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what's going on everybody it's Scotty Jordan and I have to make this video right A Day in the Life of a FedEx Ground delivery driver bro how has it taking this taking me this long to make this video right it's crazy so hey come on I'm gonna show y'all what my day look like right so I know how many stops I get I got an app it say I got 118 stops with 135 packages so it's a pretty good day you know what I'm saying I'm gonna show y'all what my truck looking like I'm gonna show you what my stops looking like you know what I'm saying y'all gonna get a full description of my day okay so tag along stay tuned all right guys so this is what my day is looking like this is I'm first just getting in and the package handlers have put all my packages in somewhat of an order Okay so luckily I am very good at my job I can load this truck and the snap of a finger right so three two one all right guys and I got that thing loaded just like that you know what I'm saying hey I'm pretty good at my job I thought I told you that right so in case you've never seen the inside of a FedEx truck all right so I got my one you see one thousand you see two thousand right so we have Sid numbers that start with one thousand right this is my route number right here 125 is my raw number and uh 1090 is that sequence number right so I try to load in order of sequence right so I got my lower 1000s in the front 1090. going all the way up to one thousand no sorry 1019 to 1090 right so the same thing going all the way down two thousand the lower got the lowest numbers at the front High numbers in the back right so that's the same I got 119 stops today it's gonna be a pretty good guys you already know I'm motivated and I'm dedicated and my mind is made up so I'm gonna get through this day all right so come along with me all right just heading out that terminal okay y'all get a different perspective of your voice you're having right you gotta have your safety belt on everybody every good delivery driver knows to have a safety belt on right what's up man hey one thing the best thing about I love about this job is when I load my truck I don't have to think about work at all okay I don't like to think about work I like to think about you know my family I think I like to think about you know better on my YouTube channel and you know just bettering myself man so when I when I go back to go get my package man I'm telling you I don't even have to think about it I know all my packages is I just go back you know grab and go no I'm saying so that's it what's up guys hey y'all see this bro y'all see my FedEx trash bags holding this dark open for me look man my door will not stay open so I had to you know adapt and overcome right you know I got a tie the door to the seat belt right and I promise you it gets the job done right so we keeping it moving my next sequence number is 25 18. and so I go to my sequence numbers I'm at 25 18 right here right it's the lower number so I know it's like right there so that's that and we're getting off that truck I want to move you know what I'm saying hey when you're a delivery driver you gotta look both ways because for some reason people don't understand that my truck is a huge blind spot so man they be zooming past my truck I almost got hit a few times for real for real so you got to be very wary of that right be very cautious when you're going out on these roads that's people man you know people be texting in a hurry and stuff so gotta be on your p's and q's right so the best advice I can give anybody that wants to you know be a delivery driver hey when I was in the Marines we learned weapon handling rules right and the first one is treat every weapon as if it was loaded right and that's my advice to you right so you have to treat every box every single last box as if it's the heaviest box on the planet right so here's my examples let's see you got this we got this target box right and you may think you may look at it when before you when you learn your truck you may think like hey it's not that heavy but hey packages can't come in all shapes and sizes and it could be heavy as ever right so when you come down oh here you come to the Box you gotta Bend at your legs bruh squat down and pick it up bro hey do not judge a box by its cover okay do not judge a box by size all right you will I'm telling you it'll take you places you learn that I promise you you're gonna get far in this profession all right all right guys so as you can tell I got my I got it down a little bit it is currently 11 30 and I got my number down to like 85 stops so it's getting done man my manager told me this he said this job is a lot like cutting grass right he said you know when you first start you got a yard full of grass you know those great that grass is growing it's so tall you got to cut it down but when you cut it down you feel like you're a company something right so when I'm done you all you know like the truck is empty I ain't got no boxes it's like yeah I made that day I got through it right so you gotta think positive right get through that day okay hey we gonna keep it moving we gonna keep it going and hey we're gonna enjoy this day Okay so just on my way deliver this package man it's like I said the best thing about this job I get to work by myself man you know I'm not working you know shoulder to shoulder with nobody I ain't got no manager beating down my neck I'm on my own time right so I can go as fast as I want or I can go slow as I want right so sit this down so I don't have any businesses like that on my route right so I just be delivering in residential areas so it's like bada bing bada boom you know what I'm saying hey be getting them things up pretty they ain't fast see oh next stop literally right here so tell you it'd be like that man hey I don't wanna hey you know what I'm saying I don't want people you know don't hate the player all right don't hate the player I didn't I didn't deal the cards okay I did not deal these cards I was given this route okay I got a fairly easy route y'all so I won't even I need about to put on my seat belt and y'all gonna see me these stops be like that bro I'm blessed bro I want y'all to see I'm gonna put my seat belt on right look at this count the seconds one two three four seconds and it's my next stop bro it'd be like that sometimes so this is my day bruh and that's why I'm like should I even make a video because people probably gonna get bored at me like people probably gonna be bored right it's like bro this dude got an easy job bro hey just like I said man hey this is just this I'm blessed all right like I told y'all I'm pretty good at my job and you know people just want to help a brother out you know saying I was you know I just you know I tell y'all y'all gotta be positive man have a positive outlook and hey one more time y'all one more time guys since I got you there look at this look at this next stop check me out though count the seconds one two three four can I get a five five seconds bro this is my day man y'all hey that dog he just saying Hey to me y'all here yeah that's my friend that's that's my friend um Charlie yeah Charlie he just saying Hey to your boy hey how's it going Charlie that is okay hey for real I want to tell y'all this for you young brothers and sisters out there I think this is the perfect job for anybody that's going to college like if you're out of high school hey for real I think you should get this job okay and I'm not the Marines so I've been out the Marines for a couple years what six years now and this is still like the perfect job for me because I don't like being around a lot of people like that but anyways I think this is the perfect job for people that's young because it gives you some decent money and also hey you get to figure out what you want to do with your life I'll be back I'm on the road again folks by elderly people I'm on route but they already be in their cars like that they be just they just be like driving like like walking around and stuff so yeah I'll be I just like man it's just I'll be on the street by myself man for real that's why y'all never hear me complaining about my job man I'm on the road again by the end of this video I'm pretty sure I'm gonna have someone that some of y'all singing that song I'm on the road again and I say that every day when I get on the phone my wife she starts singing it too man it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood a beautiful day for a neighbor would you be mine could you be mine would you be my neighbor I ain't got no dang but the Body Works on my truck y'all see nobody's beginning stop thanks you have my package yes ma'am I have your package can I please put the truck in park okay City well enough like I kid you not he's like be running up to my truck baby they house be like all the way down the road man down the street at the end of the block maybe like it'd be like you you like you can hear that song playing hold on let me stop because I don't you know I ain't that because I got some people walking all right that cousin be acting out goofy your mother folks right so hey y'all know them songs y'all know that that the uh that little uh music they be playing on folks run Maybe [Music] just like that hopefully it's like any running in slow motion FedEx stop trying to get that package bro all right I'm joking it's not automatic but it do be funny though at times for real for real so we are almost done I got like I don't even knock that I'm talking like 70 something stops but these seven these thoughts now I'm telling you man they're gonna be done real quick because once I get out my gated community I'm telling you it's easy it's easy going bro y'all can tell like if it's y'all like dang bro it's easier than what it already is Yes Man I'm telling you it is it gets better and better okay it's one of them chewy boxes y'all see that chili box what y'all think comment down below if y'all think that's a heavy box bro let's see so I gave it the look foot test all right I'm not kicking no box I don't know nobody think I'm kicking boxes okay I am not kicking boxes I just shifted a little bit to the side if I can't move over my leg with a little bit of effort I know it got some weight to it okay I ain't kicking no boxes all right got that 4004 4004 and it's on the floor so there's that and we're walking and it's not that heavy so gotta bend down pick that thing up right remember what I said treat every box as if it was loaded to the max you know guys it is currently 12.55 and I have exactly 49 stops left let me get y'all A View From This opposite end I can tell y'all man y'all gotta drink that water I could not be a responsible delivery driver if I did tell y'all to drink that water right trying to drink a gallon a day I'm telling you it get I'm trying to get high where I am so you gotta stay hydrated and plus right now like Hey Y'all check out my hoodie on my jacket hey it's cold right now but you got to stay drinking water because man you can still get dehydrated without I mean in a cold right you knew that so stay hydrated okay all right guys so as you can tell I emptied out that truck I have no brain backs I got every package off of my truck and I'm good to go I am off and ready to go home to see the fam so I did 137 120 stops 137 packages and I'm getting off at 3 13 guys that's gonna conclude this video guys so I promise you hey I had a pretty good day right this is a day in the life of a motivated and dedicated FedEx Ground delivery driver right so hey if you like this video click that like button subscribe to my channel okay you gotta do that that helps me out a lot okay and also man hey for you day ones out there I still get out new shoes okay I just ripped off the bottom of it because they was peeling so bad right so I'm motivated and I'm dedicated and My Mind Is Made Up so I know I'm gonna make it right so y'all stay motivated stay dedicated know that you can make it all it take is a made-up man okay take it easy
Views: 29,359
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: XzspwmySyj4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 13sec (913 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 16 2022
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