A Fight for the Territory

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coming up on the Potters touch the enemy knew who you were going to be before you got here and he did some things early in the game some 5 20 30 40 years before you reach the destination to try to mess you up so that you wouldn't be prepared to be who God called you to be the storm always occurs before you get the territory to stop you from getting there in the first place I bet you some people in here almost died in the crib I bet you some people that almost died in the first couple of years of your life I guarantee you some people that were abused and molested and ostracize early in life before anybody got a chance to see who you were going to be the storm started before the boat landed this is the posture hello brothers and sisters what a joy it is to have this opportunity to share the word of the Lord with you you know the Bible is an interesting book it is full of interesting characters from Old Testament to know more times than not when you eat in the Old Testament there were bloody fights and battles and people being scarred and and skewered and everything else and most of the time they were fighting over territory the message today is called a fight for the territory don't give your territory over to the enemy you may have territory that you don't even realize and at this time we're going into Luke chapter eight verse number 33 through 39 and the message again a fight yes it is life in the fight but it's a fight for the territory yeah a few simple points that I want to bring out in this text that I think are relevant to you and before I do let me put the text in its most simplistic form for those who may not be familiar with the takes Jesus has just gotten off of a very turbulent cruise and reached his destination and stepped out on dry land in a place that is called gadarenes and gaturro is part of ten provinces that were so similarly suited that Jesus purposefully went into them to affect change MO many steps off the book a wild hairy gnarled grotesque figure comes running toward him kids close to Jesus and baubles down at his feet and against Washington he is worshipping at the feet of Jesus and then the next thing he's ass he says to us don't to Jesus don't torment me I enjoy you the pad Joey you don't don't don't torment me don't don't attack me and and imagine being a disciple and you're watching this happen and and the guys doing the right thing he's worshiping but there's something wrong with the warship and as he worships Jesus a conversation goes on between them on a different dimension from what the disciples could see for example he called Jesus son of God and at that time most of his disciples did not even even though who they were with they weren't there the virgin birth and they were not there in the Jordan River and they had seen him at the teacher and the rabbi and a master but this guy runs over and falls down starts worshiping they call of him the son of God and Jesus begins to minister who are not really minister he begins to negotiate if you please and his grace he negotiates with these spirits who say if we must leave the man don't make us leave the territory and Jesus cast the demons who are called Legion out of the man into a herd of swine and the swine run down the hill into the lake and drowned and all the herdsmen are shocked if they've never seen anything like this before run to the city to tell them what happened and the city comes out to see Jesus the city comes out to see Jesus the city comes out to see Jesus city comes out to see Jesus city comes out to see Jesus city comes out to see Jesus city comes out to see Jesus because of a demon the city comes out to see Jesus because of the demons the city comes out to see Jesus because of the demons if there hadn't been for the demons there wouldn't have been a miracle and if it hadn't been a miracle there wouldn't have been a revival the city comes out to see Jesus because of the demon Europe under attack for a reason you are under attack for a reason Jesus went through a storm to get to this man this man is significant one guy one hairy stinky smelly known up demoniac God and Jesus went through a storm to get to this guy in fact he says let us pass over to the other side so that's why I got on the boat in the first place to reach the other side jesus said let us expand the territory and whenever you get ready to expand your territory expect a demon to show up somewhere as long as you stay over there and this stays over here everything will be all right but the moment you try to break away from where you came from and take over new territory that's when all hell breaks loose in your life he's he's fighting about Terra I cannot tell you some Bera Singh how long I taught and preached this text and didn't see the point I didn't see the point for the pain I saw the pain I didn't see the point the pain the pain of this man that could not be contained the pain of this man that couldn't be stopped the pain of this man had no life and had no future to hated himself and cut himself in the tombs of pain of this man the self annihilation of this man is his tendency to attack his old future and prosperity I couldn't see anything but its pain and because of the pain I didn't see the point because you know when painting it strong you can't think you can't reason when pain gets strong you can't figure things out sometimes we are so engrossed with the pain if we don't get the point you're gonna have pain so bad it makes your blood pressure go up you're gonna have pain so bad that you lose your appetite you have pain so bad that you stop eating and you stop talking and you stop believing and it's up smiling and you don't have your personality because your pain is stopping you from being who you are if you take a minute and look at your life every time you're about to step into new territory all hell breaks loose and sends a storm to stop you from getting there and the storm doesn't seem connected to your goal but it is a strategic attack and so in fact I'll go deeper than that I would go far enough to say that the enemy knew who you were going to be before you got here and he did some things early in the game sometime 20 30 40 years before you reach the destination to try to mess you up so that you wouldn't be prepared to be who God called you to be the storm always occurs before you get the territory to stop you from getting there in the first place I bet you some people in here almost died in the crib I've been to some people that almost died in the first couple of years of your life I guarantee you some people that were abused and molested and ostracize merlion life before anybody got a chance to see who you were going to be the storm started before the boat landed if Jesus hadn't rebuked the storm he would have never made it to gatherings and then I didn't recognize that gadarenes was inhabited by Gentiles I didn't wreck why did I know why didn't I have the sense to know that in that error no traditional Orthodox Jew would be raising pigs now when I hear Jesus let us pass over to the other side I'm not sure whether he's talking about geography or nationality he was crossing more than Regents he was crossing cultures and anytime you start crossing cultures all hell will break out because the one thing the devil hates is for all types and cultures to bow down and call him Lord still to come on the party's touch I'm coming out of this I'm coming out of my cave I'm coming out of my cave anyway I can't I'm coming out of my cave with the devil on my back I'm still coming out of my cave I'm gonna get to Jesus if I had to come depressed if I have to come oh Christ if I have to come Paul's ass and coming to Jesus slap somebody get out of my way I found the new perspective a new hope I had it on my bucket list for some time now I'm 73 years old retired lieutenant colonel they give you the steps to really apply to change your life I'm from Wisconsin she's from Atlanta she's New York very encouraging spiritually uplifting we're gonna be mobilizing an angel women the women from England I drove six hours by myself we came within our I remain teachable cultural and trainable and humble being able to cut the cord of things that you've had in your past and being able to move forward God if I could just be in the building just for you to speak over my life and he did just that love woman dollar lease the movement it really is movement the tech message it of TD jakes is in our blood I took so many good notes to share it with the women from my church my family I'm just excited the demons didn't care nothing about that man when Jesus came along the demons didn't worry about leaving the man they just didn't want to leave the territory that devil have interested in you he's interested in your territory he interested in your region he's after your turf he's after your stuff there's something that you have that he was and he doesn't care about you he said I can use her I can use a pig I could use a goat I could use the door I can use her sister I can use his brother I could use somebody close to him in fact demons have been known to jump from place to place from house to house that's why it's not good to have your spirit open even in a funeral because when the devil gets through with one person though don't be distracted by what he's going to you dr. Jill he's not after you he's after your territory he's after your territory he's after your territory he's after your territory he's after your Kathy's after your territory he's not after you he's after your territory your influence what you're doing what you're trying to get done he's not after you he's after your territory stop taking the fight personal the fight is not personal is not personal it's not even about you it is so strong look at the storms that preceded it in your life when you didn't even know who you were storms broke out storms are things that happen beyond your control and you become victimized by storm that's out of your reach go back in your life for a minute and look at the things that happen that you couldn't control before you even got to where you are now he knew you were gonna be something he's scared to death of you or he wouldn't fight you like that you don't pull out big supernatural warfare to fight somebody that doesn't have any threat if he weren't threatened by you why would he start a storm way over here we've never seen this anywhere else in the text he is afraid of what you would become so he said I've got to start early before she grows up before she learned scripture before she gets Washington to blood before he gets up on the anointed before he gets himself together I'm gonna catch him about three or four or five or seven or eight and i'ma start a storm to stop him from becoming who he was created to be and then Jesus has to come through the storm to perform the miracle what are the storms and Jesus has to come through to get to you what are the walls in the barriers that you have built up consciously or unconsciously that Jesus has to come through to get to you the good thing about it is Jesus woke up and rebuked the storm peace be still and the winds and waves were sleigh he lands the second level of tack occurs now the enemy runs out to him and falls down I couldn't stop you from getting here let's make a deal I have enjoyed I have enjoyed attacking this man I messed him up so bad he couldn't live with nobody he couldn't stay with nobody he couldn't even live with himself I brought him down so low that he ended up all alone and all he does night and day is cut himself in the tombs I have enjoy abusing him I have enjoyed attacking him I have enjoyed watching him eat himself up and say what he couldn't be and what he couldn't do and what he couldn't have and what he couldn't enjoy I'm talking about self-inflicted wounds the things we do to our cell the things we say when nobody's around to our cell that stops us from doing what we do do you think you got that mentality by yourself no there's a spirit using that to attack you so that you are even when we got you away from your haters you were back in the tomb cutting yourself I said I've enjoyed doing all of that I've enjoyed convincing you that you're nothing you're never gonna be nothing you came from nothing and you'll never get out you'll never be loved you'll never be happy you'll never be blessed you'll never be free you'll never get yourself together you will never be nothing I've enjoyed attacking him but he was not the point you gotta hear this because he was not the point it was the territory it was gadarenes it was the region don't you come over here Jesus on my territory this man had so much demonic influence on him that we don't really know the name of the demon because it wasn't just one it was so many that they were called legions legions are regimented augmented gathered together in force United to destroy and uproot whatever they can leads us is organization its structure its order legions and you don't use legions when you're talking about we just hanging out legions are trained skill soldiers that are marching at the same time see what you're fighting against is not chaotic incidents but it is a strategic task force that has been set against you strategy working in motion see the one thing you got to understand about Satan Satan is organized even though he'll strike you with the spirit of disorganization Satan is always organized you don't call a group of men Legion if they're not organized in fact jesus said that Satan was so organized that he could not be casting out Devils by the power of a devil because the house divided against itself shall not stand what I'm trying to get you to understand is that these are wrong incidents that are happening to you this is a marching Legion of enemies that are coming against you to bring you down and the strategy is over the territory what do you have that the devil knew you had early enough to start a storm before you got to this point and it was intense enough to leave you in the tombs cutting yourself and you think it's about you mm-hmm it's about your territory it's about your Shelby it's about your destiny it's about the purpose of God on your life it's about all the people you will influence and touch and heal and bless and deliver is about the area's the kingdoms of this world becoming the kingdoms of our God and of his Christ is about you finishing your degree it's about you going to school it's about the position that you're not even in yet you haven't even got to the place that you're going to get yet that the demo oh I'm trying to tell you now this is no shock you the devil's got more faith with you he believed in you when you didn't believe in yourself he must believe in you or he wouldn't have sent legions to stop you from getting there and then twice time for you to stop cutting yourself and stand up and be who God called you to be you'll never reach your destiny locked up in this tomb you'll never reach your purpose cutting on yourself you don't never be who God call you to be limit with that fault Terry people in town coming out of this I'm coming out of this and come out of it I'm coming out of this I'm coming out of my case I'm coming out of my case any way I can I'm coming out of my cave with the devil on my back I'm still coming out of my cave I'm gonna get to Jesus if I had to come depressed if I have to come all price if I had to come Paul's ass and coming to Jesus slap somebody get out of our way have you noticed how over the past four weeks our church has been having crazy warship going into pray so strong that you couldn't control it and couldn't stop it don't you know that God wouldn't send the screen of warship if he wasn't go liberate somebody in this place I dare you to open your mouth and give God see Satan didn't mind you come to church sitting on a Pew looking like a pocketbook with your last cross and said of her watching me like you had the movies so they all come to church all you need is a bag of popcorn cuz you don't participate you districting and as long as you were spectator the devil was alright with that but the moment you start waving your head and worshipping God all hell breaks loose becomes a devil about to lose the territory you've got a brash I'm out of time I've got to stop there but don't get it twisted it's all about your territory your destiny your shall be hold your ground having done all to stand and don't you dare give away just because you're facing tough times stand still and see the salvation of the Lord a fight for the territory is God's Way of encouraging you that that's your land that's your stuff hold on to it take care of you and thank you for your love for your support for your donations to those of you who really do more than then just consume this material but you support this material it really means a lot is it's tough to do this there are a lot of people and a lot of families involved in doing this and you're helping me to feed lots of families as they help me to share these messages with you god bless you thank you and take care we believe when you learn to worship worry has to flee as God gets bigger your problems get smaller and it becomes difficult to worry about whatever you were worried about when you get in the presence of God for your gift of any size you will receive bishops i opening message living with uncertainty on CD from the series winning the battle from worry to worship warship doesn't just have a good attitude it doesn't just applaud what he has done warship acknowledges who he is you will learn how to restore life's balance when things seem to be spinning out of control the difference between you waiting on God and God waiting on you the truth of God's love and its effect on your daily decisions and much more all of us if you say I've got this because you recognize how big God is how little your situation is and you get confident when your gift is $70 a month you will receive bishops to message series winning the battle from worry to worship on DVD you are to see your marriage coming back you ought to see your peace and power coming back however if your gift is 125 dollars or more we will also include woman Thou Art Loosed worship CD along with the Psalms for today booklet when your battle by going from worry to worship today he don't want you to wash it with your macho self he don't want you to wash it with your diva self he wants you to cross your legs and keep your Louboutins up in the air and impress everybody come as long as you shut up he can stay but if you open your mouth if you speak the word ha give you the crab from your heart this is the bomb
Channel: T.D. Jakes
Views: 439,000
Rating: 4.8510065 out of 5
Keywords: td jakes, faith, wtal, woman thou are loosed, megafest, potters house, bishop jakes, pastors and leadership, pastors, leaders, instinct
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Sun May 17 2015
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