T.D. Jakes Sermons: Nothing You've Been Through Will Be Wasted Part 1

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the congregation was in flight you ain't never seen such flapping going on in a place in all of your life I mean big old long arms and short arms little skinny arms and fat arms it was all do everything was just flapping in this place that was an out sign of an inner conviction to rise to the height of your calling spread your possibilities and soar above your adversities and fly like the Eagle you were created to be looking today we say I'm an eagle is the part-time from time to time I hear people writing to me or their hit me up on Twitter and they say I went through five years it got wasted I gave ten years into that relationship it was wasted I work for that company 20 years it was wasted you are wrong this message has nothing that you've been through shall be wasted stop Mourning over where you been and use it to get on with getting on but getting on to where you're going nothing that you've been through every waste you can always tell when God stirs a nest all hell breaks loose and like the little eaglet when the nest first gets stirred the little eaglet tries to sit where it used to sit and it has to bump jump up tries to sit over again and it has to jump up and it has tries to sit again and cries just because something doesn't work in your life doesn't mean you're up under satanic attack I will say that again just because something doesn't work in your life that mean Europe under satanic attack it could be possible that you're trying to rest in where God used to be seeing yourself through the lens of who you were will stop you from seeing yourself through the lens of who God called you to be and sometimes God has to stir the nest because the purpose of that person place or thing in your life has been completed there's nothing more frustrating than trying to raise up something that God is trying to kill nothing more frustrating than trying to be somebody that God is trying to crucify you have to have the liquidity of thought the liquidity of thought and the nimbleness of mind to transition from how you once saw yourself into where God is calling you if you saw yourself as a sedentary eaglet sitting in a nest enjoying the comfort of your nest it's hard to see yourself soaring after all soaring is more work requires more muscles requires more effort you expend more energy it's easier to lay back in the nest they feed me feed me love me let me acknowledge me open doors for me make the way for me me me me me me me all of a sudden the food stops when the food stops is assigned for you to move on Mama's not dropping it in your mouth as good as it was I revealed the problems of the devil I come against it can't you see the little Eagle is praying I come against Satan power in the name of Jesus I command desire abuse of powers and the principalities over this region mama should have been hit right now I come against Ishida you you you delay in my blessing you holding up my blessing I revealed the part where mama mama should be there I've a bigger power their prison bodies are holding it by prayed and prayed and why did I am with you pray and it doesn't work when you rebuilt it and it doesn't stop you finally said I'm hungry look the food ain't coming in here comes the problems and the thorns are coming up and I don't have the nourishment to rest in the place I used to be I don't have the grace to do it I always knew when something was over I just didn't have the grace to do with the grace i grace will cover your eyes against what you're going through and make it easier to manage because you don't feel the weight of it when you have the grace to do it yeah when you have the grace to work two or three jobs when you have the grace to do it it doesn't bother you like it would bother you because you got a grace to them yeah you got a grace to put up with something that other people couldn't put up with you got the grace to do it but but but but when that grace stops and all of a sudden you'd notice those thorns and thistles start coming out now now you got to move into another dimension Moses his thorns and thistles was the murdering of an Egyptian man and and and and his people knowing it and talking about it and rising up against him and not letting even forget of what he did what he did people people will attack you they will always bring up what you did you have to live with what you did all your life that's why you ought to be careful what you do that's good that's that's a tweetable code right there yeah yeah yeah yeah that right there that right there since Hyundai said that right there they were bringing up what he did and all of a sudden he had to get out of the nest leave the palace and the marble floors the gold columns and the big fans and the grapes being fed to him wine being served to him somebody to bathe him somebody to teach him somebody to train him somebody to take care of him all of that shut down and he escapes into the desert a dry place a barren place and while running from his pass he runs into his purpose while escaping how he was once to find he now runs into a new identity that he never had before what what what would the correct term for it is is it is is an epiphany whereby you you begin to have an awakening to to something that you didn't know a spiritual or an epiphany Kennedy of spiritual awakening whereby it changes the lens through which you see everything going forward you don't have that every day you don't have that ever you don't have that every week just periodically in the space of your whole life you have those spiritual awakenings that change save in his case the next 40 years of his life was changed by one moment the one moment change the next 40 years it was like a bad moment an Eagle stirring moment has placed him in the wilderness and all of a sudden he doesn't know who he is now this is a big deal because his identity has always been a problem he was a Hebrew boy but he didn't grow up with the Hebrews he was a Hebrew boy raised with the Egyptians he was already up under identity crisis he was - he grew to be Egyptian and - Egyptian to be Hebrew and what I want to talk to people whose background is complicated I want to talk to people whose resume has to be censored let me try them later they don't understand I want to talk to people who only tell half your testimony there are certain parts of your testimony that are available for human consumption look at somebody say but it's complicated let me just try something daddy was a good man but it's complicated mama was a good mother but it's complicated I grew up a happy child but it's complicated whenever you hear people throw that butt in there there are some extenuating circumstances means I can tell you about this party all in all it was good but but there was some other stuff that I don't want to bring up but that other stuff helps to shape Who I am just as much as the good stuff helps oh god help me and Moses was his own man he was strong and mighty he'd been raised he was strong he was powerful he was educated he was intellectual he was respected in Egypt but but it's but but he wasn't really truly an Egyptian and though he was raised with him he really wasn't one of them and and he was a Hebrew to a degree and yes he was a Hebrew but but it wasn't like he could go hang out with the Hebrews because Hebrews didn't like him because he had the smell of the Egyptians on him he he had the egg heaven had got the nerve to have any Gyptian accent oh you you don't talk like one of us who'd you talk like you you and Egyptian you know how people will hear your speech and say you talk like the other people still to come on the POTUS touch he had rose he couldn't wear jewelry he didn't need training in science that is totally unusable in this environment because all information is not transferable from one world into the next you're going to say one thing this is not that so you cannot come over into this and act like that and stay if you're going to survive in this you have to give up bad and become a student again don't settle in your nest when you should be soaring it's time to fly every time I try to sit out with less than what I was created to be some sticks man I gotta get up and try a dad there are certain situations that God will make so unbearable that you don't have to discern that it's time to go it's almost impossible to stay what's wrong with you is all most people who knew you win because if they knew you win don't hold you to back dad I got a don't let the counterfeit experience of being Goods stop you from the pursuit of greatness for helping us or each others with your best gift we would like to give you time to fly or DVD set and when your gift is 125 dollars or more receive our blessed and love calendar a journal for recording your experience to new heights and I'll blast and love inspiration cup when you visit our website or call one 800 Bishop 2 today I love to hear married couples talk about how long they've been married we've been we've been married for 50 years and people always clap you know they always clap you know they clamp you know and they say they've been happily married for 50 years in line yes I said it I said it I'm in it and I'm here to represent it you ain't been happily nothing for 50 years not for 50 years no not every day and every week and every minute and every moment for 50 years you you know you telling us about the good part you're not telling us about the tough part you're not telling us about when she spent the money that she was saving up for something else she's when I as we you're not telling us about the extra pocketbooks up under the bed and the shoes and y'all fussing about that you idiot you're not talking about that new secretary he got and why she stand up look at you in the face like she looking at you you're not talking about he always spent all the money and he don't take care of business and you ain't talking about that you made a mama's boy and you're sitting him over your momma's house all the time but y'all shut it out and you made it over and you saw I know you made people can't say nothing cuz you can't blow your cover but there's some divorced people in here that have got my back hi do know what I'm talking about it bothers me because if you buy that baloney that people serve out you'll expect to see that in your life and if it doesn't work like that for you you'll give up on it because you're expected it to be like what you saw on TV but in real life you got to go through some ups and downs and some crooks and some credit and sometimes you stay together but it's complicated and you you own the house but it's complicated they come in my house all attendees all look at your house you long missus a year this month only dismount thank you down in this one so far I love it right now Oh y'all hear what I'm saying to you I own it but it's complicated I want it but they got the notes and now is messed up and complicated in his life he is now that's the messed up bad has gotten worse that's why you gotta watch out about complaining about bad because it was kind of complicated in the palace it might have been bad cuz on the inside he had some deficiencies and insecurities and areas where he didn't really feel like he totally belong but he was even good and he was sleeping good and they was cleaning out the room and Washington's clothes and pressing his little undies and stuff it it was real good it was good considering you know what all he's been through he had a little bag stuff to kind of fight but he was doing pretty good and then bad got worse and now the eagle has stirred the nest and he has to climb out of the nest and start running through the wilderness running to running through a wilderness he had never been in before he didn't know nothing about survival techniques for the wilderness he was raised in the palace there he is out there in the wilderness trying to figure out now which plant can you eat how do you get water in the desert he didn't know to which cactus you could you could suck the water out of and he had to figure it all out because he was in a new place if his life ever puts you in a new place and and and and and you don't know how to function in this new environment and what was complicated has become a crisis now he's free from favor Oh Fay Roy is behind him no no problems there got that straight now they've trying to kill him he escaped all they got the Victor got the bull shot he'd hook victory victory what am i we have you ever had the victory in one place and all hell breaking loose in the other place and and you could you could shout about this part over here you should have beat that oaf a roll out but but mmm things I don't know what in the world will do here a little get the flu situation coming up on the fifth and he was in the desert and God left him in the desert for 40 years he eat one around out there and ran into some Midianites and Jethro and Jethro kind of took him up under the wings and oh he's dead I don't kill you eat that right there is that right there when you get around there was he that you you dig that up and suck the roots and get some moisture out of it to be able to survive in that environment sad I didn't I didn't learn that and all my schooling they didn't they didn't teach me anything about what what route took to suck water out of how to guard myself against the heat of the Sun how to survive in a dry place I didn't I didn't know nothing about that and then he got her hanging around Jethro Jethro said I got some work for you to do work what is work I do you not know I've been raised in favor of house we had people working for us and all of a sudden he's introduced to work and of all things to be introduced to do I mean he he had rose he couldn't wear jewelry he didn't need training in science that is totally unusable in this environment because all information is not transferable from one world into the next you're going to say one thing this is not that so you cannot come over into this and act like that and stay if you're going to survive in this you have to give up that and become a student again you can't be important out of your element and walk around with your chest stuck out just because you were successful over there playing football don't make you a star over here having Church just because you're successful in church that make you successful at NASA any time you step into a new arena you got to humble yourself and become a student again so he's over there walking around like the Prince Egypt all important and Jethro I asked him to go out there and shovel that sheep dung and this is the test of pride the test of pride can you do what you got to do where the Lord has placed you to learn what you got to learn so you can move from one level to the next level to the next level if if you don't pass the tests you'll never complete the class so you have to keep taking it over and over and over again because you didn't learn what you should have learned the first time who am i preaching to I'm talking to somebody right now Jethro told Moses to lead the Sheep Oh smelly dirty stinking sheep look good on them pictures and stuff but I was out of Jerusalem and isiliye got to go out there where does she work see when you see them in the picture you can't smell the picture and stuff but when you actually go out there where the sheep farm yes it'll make you carrying some gleaned and some Lysol and some fine salt and you know how white they are in the pictures and stuff that in real life that the old news no no no no no no no no that's photo enhancement it isn't kind of it's not odor is Oh door this is a French term yes indeed they should bottle this way insecticide or something I know they don't have to worry about mosquitoes nothing with what a bite nothing smell like that and and he's in this environment and I know I know the enemy must have been saying where is your God now you out here I thought you had a mighty destiny your momma call you Moses for being drawn out I thought there was a king and a mighty man and a general in you and all you going through is his survival techniques for desert you don't even you didn't even come up in look at you running around here you looking at a sheep every so often you'll go to a period in your life that seems like all of your real skills are being wasted it will feel like you're not being used to your highest potential it will feel like you're living beneath your privilege and if you're not careful you will secretly see yourself as a failure because you don't see yourself operating in the way that you dream that you would and he's just running around there saying at least he didn't kill me and at least I escaped Egypt and I'm making the best of a bad situation and all of a sudden he has an epiphany just walks up on it when fastened for it wasn't praying for it what talking in tongues just walked up on it didn't even expect it just blew his mind you know God is a master of suddenly I'm going to say that again see if you understand that God is the master of suddenly that means sometimes your life will take a turn you never even saw coming it you it won't be no gradual progress no evolution that leads to a revolution it'll be suddenly straightway immediately out of nowhere one phone call one meeting one person one time one job and your whole life thing about the next 40 years is about to change I don't know who I'm talking to but get ready get ready get ready get ready get ready get ready get ready get ready get ready get ready get ready thank you for allowing me to just interject the thought or two and we'll continue right after this don't settle in your nest when you should be soaring it's time to fly every time I try to sit out with less than what I was created to be some sticks when I gotta get up and try a dad there are certain situations that God will make so unbearable that you don't have to discern that it's time to go it's almost impossible to stay what's wrong with you is all most people who knew you win because if they knew you win they'll hold you to back then I gotta go don't let the counterfeit experience of being good stop you from the pursuit of greatness for helping us reach others with your best gift we would like to give you time to fly or DVD set and when your gift is 125 dollars or more receive our less than love calendar a journal for recording your experience to new heights and I'll blast and lock inspiration Cup when you visit our website or call one 800 Bishop to today partners don't miss come home for Christmas our special holiday weekend and the beautiful Gaylord Texan resort we can't do any of the things we do without your support and prayer and I don't want you to step into another year without us being able to pray over the mandates of the whole sphere
Channel: T.D. Jakes
Views: 2,317,346
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: td jakes sermons, TD Jakes, T.D. Jakes, TD jakes ministries, Bishop T.D. Jakes, Bishop td jakes, Bishop Jakes, The Potter's House, the Potter's Touch, Nothing You've Been Through Will Be Wasted, sermons, who should I call to, the evolution of experiences
Id: FXY3WvsL-To
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 7sec (1627 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 27 2012
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