TD Jakes Sermons: You Can't Give Me What's Already Mine Part 1

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Moses the one who was drawn out of the water has now called out the Old Testament church and he brings him through the wilderness Moses in the Old Testament in many ways is what Christ is in the New Testament in that he is the deliverer having delivered the children of Israel out of Egypt to the promised land in the same spirit Christ comes to deliver the church out of the Egypt of our sin into the promised land of our destiny and purpose [Music] greetings in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord I am so glad to have the opportunity to share this series with you I appreciate all the praise reports and testimonies hitting me up on Twitter and Facebook and just letting me know that you are being blessed by this series of view from the top we're gonna go deeper in it this time I've got a message that I think is going to encourage you and strengthen your life the message is entitled you can't give me what I've already got this is going to bless you in a supernatural way watch this this this Jesus that I want to talk to you about this morning has just come from an explosive celebratory moment a moment of defined divine distinction his clothes are still damned from the rivers of Jordan baptized in the river of Jordan one swoop of God's hand and he has gone from obscurity to notoriety baptized to the River Jordan them coming up out of the water the heavens opened up from for him the spirit descended like a dove and the father spoke from heaven said this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased back up haters with God endorses you who can hinder when God puts his hand on you and establishes you and push up that boy right there is my son in whom I am well pleased no question about his integrity huh ID please I don't care whether you pleased or not I'm pleased with him that's a great moment the same spirit that descended on him like a dove celebrating authenticating and validating that he is the Messiah same spirit leads him into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil the devil did lead him the spirit led him into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil that the devil didn't lead him into the wilderness the spirit led him into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil the Spirit will arrange an attack [Applause] you need to know that I know it's not popular Alice now they don't teach that today but you need you need to know that they don't T sent to think of the middle it doesn't make people shout but it is true nonetheless you have to know that to survive it you have to know it you have to know that that it couldn't have happened to me if God didn't allow it y'all don't pray like that that that's a TD jakes father prayer Lord if this happened to me you had to allow it to happen my steps are ordered by the Lord and if if I have to walk into this you own and if you let me into it I talk to him like that because I know that if you let me into this wilderness somehow it's to work for my good yes somehow I don't it doesn't feel good see this is the kind of prayer you do with tears running down your friend it doesn't feel good and I don't like it and it hurt me in places I didn't even go out to be hurt but it it must be for my good mus fever because all things work together for the good of them they love the Lord it must be from a good enough feel good lord but it must be for my good and then number two if you let me into it you will lead me out of it I know you will because you're not just alpha your Omega you're not just the beginning you're the end you're not just the first you're the last now unto him that is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all we may ask for thing God doesn't start everything that he can't finish [Applause] you you understand that Jesus has just had this amazing experience down at the Jordan River with John the Baptist you understand that the Jordan River is the place where the children of Israel had to cross over with Joshua to go into the promised land after years and years of being into the wilderness the Jordan River is standing in between them and the promises of God because I have been to the Jordan and because I have been in the wilderness and because I have physically been to Mount Nebo let me try to illustrate to you what this location is on one side it is totally desert dry parched sand in the wind blowing in your face hot destitute barren and desolate all the way up to the Jordan you can taste the dry sands blowing in the air in your eyes in your mouth in your nose everywhere it's everywhere totally dry nothing green nothing brilliant nothing bright and then you come to the Jordan River and when you when you when you look across the Jordan everything's green and plush and beautiful trees and vegetation crops gone the the jordan river flows out from the Sea of Galilee and it and it's an amazing almost a tropical atmosphere was with opulent beauty and and at one time was full filled with all types of fruit and figs and vegetation look look at the oxymoron between the two extremities geographically in the same location separated only by the jordan river one part is very plush another part is very dry now Jesus has just been baptized in the Jordan River and the heavens have opened up to for God himself to enunciate and pronounce upon him clearly in front of everybody there's no question he's the one the spirit is descended on him like a dove and they're here than the Jordan betwixt and between plushness and barrenness greenery and dryness life and death seeming to me the spirit would have led him into the figs and the fruit and the grapes but now the spirit led him into the wilderness I want to preach the wilderness people it could be that you are in the wilderness by God's designer when I was studying this text I said Lord I've read this text I've taught this text I preached his text I've done series on this text but I want to empty out everything I know about this text and come to you empty because sometimes when we know too much it blinds us from the beauty of the text and when I came to him empty he said I want you to look at the location we'll remember the location I said yes Lord I was there I went right I wouldn't my wife and I went up Mount Nebo to the top of the mountain where Moses had been and and the God just happened to mention to me this is this is Mount Nebo and he says he said right down there in the plain is is the wilderness it's the same area where the chariot caught up Elijah is the same place of the wilderness is it is the last stop before you cross the Jordan yeah this is the place where for Satan launched his attack on Jesus in the wilderness right on the other side of Mount Nebo and there I'm standing on Mount Ebal looking and the wilderness on one side and the greenery on the other and when I read the text all of a sudden I recognize that the Spirit has led Jesus into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil and now Jesus is about to bring forth this is the coronation the release of his ministry to birth of the church he he is I submit to you the New Testament Moses if brought the Old Testament church it's where we first get the word ecclesia ecclesia called out moses the one who was drawn out of the water has now called out the Old Testament church and he brings him through the wilderness Moses in the Old Testament in many ways it's what Christ is in the New Testament in that he is the deliverer having delivered the children of Israel out of Egypt to the promised land in the same spirit Christ comes to deliver the church out of the agent of our sin into the promised land of our destiny and purpose and now crisis been led into the wilderness and suddenly I recognize that that that God has unfinished business with the devil Moses's led the children of Israel in the Old Testament all the way up all the way up to right on the edge of the Jordan River got very close to crossing down to Mount Nebo and saw the other side didn't go to the other side but saw to the other that Moses didn't go in part because movi faced a temptation that threw him over the murmuring of the people tempted Moses with anger and frustration murmuring will tempt anybody when you've done everything you know how to do and people are never satisfied it will make you have a reaction when you have given and given and given and given and still they want more and more and more it'll make a nice man man it makes a quiet man get loud it'll make a little woman smack if you're just just ungratefulness and out of his frustration Moses smites the rock when God told him to speak to the rock and he smites the rock implying that Christ would be crucified afresh he now gets judged and God says because you used my power to express your frustration because you use my power to express your frustration you use my power to satisfy your fleshly feelings you'll see it but you won't go into it Wow what does that have to do with Jesus I'm glad you asked I've got everything to do with these facilities comes on up out of the water the Spirit says if you're going to bring the New Testament church into the promises of God we've got unfinished business with the devil you've got to pass the tests that Moses flunked you've got to pass the tests that Moses failed he led him in the wilderness to be tempted still to come on the Potters touch know who I was I might have to go through this to prove who I was but I knew who I was before I got in this test if I was his child in the water then I'm his child in the wilderness Oh y'all hear what I'm saying what's pulling me down to the mountain when I have an opportunity I need to go to the top if you've ever climbed a mountain you know that reaching the summit requires perseverance determination and struggle in your journey with Christ he's often pushing you to a new and sometimes uncomfortable place but there's always purpose in the pain and when you reach the destination that he leads you to the few is worth it we've got the key to me to Who I am to what I am and I had no chance of unlocking the door to myself without getting to the key and he took the key and hid it in his garments and started up the heel and told me you'll never know if you don't chase me for helping us reach others with your gift of any size you'll receive secret to Elevation on CD or when your gift is $200 or more you'll receive view from the top on DVD a grateful heart stationary and the woman Thou Art Loosed Bible reach the destination that was meant for you today says that after Jesus had fasted 40 days not during after the fast fast is over he now had the legitimate right to eat Satan comes and says if thou be the Son of God turn this stone to bread there we are at the stone again only this time the temptation is not to smite the stone is to use your power to turn the stone now think with me think when I got a bigger Church faith faith ain't with me see I told you several months ago your greatest temptation is not what you do with weakness what you do with failure the greatest test is how you handle power yeah yeah the great test in your life is how you manage power see I don't worry about what you do when you have no power you got no choice but to lay there you got no choice but to stay here you got no choice but to rent here the less power you have the less choices you have but the more power you have the more options you have so you can't really be tempted good with your powerless the real temptation comes with power that's why power less people if they get ready to do something evil they'll have to go out and steal some power of God Authority or something because you can't do wrong right without power I'm gonna break that down again you can't do wrong right without power the real test is how do you have the power how do you handle favor how do you handle influence how do you handle having somebody's ear how do you handle an opportunity all of that is the real test I don't have to test you on how you handle not having an opportunity you don't have no choice but to take it how do you handle a chance an opportunity and influence with somebody how do you handle favor how do you handle Moses you got this stick how do you handle hey in this stick will you use it for you or will you use it for God Jesus you got this power how do you handle this power will you use it for you or will you use it for the purpose of God yes thou be the Son of God turn the rock the stone in the bread one of the things about being hungry it's when you get real hungry you have a tendency to want to turn things that are not into something that you need just because you need it doesn't mean you can make me be it but when you are when you are hungry and destitute you you you you will turn people into things they're not you will turn stones into bread you you will turn godly opportunities into places of manipulation when you're hungry you'll you'll pervert a friendship into something that it's not when you're hungry see it see it's about the hunger see it's about the hunger it's not about the Rockets about the hunger it's about the hunger that drives you the fleshly hunger to use your power to get what you want so I want to ask you this morning you know how did how do you handle power yeah look that quiet in here if it all about you or is it about us and we are you so narrow in your thinking that you can only see it from your perspective because you're getting ready to lead and to live and to die for them but you can't do it for them when you got a me mentality location location location so we're back on the same location in the same situation with one that is greater than Moses being tempted like Moses as Moses leads out of the Old Testament church Christ now prepares to birth the New Testament church but the real test of great leadership is how do you have the power it is not how you handle being broke 10% of zero is nothing yeah it's how you handle power it's it's it's when you got the edge what do you do when you finally get the edge and you get the drop on somebody how do you handle power so here he comes in and Jesus said man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God then the Bible says he took him up to a high pinnacle in a city of a temple and said cast yourself down off of this pinnacle for it is written that the angels will bear thee up lest you dash your foot against the stone in other words show off you don't know show off so everybody can see who you are make a name for yourself show them who's boss climb up to the top of the temple Church to fall off let everybody see how great you are Jesus says what wait wait devil why why would you get me to throw myself off the temple to show Who I am when the father just said you never have to prove what you already are you don't hear what I'm saying don't let nobody put you on the spot to have to prove what you are when you know who you are you don't have to do those cheap tricks to validate who you are Who I am i can do what i can do i can move what i could move and i don't have to show up for you because i knew who I was when I'm down here my daddy fix that in the river slap somebody you can't give me what's already mine okay you can't give me what's already mine you you can't you can't you can't give me what's already mine if I didn't know who I was I might have to go through this to prove who I was but I knew who I was before I got in this test if I was his child in the water then I'm his child in the wilderness Oh y'all hear what I'm saying say somebody then say I Know Who I am I know why the circumstances don't prove Who I am I know who I am it might not look like I am Who I am but I know who I am my house might not look like I am Who I am but I Know Who I am my situation may not reflect Who I am but I know who I uh I refuse I refused I refused to succumb to embarrassment and need to impress you when I understand that how you met me is a temporary circumstance just because you met me in the wilderness does not mean I'm lost I was led into this wilderness yeah you might have met me without a job but that doesn't make me a bomb [Applause] come on somebody you can't give me member you want to give me some but you think you you take it me what's already man you can't give me what's already bad if I didn't know what I got then you might make a deal with me but you'll take give me what and about this bread stuff don't you know that I have the Branham your father's ain't manna in the wilderness and they perish with hunger but I am the truth man so though don't be talking to me about this brand stuff [Applause] Tesla man said you can't give me what's already man [Applause] I am I am are y'all can handle this I am what I'm hungry for [Applause] y'all can't handle that I am what I'm hungry for hey we'll be right back after this what's pulling me down to the mountain when I have an opportunity I need to go to the top if you've ever climbed a mountain you know that reaching the summit requires perseverance determination and struggle in your journey with Christ he's often pushing you to a new and sometimes uncomfortable place but there's always purpose in the pain and when you reach the destination that he leads you to the few is worth it he's got the key to me to Who I am to what I am and I had no chance of unlocking the door to myself without getting to the key and he took the key and hid it in his garments and started up the hill and told me you'll never know if you don't chase me for helping us reach others with your gift of any size you'll receive secret to elevation on CD or when your gift is $200 or more you'll receive view from the top on DVD a grateful heart stationery and the woman Thou Art Loosed Bible reach the destination that was meant for you today this is an opportunity for pastors to it's a branching out opportunity [Music] get up close with TD jakes ministries at TD jakes or connect with us anywhere at any time if you haven't been hanging out with us on social media you've been missing I'm there for you ministering sharing the Word of God encouraging you and sometimes answering you yes isn't me personally come on over to social media hang out with me I've got something for you that will really bless your life on Facebook tweet us on Twitter follow us on Instagram and subscribe to our You Tube channel connect with us today alas I am out of time but it has been a joy over the past few weeks to share this series with you a view from the top perhaps it gives you a different perspective of things many people say they wanted but they don't know what they're asking for I pray that God would strengthen your heart and renew your mind and adjust your goals to His divine purpose in your life it's been a real joy to share this series with you and I want you to know that as we pray for you and I assume you pray for us that no matter what we face as long as we stay together we will survive take care now [Music]
Channel: T.D. Jakes
Views: 420,780
Rating: 4.7852077 out of 5
Keywords: td jakes sermons, TD Jakes, T.D. Jakes, TD jakes ministries, Bishop T.D. Jakes, Bishop td jakes, Bishop Jakes, The Potter's House, the Potter's Touch, You Can't Give Me What's Already Mine, sermons, how to recognize what god has given you, what do we do with power
Id: 4NNZ3kQoobw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 10sec (1690 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 22 2013
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