I'm Quitting My Job as a FedEx Driver Today (And Maybe You Should Quit Your Job)

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hey there my name is chris and today i'm going to quit my job [Music] that sounds a little dramatic when i put it like that what i mean is today i'm going to put my notice in to my job see i am a driver for fedex ground and while the pay is pretty good we don't have any benefits there's not really any opportunity for me to progress in the company except to become a manager of the drivers and that looks like an absolute nightmare so there's just not really any reason to stay and i'm here to talk to you about why you should also quit your dead end job as well this job has been pretty good to me it came at a really really good time the timing was awesome on it and it helped me and my wife to get our family into a house so those are all good things and leaving it's a little bit scary i definitely have plans so it's not like i'm just nose diving out of the workforce with no plans going forward i do have plans for an income but this job it's just one of those destroy your body suck out your soul kind of jobs and if you are in a similar situation you shouldn't stay there now i feel like i'm being kind of unfair to the job because it's a good job and i know for a fact that there are some people who thrive doing this kind of work some people who are meant to do this kind of work and i also understand that somebody has to right this is one of those jobs where somebody's got to do it there's got to be somebody who goes and cleans out the septic tanks right there's gotta be somebody who climbs up the power lines and and messes with all that uh somebody has to do it but i don't feel like it's for me and i've been here for almost a year so it's time for me to figure out what i really want to do with my life and there's an opportunity for me to do something that i really want to do as well the people i work for are really good people the job itself is very simple it's not easy but it isn't complicated anybody who can drive could do my job maybe not do it particularly well but you would be able to do it so this isn't necessarily about leaving the job because i don't like my boss or leaving it because i feel like i've been unfairly treated or anything like that this is really about me getting off the path that i'm on to get on the path that will lead me to doing what i want to do for the rest of my life at least i hope anyway plans for today it is 6 23 in the morning we are heading to the fedex station and i'm gonna bring you guys along with me so you can kind of see what kinds of things that i deal with every single day when it comes to loading out my truck i don't have to load the whole thing but i have to mess with the packages on it a lot in order to get them where i want them and then let you watch some deliveries as well and i'll show you what kind of condition i'm in by the end of the day so [Music] all right not looking great so far so we're going to go ahead and log in [Music] to my ground cloud this shows me my route for the day okay not so bad 103 stops so far that is definitely doable this is my route so far i don't mind showing it to you because it just shows walgreens right now but the stops are all color coded and i only have about 103 stops right now so not too many dots i'll definitely gain a couple more in the next half hour so while they keep sorting stuff onto my truck [Music] [Music] so [Music] so now that the tetris thing is done and i've got at least a little bit of a path to walk to the back of my truck we'll go watch the belt [Music] so all right try to set you guys up so you can see me here my truck is pretty nice i've got air conditioning but there's some give and take with everything i do not have open bay doors so every time i do a delivery i have to open and close a door somewhere along the way again air conditioning in my opinion this time of year especially super worth it sorry about the lighting you're kind of getting my face all halved up but i've got about 140 stops today i typically average around 30 stops an hour so if you do the math it'll take me just over four hours to complete my route if i can do my 30 stops an hour a lot of my stuff is really big today so that definitely factors in but anyway we'll see how i do [Music] all right we are two hours into the route today as you can see i've been working for a total of almost four hours since i got to the station early to start my truck driving for two hours and then i have done 60 of 140 and if it will update it's being a little slow there it is i'm doing 31 an hour that's good that means it's not going to take me forever today this is going to be a pretty good day for the most part probably not the best view of me you're ever going to get but this is what we're working with i just finished at my last stop i ended up according to my ipad i did oh and you're moving on me you can still see me okay i ended up doing 29.87 an hour today so about 30 an hour i sped up to about 33 an hour for a while there but then the end of my area is all businesses so i have to find a business find a good place to park go inside find someone to give the package to give it to them get their last name into my scanner and then leave point is businesses take a little bit longer than houses because with houses you scan it you're after the door you drop it you leave and you're on to the next one um so there are different routes there are some routes that are almost exclusively businesses and then there are some that are just residentials i have a buddy on the belt next to me and he averages somewhere between 140 and 170 a day he's got a really nice consistent route um and he only has like eight businesses that he delivers to so he's able to do 40 an hour all day so think about that for a second if he is 160 which is a lot of stuff you can do those 160 stops in four hours and pretty much you know whereas i have what did i have today i think by the time i actually started doing the businesses on my i had 30 left so i have 30 business stops that i have to do as opposed to his page so of my total today i had 140 30 of those were business stops so an entire hour of my deliveries for businesses but i started going into the station around 6 20 today and i will now be getting home around 1 30ish after i turn in my truck and do all the the end-of-day stuff that i end up having to do that's not terrible right that's a a seven hour day uh seven and a half hour day but it used to be shorter than it is now um and just another reason why i don't really want to stay here not only is it physical work it's physical work for seven hours you know and the only thing if you take a break which you totally can that just ends up taking you more time so in today's world a lot of people would say time is money so if you want to make the most out of your time then you don't want to spend extra time out here taking a lunch or whatever i know drivers who do that they take a full hour to go and eat somewhere um and then they get back to it and it's like well i could be done and eating at home i can eat while i drive so why not just do that anyway everybody's got different philosophies mine is get done as fast as possible and today we did a pretty good job compared to other days for sure yesterday i wasn't going back to the station until 3 30 or so so this is a way way better day just for perspective today not a bad day 140 stops i did about 30 an hour so it took me a little under 5 hours to to finish my day at least driving time then i spent about an hour and a half at the station sorting my truck playing tetris and uh getting my truck ready to go so that i could go that fast the way that the truck works is obviously there's shelves there's two rows of them plus the floor so almost three shelves technically and what you want is you want to be able to get all your packages on both sides so that you still have an aisle down the middle so that you can access any package you want at any time now that's not always possible because you get some pretty big stuff for example today i had a crib uh so that was a good time and then a bed frame i believe and a handful of other pretty large things so it's not always possible to have an aisle today i pretty much had an aisle the whole day you'll notice my hands aren't even that dirty usually they're like black like black black and if i touch something that's white i'll leave a little streak mark um so today was not bad but just as another perspective i didn't film too much yesterday i filmed a little bit so that you could see me delivering in a different truck and also some time lapse of me organizing it but you'll notice as i'm organizing at the end of the time lapse my truck aisle starts to fill up a lot i ended up not being able to fit everything that was meant for my route on my truck yesterday so today i had 140 stops yesterday i had 80 more i had 224 stops [Music] my [Music] that's a lot of stops that's pretty bananas and the thing is what i'm trying to get at here is consistency if i had 140 stops every single day i would have nothing to complain about i wouldn't really have a reason to quit i would that's that's good you know i will get paid when i get paid for that amount of work the issue is that that's rare two of my five working days a week look like today the other three are usually pretty awful so i'll check in with you tomorrow and let you know how it looks then [Music] my you
Channel: Delivery Pro Army
Views: 30,198
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FedEx, Quit Your Job, 2 Weeks Notice, Career, Dead End Job, Delivery Driver
Id: F3SokFqjr24
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 22sec (922 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 02 2021
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