Asmongold reacts to fan-made memes | Reddit Recap #33 (FFXIV Special)

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as long as writing team goes to the beach what is this [Music] yeah what the [ __ ] is this look at him go wow duty calls it does jesus let's get mama yeah here we go just open your eyes okay you that's where he belongs okay i guess that's pretty good yes sure i know you guys have really [ __ ] you guys love this [ __ ] meme so goddamn much man it's crazy but yeah it's great to see like how there are people that like the chat knows and they remember them and i love that i think that's one of the best things about about streaming right especially like streaming mmos like that's so [ __ ] cool to me i love that japanese content creator thanks azmon for playing final fantasy 14 what is this here um cyril youtube i don't know what that says honestly like i don't um look at the next message um i i don't know what that means comments oh yeah okay let me read the comments here translation i'm grateful you're playing a japanese game thank you well great i mean i'm glad that they do i've seen some comments from like other uh other japanese communities that have watched my stream and seen what i've done and i think that's really cool i'll be honest i i do really like the idea of people from all over the world watching and being able to experience it and enjoy it man so i think it's [ __ ] great man looks respectful dude jesus christ oh my god yeah exactly that that's yeah that's great man oh my okay yeah this is a great this is a great picture i i love this a lot man shutter sound okay okay all right let's go back over to here all right they're very very [ __ ] funny a normal workday at blizzard oh jeez oh geez i remember whenever this cinematic played and then i just i knew what everybody in chat was going to be saying man damn i told you she's useless guys i told you i'm like wait what the [ __ ] there he is oh my god oh my god all right all right all right let's go we've got to defeat him and the cosby rift let's go that was the funniest thing about it is i knew what every single person was going to [ __ ] say and it's uh it's sad but you know it's uh it is what it is real picture yeah yeah it's um it sucks best comment i've read zap what's up y'all it's me your girl change my hair asthma what's up y'all it's me your boy lost more hair really i mean is this this is like so like this is a thousand upvotes a thousand upvotes for this are you kidding me are you [ __ ] kidding me this is it's not that oh my god don't slash spit slash swallow oh this is dark man oh god um yeah this is oh man uh they've really gotta i mean as i said i mean jl and brack i think that he should just come out with his entire like next blizzcon just put pins of all the different flags and all the different things that you're supposed to support as a company just put an entire put them all over your shirt so like whenever he's walking up there all you can hear is them clinking against each other you know all of the pins and then maybe the apology where he doesn't actually apologize will uh will be enough okay yeah it's it's [ __ ] sad man really is i don't know what else to say about it honestly just cleared alexander ultimate final fantasy did it with that physical handicap if you don't think you can get into ultimates or savage final fantasy look at this there's a lot of people out there listen the biggest reason why people are not successful and like uh this is obviously awesome right the biggest reason why people are not successful in you know accomplishing things in video games especially like things that are not like i'm not talking about getting like [ __ ] you know challenger and league or getting rank one and wow but like just being good at the game to a very high level there are some people who do not have the physical capabilities for it for whatever reason but there are many people who do not have the physical capabilities for it but they make up with it by just being ridiculously [ __ ] motivated and they get it done anyway and the reality is that if you really want to go after something if you really want to get something the odds are that the main thing holding you back is you i see sea lion represented as a male pretty often so today i learned sea lion is actually a female or the fun i don't even know wow sea lion is a girl p.s asmond will you come to my end game wedding next thursday sea lion has my invite for you and uh 99 stacks of red born red here save the date this is sea lion sea lions getting married in game yeah i'll go yeah of course i'm gonna of course i'll go i was gonna see us and see how an actual in-game wedding is it'll be a fun stream nice edited video too wasn't he supposed to marry red okay all right let's go ahead and scroll down here okay just a friendly reminder for today's stream no spoilers yeah guys i want to be able to see the game i want to be able to experience it and uh have my own type of fun man so uh just let me make sure to do that okay don't worry about it some expressions really show them oh jeez george carlin is the goat that's very true that's absolutely true uh ready for the wedding okay very very [ __ ] funny i uh i i will maybe probably stream that on my second channel or something like that whenever it happens it's like i think it's this thursday not like eight or something i'm pretty sure best girl same shirt this is good too i feel like yeah a lot of these are really really good like you guys are actually doing it like i don't know what it is but like there are way more [ __ ] like fan art and [ __ ] like that that's on my subreddit now like there are way way way more now i like this list yeah the fan artists are going nuts well i can see why right i can definitely see why this is great uh very very appreciate this he's being carried he's only winning because other people know the fight all these fights have been nerfed look i think that as i said this is the same thing that happened with dark souls this is the ham thing that happened with like plenty of other games is that people are going to watch a streamer do a game and then if the streamer does the fight way easier than they did they're going to find a reason for that to be the case other than i suck like that that one's off the table so if there's any way to figure out like oh well it's because of this it's because of that it's because of whatever right and this will always be the case and this happened with dark souls with me this happens with all kinds of games happens with wow as well all right what's this here rich realizes how far he's come seven 733 subs god damn god [ __ ] damn yeah rich has been farming like crazy oh my god one of the reasons that i didn't play final fantasy initially because i like more cartoonish graphics usually wow i i'm sure i'll get used to them but we'll see we'll see that is nice and now he has 25 000 subs jesus that's crazy man thank you guys seriously thank you you're wearing the same outfit you wore a few days true yeah yeah less than three dave thank you man thank you for the 5k that's crazy dude that is [ __ ] crazy it's a big paycheck yo it certainly is absolutely i mean it's certainly helped him a lot turning into asman well i don't know about that right but like he certainly has like i mean i'll tell you this before this month whenever i was playing final fantasy i had uh i had less subs than that i think i had less than 20 000 subs before i started playing final fantasy so like it's crazy how big of a difference it is because like the wow players actively i think in a lot of ways dislike content creators way more than i had 16k yeah i had like 16 or 17k viewers or not viewers i had uh that many subs but like just in general there are just way more supportive people that were uh that are final fantasy players i think it's been a huge difference man and uh skipped shut i i look i've seen this okay guys do we really need to [ __ ] look at this and uh and evaluate it and make a comment on this listen i haven't showered in a month and i smell great the longer i don't shower the better i smell just keep that in mind guys asmin gold wipes kills the boss 99.9 percent of the time okay thank you i appreciate that that that's that's great um awesome thank you very much so i see you graduated number one in your class from princeton that's right and i'm certified as an accountant and also have a law degree wow that's all very impressive we'll keep you in mind let's see pointy boobs medium pointy boobs not so pointy boobs that's a shame uh you know these kinds of things it's real what can i say yeah it's [ __ ] real shameless i can see that it's not weird dude japanese illustrator turns cats into anime girls and the results are amazing see this is good this is like cleansing the world of furries i i like this yeah this is cleansing the world of furries this is great yeah this is a good thing this this this guy is doing he's doing a good thing for everybody here okay guys it's not a furry yeah i know that it's a cat but there are some furries that are very into their uh they're very into their fur let's just say that what is this here [Music] oh did i miss the one at the end yep yeah that's about right man i got that though yeah i've uh now i played fps games quite a bit back in the day but what is oh wow yeah this is this is going to be very very soon guys it will be very very soon so i would say guys that that um what was her name uh moon breedo whatever the the girl the new one i would say that she's my new girlfriend in the game but the problem is that she likes that uber danger guy and so every time she farts with him and i'm in the cutscene i feel like i'm getting cucked and so i can't say that but i think she's the hottest one a hundred percent moon breeder no you mustn't what the [ __ ] what no it cannot end what the [ __ ] i am she's not gone right there's no way she's gone she's she's gone the [ __ ] beginner guide for asthma goal boss fights what is this uh easiest bosses in the game probably wiped several times it's a wipe yep it's a white come on guys you can do this three fourths of the team are dead it's waiting for a wipe i'm dead waiting for the hero to see your rotting body between the hordes of ads the faster we kill them faster today asthma is sitting in a lot of identity and general logics it's getting deleted boss at 95 but you're getting overconfident again it's not gambling it's investing asthma gold teaching kids about good life decisions cat girls aren't furries it's not a furry song as it doesn't have body here guys it's a spectrum it's been a spectrum anybody that knows anything [ __ ] knows that okay guys i'm popping my cds you aren't sure what's going on so you pop your cds just in case nice tank swap he died the off tank took over tanking duties almost always followed my heroes get me up i need a rez almost always followed up i'm [ __ ] i [ __ ] up i'm the worst player in the universe yes i do take accountability for my mistakes whenever i do them wrong at least usually i do unless i genuinely don't know what happened okay 100 70 this boss is easy it's getting deleted 70 to 40 i died okay dom get it nice get the he or get me up 40 to zero percent probably white for an hour and then it's the easiest fight in the game dude look man i it's gonna it's gonna work all right we're doing we're doing just fine we're doing great everything's totally okay we're gonna kill the boss we kill all of them and it takes a little bit of time but we get it done let me see here mini cockpot ticket connect 3 iceman gold to win 10 000 mandolier good boy points wait what three icemon gold oh man no i didn't get ice that many times man like and that's like over an hour or two like probably like half of those were like me running in there to wipe myself on purpose like nah nah bro like that's not what it was you did nah nah nah nah that's not what it was uh i'm not yashada uh what's this here amano but i tried heaven's ball bro this looks like uh [ __ ] uh castlevania i look like dude i look like dracula holy [ __ ] that's badass look at that [ __ ] that's really really really good i love this oh my god i should use that in the new uh uh whenever we actually get the heavensward that's [ __ ] amazing yeah i love this too much hair that's why it's called final fantasy okay yeah sure well actually why does it have 700 up doodles what is this i'm depressed and only anyone willing to help me queue for leveling throughout making a friend i'm not even kidding you should eat it come to plaza we are near fire and take a seat oh oh wow that's so nice apes together strong yeah i remember i had somebody message me like this kind of stuff and i like i just invited him into the guild because he's like i'm new i have depression i don't have any friends what should i do and i just invite him into the guild and i'm like you're in the guild now now you have friends shut up you know shut up and start learning the game ask anybody for questions if you need to have a chat right there yeah that that's hey it works man it does i think that's great to see man good luck making some friends dude absolutely simplistic important element of mmos far too many players in a genre forgotten yeah i think that the social experience definitely does matter so can music director final fantasy is a fan of cat asthma it seems no i don't believe this i don't believe it that's the guy ah wow um i don't really even know what to say uh jesus in too deep well i saw somebody posted this one of me and i i had to uh i had to post it right i thought this one was pretty [ __ ] funny it was hilarious i'll craft a soaking listen i would love to i don't know if he wanted to do it i would totally be down to do it like i would i would [ __ ] love to do that this it's very flattering okay i'll definitely say that it's very very flattering what's this one here oh no oh no is this has it been updated oh my god it's been updated world of warcraft burning crusade wrath of the lich king cataclysm dude the [ __ ] panda one is so good warwick's draenor might finish later if we have the resources legion battle for restaurants [ __ ] slot a literal [ __ ] slot machine world of warcraft classic that's what this one is here it's all broken warcraft shadow ads it's a calendar and you get one piece of it every day or every every tuesday i wonder what this is going to look like in five years or in 10 years you know like it's just it's gotten better and better over time all right yeah we've see we've seen okay yeah we've seen that bell you're on main channel bell you're on quipp's channel look it's hard out there man it's hard out there you gotta put on a smile for the viewers that's the way it goes another one an activision iit worker pleaded guilty to mounting a camera under the sink and manner at the toilet 2018 yeah i saw this this doesn't really like this is not like one person doing something bad is not evidence of like systemic problems of the company like every company is going to inadvertently hire creeps and weirdos you see what i'm saying like it's just this is just one person that lives there sorry that works there and this person was a piece of [ __ ] this is not indicative of the company's culture that one person did something perverted and uh and bad it's just like one thing is indicative of like a systemic problem the other thing is like a singular actor you said i'm saying the question is if he was fired or not i mean i feel like he probably was you know what i mean i i do feel like he probably was unless he find out that that person was alex afrosabi which at this point i would not be surprised about as as we're going to reaching heaven toward here's an image from the growth and evolution of final fantasy dragons from neoresia encyclopedia uh yeah i mean this seems pretty much uh this seems like pretty much the way it is in a lot of games except for i believe i thought the grounded dragons in many uh in many fantasy novels are actually the precursors to the flying ones and many of the grounded dragons are the more like primordial ones uh well like there's certain grounded dragons in uh in in lord of the rings that i believe are are the first ones themselves but um either way like the spoilers yeah like gao wrong yeah there's his name yeah gal wrong uh is one of the primordial ones so it's harder to say i don't think this is necessarily a spoiler guys because i have literally no context behind any of this so this happened yesterday uh whenever i ended my stream well guys we got ourselves a new kind of bird here we go you guys want to see it there he is [ __ ] suck a dick oh guys you look at his face dude look at his face like he and the thing is i was fee i've been feeding them a whole lot they love hot dogs yeah i saw that video too look at this it's ten to seven and i got a bucket of grapes i'm gonna throw that whole bucket out because i can't get out look at them all they're gonna do the hot dogs look at them all can you believe that this is gonna be fun now right here look at they're immediately trying to get in the house they're like grabbing his leg dude oh my god look how fat they are dude like you see mine like mine is like actually in good shape look at these [ __ ] hogs dude look at these fat like these chunkers man look at this i'm gonna go over there and sit on the uh the bench oh stop oh they're really going at it yeah okay they get they get mad real fast all right guys come on let's go you ready i'm gonna sit in the snow-covered bench holy smokes look at him oh my gosh look at him dude look at all the hot dogs yes look at them bro like they're going all over them they're like putting their hands on them raccoons look at them let's go look at them all it's an actual sausage fest yeah it is crazy the original quizzy gobblers man right there 30 raccoons at least he's like look at the one he's he's eating it on his shoulder he's just sitting there they all love me he's like yeah this is just chill i'm just just having fun dude doing what i want to do yeah like a buddy hanging off me oh my god i like how he hands someone and then they take it and then they run away with it watch watch there you go just throws that one down at him are things settling down he hands them to him man i got eight pounds of hot dogs here in this pocket eight pounds of hot dogs things to settle down finally holy smokes look at them dude and now like the first one see they already ate one now they're coming back for another one yeah they're all yeah i'll tell you see they're really really super hungry because of the cold yeah look at him dude look at him bro like look at them all dude holy [ __ ] and like i don't even know if there's i don't think this i don't think being this fat is like i think like yeah maybe they're like a few pounds overweight but like i actually don't think they're super overweight because you got to remember like they're storing food for the winter and it's cold so like they have like a very very uh they're very thick coat it's winter yeah these are [ __ ] these are [ __ ] ripping my coat and everything oh my god yeah dude my friend whenever we were growing up he actually had a pet raccoon i began all right oh wait he's giving him more hey everybody back here you get one under there what's he giving him [ __ ] little debbie he's giving him cookies oh my god well he's giving him this it's dessert bro there's a mixture of oreo at him oh my gosh oh [ __ ] so i had to show you guys there's no wonder they're fat no they're like this normally too but like obviously this is this is the raccoon diet this is the raccoon lifestyle right here guys you gotta understand that [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 327,427
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold reddit, asmongold memes, reddit recap, asmongold reddit recap, asmongold recap, asmongold subreddit, Asmongold fan made, wow memes, zackrawrr, reddit recap asmongold, asmongold reacts to reddit, reddit asmongold, memes, reddit, reddit funny, reddit memes, ffxiv, asmongold ffxiv, asmongold final fantasy, asmongold FFXIV, wow ffxiv, ffxiv memes, fan made memes, ff14 memes, reddit recap 33, reddit recap #33
Id: R75_Q2Z1O_M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 32sec (1472 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 02 2021
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