5 EASY Tricks to Finish your Route as FAST as Possible Driving for AMAZON DSP Delivery 🚚💨

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what's up guys so it's my second week working for Amazon delivery and in this short video I would like to share with you guys uh some tricks and some tips on how to finish your route as fast as possible now if you guys have seen my previous videos I shared that one of the benefits of working with Amazon delivery is that you could leave early if you finished early so if for example you're scheduled to work from 11AM to 9 40 p.m and you finish at 5 or 6 PM you could leave early and get paid for the full day so that's one of the benefits of working for Amazon delivery so if you are looking to work for Amazon delivery or you're already working for Amazon delivery I would suggest for you to um really focus on knowing how to work quickly so that you could finish early now for the first week it's not realistic that you finish early because there's so many things that you have to learn you have to learn how to use the app you have to learn how to organize your packages you have to learn how to safely drive your van so in the first week I do not suggest rushing okay the first week really try focusing on learning how to use the the different aspects or different things that you need to know in order to drive efficiently with Amazon delivery okay because if you rush in your first week you could risk getting into accident or things not making many mistakes so the first week do not stress because it's understandable that you're not uh quick already it's understandable you're in the learning process so your bosses are not going to rush you they're not going to give you uh crap for for that right now and I'm only on my second week so I'm actually still learning but during my second my two weeks working for Amazon there are several things that I've learned how to work efficiently and yesterday I was able to finish around 6 p.m right so and today I'm really hoping to finish around four or five PM um but you learn very fast doing this job you learn very very quickly every day you learn exponentially because you really learn by experience the experience is what makes you move quicker it's not the training that they give you for the first two days that could help you with the basics but it doesn't really help in reality what helps you is actually getting behind the wheel and start starting delivering packages so I would like to show you guys some tricks on how to be as efficient as possible and these tricks and these tips that I'll start with you they may seem very minute but they really accumulate right it really has a long uh it has an effect in the end you could see how how it affects in the end when you realize that you finish early so you got to use all the little tricks in order to finish as fast as possible all right so first things first you got to make sure or at least attempt to get a van with a push start right so because some Vans have the key and others have the push start so when you have a push start van it saves you some time to um having to turn off the ignition and turn back on the irrigation you see it seems very little but in the re in in the long term it does have an effect you do save uh some time with that okay and plus the push start fans are way better right because you can leave the engine on and and deliver your packages especially when it's cold outside it's a lot more beneficial and so you could hop in hop out and you could drive now another thing that is a trick you know some of these things that might may not be going with Amazon guidelines right but I do want to share them with you because they will help you okay so secondly I would I would suggest that you use your own phone right why because every package you have to scan them and a lot of times the old phone the phones that they give you right the phones that they give you they're generally they're really big and bulky I'll show you guys what it looks like one second okay so these are the phones that they give you right and these phones a lot of times what I realize is that they lag a lot especially when you scan packages when you scan packages sometimes you have to you have to really um uh you have to zoom in on the packet or or like you have to put it close to the package for it to scan and sometimes it takes time and sometimes it doesn't even work and so imagine doing like having trouble scanning your packages when you have like 200 packages it really has it makes it your day go a lot longer so what I realized is that when I use my own phone the packages scans super quickly so it makes a huge difference when when you use your own phone um as long as you have a decent smartphone and also when you scan the packages normally you're supposed to scan them at the door uh when you drop packages you're supposed to scan it but what makes it faster is that you scan it on your way to the door and you just make you just scan it closely and so they would they won't even be able to tell if you scanned it at the door or not so as you're walking towards the door when you're delivering packages to scan the packages and also I would suggest if you want to be finished quickly you you could jog to to to drop the packages or you could um you could walk quickly right however however you feel you know sometimes I feel energized I'll jog other times I'll feel a bit tired I'll just walk quickly but um all day I try to be as efficient and as quick as possible all right so next tip that I could give you um the seat belt right because when you put on the seat belt it takes a lot of time for you to put on to put on the seat belt and take off the seat belt you know especially when you're stopping like every two minutes because a lot of times you're gonna spend time in one single Street for like hours right because it's gonna you're gonna be given a neighborhood where you're gonna go around and deliver packages what I suggest is that you put the seat belt on before you even sit on it right like that and then you can sit over the seat belt and you can put put the seat belt on just like that right that makes it a lot quicker for you to put on your seatbelt as soon as you hop in your van you put it on just like that when you get out the van you take it off just like that you see that saves a lot a lot of time because you're going to be copying in and out of the vehicle over a hundred times um maybe even 150 times so you know it saves a lot of time it does make a difference right so all these little things they make a difference in the end when you apply all of them another thing is when you organize packages it's important that you organize packages efficiently when you and I'm not going to show you guys uh like uh I'm not gonna do like a follow along where I can show you guys how to do it because I I want to finish my day as fast as possible and so vlogging my day might take a while and also I'm still learning right so I want to be as quick as possible once I'm very very comfortable I'll bring you guys in um right along with me and I'll show you guys everything I do but when you organize the packages right when when they give you the packages what Amazon teaches you to do they say first in first out so so they'll give you a rack and on top of the and they're all stacked up so the top uh boxes because they give you a bunch of boxes right the top boxes they tell you to bring it all the way to the end right why because in the training they teach you that you have to get out of the van go to the back and take the first the first packages that you will deliver are are here right but that is very very time consuming and what I would suggest is that instead of putting your first packages in the back what you will do is that you will put your first packages in the front Okay so the first package is that you that you will bring in that that are on top of the rack those are actually the last packages of your day right and that's why they put it on top and they tell you to bring it all the way in the front here right but what I would suggest is that the first packages look also the space is limited especially when you have these things right so obviously just bringing this one up right for space okay now you um you take a package uh you take a box and the first package is on top you put you place it right here by the end of the vehicle and then you you put the next one on top here and so on and so forth until the last packages that you bring in is all the way in the front and the last package is in front those will be the packages that you will deliver first and that way you'll be able to instead of going outside of the van all the way to the back you'll be able when you shop your first package you'll be able to just come as you're sitting here you get up right here boom and then your packages are here then you gotta organize the packages this video is getting kind of long so I'm going to try to uh explain quicker but uh once you have your first box so this is what a box looks like right so this is not supposed to be here the previous agent left this here but it's not supposed to be here but here this is what a box looks like you're gonna have like a bunch of these boxes maybe like up to 10 or 14 boxes all right in these boxes you have boxes and envelopes the envelopes what you're going to do is take out the envelope and organize them here each envelope has a number as you can see like they'll have a sticker like this right and it says nine two nine three and so what you're gonna do is organize them in um or organize them so that you could uh from from smallest to biggest so if for example if you have 293 uh two nine four two nine five so you're gonna put them all in a row in order right so so then you will know where they are as soon as you organize all the packages place it on your passenger seat and that way you just have to when you're delivering packages you just have to reach over to your passenger seat the boxes from each of these big boxes are going to be a bunch of boxes you can organize them the same way but place them right next to your seat right here right right right here between the two seats and you you place them from uh smallest to biggest right so so just the smaller number you're gonna put in front the biggest number you're gonna put it back and that way when you're sitting you don't have to even go in the back to deliver the packages all you have to do reach over to find a package of the envelope and reach over to your side and find the box and generally the boxes are not very big but then after you will have the bigger boxes um they will be you'll just place them in the back right so if there is a bigger box you just come to the back and you just pick up that box all right so those are some tips that I could share with you hopefully you guys followed I know it's not very clear because you know I can't really give you a live demonstration but in the future I will uh try to give you guys a live demonstration as soon as I'm very very comfortable and finishing very very quickly um I'm trying to think about if I forgot anything okay but just to recap right so come here early to get a push start button van right because some of them sometimes they're limited like for for in my job there are only 10 of them so I come early and I make sure I get the push start button button then secondly use your own phone right instead of using the work phone use your own phone you could download the app and sign in with your app and you could ask them to provide a power charger right all right thirdly um thirdly the seat belt trick right simple trick like like I showed you guys the seatbelt trick all right fourthly uh when you organize the packages make sure that your first packages that you will deliver come all the way at the front your last package is that you deliver come all the way at the back generally I like to put these boxes on the left side all on the left side and the the big boxes because they're gonna also gonna have a big brown boxes I'll put them on the right side but that's just me you guys can do it however you want and uh yeah so if you put all of these things into practice um you will finish a lot quicker also you know run fast well not run fast but jog safely of course or do a brisk walk and you can see it makes a big difference you know sometimes we don't think it makes do using these little tricks makes a lot of difference but just simply walking this like quickly because you're gonna be coming going in and out of vehicle a lot simply walking quickly using the push start van so that you don't have to use the ignition like put in the key in the ignition every time the seat belt trick uh and organizing is super super important organizing without organizing you're gonna spend our hours longer uh working um yeah so that is about it for today uh like again I'm again I'm still in learning experience maybe you guys have any other tips if you have other tips please share with me please comment down below or if you have any other questions feel free to uh ask in the comments um yeah so don't forget to like share and subscribe and I'll see you guys in the next video God bless you
Channel: Montréal Driver
Views: 34,408
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -tAxc6wkcc8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 39sec (759 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 20 2023
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