T.D. Jakes Sermons: Stay on Track Part 1

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the younger brother of the prodigal son teaches us in fatica Lee that if we get what is ours too soon we cannot handle it that the same thing that should make us praise the father will drive us away from the father if we get it too soon the Bible said he said give me the portion of goods that falleth to me the father gave in and gave it to him and the blessing drove him over the edge my prayer has always been Lord don't give me more than I can happen this is the box greetings brothers and sisters in the name of Jesus Christ's the king I'm excited to share this series as we come to the close of the year on finishing strong it doesn't matter how you start it matters how you finish and I want you to finish strong this particular message that I'm going to share out of the series is teaching you how to stay on track a lot of people started but lord have mercy in a minute they have gotten way off track if that's you take a look at this discouragement can creep in secretly hide behind clothes make up hairdos discouragement is so bold that it will even hide behind a smile it will always ride to work with you and if it doesn't catch a ride going to work it'll catch a ride on the way back home discouragement will go into a tent into a garage apartment it are going to subsidize living it will walk right into a section-8 neighborhood it will come in but but but don't think that it stops there discouragement will walk right into a middle-class house and sit down at the dining room table and have a cup of coffee early in the morning it won't just stop there it will go in a mansion and sit on the side of the jacuzzi stick his feet in the hot tub and tell you life is not worth living if you listen at discouragement it will cause you to make bad decisions it will cause you to think that life is not worth living and secretly behind the facade of a smile and a good morning and a praise the Lord and how are you you will wonder if you're ever going to get out of what you're into particularly painful is discouragement and the life of the believer because as we travel from season to season it is not just the perils that we face but it is seeing the wicked go forward while the righteous are held back I don't know him I don't know if you've ever thought like that but sometimes I see people succeeding who didn't pray nearly as hard work nearly as long have not been faithful at all and it seems like they seemingly have moments of victory placed in close proximity so I could see it their victories are flaunted in my face not while I am having a similar experience but while all hell has broken loose in my life and I am going through agony and tragedy seemingly they are having victory and triumph and if you are not careful the very sight of their prosperity becomes you're a guinea and seeing them go forward will be a source of such continued frustration that it is not your test that baffles you but their success agonizingly displayed before you makes you despair of life until David says and 37 and one fret not thyself over evildoers how they prosper in their own way they shall soon be cut off he says in other words don't make a permanent decision over a temporary circumstance he says don't allow a moment of agony to make you draw a conclusion about life prematurely because if you just keep on walking with God God has a way of making everything all right but he warns us and declares to us that the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord steps somebody steps now this the term steps implies process means it's going to take a while means that you can't get to the destination just because you want it just because you saw it just because you like it just because you need it in fact we are often tormented by vision mm-hmm yeah we are tormented by vision it's a painful thing to be a visionary because the visionary sees what shall be and wakes up to deal with what is sometimes the visionary cries out on the inside and says God don't even show me what shall be because every time I shout and dance over what you showed me I go home to a harsh and painful bleak dark reality and the fact that I am torn between what shall be and what he is creates agony in my life the Bible said Hope deferred makes the heart sick there are moments that I'd rather not know that I'm going to be king if you're going to send me back out into the field to take care of sheep why didn't you just hide that I was going to be king so I could be satisfied taking care of sheep but because you told me you had more for me I wanted to hasten the process to get to my destiny now now I'm not happy doing what I used to be have been doing because I'm tormented by what Shelby I want to hasten my process so that I can get to and expected in but that cannot be done because a blessing given too soon is not a blessing at all I could give my son the car keys now and tell him to go to the store but had I given it to him when he was 5 it would not have been a blessing at all same car saying son given too soon he can't handle it the car can handle it the road can handle it I can give it to him but he can't handle it so would I be a good father if I gave him a good thing too soon sometimes my goodness is proven by my ability to say not yet the younger brother of the prodigal son teaches us in fatica lee that if we get what is ours too soon we cannot handle it that the same thing that should make us praise the father will drive us away from the father if we get it too soon the Bible said he said give me the portion of goods that falleth to me the father gave in and gave it to him and the blessing drove him over the edge my prayer has always been Lord don't give me more than I can handle you know when to bless me you know how to bless me you know when I'm ready to be blessed teach me patience with the process oh I'm preaching right now still to come on the fodder stretch did you know your blessing is already ready that is that is already in place that God isn't fixing it up right now it's already done that the work doesn't have to be applied to where you're going the work has to be applied to you so that when you get where you're going you can handle what you got a handle and so God help me preach the steps the steps the step touch three people say the steps the steps the steps he has a place in mind somebody out of thank God for shut doors a piece in store God can give you some things that your money cannot buy and provision for you need he already has the manger in place while man was shutting doors so don't be afraid of the gift God gives don't be a friend when he bypasses a hotel and takes you to the barn because God has a way of turning a barn into a penthouse suite don't be a friend of the gift God gives for helping us reach others with your best gift we would like to give you don't be afraid of the gift God gifts on CD as well as a bonus message the Rainmaker on DVD and when your gift is $150 or more receive our blessed and loved calendar a blessed and loved journal for recording your experiences to new heights and our blessed and Luft inspiration cup when you visit our website or call one 800 Bishop 2 today I think the perspective is critical in order for you to be an overcoming to be victorious it's not what happens to you it's how you feel about what happens to you the ability to manage problems and situations is what determines the CEO from the janitor have been both and I can clearly tell you the higher up you go the more problems you encounter and your ability to have proper perspective under fire is critical and frankly it takes discipline because no matter who you are where you are the heart trembles with fear your mind races with possibilities but if you can discipline yourself to hold on to your perspective while you are under fire you can overcome anything that takes discipline not emotionalism you can't dance your way into this you have to be sober and be vigilant because you're under fire your perspective is being attacked the enemy is trying to make you think that you are not coming out or that you don't have what it takes or that you can't do it or that you can you can't you can't but if you can hold on to your perspective and be disciplined enough to keep the car in the middle of the road even though the wind is rocking from side to side you'll drive through the storm and when the storm is over you'll still be standing I don't I don't always have patience with the process I don't I don't I don't like process I don't like process I don't I don't like paperwork I don't like waiting in line I don't like being sent from this person to that person I don't like modern telephone answering services that say if you want this punch five and if you want that point to if it's yes say yes and if there's no hit 7 and I don't want all that I just just want you to turn the water back on that's all I want you to do that's all I want I don't I don't want to go through the directory I don't want to talk to a machine I don't want to punch in any numbers just give me what I want like I wanted when I wanted how I wanted and you won't have no trouble out of me I'm not talking about you I'm just talking about me maybe maybe it's because I'm the baby of my family maybe I'm spoiled I don't know what it is maybe it's my age or stage but for some reason I want stuff my nerves are getting bad but if the nerves are getting bad I don't I don't like waiting in line if I Drive past Wendy's and the line is too long I'd rather go home hungry than to sit I don't know maybe it's just me but but my patience is getting frail I I used to be polite while people talk smart but but but they are my patience I I had to give a disclaimer I don't know what it is when my hair started turning white I started speaking my mind I'm I'm dangerous they should put a warning sign on my forehead that I spontaneously combust because I don't like the process I did not want God to order steps I wanted God to order a blessing I wanted God to order a healing I wanted God to order prosperity I wanted God to order victory but instead of ordering victory he ordered steps he ordered it he he already hidden just offer steps as an option to be selected on a directory of choices he ordered the order steps the steps of a good man are ordered by I know you used to shouting over their text but before you dance think a minute God ordered steps who wants steps nobody wants steps steps are not beautiful they're not attractive now when they put them in your house they try to decorate them put carpet on them some people even put lights up under him they try to decorate them but nobody wants steps the only reason we have steps is to get us to a higher level if there were a way to get upstairs without going upstairs to get there we would take it if we could afford an elevator we would put one in but if you don't have the 60 70 thousand dollars it takes to put an elevator in your house then guess what you go up the steps one at a time I take them one at a time now I didn't use to I used to take two and three at a time when I was younger I would just just step over steps and just take two or three steps at a time I did that I ran up the steps pomping on the phone I skipped over the steps I ignored the steps they were no problem when I was younger no no I don't remember knees aching back hurting anything I just went up the steps fast I ran up him until I tripped on him as long as I had never tripped going up the steps I ran going up the steps I skipped over top of him it was funny to me to see somebody take one step at a time my legs were long my back was straight I could expedite the process and get there quicker old people got on my nerves took them too long to get where they were trying to go scuse me step aside move to the right I got a goal I run up the steps until I fell on the steps and the steps taught me to respect them I bust my lip on the step and I learn respect for the process I learned that the race was not given to the Swift nor the ward to the strong but to him that endureth to the end I learned as cars shot past me and jumped in front of me and pulled around me when I was driving only to meet me at the red light I learned I learned that speed for a moment doesn't really mean progress that the fact that you pulled around me and and and gave me the signal that that you when I saw when I pulled up to the red light and you were there I started to give it back to you because I didn't do it but I thought about it I because you made me feel bad when you pulled around me you made me look small when you pull around me you embarrass me in front of my kids when you pull around me but when when I finally got up there and saw that you still had to stop at the same red light I found out the race is not given to the Swift nor the war to the strong I learned to pace myself I learned the pace myself I learned to get on the highway and use cruise control I didn't used to do that my brother and I used to speed race going down the highway I didn't think it was cool till we was in triple digits III did that till I had a curbed beyond and almost went over the other side of the embankment I learned that when you get an occur you got to slow down go go through the process God has ordered steps that the thing that I'm thankful for is to know that God orders the steps it helps me to understand that I am not wandering aimlessly that I'm not just moving on my own that there is a course for me to take and that I can't graduate till I take it that there is a path for me to trot that God isn't making this thing up as he goes I thought he was making it up as he went that's why I prayed so he could make it up my way I prayed to abort the process I prayed to speed it up I prayed to get out of things that he wanted me to stay into I prayed that I wouldn't have to endure some things that he wanted me to endure I was working on the destination but he was working on me and and sometimes he made me wait he he made me slow down said no you skipped that step go back go back and do that again if you skipped it with Jimmy I'm gonna send it back with Freddie if you skipped it with Willie you're gonna have to go do it with Roger if you skipped it with Sally you will go through it with Suzy because all of these are tools that I'm using the work on you I'm not preparing the blessing for you I'm preparing you for the blessing the blessing is already prepared oh my god the blessing is already prepared eyes have not seen ears have not heard neither has entered into the heart of man the things that God have prepared for them the love it did you know your blessing is already ready that is that it's already in place that God isn't fixing it up right now it's already done that the work doesn't have to be applied to where you're going the work has to be applied to you so that when you get where you're going you can handle what you gotta handle and so God help me preach the steps the steps the steps touch three people say the steps the steps the steps you wanted children but your wasn't a good parent you wanted that wife but you wasn't a good man and anytime you get anything too soon you will trip on the steps so God puts us in process and order steps he doesn't my steps does everything by steps does everything by step somebody was some young pastor was had gotten ahold to some of our materials that we disseminate behind the scenes for our conferences and they said everything is is regimented at 7 o'clock the lights go up at 7:01 the priests he was saying at 7:15 it's in the hands of so-and-so it said they were amazed because they were used to go onto a church that had no steps I explained to them when when you don't have much to manage you can do it haphazardly you can just call sister Agnes out of the crowd and say I see Agnes is coming to bid and let's have a gist come sing a solo but but but when you when you have something massive to run you can't run it in a haphazard way your structure has to be different your order has to be different you can move spontaneously you have to move a little method automatically and mechanically so that you are prepared to handle it you can't drive an 18-wheeler like you drive a Volkswagen you can make a sudden turn in a VW but if you're driving an 18-wheeler you got to think before you get to the turn and start shifting down and moving into position so that when you get to the turn you are positioned to make the right turn and if you weren't going to do much God could jerk you quickly but to him whom much is given much is required and you have to go through the process to get everything lined up yes you can handle it but can your children handle it yes you can handle it but can your spouse handle it yes you can handle it but do you have the right friends for where you're trying to go there has to be some adjustments on the steps before you get to the stage hate to stuffy right there but I'll be right back it is good to be uncomfortable I've never met anybody who was terribly creative or gifted or strong and leadership who was also comfortable is always those people who say is there not a cause those exceptional people who are uncomfortable with the times and rise to the challenge because they refused to allow the chaos around them to determine the Conqueror within them it is the chaos of the time that creates a bunker in the bay I'm not trying to be R to the left or veer to the right or gradually get it together I don't have time to gradually get it together I'm getting ready to do something so radical and so massive I'm gonna turn the whole day 180 degree celebrate the electrifying atmosphere of woman Thou Art Loosed with the highly anticipated release woman Thou Art Loosed worship live at Lakewood with Bishop TD jakes pastor Cheryl Brady Myron Butler gay Arbuckle John Murray lady joy Hill and featuring Maurice Brown and the hit anthem the sound of worship woman Thou Art Loosed live at Lakewood get your copy today when you visit w ta l dot org or call 1-800 Bishop - next week on the Potters touch even Jesus had steps they tried to crown him too soon and he disappeared because they were trying to make him skip the steps she said no no you can't crown me before you cross me it is my cross that makes my crown it is my agony that makes my ecstasy it is my sickness that makes my healing it is my poverty that illuminates my prosperity makes me appreciate where I am oh god help me we have to stop there but my prayer is that you would allow the Word of God to dwell in your heart by faith if you have gotten off track that you begin to understand that you must get back on course you can't get to the expected end if you take the wrong turn you've got to stay on course if you understand the importance of this message perhaps you will get it and use it to keep you on track play it over and over again because from time to time all of us beard to the right and veered to the left but this will get you dead center on course have a blessed day this is the bar
Channel: T.D. Jakes
Views: 685,446
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: td jakes sermons, TD Jakes, T.D. Jakes, TD jakes ministries, Bishop T.D. Jakes, Bishop td jakes, Bishop Jakes, The Potter's House, the Potter's Touch, Stay on Track, not letting one moment define us, how can growth fulfill us
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 07 2012
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