A SETBACK is a SETUP for a COMEBACK! | Bishop T.D. Jakes | Top 10 Rules

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- It takes courage to win! People don't talk about people that don't win! If you win, they're going to talk about you. You've wasted too much of your life trying to change other people's mind about you. Don't tell me that you want something if you're not willing to throw what you got at it. - Hello Believe Nation! My name is Evan Carmichael. My one word is believe, and I believe that entrepreneurs will solve all of the world's major problems. So to help you on your journey today we're going to learn from pastor and thought leader Bishop T.D. Jakes, and my take on his top 10 rules for success, volume two. Rule number 10 is my personal favorite, and I'd love to know which one you guys like the best. And as always, as you're watching, if you hear something that really resonates with you, please leave it in the comments below. Put quotes around it so other people can be inspired. You might win a prize as well. And also when you write it down, it's much more likely to stick for yourself as well. Enjoy. (airplane soars) (instrumental music) - Do you have the courage to act outwardly on what you see inwardly? (audience cheers) Or will you die a dreamer? Will you die on the verge and on the edge in the land of could have, would have, and should have? The strong hand rules the roost. Do you have the courage? I'm going to drop something on you. It takes courage to be successful. It is far easier not to be successful. Misery will always have company. (audience cheer) Success breeds contempt. If you don't want to make waves, be mediocre. Be normal and fit in. And if you're more concerned about people then you are God, then neutralize everything He put in you just fit in with everybody else. Dress like 'em! Walk like 'em! Act like 'em! Eat like 'em! Go where they go! Think like they think! Do what they do! And once you've neutralized your uniqueness you don't need courage. It takes courage to be different It takes courage to go where you've never gone before. For some of you it took courage to come to this conference. It takes courage to get you outside of the bar. It takes courage to be successful! It takes courage to win! People don't talk about people that don't win. If you win they're going to talk about you! Do you have the courage to stand there, though the storms keep raging, and the people get to talkin, and you stand there and say, I've come to far to turn around! Touch your girlfriend and say, do you have the courage? - [Audience] Do you have the courage? (applause) - I'm going to say something to you. It takes courage to be exceptional. It takes courage to be wise. It takes courage to be rich. It takes courage to be educated. It takes courage to be knowledgeable. Because the moment you do, but you don't talk like, Oh, you forgot where you came from, look at you. It takes courage! (audience cheers) And I'm just wondering In this weak, watered down, mediocre society that we live in today. In this reality TV world we live in today. I'm wondering if there's anybody left that's got the courage to say after all I've been through, and all my ancestors have been through, and all my parents have been through, I didn't come through all of that just to fit in with normalcy, I have the courage to go after my dream! To be anxious is to have anxiety about something that hadn't even happened yet. Some of you are so worried about the threat of trouble. You're not in trouble it's just that trouble has threatened you. And the threat of what might happen, what could happen, (audience cheering) it's wearing you down. Half of the things that you though were going to happen never did happen. But if you allow those thoughts to dwell in your mind it will succeed at robbing you of your peace, robbing you of your joy, robbing you of your life, just because you thought yourself into a nervous breakdown. You thought yourself into depression. You thought yourself into defeatism. The mind is a battleground. The fight is in your mind. So I want to challenge you to waste no more effort wrestling with other people. (audience yells) Oh I lost you, (audience cheers) I lost you, you were doing real good, I lost you. (audience clap and cheer) Your destiny, your future is not predicated on the decision of someone else. (audience cheers) You wasted too much of your life trying to change other people's mind about you. (audience cheers) It doesn't matter what they think about you. God is not going to bless you by their opinion. God is going to bless you by how you see yourself. (audience cheers) Touch somebody and say I believe I'm coming out. - [Audience] I believe I'm coming out - I don't know how long it's goin take! I don't know what I'm going to have to go through! I don't know what I'm going to lose along the way! But I still believe that I'm coming out! I've been broke, I've been busted and disgusted but I still believe that I'm coming out! I'm locked up in prison, they say I'll never get out, But I still believe that I'm coming out! I'm coming out, if I don't have no where to stay! I'm coming out if my husband marry somebody else! (audience cheers) I'm coming out if I don't have no job! I'm coming out, oh, oh! The people who've became the most successful in our society, are people who broke the rules. You know there was no presidents for 24 hour news cycle until Ted Turner did it. They're so many people who got out of the box. Look at Apple and the birth of the whole notion of Apple. Or Nike, I talk about in the book, and the birthing of their corporation. How they did something with the tennis shoe that had never been done before. If you only base your decisions on empirical data, you can only repeat what somebody else already did. If you follow your instincts and your own God-given creativity, we can go where we have not been before. Be strong and very courageous. Be strong and very courageous. Be strong and be of good courage. Be strong and possess the land. Because God knows that for what you're going to do It is not by outer strength. (audience cheers) You understand, you understand. Help me preach this thing this morning, girl. It's inner strength. So my fourth point is you got to have inner strength, for this fight. It's not your outer strength, it's not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit, saith the Lord. So you got to have that inner, that inner, that inner, that gut strength, that belly strength, that devil-defying, come hell or high water strength. That roll me out in front of them and I'll preach from a chair strength. That tenacity to take a lickin and keep on tickin. That inner strength that when I can't do as I would I'm gon do as I can but I'm not gon stop doing, to the best of my ability I'm gone stretch! Hallelujah! Be strong! (audience cheers) Strong! Strong! Strong! Strong! I am afraid that too many times we have pent so much focus on teaching you to be good seed that we haven't taught you, the power of good soil. And so when we come to soilless issues, the seed ignores the soil. We flick the channel, that has nothing to do with me. We close our eyes because we have been taught to be good seed. But we have not been taught to pay attention to soil. And yet the Bible is clear, Jesus says the sower went for a sowing seed. And some fell by the wayside. Some fell amongst rocks, some fell amongst thorns. The whole text is about environment. (audience cheers) Look at you and look at your environment. Have you been positioned to flourish? Positioning has a lot to do with flourishing. To be in an environment, in a family that supports you, my sister and I were talking the other day. I was telling her what an amazing person she is, that all of our lives together and all the things that God did in my life, not once in all the years that I've known her and she was there when Momma had me, have I ever known her to be jealous of me. (audience claps) Not once, not ever. She has always been my cheerleader and my greatest fan. And she said, how can I be jealous of you, you're my brother I said a lot of people have siblings that hate them, that are jealous of them, that hope they choke! And some of my development has to be that God planted me in an environment of people that supported me. My brother, my sister, my mother, my father, they all supported me. You can have good seed! But if you've been in bad soil, people who hated you, environments that denied you, education that underserved you, communities that limited you, mentalities that poisoned you. (audience cheers) Do you hear what I'm saying? If your soil wasn't right, it doesn't mean that you're not right, but if your soil wasn't right, it's going to affect how you root and how you grow. And you might grow a little bit the Bible says you can grow for a while but then the thorns will choke you out. Or the rocks will not have enough soil for your roots to grow! Are you blaming God for something you ought to be blaming the soil for? You cannot take a peach seed and plant it in a teaspoon of dirt and expect it to grow. Though the teaspoon of the dirt is the same size as the peach seed, it will not grow. The seed will only grow when it is planted in something bigger than itself. And I want to know where are you planted this morning? Are you planted in something bigger than you? Or have you always been planted in teacups? Surrounded by little dirt, little resources, small-minded people, narrow, limited places that never let you stretch to reach your capacity. Sometimes you got to go where the corn is. - [Charles Payne] You call comfort in your book a cage. - [Bishop T.D. Jakes] Comfort is a cage. We use to be pioneers, that's how this country was settled. And we stop pioneering new things. We stay where it's comfortable. We play where it's safe. We don't really get out into the wild of the possibilities. We stay in the confined cage of that is tangible and touchable, 9 to 5 and that's it. But we need more creativity and we need to follow our instincts. Now without that you may makes some money but you won't find fulfillment. Always go to something bigger than yourself. I'm wondering if you've been defeated because you have been given yourself, wholly, to something that was too small to hold you. (audience cheers) Have you thrust yourself into a glass of water? Have you leaped off the diving board into a cereal bowl person? Are you not guilty of immersing yourself into things that were too small to hold your vision? Oh my God, this so good I'm a get the CD myself. Jesus sent him to throw himself into something that was bigger than his condition. And he had to go to get to it. He had to get out of his comfort zone. My problem is so many times you've thrown big ideas at small people. You've given big commitment to cereal bowl people. And you're trying to get your sight back from a source that's too small to support what you're willing to put in. Is your investment bigger than the bank? You should see the way you're looking at me. Is the reason you keep being disappointed by people is that you have wholly thrown yourself into something that was too small? Jesus sends him to something that is bigger than himself. So he can wash his eye. Are you trying to take a bath in a bowl? David was a shepherd boy, out there trying to take care of the sheep. And didn't have nothing to work with, and a lion came against him and he took a rag and said this is the kind of stuff you make to fight back with when you don't have nothing to fight with. Have you ever gotten into a fight and you didn't have nothing to fight with. But you took what you had and you said such as I have, I'm not going let you take my stuff my job, my opportunity, my life, my family's legacy. You after my family's legacy. I'm not going to let you do it. And even though I don't have nothing fancy to fight with like a degree, or like a million dollars, or like a bunch of friends. But I'm a roll up what I got and I'm going to throw it at you. (audience cheer) Kill the lion, kill the bear, with this rag. This rag, old dirty rag had thrown rocks at everything that ever come against you. If you live long enough a lot of stuff a come against you. And you got to, you got to throw whatcha got at it. You can't throw what you wish you had. You can't throw what your neighbor had. You got to throw what you got at it. That's what separates the men from the boys, cause you got to throw what you got at it. Don't tell me that you want something if you're not willing to throw what you got at it. Since we're talking about business, we're talking about money. You can't be tribal and be a global thinker at the same time. The reason money is called currency is that it needs to be able to flow. And the issue is, do you have a vision that flows beyond people who look like you, dress like you, and vote like you? And if you're going to do business you can't do segregated business and do it well. If you've got a product that you believe in or message that you believe in, or a movie that you believe in or whatever it is, you want to reach the broadest amount of people. And most people think tribally. All of their relationships, their contacts, their associates are tribal and you block the ability to succeed when you block the ability to communicate beyond your tribe. Life demands that you pick up the pace. If you don't pick up the pace, you're going to be left behind. I'm amazed at the people that lack the flexibility to pick up the pace. They just get in a rut, I stroll down here, and I'm gon stroll back, I'm gon stroll over here, I'm gon stroll over there. One of the most amazing thing about the disaster at Malaysia is that when it happened everybody had to pick up the pace. All the news media had to pick up the pace. They were booking night flights and flying over here and flying over there. Somebody had to work overtime, won't be home for three days, typing in the middle of night, research going on, because when something happens, everybody got to pick up the pace! That's why I can't deal with people who cannot pick up the pace. Don't be strolling when I got a 911 on you. I need people who can pick up the pace. (audience cheers) Flap your neighbor and say pick up the pace! - [Audience] Pick up the pace! - Something is about to happen! Pick up the pace! Something is about to happen! Pick up the pace! Something is about to happen! Pick up the pace! Something is about to happen! Pick up the pace! Something is about to happen! Pick up the pace! Something is about to happen! (audience claps) I came to tell the young people, pick up the pace! Pick up the pace! Pick up the pace! Something is about to happen! The danger of low expectations (audience cheers) I would rather aim for the stars and not hit them than to not aim at all! (audience cheer and clap) I would rather go after it and not get it then not go after it all! I'd rather try and fail then not try at all! I don't want to live with the idea, wonder what would have happened had I done more with my life! I'm going to go for it, come hell or high water, I'm going after my destiny. Touch your neighbor and say run! - [Audience] Run! - You got to run after your destiny! You can't stroll after your destiny! You can't walk after your destiny! You got to run! Somebody holler run! - [Audience] Run! - You got to run! You got to run! You got to run! You can't just wake up in the morning, let me see what goin happen today. I don't know what I'm a do, I don't know what I'm a wear. I don't know what I'm a cook. I don't know where I'm a go. I just woke up. Aww you should stay in the bed. Give the day to somebody who's going to run after their destiny! Give the day to somebody who has a plan who has a strategy because success is never an accident and if you don't want it, get out of my way. Because there are some people who want to do something with their life. Who will run! - Thank you guys so much for watching. I made this video because Christopher asked me to. So if there's a famous entrepreneur that you want me to profile next, check out the link in the description and you can go and cast your vote. I also love to know which clip resonated the most with you, what lesson are you going to take from this video and immediately apply to your life for two bits some how leave it down the comments below. I'm really curious to find out what you have to say. I just want to give a quick shot out to Cyrus Webb. Cyrus, thank you so much for picking up a copy of my book, Your One Word, and making that video on your YouTube channel. I really, really, really appreciate it bro and I hope you enjoyed the read. - [Cyrus] Your One Word, by Evan Carmichael. - Thank you guys so much for watching. I believe in you. I hope you continue to believe in yourself and whatever your one word is, much love. I'll see you soon. (airplane soars) I talked, you know, I talked, you'd be surprised. I talk a lot when I'm on stage, I'm quiet when I'm at home. I'm very quiet when I'm at home. I tend to be a very quiet person. You got to balance. You can't just be rattling all the time. (audience laugh) Just nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah. It drives me crazy when people talk too much. It drives me crazy when they just go on and on and on and on. Because, see I pay attention, And if you're not going anywhere with this, it drives me crazy. One of the strengths of preaching is outline. Because an outline gives the listener something to follow, that has structure. When you're all over the place everything you're saying maybe true but because your message has no focus, it becomes hard to follow. It's hard to follow somebody who doesn't have focus. Where are we going with this? What is the point? What are you talking about? Get to the point, what is this about? And for a while you'll listen because you're trying to see if it has structure. And when you figure out that they're just talking, and it has no relevance, you go deaf.
Channel: Evan Carmichael
Views: 1,320,283
Rating: 4.8584633 out of 5
Keywords: entrepreneur, will you die a dreamer, bishop t.d. jakes, bishop td jakes top 10 rules for success, bishop td jakes success, bishop td jakes motivation, bishop td jakes advice, bishop td jakes interview, bishop td jakes speech, success, success motivation, how to succeed in life, famous pastor, potter's house
Id: isO-uS9vYaA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 54sec (1374 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 31 2017
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