it's okay you're done okay I'm coming back and 36 you would not be in this room this will be too small this will be a children's church [Applause] all you passed us God sent you here because you think that the building you in is the permanent address but God says it's your temporary residence God sent me here you young people because you figured you can't go any further and God says I'm sending you a word follow your dream not your culture the Holy Spirit has already finished you the fact that you were born is evidence that there's something already finished that you were born to start and this is why and listen carefully as I close Jesus did not die 2,000 years ago he came to start dying 2,000 years ago the Bible says he was dead he was slain before I rest my case God was finished God saved you before you sinned oh come on give him go come on give him glory I said give him praise finish finish that's why he's here tonight to tell you what you saw when you was 14 it's still true what you saw when you were 20 it's still true what you saw when you was 29 is still true so dust off yourself get back up put your vision back in place when you go to work tomorrow tell them I'm going to my preoccupation this is my temporary employment this is not what I saw for the joy that was set before him he could endure the low salary and the abuse and the misunderstanding for the joy that was set before he already seen the end so hands together again something's happening here don't you feel that on the inside your childhood dreams are coming back do you know why ma'am cuz he said when the Holy Spirit comes upon a person he didn't come for you to fall on the ground he came sir the old men could get their dreams back and the young men shall get the visions back and the har maidens shall see pathetic sight he comes to give you back the dream that you lost this year preach the next 10 years tell them what you see oh man get your dream back get your dream back your body is not your limitation your brain is still waking no man get your vision back go back get your vision don't get a job they can try you from that get a vision your woman see your future and put it on paper and believe what you're right the Holy Spirit come upon all men and the young shall see visions and the old shall get dreams again they will see their end Mary Ann is about to explode new businesses new churches new companies new investments new ideas books and music and publishing and magazines coming out of Marion going around the world God's ever met changed the world right from here can you believe it [Applause] [Music] believe your dreams and let no adult talk you out of them believe your dreams when I was 14 years old I wrote on paper I will build buildings I will fly my own jet I will speak to millions I will be on TV I will write books I was 14 and my family said are you crazy and I said this is what I saw you should see what else a saw next week I'll be with the government of Curacao training the entire government week after that the government of Aruba training the entire government including the president and prime ministers in my seminars that's what I saw it's happening right now God begins you with nothing so he could be everything you are not what you have you are what you saw so go dream again let's pray Heavenly Father the hand that we're touching is loaded forgive us for assuming we know that forgive us for thinking that we understand them Oh God give us for being reckless with our love forgive us for having prejudice and racism and all the stuff that breaks these barriers Lord we pray we will see the gift that's in every one of us help us to cherish the potential on the inside help us to protect each other maybe never act in any way that will destroy our potential protect our friendships Lord I pray you release right now the spirit of Revelation in Jesus name Holy Spirit stop every dream stop every gift stop every vision and everyone here Lord as we agree in faith stop our gifts restore our visions help us to believe what you say not what people think deliver us from people that we may fulfill your purpose thank you Father thank you Father thank you Father thank you Father thank you for this week thank you lord thank you lord thank you Jesus Kirara Baba suit come on feel that anointing in your stomach let that dream come back to life restore wood I've been taken away from you you
Channel: alejandro boccini
Views: 936,164
Rating: 4.7993021 out of 5
Id: BN5X_gW8_h0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 10sec (5350 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 02 2017
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