Why most people quit at FedEx

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what's going on guys how you doing my name is matthew and i am a fedex driver so today we're going to be talking about why most people quit here at fedex so i currently work at fedex express i am a courier for a pm position one two ten thirty and i like my job i can't complain there's a few hiccups here and there but ultimately the company is good to me better than where i came from which was amazon and uh i do miss my contract not gonna lie i miss having my medical contract but you know stuff happens and there's i just got to keep moving forward so here i am with the fedex um and just definitely i've seen a lot of people quit already and i've only been here for um over three months and it's peak time so they're hiring a lot of people right now what to expect as a as a courier in general is you're either going to be taking packages to residentials or businesses or picking up pretty simple right but there's a lot of issues that come with that and everything has to work in your favor um i think the biggest thing is keeping somebody for the first two weeks or three weeks because they can get tough some people quit before they even start their own before they even start their own route or before they even drive now i'm just a pickup courier there are different positions out here there is delivery drivers there are pickup drivers and um there's people that do both there's people that have a route that they go see every single day same businesses same residentials and there's people that do multiple they're called swing drivers they'll go to they'll get a different route every single day or the same one for a month it just depends um so there's a lot of different positions out here and ultimately you just have to land one and you like it there's country you know you'd be driving out in the country you could be in in the city with high rises you can be in a mall area just the mall area or you can be just at one place like it it's the amount of like where you could land in is unknown when i first got hired i thought i was just gonna be delivering packages i thought it was gonna be like amazon and having like 150 stop count and going to rezzy's and picking up maybe from businesses um and it turns out i'm just here doing pickups you know i don't do any deliveries uh my first delivery route was this past saturday because the peak season wasn't that bad honestly i had only 30 pic uh 30 deliveries super easy but um i think ultimately where you land is gonna determine whether you're gonna like the job or not even for me i i have one of the um biggest pickup stops in my station and it can get tough i'm not going to lie there's there's days where i'm falling behind they they're giving me a lot of work and i'm asking for help maybe dispatch isn't responding as fast as i want them to and i'm letting them know i'm going to be late because i'm super behind i got too many packages or uh people are not ready i'll go to a stop and they're just telling me to hold on but i'm looking at my looking at my watch i'm like i got two minutes and if not you're gonna be seeing the smoke from my exhaust because i have to go um i can get to work in the morning and and there's no equipment at all i mean there's literally no truck for me no scanner and no uh no printer so i can't do anything and i i clock in and i just sit there and wait uh you can wait up i've seen people wait to almost an hour and 30 minutes for a um scanner luckily they've just ordered some and they're on they're on the way so hopefully that's not an issue anymore i'm in a u-haul right now so and i've been in this u-haul for the past two months so even before peak that just shows you that we are short on on stuff and i'm hoping that changes really soon because uh that can get really annoying for somebody uh they we can't even clock in if we're gonna be sitting around waiting so people literally go in earlier and don't clock in until later because they're not supposed to everyone has an actual start time you can only clock in five minutes before that unless you're given approve approval by a manager to start working early but you can be stuck there and i can see that being a big headache luckily i come in at 10 55 and i have a truck and sometimes i have to wait for a scanner or printer and the longest i've waited is about 30 minutes but my actual start time ain't till 1 pm so i was i had to talk to my manager and be like hey i can't really get here at one and have to wait on some equipment and then go because then i'm already behind so and that's the last thing i want i don't want to get a late because you can't get late here when you're making a pickup because your phone's going to be ringing your manager's going to be calling you they're going to be like why were you late to this pickup and i make sure i do everything i can not to have a late i go eventually to 50 to 60 stops they're all timed they're all different from pick up some of them i have an hour window uh some of them have two hours it just it really depends my busiest time is from three i think i was saying three to six but it's about three to five thirty and that four to five window there's about ten places i have to go to that close within that hour so i am flying back and forth in one area and even still to this day i get like a rush of anxiety because i just don't know what to expect some most days are good there's there's some days where i'll go they'll have a lot and which is not bad i think which which is worse is when they're not ready and they're making me hold on and i'm like i mean i can't hold on no longer i'm sorry and it hurts to say that because some of these people are really cool and i know they're busy too but potentially waiting there is can can make me late for my next stop because we just don't know what we're picking up another thing is too here at express once we finish we don't just go home you know we don't take our truck to the station and dip off um they're asking for help a lot and more times than than i would like to hear but at the end of the day i always help out anyway for the extra hours but it's not like amazon where you finish and you you drop everything off and you're in you're off home they're gonna want you to help they don't have enough package handlers at least from my area and they're gonna want you to unload your truck uh unload other people's trucks and scan some documents and some people don't want that they don't want to do that they just want to go do what they're supposed to do and go home which i don't blame them either because that's what i was expecting um when i went on my first day of orientation they're like oh no you're gonna be you're gonna be on loan trucks you're gonna be loading trucks and uh you're gonna be doing it for a while and i was like what really i still didn't understand it was uh really confusing to me i've gotten kind of used to it but i still miss just you know being out here on the road finishing and then heading off home um and there's another reason i mean uh people are i mean you're working about 10 to 11 hours a day and it can make you tired you know there's some days where i get off and my girlfriend calls me and she wants to do something the only thing i want to do is put my face right on the bed and close my eyes and do it all over again tomorrow so it can get really tedious right but luckily i have a motive in mind i have goals that i want to crush and the pay is weekly so uh i mean this isn't the end of the road for me i got things that i want to do and as long as you have goals that you want to set you're going to be good now if this was it and i had no nothing else to go for me or going for me i'd be pretty upset you know i and that's why i set these goals in mind to keep me motivated to come to work to stay happy to be prepared um to make a great day because there's a lot of drivers out here especially the old timers man they're always in a bad mood always and i'm a pretty nice guy i'm i never get really angry or you know cuss anybody out i'm out here on the road i'm friendly you know and but there's some people at the station man they will they you just every day they're just so mean and i'm just like dude like line up a little bit but this job can make you like that and that's what you got to be uh be careful and watch out for this job can literally change your mood and you can bring that back home and your wife girlfriend your mom ain't nobody trying to hear all that you know complaining uh so and sometimes i catch myself talking to my girlfriend where i'm just complaining all the time i'm like man this and that this and that happened at work and she ain't trying to hear all that so um i know i'm just rambling here but hopefully you know you took some advice from here fedex express i i like the job don't get me wrong i'm just i'm just saying no job is perfect at the end of the day and i'm just doing what i can to be better and hopefully it works out in the end like i said for anyone that applies here if you're looking to apply because i don't think it's a bad company i think you should at least try it right um to be honest it's right in between it's right behind ups i mean if you already work at amazon and you're looking for something that's going to be more of a career this is the job for you i don't know about fedex ground but fedex express you can move up and that's at least my goal for depending how long i'm going to be here i'm going to keep moving up until i'm where i want to be in life because i don't want to get too comfortable i want to keep uh just knocking these goals out so with amazon there was really no growth for me um i was still there i didn't quit i just the company moved and i was just like i really can't move there because it's it's so far away they and um it was really unfortunate but you know it is what it is i'm here now and it's honestly better but yeah i mean i've been rambling for about almost 13 minutes i'm gonna go ahead and let you guys go um y'all have a good day if you have any questions concerns comments anything leave them down below uh i'll be posting videos daily of fedex life just delivery driver in general and be on the lookout i'm going to be trying to post maybe some gaming content and my fitness journey because i'm trying to get back into shape here it keeps me decent but i'm trying to get back into lifting weights at the gym so other than that i'm out of here my break is probably already over and i'll see you next time peace
Channel: Matthew P
Views: 34,058
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Driver, FedEx, Amazon, warehouse, courier, work, job, ups
Id: 4z7ARDZy9yc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 30sec (810 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 08 2021
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