T.D. Jakes Sermons: The Fight With Frustration [Part 1]

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if you've ever had a moment in your life that you have measured yourself and come up short if you've ever poured yourself into an individual accompany a ministry a place or thing and didn't get the results you expected if you've ever been good to somebody who wasn't good back this message is for you if you've ever given your best to somebody and they act like it was nothing at all than this one I don't know about next week or the week after that but this one is for you I'm going to talk about the fight with frustration the fight with frustration this is the bars time welcome to the Potters touch I am your host for today Sarah Jake's and this message is for anyone who's frustrated with things not going the way they hope they would instead of throwing in the towel and saying I've had enough Bishop Jake's has a very special message for you perhaps I should take a moment in digress if you will and and just cause you to understand for those who might not be aware that this is Moses the pastor of the Old Testament I had and I thought one day I'm gonna do a leadership book just on Moses alone I've learned more about leadership from Moses he's absolutely amazing his name he's drawn out he was called out of the water God calls a leader out of the baby who was called out of the water and calls a nation out of the leader drawing them out there's always with God a drawing out who all those who are spiritual say who God trawls things out of you things you didn't even know you had in you he's always drawing them out of you they don't always appear instantaneously but over time God uses life to draw things out of you you didn't even know you had Moses is a derivative of life experience it took a while but God drew him out oh it only took a moment to draw the baby out of the water but it took a while to draw the leader out of the baby if I say nothing else I have preached with that alone it only takes a moment to draw the baby out of the cradle but it takes a while to draw the woman out of the baby the baby comes out of the woman much quicker than the woman comes out of the baby see the labor the water breaks the baby comes boom you bring the baby out of the woman and then you spend the next 40 years trying to bring the woman out of the baby I suggest you that all life is is the delivery room constantly drawing out of you things you didn't even know you had in you he was raised to think like an Egyptian but he had the blood of a Hebrew and the fighting he saw on the street with the fighting he had on the inside you know what it is to have a fight on the inside while you deal with fights on the outside it is easier to stop the fight on the outside than it is one on the inside he kills a man and stops the fight on the outside and for 40 years the would-be prince is now an outlaw running from what could have been his heir apparent now he runs into the wilderness not even a slave but a runaway Convy hiding from justice and there he has an encounter with God and God says go to the very place that you're running from until Pharaoh I said let my people go this is an amazing moment can I take you toget take the times over dude this is an amazing moment not only because he goes back to the very place that he's running from and have to face what he's afraid of this that's some all by itself but if an amazing moment because he gets to become the leader of the people that he is connected to but never got to bond with if I give him your family back it's like making your cultural connection motive comes back to Egypt to lead his people out of Egypt this is the personal investment here because now he's connected with his brothers brother god it's such a great idea in the mix with not people it's a great idea connected with your culture it's a wonderful thing feels good in theory sounds amazing we eat the same stuff we like the same color we dance move the same really cool hanging out with my folks especially will you never had it but sometimes things are better in your head that they are in real life so he comes to his his own people and and he starts leading them out and he's got God's power and he's got God's hand he's got God's made and he's trying to lead them out of something bad into something good and you think they would like you because you know you want to be like because you're back and he's leading them out from slavery and they're fighting the one who's leaving about Moses has been dealing with these nincompoops 420 yeah oh did I call him Lincoln boots I don't know how to spell nincompoops but it felt good to say that he has been through hell and high water the kind of stuff you go through that only life can teach life is the University my mother was absolutely right it is absolutely a university and whether you want to take the classes or not you got to take them everyday life will teach you some stuff he has been up and down he's been around and around and around they've been through snake bites a bit through famine they've been through pestilence they've been attacked by the amount of guy they've been through hell in high water and he's been through all of it a whole generation of them died in the wilderness because of her hateful memory complaining ways and now he's leading their kids and the father had been on sour grapes and the teeth of the children are set on the edge what does Bishop mean like that laughing at what Bishop means is that the kids are nasty because the parents are Master the children have unbelief because the parents had unbelief I'm saying that they have inherited the attributes of their parents just as hateful as their daddy's word and he's dealing with a fresh generation of hatred and he's old can I speak a word on behalf of the AARP children are for young people you need energy to give children what they really need to laugh and run and frolic after you get home from work you need to be 20-something when you get like 60 something your laughter box breaks in three minutes your patience runs out real quick what you thought was cute when you were 20 you are she welded a machete at with you in 15 thought about shallow dive there's a reason why old women shouldn't get pregnant I don't throw him right man I'm not reading don't even write me Moses is in that stage and these people are in this stage the difference is their fathers died in the wilderness but this is the chosen generation that will go over into the promised land and so forgot sister Moses we're going to do that thing that we did before only this time I want you to speak to the rock now now the people have been murmuring and complaining and Moses comes to God and says they're doing that thing their parents did you know when you have first generation trouble you got patience and faith but when it keeps coming up again and again and again they're doing that thing their parents did their murmuring complaints of Gunther's we're going to do that thing we did before but we're going to modify it a little bit instead of instead of smiting the rock like you did the first time God says speak to the rock and and and the rock will bring forth water and Moses cool cool cool breaking it down for you still to come on The Potter's touch people were frustrated with the leader and now the leader is frustrated with the people he should have spoke to the rock but become he had unresolved issues with the people it ball over and now he speaks to the people when he should have been speaking to the rock are you speaking to the people instead of speaking to the rock you have no idea what I mean I can't take this Intel frustration you had enough are you speaking to the people instead of speaking to the rock are you carrying your frustration to the people you love when you ought to be speaking to the rock and feeding the people you are I thought I would be further than this but now I thought I would have my life together frustration comes through what you thought no more bruisings are necessary isn't the word the water you need is in the word the thirst you have is in the word the healing is in the word you don't have to go through changes you don't have to go to crucifixion you don't have to bleed forward you don't have to work for it you don't have to sweat for it all you got to do is hear the word healing starts today order enough when you visit our website or call 1 800 Bishop 2 I mean it does have to come from within and to me if you become complacent or satisfied with what you have then you stop pioneering you tend to become introspective and I feel like it's a matter of firstly exposing us of being at leadership conferences like this one is so important because I think you you get the spirit built out of you you hear from other people and I find that as long as I make sure I'm getting the right input as long as I make sure that I'm looking after what goes on internally then I'll always want to be looking forward and believing God for whatever that new thing is but it has to be engineered from insider yeah gotten on his last nerve now now you must understand for this one little offense Moses has blocked from getting to the promised land he freaks out on the people and he has a meltdown and he just lets them have it this is probably the abridged version of what he said to him cuz he just counted you know you know how you do when you're talking to your folks and your folks you got all you owners it can vary the language you know that we are all communicate I don't know I'm just figured but whatever he said it was good him look good it was kind of full song you know I got that out of me but it resulted in God saying to Moses you cannot go to the Promised Land now because you did not obey me and I want you to understand some things first of all I want you understand that that Moses didn't understand that God was using his life as an example of what he would later do with Christ that the rock is the type of Jesus Christ the rock is Jesus you remember that he Iza wah the rocking the type of Christ and the reason God wanted him to smite it the first time but not smite it the second time is that when he smooth it the first time it tip of fact Christ being crucified and he wanted the illustration the shadow in the Old Testament to be that once Christ was crucified once he would not be crucified again and so when Moses smites the rock again he shatters the typology he messes up the metaphor and God judges him because he says something about the rock that is not true he's saying that the rock has to be smitten twice to bring forth water when Christ only had to be crucified once woman if you knew who I was you would ask me for water Christ is the rock if you drink of the waters that I have you will thirst again that you have but if you drink of the water that I have you will never thirst again if you believe on me as the Scriptures have said out of your belly shall flow rivers of living water Christ is the rock and he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquity just I love our peace was upon him with his strife we are here one time is enough Moses smoked Rock a second time and broke the tight shattered it God got upset now you know for God to block Moses from getting to the promised land it had to be serious God said other prophets have I spoke to through dreams and visas but of my servant Moses do I speak face-to-face God said I don't get my move with my boy I don't give him dreams of business when I want to talk to Moses I come down geomos what going down there face to face Moses has done all kind of stuff he murdered a man and God still used it with Moses his sister spoke against Moses God struck her with leprosy Moses is God's do you get in trouble saying something about mother Moses had gotten in God's face and argued with him and God put up with it Mowgli got in God's face and said they're young people they're not my people they're not be that I yelled they will argue back for with God and God put up with that what was it about this it was so horrible that God said for this you cannot go into the kingdom he said something about Christ that wasn't true if action said that the cross is not enough that he would be crucified twice it shattered the Gospel message to the chosen generation the former generation they didn't matter until the chosen generation these are the generations who have entered into something for which they did not labor these are the generations of people that are stepping into something that is so divine and so holy that now the water is just flowing through the word and here claims by the washing of water by the word the word is all you need to get the water no more bruisings are necessary but now through the word the water flow oh they don't hear me I'm gonna keep saying it until they get it it's in the word the water you need is in the word the thirst you have is in the word the healing is in the word you don't have to go through changes you don't have to go through crucifixion you don't have to bleed forward you don't have to work for it you don't have to sweat for it all you got to do is hear the word and the water is in the the word is in the water and the water is in the word and the word is in the water and the water is in the word and the word is in the water and it's flowing the Bible says the word increasing the disciples multiplied whenever there's good words you don't have to beg people to come the word will draw the people and he said his word and it healed him and the word slow and it flowed and that's why God says speak to the rock we've already paid the price speak to the rock and the waters will flow but Moses was frustrated then he couldn't obey a simpler solution now I won't tell you why it's frustrated they were murmuring again they were murmuring and complaining again they were murmuring and threatening to kill Moses and Moses was afraid for his life he was at his wits in and he'd already been through it before and he was frustrated so number one he's frustrated with the people he's frustrated with the people and when you are frustrated with the people you love the conflict is overwhelming it's one thing to be angry at people you don't know but when you are angry with people you're in covenant with the confusion is overwhelming because one thing says love them another thing says I want to choke you now if you haven't lived long enough to have that conflict I won't get an amen out of you but if you live long enough to have to have mirror on the inside and be quarreling with yourself you see the people were frustrated with the leader and now the leader is frustrated with the people the people are frustrated with the leader because they're frustrated with the leader because you have led us into trouble and people will follow you as long as there's not trouble you're a good husband you're a good man you're a good daddy oh you're such a good day till we get evicted see people love leadership that leads you into convenience but when when when the leadership gets kind of kind of bad murky gold/black gets dark they started murmuring against it long as mana was falling he was cool oh man a man a man but they got hungry and they got a dryer and now they're frustrated with the leader and Moses goes to God and God fence speak to the rock but Moses was mad okay God praise the Lord go down and speak to this rock after ass victimís Fievel because frustration needs to express itself what frustration always needs to express itself it can only hide so long and then it was express itself the people were frustrated with the leader and now the leader is frustrated with the people he should have spoke to the rock but because he had unresolved issues with the people it ball over and now he speaks to the people when he should have been speaking to the rock are you speaking to the people instead of speaking to the rock our youth daddy are you carrying your frustration to the people you love when you ought to be speaking to the rock and feeding the people you love if Moses would have just got that part right and all bent over you speak to the rock you feed the people simple speak to the rock feed the people speak to the rock feed the people carry it to God not to her VIN it to Jesus not your kid go to Jesus and let the spirit itself make groanings and moanings and grunt and scream and holler not her not the kids not your husband you don't tell him tell the rock give him the water no wonder the marriage is in trouble you're venting to him you got too much mouth for the marriage salut and you got to break it down to that third stage when you bring him out of that third stay together you got too much mouth in the Mersey community language now now the frustration with the people the frustration with the leader leads to the frustration with the people and all of a sudden Moses is in a dilemma and he had the right to be frustrated because frustration is a fan of investment you don't get frustrated with things you haven't invested in stock market crash you don't have no money in it you don't care you don't feel it because you don't have nothing invested in it Sara could tell Abraham put out Hagar and her child it was even for her to faith put that girl out the reason it was easy for Sarah to say put her out she didn't have none invested now Abraham is moaning and groaning because he have investment wherever there is investment there's frustration because investment creates expectation we're coming right back right after this you have no idea what I mean I can't take city tell frustration you had enough are you speaking to the people instead of speaking to the rock are you carrying your frustration to the people you love when you ought to be speaking to the rock and feeding the people you love I thought I would be further than this but now I thought I would have my life together frustration comes through what you thought no more bruisings are necessary isn't the word the water you need is in the word the thirst you have is in the word the healing of in the word you don't have to go through changes you don't have to go to crucifixion you bleed forward you don't have to work for it you don't have to sweat for it all you got to do is hear the word healing starts today order enough when you visit our website or call one 800 Bishop 2 the proud that you're trying to articulate he already understands the condition that you can't find the words to describe God already knows for helping us for each others with your gift of any size you will receive stuck at a crossroads on CD just visit our website or call one 800 Bishop 2 to get yours I don't want religion I want relationship I want connection I want to be hooked up with the one who died for me I want the power of God to break it up when your gift is $70 or more we will give you all three life-altering messages from crossroads your path to resurrection power and life on DVD you can put me out of the building but you can't put me out of the kingdom Jesus hate at all however when your gift is 170 dollars or more it will add this unique amplified topical reference Bible to the crossroads DVD and the blessing of grace promise cards God needs somebody who has been exposed to the next level to lead to the next level you cannot get people to go where you have not been your self that's why God fixed it for you to be here because it wants to expose you to something that you can go back and use in your city your visit your ministry your church to accomplish the things of God Bishop has just brought in so many different voices that are challenging us on a whole new level and whole new way strengthen through this I am just expecting a download from heaven afar you can reach how far you can go you need to be able to be exposed beyond the people that you leave are you ready you must realize my brother you are guilty too before you get the lynches noose and hang me for my crime get a mirror and look at yourself because you deserve to be hung to if you can live then so Canada it is my prayer that this message is helping you face those frustrations that you are dealing with in your heart if it wasn't for the continued support of bishop circle and Aaron's army we wouldn't have been able to deliver this message to you because of them we have dug wells in Kenya preach the gospel in Australia gone to Europe built homes in Mexico and even here in Dallas were out ministering to those on the street helping make this world have a little bit more of God's grace thank you so much for your continued support of the ministry we look forward to seeing you here next time at the Potters touch this is the
Channel: T.D. Jakes
Views: 1,777,385
Rating: 4.7748551 out of 5
Keywords: td jakes sermons, TD Jakes, T.D. Jakes, TD jakes ministries, Bishop T.D. Jakes, Bishop td jakes, Bishop Jakes, The Potter's House, Fight With Frustration, how to deal with frustration spiritually, how to overcome frustration
Id: tf7RyBGTvrA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 10 2014
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