T.D. Jakes Sermons: Don't Drown in Shallow Waters - Part 1

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it seems a ridiculous notion that you could drown in shallow water especially after you have survived the deep it seems strange that you could drown in something that you could handle it seems strange that you could drown in something that you could master but the toughest time to life are not in the beginning of the struggle because the beginning of the struggle catches you fresh you're vibrant you're cocked for it you're dangerous but it is when you are closest to the shore that you are the most vulnerable to collapse this is the part greetings brothers and sisters in the name of Jesus Christ our King I am so blessed is so excited to have the opportunity to share the world with you I'm excited about the word I still get excited about the word good preaching 37 years I still love his word I love what it does in your life and in your heart I love how it strengthens you I love how it helps you I've got a message that I believe you are going to love take a look it seemed odd to me that statistics say that most accidents occur two miles from the house it seems like if you were going to crash you're going to crash 25 miles or 15 miles or 10 miles from the house but sometimes when you are the closest to the shore things become the most difficult in my text this morning we are following the Apostle Paul on a journey for the Lord there are some concepts I just pulled a few life lessons that I want to share with you this morning that will keep you from drowning in shallow water that your neighbor say are you listening this one number one and you might want to jot these down don't take the presence of the storm to indicate the absence of God don't take the presence of the storm to indicate the absence of God sometimes when you enter into a storm and there are all kinds of storms health storms physical storms financial storms emotional storms there all kinds of storms I'm not talking about the storms that rain down water and the lightning and the Thunder and all of that that I'm talking about storms that other people can't see undetectable storms storms that make people think you haven't been through anything because you get up out the bed every morning and you you you put your hair up and put your makeup on and and they don't know you put your smile on just like you did your makeup and and walk to him smiling because you are going through a secret storm has anybody ever gone through a secret storm see see when you're going through a visible storm somebody will hand you an umbrella or a raft or or some help or some assistance because they are aware of your suffering but when you go into a secret storm there is no comfort there because nobody knows that you're dealing with a secret storm they're jealous of the car you're driving not knowing that is two payments behind the Indians of the position that you were promoted to not knowing that now that you're promoted into that position you can't even rest at night you can't even sleep at night you've got so much pressure and so much responsibility on you and all of a sudden you're in a storm and nobody even knows it and when we get in a storm we have a tendency to wonder where is God job said I looked for him he was there a minute ago but now I can't find him I I looked on the right side and I couldn't find him I looked on the left side and I perceived him not where is God in the storm because we buy into this notion that if God was with us we would have no storm that if God were really with us we would be happy that if God were really with us everything would go smoothly that if God were really on our side we would have no family problems if God were really with us our bills would be paid how could God be with us in us being foreclosure how could God be with us and we have cancer how job said I can't figure it out how could my kid die and God be with me how could my house be on fire and God be with me I look for it I look for him I didn't see him I didn't see him I looked on the right I didn't see him I look behind me I didn't he said you had my back I didn't see him I looked in front of me I thought he'd lead the way I didn't see him but you cannot see in a storm that's why he told you to walk by faith and not by sight you cannot see in a storm don't look for God to be sensual in your storm he will not appeal to your senses your senses add to your comfort God will not make you comfortable in your storm but just because you are in the presence of the storm the storm does not negate the presence of God nor does it indicate the absence of God in fact if you really want to see God do his best work get in trouble I know you think God does his best work when you're dancing in the church and you're clapping and you rave in your hands and all of that stuff no no no no no no no no no I know that God visits your praise the Bible said he inhabits the praises of Israel I understand that God visits your praise but if you want to know where God lives he lives in trouble the Bible said he is a very very present help in the time of trouble if you looking for God he's in the storm he may not be saying anything Peter you may find him asleep on the boat in the bottom of the ship but don't think that he jumped off the boat because you were in a storm he is with you in the store he promised he promised to be without Matthias about the promises of God anytime God promises you something get ready for trouble I know you haven't heard of top that way but I'm gonna rock your world this morning anytime God promises you something get ready for trouble I never promised the obvious I never promised the obvious I never promised my wife I promise you I'll be a black man you'll get it when you get home I promise you I remain a male never promise that you never promise the obvious you give a promise when you know that something is going to come to make you doubt if I write Michael a check the check is the promise he came out spended but it is a promise that the money is behind it whenever God promises you something he says you may not have it in your sensual realm right now but I promise you good God did he promise you anything I heard him myself I heard him myself I heard him when he said he promised me when you passed through the water I'll be with you he wouldn't have said that if his presence was apparent because he never promised the obvious he said but wouldn't you pass through the water you got my word on it I am in there with you you may not see me you may not feel me you may not sense me but I tell you what all the while you stroke it in the water understand you are not struggling by yourself don't be so aware of the storm that you lose awareness of the God in the storm still to come on the potters touch I'm not in this by myself I'm not driving to work by myself I'm not paying these bills by myself I'm not taking this medicine by myself I'm not raising this child by myself I'm not holding this house together by myself I know I got at least one passenger the Lord is with me in the storm storm if you fight me you gotta fight him I don't have no details but I am coming out of this I don't know where the money's coming from but I am coming out of this I don't know whether to be divine healing or medicine I'm coming out of there for helping us reach others with your gift of any size you'll receive your divine destination as a 2-cd set just visit our website or call one 800 Bishop - lets go make a lot of things away from me but it will not blow him away from me and when your gift is $60 or more we'll give you both messages from your divine destination on DVD as well however when your gift is 100 dollars or more we will also add the grateful heart stationary set let us help you navigate through your storm today I wonder if Peter wouldn't have done better steering the ship from the bottom of the boat instead of steering in the sensual realm where the storm lives the real God was in the bottom of the boat and are you steering your life based on what you see or are you steering your life based on what you believe I don't know why God had me on this this morning but I suspect that somebody in this church is in a storm you don't steer through the storm based on the conditions of the storm you steer through the storm based on the Solidarity of your faith and understand that this too shall pass let let no wait wait let's settle this right off the top let's fix the end from the beginning before the first lightning flashes before the thunder rolls before I even get wet let's settle one thing right now when we see the dark clouds coming and we feel the moisture in the air let's settle the end from the beginning I am coming out of this they didn't hear what I said baby I am coming out of this I am coming out of this tell you baby I am coming out of this I don't have no details but I am coming out of this I don't know where the money's coming from but I am coming out of this I don't know whether it'll be divine healing or medicine but I am coming out of this I don't know whether they going to lay hands on me or I'm going to have to do therapy but I am oh my god I wish I had some faith in this room I wish I had some faith in this room you ought to make a declaration right now that the devil can hear I am coming out of this okay the storm has started the beginning have occurred alpha I don't know what all I'm gonna have to go through to get to the end of it but let's set a pen on the end of it and say I shall come forth as pure gold and they have to crawl and they have to cry I may have to wait I may have to suffer I may have to hold my peace but when everything is said and done I will come out of this how you know you're coming out because he's with me he's with me he's with me he is with me in the storm the storm may blow a lot of things away from me but it will not blow him away from me let's settle on that he is with me in the storm I don't know whether you listen to me I don't know whether you with me I don't know whether you're with me I don't know whether you're with me but let's settle this much right now I know I got at least one passenger the Lord is with me in the storm storm if you fight me you gotta fight him because the Lord is with me in the special stuff right there this I was reading an interesting article about elderly people and it said elderly people have been proven statistically to live longer if they have anything living in the house anything living in the house I mean anything even if y'all don't like each other you got somebody to argue with you got somebody to roll your eyes at you live longer if that crazy yeah that blew my mind then they said it doesn't have to be a person they say if you got a cat or a dog or goldfish to feed or something to worry about it's something to take care of uh something to do you got anything living with you you live longer but if you don't have anybody and you'd only have a cat and you don't have a dog if a cat and a dogs presence then if you were if I if a catch or dogs presence can increase the years of your life how much more would the presence of God increase the years of your life when you find out I'm not living by myself I'm not in this by myself I'm not driving to work by myself I'm not paying these bills by myself I'm not taking this medicine by myself I'm not raising this child by myself I'm not holding this house together by myself don't allow the presence of the storm to make you doubt the presence of God everybody in this room that knows that the Lord is with you stand up and brag about it right now yeah yes yes yes he's with me the Lord is with me I hope he's with you but I know he's with me the Lord is with me he been with me a long time he been with me for 56 years all of my life the Lord has been can I get a witness in here right now sit down I'm just talking to you now my heart went out to Paul he's already been through a lot and the Lord is using the ship to get him into his destiny and then the thing he was counting on riding on protected by start coming apart what do you do when what God gave you to ride in starts coming apart do you give up hope do you throw up your hands do you walk away I want to suggest to you that God did not promise the ship he promised you he didn't promise the ship that he was going to be with the boat he said I'm going to be with you so number two is don't preserve the temporary I don't want you to define success or to ask God to preserve the temporary don't ask God to preserve the temporary see see I this good see God promised to get you there but he didn't say how God promised to bring you through but he didn't say through whom and if you're not careful you alpha males you controlling sisters you will put all your energy into preserving the boat not understanding that success is not defined by preserving the temporary and you put all of your work into preserving something that God only gave you for a season Oh y'all hear what I'm saying every blessing is not meant to last the journey God brings some people in your life to get you from point A to point B oh god help me this morning and if you're not careful you will get to point B instead of going to point C you'll stop and try to preserve what you had not understanding that God's got something else to carry you the rest of the way I'm saying that just because the ship comes apart doesn't mean you have to come apart can you imagine being on the boat bound and tied stressed and weary the thing you was count going to get you to the other side the job you thought you retired with to get you to the other side the house you thought you'd have the rest of your life to get you to the other side and the storm got it how many of you have lost some stuff in the storm lost some friends in the storm lost some people in the storm loss of relationships in the storm and it made you feel like a failure but you're not a failure it was a temporary blessing if it was meant to stay it couldn't leave in fact the destruction of the boat could be an announcement that you have arrived at your destination I'll be right back with you after this I know I got at least one passenger the Lord is with me in the storm storm if you fight me you gotta find him I don't have no details but I am coming out of this I don't know where the money's coming from but I am coming out of this I don't know whether to be divine healing or medicine coming out of there for helping us reach others with your gift of any size you'll receive your divine destination as a 2-cd set just visit our website or call 1 800 Bishop to the store make a lot of things but it will not blow him away from me and when your gift is $60 or more we'll give you both messages from your divine destination on DVD as well however when your gift is 100 dollars or more we will also add the grateful heart stationery set let us help you navigate through your storm today get up close with TD jakes ministries at TD jakes org we have many great resources available stream live or watch on-demand become a TD jakes mobile insider and connect with us anywhere at anytime on your smartphone or tablet by downloading the app give and support by texting tdj 287 400 and receive mobile alerts with info updates and special offers talk to us on facebook tweet us on twitter follow us on instagram and subscribe to our youtube channel connect with us today to close squeeze that hand let your neighbor know you're too close I rebuke this fear to give it up squeeze that head I rebuke the spirit of giving up don't give up on your life don't give up on your dream don't give up on your family for God's sake don't give up on yourself squeeze that hair I don't care how bad it is he shot a cop toe bush in a bush a tie it in an old Shia yeah hey hey hey hey hey hey Lord glory I feel the anointing moving in this place somebody's getting a touch from God right now yes or take the to it whatever it is give me the strength give me the strength oh I'm out of time I've got to stop there but it's been a real joy precious joy a deep and fortifying blessing to share the word of the Lord with you and to be an instrument to encourage I pray he use me will and I pray you become all that God has called you to be and I pray above everything else that you do not quit for you are closer now than when you first believed god bless you
Channel: T.D. Jakes
Views: 561,623
Rating: 4.7870722 out of 5
Keywords: td jakes sermons, the potters touch, The Potter's House, the potters house, Potters house, TD Jakes, T.D. Jakes, Bishop td jakes, Bishop T.D. Jakes, motivational speech, inspirational message, difficult things will happen, don't drown in shallow waters
Id: d0EOzd9rjig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 10 2013
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