A Day In The Life Of An Amazon Delivery Driver

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[Music] hello everyone good morning my name is shanique and i am a de at amazon a delivery associate and today is take you guys to work day no i'm kidding but i will be showing you guys my life or a day in my life as a delivery associate at amazon so let's get this show on the road i'm currently on my way to the warehouse where of course i'll pick up the van and the packages we can't leave those yeah so let us see what the day holds hopefully i have a good day today because some days are rough so we're hoping for a good day today and i showed you guys earlier how i prepped to go to work no i'm special just make sure if you're someone that wants to become a da or you know it's just got the job or whatever you guys could get a little sneak peek of what to expect um so in the mornings i usually make lunch because it's just easier to have food with you so that you don't have to stop on your break which is so short to go get something to eat come back eat no that's too much so i normally just take my own food i'll make a salad a sandwich or you know food that is good to eat cold because you don't get no access to the microwave out there in the fields uh yeah so that's pretty much it all right so i have arrived and this is the warehouse nothing special just a empty morning mr charles good morning how are you missionaries i'm doing a vlog today oh yeah okay i know yep that works now you like working here this sucks when they come out with the no 10 hours my eyes will be home sleep yeah no rescue i'm not doing no restoration my [Music] all right guys so the first thing i'll do in the morning is my vehicle inspection i already worked around it so i'm just hitting no issues and after that i'll sign into amazon flex which is the app that we use to get around it has all the gps today omg i have a lot of packages let's see today i have 176 stops bro i'm gonna be out here all night and i am in cheshire all right hopefully this route isn't bad all right so this is amazon flex it basically gives me my gps and tell me the packages that i need to deliver where to deliver all of that stuff and i'll sign into amazon mentor also this monitors my driving and if i do any speeding any breaking heartbreaking or anything like that they will know and i get penalized for it so after i pick up my van then i'll have to drive up to the top warehouse where i'm picking up the packages right so this is the lineup of all the fans i'm really not failing to do 176 stops today bro like why but regardless we're gonna knock it out and hopefully with no rescue because that's how i'm feeling we are actually the last ones to leave which is so annoying because last ones to leave that means we're the last ones to come in and uh late at night i don't like to come in late at night it's too i come in too early to get offline you know what i'm saying oh yeah it's pretty big in here the van is nine feet six inches it sounds big but trust me it's it's easy to drive so now that i've parked it'll tell me where my packages are [Music] co-8 so let go [Music] [Music] [Music] so i gotta drive 23 minutes to get to my destination the ghetto but let's go all right so i made it to my first stop this thing as i said that number so this helps me out if this one does i'm screwed so i just make sure that i have a charge at all times so normally before i depart the station i would organize my bag by straightening and that makes it like so quick but i didn't get time to do that today so i'm about to do that right now it is so hot already oh boy 90 degrees so i'm the back of these vans right here it's hot um so 30 minutes have gone by and i've done 12 stops so far it is so hot though i am dreading today already so had i already drank my juice because i live liquid so you know i'm gonna have to use the bathroom i hate having to start to use the bathroom because it would be nasty public bathrooms i like that so i always try to hold it which i know is bad because that's the whole thing holding your people up cool i'm not i sure my side open because i need the air to come in okay it's too hot so i'm on to my next step okay so it's an hour in and i'm 25 stops and guys i'm tired already but i'm gonna come back when hopefully something fun happens and i can show you guys along the way but this is pretty much repetitive closer to stop scandals packages deliver the packages and move to the next one so guys i had to come back to tell you guys this right i just made a delivery in like an apartment building and this old lady she came out i had two boxes one big heavy one and a smaller one and she was like let me help you and i was like oh no i'm fine you know i'm not coming here i'm going down more and she was like oh no you're sweating i'll help you i'll take the small one and she she literally took it out my hand and brought it over with me and i'm like wow you know she got out her house and helped me with the box like that was so sick and then she was like do you want some water and i was like oh yeah sure you know i didn't want to say no so she gave me water like nice cold water that just made my day i mean since i'm here i might as well give you guys a quick little update so i am sweating bullets as you can see it's like two and a little bit over two hours in and i'm 54 stops and that's not terrible i mean i could have a lot more but it's too hot so i'm 54 stops in two and a half hours in and i have 123 left i'm about to just knock these out because what else i'm gonna do okay so i think i got somewhere i did like five bags already this four five is seven eight more bags to go and some over school boxes right here but you know i'm just trying to get it as possible but i'm not okay because i gotta see right now uh i'm in the middle of nowhere i don't know where i'm at but uh i'm gonna have to go find the bathroom i'm gonna try to hold it a little bit though because i don't have to go that bad take two guys i just pulled up at a house and a guy offered to die coke and i was like do you have ice and he was like yeah yeah you're so nice so i'm waiting on my eyes yes thank you so much i appreciate it you too thank you [Music] like i just feel so lucky today i got free water but i'm not going to drink the water though because it wasn't sealed the biological so i'm not drinking that but i got me some ice what i want to snack on this to keep me cool i feel like that would be better than drinking hot water right now but yeah the people over here just love their amazon driver i'm out here delivering our packages and whatnot in the sun and in this heat might as well just give me new do all of a sudden 300 feet arrive at the destination on your left and the funny thing is i just arrive at the destination on your left thanks i appreciate that um all right i'll be right back guys head southeast on ginny hill road then in a quarter mile turn left guys it is so hot it is currently 101 degrees i don't know about outside in this fan it is 101 degrees i have to turn around turn around reversing [Music] deliver no they they have to hear they have to hear because that was king okay that's that that has got to be one of the most annoying things i have to deal with on a daily so loud so annoying i keep losing connection you know i'm in the middle of nowhere when i keep losing connection like that so i don't know where i'm going so i'm going to take a break and eat my sandwich because i'm stuck well i'm not stuck i could get around but my phone gps isn't working either i don't know i'm gonna use the water that i got from that lady to wash my hands hold up i got some sanitizer first i'll sanitize my hands and then wash them off and then wash them off or whatever so yeah guys this job it's easy it gets hard at times because you know like today it's super hot and i would much rather be you know on the beach or in a pool at home in my ac you know anywhere that is nice and cool but instead i'm here i'm out here in the sun so yeah that's the rough part about it and then when it gets cold i mean i don't know how it is when it gets cold because i never worked in the winter here so i can't speak for the winter but for now it's scorching hot so yeah literally my hands are clean i don't have any paper towels though so flash them off like this listen when you out here in the field not even here at this job but wherever you are and you know you don't have access to things like what you would have at home for your comfort you just have to use your hands to make fashion my grandma always says that use the hand and make passion so um that's what i'm doing right now i wash my hands they're nice and clean they smell good and i don't got no paper towel well i'm not gonna wet my hand in my clothes because i'm sweating so i'm just gonna have my sandwich that i made and this morning i had froze some water so my sandwich is nice and cold i mean do you guys eat whole sandwiches are hot i think oh i have cold cuts so it's okay that it's cold but i'm gonna eat this up see and that's what i'm saying too bring your food with you so you don't have to worry about going to a you know a store or you don't have access to what you would want to eat or whatever you just bring your own and it's so much easier yep i already drank my juice so i'm gonna have the rest of my water it's still got ice in it so it's cold oh that feels good nothing like cold water on a hot day i wish i had lemonade but what we going to work for what we got okay so i'm going to eat my lunch because i don't want to see anything in front of you guys i'm gonna eat my lunch and i'll come back guys i'm not kidding literally i just had my lunch right and it was sunny look at this pure rain like it's it's a lot and it got dark real quick it's five o'clock you know that when summer time it does not get dark yeah it's dark like winter right now so i think they're gonna let us come back home i'm not too sure i'm not even dressed for rain right now it's literally crazy i'm parking somebody's yard because i'm not trying to be i don't know true or anything because of lightning and everything what a day like do you see how old i hope you guys saw that lightning just now i'm scared but do you see how literally the rain the weather could change like that because it was just sunny and everything but now boom heavy rain and thunder i just want to go home at this point guys so i have to update you the rain literally did not stop and it's getting pretty bad it's getting pretty dark and it's getting late so my manager again will give us okay to come back and that's what i'm doing right now i'm going home because this rate is too much and you can't see but i'm already a little soaked yeah i don't want to get sick so i'm glad that he decided to have us come back so today i didn't finish my rope that's the first uh yeah but i mean in weather conditions like this who would want to be out here like that so i'm i'm glad for that made it back i just brought the packages back to where i got them earlier today so i didn't really feel like i needed to show you guys that but i'm taking my van back now and then i'll go home to have dinner today was a rough i won't say it was rough i was going good and then it started raining so yeah even no unforeseen circumstances that's what i want to say because it was unfortunate i didn't know i didn't even know it was supposed to rain because i know it was supposed to be hot i knew that it was gonna be hot weather but the rain i was not expecting that you guys so i made it home [Music] finally it is now 7 30. if i would have finished the packages i probably would have just be done right now and then head back so i probably would have got home at like 8 30 because i had to you know go back to the station all that so so yeah thank you guys for watching this video and if you have made it this far please go ahead and subscribe to my channel and like this video leave me a comment and let me know if you would do this job i want to know would you do this job and until next time bye [Music] you
Channel: Shanique Bella
Views: 35,766
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ZhSnEQN8Gz8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 39sec (1299 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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