Just Do It

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coming up on The Potter's touch slap somebody just do it the enemy's trying to stop you from doing it because every time you have a beam moment he trusts and deep Toria become as soon as you figure out who you are you're gonna do exploits slap somebody Zak got something to do as well he'll is breaking loose if my life I got something to do that's why I keep going through storms and setbacks I got something to do that's why I keep getting sick in my body I got something to do that's why the devil keeps bringing up my past coming got something to that's why he's trying to break my heart coming out something this is the greetings in the name of Jesus Christ our King I'm so delighted and so pleased to have an opportunity to share the word of the Lord with you the flower faints the grass withers but the word of the Lord will stand forever the message today is called just do it it is hard to bring things from thought life to accent how often do we assume that we have tomorrow to get things said or done you don't always have it you have right now you have this moment the people that know their God shall be strong and do exploits this is your season to do it take a look at this Daniel 11:32 with you this morning I want to consider Daniel 11:32 this would be Clause of the text but I'll read the whole thing and such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries but the people that do know their God shall be strong and do exploits but the people that do know their God shall be strong and do exploits I had him highlight three words knowing being doing knowing being and doing there's something in that order that's powerful knowing the people that know their God have a relationship with their God they know their God they are settled in their relationship with their God you'd be surprised and the people who come to church every Sunday and are not settled in their relationship with God they love the idea of God but not necessarily the reality of God they have unresolved issues with God you'd be surprised at the people who clap and sing and shout and are not convinced that God even likes you because many of us have been taught the kind of faith that is it is a Meritus understanding of faith that you have to you have to earn his love and in the back of your mind you're not sure that you paid the bill to be good enough to have his love and because you're not settled in your relationship with God you can't work the promises of God cuz you're really not sure he is talking to you because every time the promises of God come up there's a new voice on my shoulder saying you know what you did God God doesn't love you God that God didn't care about you if God cared about you why would you be able to mess you mean there's all of those voices that come to you that say either you're not good enough for God or God hadn't been good enough to you for you to be sure that he loves me if God loved me why am i living in this house at me do you know your God or do you just know Church because most people don't church better than they know God and if this scripture is understood correctly the prerequisite for greatness is the people that know their God in descent generic people the people that know their God no not believe for the demons believe and tremble he said I will not bless you over what you believe I will bless you over what you know the people that know their God not hope their God but know their God I know him I know him I know him somebody say I know him somebody was talking to me the other day and they was telling me something that someone had said or they were telling me something that they wanted me to believe that they said and I said to say they're you when you know somebody you just about know what they said I tell people you can't really tell a mother much about her child she might be in denial but you can't raise a child and not know them you might have painted yourself into some kind of delirious fictitious ideology of who you'd like for them to be but the truth of the matter is if you're if I come to you to tell you challenge the liar they lied at home before they lied here why are you up in my face all shot when you know there is something when you know somebody you know whether they did it or not you know whether they said it or not you don't have to see them you don't have to hear them because when you know them the Bible said unto Moses he showed his ways and unto Israel he showed his acts I'd rather know your ways and to know your acts because if I know your ways I already know what you're capable of doing I know you I know I know I saw no he didn't say I know he didn't say that that's not even his language that's not half that's not even what matters to him that's not him I know him he wouldn't say they're the people that know somebody shall know the people that know their God shall be strong therefore being justified by faith we have peace with God you cannot have the peace of God until you have peace with God you're asking God to give you peace and you want the peace of God but you don't have peace with God you want to understand the gift but not the Giver give me your peace why would I give you my peace when you and I don't have peace don't you understand that I didn't just go to the cross to be cool to be edgy to be him I went to the cross so that it would leave an indelible impression of what love looks like who else went to the cross for you I said who else went to cross for you nobody did the people that know their God shall be knowing brings you into being the people that know shall be the being comes out of the knowing I can be it cuz I know glory to God let's go to Luke for two to four because this is what happens out of Jesus moment of being this is where Satan tries to put a detour to his destiny the Bible says he was led of the spirit into the wilderness to be tempted why does Satan tempt him right now because of the strong being moment Satan knows that out of this drum being moment will come a Dueling moment have you ever noticed that when your faith is as strong as you come up under the greatest attack because every time the devil senses that you're about to walk into who you be he knows next you're gonna do something and he's trying to stop you from doing it slap somebody say just do it the enemy's trying to stop you from doing it because every time you have a being moment he trusts in deep torria because as soon as you figure out who you are you're gonna do exploits slap somebody's a got something to do that's why all hell is breaking loose in my life I got something to do that's why I keep going through storms and setbacks I got something to do that's why I keep getting sick in my body I got something to do that's why the devil keeps bringing up my past cuz I got something to do that's why he's trying to break my heart coming down something oh do you hear what I'm teaching this morning shake your neighbors hand and say I got something to do I got something to do I got something to do I guess something to do Pop's I got something to do I got something to do I got something to do I got some little son I got something to do I got some to do man I got something to do if you got something to do give God some kind of pray still to come on the past failures current situations where are you getting your identity it should be found in Christ and Christ alone learn that your problem doesn't have to define you through Bishop series I am when life call the road for school you were not present you were either in yesterday Oh groping after tomorrow for your gift of any size you will receive bishops revealing message the beauty of in-between on CD from the series I am made in His image not by works and air just receives on the basis of feelings and when your gift is $65 or more you'll receive bishops to message series I am made in His image on DVD discovered at the time that the blood was sick however for your gift of $110 or more will also include our I am poster embrace your identity with Christ when you say I am his today in Luke 4 - he says the Bible said been 40 days tension of the devil in those days he didn't eat nothing and when they were ended he afterwards hungered God and the devil said unto him if thou ow'st you've got it for I get even if thou be see the devil knew that the doing was based on the being so now he questions his being if thou be the Son of God what do you mean if did you not hear my daddy speak from heaven and said this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased dare you question my being by my doing they're three tests and in this one he is trying say that his trying to take his being and make it performance-based if thou be then do which suggests I am what I do he is trying to move my I am from being to doing yes yes if thou be then do if God loved you then do if you really a Christian then do any time that goes performance it left the promise performance-based ideologies says I am what I do and what Satan is trying to do is move Jesus from a being to a doing again he takes him up into a high place let's look at the second test and the devil taking him up into a high mountain showed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time showed him everything and the devil said unto him all of this power will I give thee and the glory of them for that is delivered unto me and to whomever I will give it possession base from performance base that didn't work now possession base he's trying to teach him I am what I have I'm gonna give it to you man I'm gonna give it to you I'll give you all of this stuff so you can prove you the Son of God he was the son of God in the water dude before the conversation ever broke out he was he was the son of God right then it was about being not doing it was about being not possessing he's moved from trying to tempt him with a performance-based understanding of who he is to a possession based understanding who I I must be great I make money I must be great I Drive a Ford I must be great I have a big house I must be great I'm pretty I must be great I have this I must be great I have that validation that comes from stuff is never God I'm really good I'm really rubbing the grain go with me are you with me so he's trying to get him to identify with possessions and this this generation is dropped with this you can't wear watches it who made it you step on the runway what are you wearing you got everybody's name on you but your own oh that's a Gucci right there that's a sailor rib right there oh I know what that is a Christian so so if you weren't Christian Louboutins and if you were Gucci and if you must be somebody because if you do you'll sell your soul for bowl of soup give me that watch it'll make me importantly give me that job and to make the important give me that card I make me important if you weren't important before you got it you won't be important after you get it I am what I have let's go a little deeper let's go look deeper look for nine and he brought him to Jerusalem and set him on the pinnacle of the temple and said if thou be the son of God cast thyself down because it is written he shall give his angels charge over thee to keep thee and in their hands they shall bear thee up lest you dash your foot against the stone what is he trying to get Jesus to do he's trying to get Jesus to show off in front of Jerusalem in front of the temple where they had rejected the very notion of him being a messiah because he thinks that if he does that he's offering him popularity if enough people like me than I am how many people following you on Twitter I got to get my following up I got to get my friends up because if I have popularity who you got quite again if if I let me show you how many people follow me do you know Bishop started follow me so I am because of who follows me who Laxmi popularity base identity who performance based identity if you do this you'll be the fun of God if they like you you'll be the fan of God if I give you my possessions you'll be now let me show you something I'm teaching just do it okay and yet I'm criticizing doing it to define who you are well I'm confused should I do it a lot good you did you just said just do it and then you turn around and said not to define myself by what I do can I protect my own text which way is it reven do I do it or not do it the problem is not about doing it it is why you do it what I am criticizing is putting the doing before the beam so that you think that if I do this I will be somebody if I buy this I will be somebody if they like me I will be the you got it backwards the people that know their God shall be and because you're doing doesn't come from the deeper place of being it hasn't worked for you because you are who you are you can do what you can do but if you're trying to find out who you are by doing things you will never find out who you are by doing you have to start with being so are you are you getting I want you to see this I don't want to lose you this because the difference between the two determines the direction of your destiny if you're always seeking a certain status to validate who you are you're never gonna have peace you have to know who you are and then you can climb to the status you can't climb up to find yourself you have to find yourself so you can climb up oh you climb up to find yourself you have to find yourself so you can climb up so you can be who you are before anybody knows who you are so that means you could be rich why are you broke you could you could be healed while you sit you could be loose while you bow it does not gotta stop there it's been a real joy to share the word of the Lord with you but these are our opportunities lying dormant inside of all of us and it's waiting on you that you're not waiting on common plates you're not waiting on God God is waiting on you that's why I preach this message just do it before we close I want to extend an invitation to those of you who have not already responded and thousands have already responded but I want you to be one of them for some reason I just keep pulling I want you to be one of them Jew enough it megafest I don't know I just feel like there's something there for you I'm not just talking about fun and festivities and entertainment all that's great but in the kingdom and the Spirit in your faith in your destiny walk you need to be in manifest I think it bears witness in your spirit just be about it do it just do it waiting to hear from the Coleman obviously I can't stop smiling everybody was you know worshiping and it was a great experience to worship with kids that are around the same age it was very spiritual the worship in bars the great experience and I never been line like this before just crazy energy God was there the music was there it was so it was don't like far above anything I expected for real a man on fire on fire if you didn't leave change I don't know what's wrong with the music the Norton like it was a blessing it really was fun it was beautiful just to see the youth and young adult on fire forgotten not ashamed of the gospel that was having fun I was singing I was dancing and it was awesome I experienced from old to young everybody was on one Accord and worshiping one God this was my first mega fist probably won't be my last everything from the little things are the big things everybody's just welcoming it's just wonderful I love you spent all last year when Oh God to do something that he's already done this year you've got to recognize your destiny your future your prophecy is already
Channel: T.D. Jakes
Views: 306,482
Rating: 4.8603725 out of 5
Keywords: td jakes, faith, wtal, woman thou are loosed, megafest, potters house, bishop jakes, pastors and leadership, pastors, leaders, instinct
Id: gkzg52HbaW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 21 2015
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