My First Day with Amazon Flex: Pros, Cons, and Is It Worth It?

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you clicked on this video because you either signed up for Amazon Flex or considering joining and of course you want to see how the first day would be like well search no more in this video I'll take you through a thrilling Journey as I dive into my very first day tackling a sub same day Amazon Flex block but don't forget to stick around to the end as I'll share my thoughts the pros and cons recommend some essential apps and finally answer the ultimate question is this gig worth it so fasten your seat belts let's embark on this exciting Amazon Flex adventure together before I'm late I already made the first mistake [Music] what's up y'all welcome or welcome back it's your girl Desiree Simone and I'm back with another video hey as you guys read from the title I am taking you guys along with me for my first day doing Amazon Flex for this block I picked from 2 to 5 30 which is only three hours and 30 minutes for 75.50 I am currently in Indianapolis Indiana the warehouse that I picked is at Greenwood so we are actually 15 minutes out if you are unaware of what Amazon Flex is it's another delivery service but you are an independent contractor with Amazon compared to working directly with them so you are a 10.99 I am very excited finally I am starting I did apply for Indianapolis almost a year ago and I finally got accepted into it I guess there was a really long wait list I already made the first mistake I have not been tracking my miles so I've been driving well actually Cortland is here don't do what I just did we were supposed to get here 15 minutes prior which you could start 15 minutes before your shift starts we're gonna get there five minutes before because you can only be up to five minutes late before they cancel your block you're not able to do it and send you home at least it'll be five minutes early so y'all when we get to the warehouse [Music] so we just made it here it is 156. I'm going to say that I am parked I've parked to verify identity you'll be asked to follow check okay begin and then all right we're gonna do the whole face recognition and use the photo no I have to show my ID when I get in there to the kiosk or some or somebody all right checking in I need to turn my Bluetooth on well nevermind just turn it on all right I will be back with my stuff so I see carts when I get in there and then the kiosk was on my left finally got that to work when I asked somebody and she said it might take a few minutes but it didn't take that long so then it wants me to scan to confirm after I find the staging area found it that wasn't working so she told me just to scan one of the packages so that actually worked then it said I scanned all of them I was like oh okay on this page you can see where your route is next go ahead and swipe to finish [Music] so we have 26 stops we're actually going to be in Fishers that is Marines this one is five which you showed me how to do I'm gonna go ahead and put this in the back so pretty Sharpie like I did now listen the sixth quick voice over wind was too strong but if you go up to the top right where the barcode is it'll come up where you can scan the package and then in the middle it'll show you what stop that is it's honestly very helpful I just write the number on the package as you guys can see here the barcode I need to scan to see what stop it is it's blocked and then when I try to move it it was taking some of it off so this is going to just have to be one that I just don't know what it is at this point are done it is 218 [Music] it is 224 now at this point we have 26 stops we'll start with package two because we're picking up all the packages which is the warehouse so that's one let's go ahead and start travel oh my gosh 36 minutes let's go ahead and get started [Music] stayed this earlier but this is the sub same day type of block that I picked normally if you have a block that is four hours or longer you will get more packages but since we got the three hours and 30 minutes we only got 26 so normally it's I think someone said it's between 15 and 30 packages for those smaller blocks which I think is a so far a good one to pick for your first route [Music] oh so when you pick the right package go ahead and scan it it'll let you know and then continue with one package where are you leaving it at the front porch take your picture and then you want to continue swipe to finish it's that easy [Music] well I just went to the bathroom at the clubhouse at this apartment make sure you go to the bathroom before you come out a little tip it's my first time doing it at an apartment [Music] thank you [Music] all right y'all so I'm halfway done already but I'm gonna go ahead and get the last half and the trunk put that in the back seat real quick I did pull away from the last stop so [Music] [Applause] we are headed to stop 22 so we only have four more left I'm actually five minutes out from 22. really been easy you guys so far I haven't had to really give it to somebody it was never required for me to give it to there have been some customers that were out already so I just give it to them if they want it or I just put on the front door it's 4 49. you have four more that means we'll be done before 5 30. foreign [Music] stop I am six minutes out it's 508 again my block ends at 5 30. they always say don't go over so if you do have more packages they advise you just to bring it back to the warehouse that you got it from you have until the next day until 10 a.m we only have one more package left and we are done my stomach is growling I'm hungry and he is hungry so we're done the only reason I'm mad is because we have 43 minutes back to the house anyway so we did finish at 5 15. literally 28 miles 43 minutes this is crazy all right let's go ahead and get into my thoughts on my first day doing Amazon Flex we'll go over the numbers of the miles I drove the pros and cons some apps that I actually recommend because this is not the only side hustle job that I have and lastly we're gonna see if this thing is worth it or not I was gonna be honest with y'all so I'm finally actually doing the end of this video two weeks later let's go ahead and get into it so a refresher the block that I picked was a three hour and 30 minute block for 75.50 so my thought process of getting there I felt like since I've watched a lot of videos it wasn't going to be too difficult for me to navigate which it wasn't I will state this for after doing it for like three times at this point go ahead and use your Google Maps because for some reason the map in Amazon Flex will take you the longer route don't do that go ahead and use Google Maps or Apple Maps whichever one you want to use I prefer Google Maps and once we got there where the map was taking us it wasn't taking us where we were actually supposed to be we were at the Amazon warehouse but it wasn't in the area that we're supposed to go check in go get our cart with our boxes so we saw other cars going straight instead of turning right where the map was telling us so we kind of just followed them and once you go all the way around again this is the warehouse that we went to which was Greenwood once we did that we're like oh this is where everybody's at okay well they definitely need to change that on the app but now I know where to go so once we parked I went ahead and gone in there it tells me for my ideas you guys saw I did have to ask for help once I got in there because I didn't see any workers and the workers are not wearing this they are actually just wearing badge around their neck on the lanyard that's all so I had to like really be like okay does this person work here I'm the type of person if I need some help with something I'ma ask closed mouths don't get fed and time is money so I asked the lady that was next to me I'm like hey my ID is not scanning it did it just the computer was taking a while it looked like it scanned it twice too when it went through I was like oh so okay well whatever we got it all right so she told me that my route will come up on my phone that it might take a few minutes uh it just varies if you guys don't know this if you guys are waiting 30 minutes they will just actually send you home if they didn't give you nothing and you get paid for the route that you didn't even have to do so keep that in mind oh I got my route and probably the first two minutes and then on the floor it will say for example STG don't know what a stand before and then it says like the number like zero one three for thirteen there's 13 and 14 and 15. you get it but then she also showed me a tip like I told you guys in the video about how to scan the item and then be able to see what delivery stop that is and that was helpful too which I kind of already knew but I didn't want to be a smart alec and be like oh I already know like no I've already asked you for help you willing to help me some more I'm a indulge in the knowledge okay I never said that in my entire life anyways it was pretty easy just to you know get the card bring it down the ramp take me to the car I did what she told me to do luckily I had a Sharpie so bring a Sharpie because I want plenty plenty plenty of videos and they said do not forget a Sharpie or a pen so once I packed the car up of how I wanted it if Cortland was not there how I've been doing it now was if I have 29 stops I would put the first 10 up front in the passenger seats and then the next 10 in the back and then whatever the last little bit in the trunk so it was fine switching out when I was on my route for my first day actually wasn't like embarrassing or anything I didn't feel like I was in anybody's way of doing that on the side but back to the warehouse after I was done I clicked on the app going to my first one and then of course I see how far we're going the Fishers awesome but overall going from one place to the next was easy some houses were close like a minute or two or three and then some were like six seven minutes away from each other which was a little Annoying and then of course the most annoying part was how far I ended up being that still irritates my soul to this day 43 minutes yeah I only ran into a couple customers that were like already outside when I delivered their package which was fine I said hey I'm with Amazon you know obviously they could see this I have a package for you and a lot of people you know they're excited to get their package shoot I'll be excited when my Amazon package get here they were nice the ones I delivered to actually one guy said wow you are so much nicer than the other person that delivered I was like oh thank you and I said I'm sorry about that experience he's like yeah it's okay but thank you you know for being sweet I said oh he said something online says some being sweet nice something like that I was like Wow there are Amazon Flex drivers being rude to customers not just dropping off packages but you know if you're doing Amazon flicks please be professional nice friendly it's a really easy job all you're doing is dropping off the package and if you see the customer greet them that's it anyways moving on even though they had me in Fishers I'm glad the Allison Fishers for my first route because of how nice the houses were and everything oh and I highly highly highly advised to use the restroom before you leave the warehouse and to find out they have one in the warehouse so after you're done organizing your packages in your car when you bring the cart back up just go straight to the bathroom and of course y'all you know I'm pretty efficient at what I need to do because time is money got done in three hours instead of three hours and 30 minutes for a 75.50 block so the total of miles that I actually drove from leaving here to coming back to here was 112.6 Miles if we do the math so how much my block was divided by how long it took me equals to 23 dollars per hour before expenses of course now my dollars to miles is not very good we're taking the 75.50 how much the block was divided by how many miles and that is literally less than a dollar per mile not great all right so now time for pros and cons so I'm gonna state three pros so one would be having a flexible schedule you get to pick your own schedule when you want to work there are certain days that you can do it before work or after work or during the day you get to choose that they also have preferred schedule but I haven't utilized that so I can't talk too much about it I prefer to go on the app when I want to and decide if that block is worth my time and pay that's just how I two would be tax write-offs so I'm not a tax expert or anything I'm just sharing my experience of when I filed taxes last year for my side hustle jobs such as Walmart spark so basically miles gas car insurance during that time that you did the side hustle job car maintenance which adds up which is nice for a tax write-off during the time you did it there are some other ones like I believe food maybe so those are just some nice perks for being a 1099 an independent contractor so another perk is really having the option to get paid daily during the week and if you do it on the weekends you get paid that following Monday now for our three cons one unpredictable routes unfortunately you will not know your route until you actually check in basically once you get to the warehouse walk in scan your ID wait on your phone and then you get to see where you are going next is returning undeliverable packages if you have any luckily praise the Lord I have not had any but if you have a package that you were not able to return for any reason you do have to drive all the way back to the warehouse no later than the next day by 10 am and this kind of corresponds with the unpredictable routes it's the unpredictable amount of packages that you're going to have so after watching a ton of videos I heard that you pick a four hour or more block you're going to get a lot more packages so I have a Chevy Cruze 2012 and you know it's a compact car so I try not to choose the ones that are like four hours or more because I know my pack just won't be able to fit a little side note I did do another order the day after which I actually ended up getting 46 to 47 packages and luckily Cortland was not there or anybody else was not there with me because it filled up my whole entire car I didn't record that day just because I wanted to get the hang of it but yeah so if you have a small car a highly highly highly suggest you to stick with anything less than four hours so those were my pros and cons let's get into the apps that I highly recommend if you're doing Amazon Flex or any other side hustle job so start off with number one get you a mileage tracking app I currently use everlance so it tracks your miles and your expenses which is really great when it comes to tax season my next two are two gas apps that you can earn cash back on one is called upside I will go ahead and leave my referral link down below all you do is when you get onto the app after you make an account but it'll show you like the top nearby fuel offers so right here it'll show you if you go to this BP they tell you how much the gas is but I find that it's not the most accurate of what that gas is but they are accurate about how much sense you get back per gallon so over here it's nine cents per gallon I've gotten close to 20 cents back then they also have added like Foods near you cash back but it's very easy to use you just connect your card that you're using press that you are there and then and go ahead and fill your tank up you no longer have to take a picture of the receipt it's already connected to your debit or credit card and you just say that you're basically done and 48 to 72 hours it'll reflects in your account now another one is Gas Buddy basically GasBuddy helps you find the cheapest gas price in your area you can set up your filters of like if you take regular gas or not and of course as we all know gas is going up and sometimes these have been updated maybe a day ago but I feel like these are pretty accurate that's what I've done with this app because we all trying to save money here right I hope so lastly this Amazon Flex worth it or not so this is really up to you in my opinion it depends on the type of vehicle you have whether the mileage is good on your car and is it worth the pay of what you're about to get for that block it all varies personally with the type of car that I have and the pay that I'm only going to try to accept I believe it is worth it at this time again my opinion can change later on this is just my opinion for right now I think it'll be worth it to you if you take into account everything that I've talked about hope that has answered your guys's questions hope you guys have enjoyed this video if you guys are wanting to see more Amazon Flex videos please let me know I do want to record me doing the Amazon Fresh orders those deliveries you get tips and if there's any other ones like the retail delivery orders that you guys want to see let me know well do not forget to hit that subscribe button and the bell button the all so YouTube will actually notify you when I post don't forget to give this a like because I would really appreciate it YouTube will push out my videos more if you do that and comment down below what you liked about the video if you are Amazon Flex driver please let your girl know what I could be doing better or just any tips and tricks all right I'll see you guys in the next video bye doing my best
Channel: I am Desire'e Simone
Views: 436,870
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Amazon, amazon flex, amazon flex delivery partner, amazon flex driver, amazon flex first day, amazon flex first day 2023, amazon flex first day experience, amazon flex first day tips, amazon flex how much can you earn, amazon flex pay, amazon flex pros and cons, amazon flex review, amazon flex sub same day, amazon flex tips and tricks, amazon flex worth it, first day, first day doing amazon flex, first day of amazon flex, how to do amazon flex, sub same day amazon flex
Id: 7ySKcWdivto
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 29sec (1229 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 14 2023
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