What caliber is harder to control - 9, 40, or 45?

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[Music] well my friends today is the day finally I have all of my toys you could say in alignment I have of course a Glock here I've got three blocks in nine millimeter 40 Smith & Wesson 45 ACP I have my ransom rest here that will lock and hold each one of the pistols in there it it's it's known for simulating the human grip but takes the human out of it and also allows me to from a mobile standpoint still fire the trigger without actually touching the firearm meaning that there's not going to be any interaction that's a human induced at that point that's going to control or change what the recall impulse is going to be a lot of times people will subconsciously go to fire a larger caliber pistol or a weapon and they'll tend to adjust their grip accordingly they'll grip it a little bit harder possibly more firm obviously so this is going to allow me to make sure that I don't manipulate that grip in any kind of way based on whatever the caliber might be so I've got all these guys in place this is not going anywhere and again there's no human interaction except for this that's gonna actually take place I've got my arms core ammunition my favorite ammunition a full disclosure these guys supply me all of my handgun ammunition on the set here I saw film out because I always liked their ammunition I felt like it was extremely affordable but also extremely consistent a lot of times you pay for affordable ammunition and you're getting very inconsistent loads so I like them I've got them set up and look nobody's perfect I've got my lab radar set up also in the event that I see inconsistencies and felt recall or recoil impulse I can tell if it is load related based on the ammunition because my lab radar using Doppler radar is going to calculate the feed second using Doppler radar and tell me if for some reason I had a hotter load or maybe a little bit lighter load in my ammunition that's going to again show me if I have any inconsistencies in my Mantis system which is over here the Mantis system actually the unit itself affixed this to the bottom of the rail of your handgun but it reads via bluetooth to an app that they have what I've got it set on is recoil I want to see what the recall comparison is between all of these now the cool thing is what I see here will also be captured on the lab radar and then you're also going to see using a visual behind me I put this makeshift little graph up with different lines on it since you can visually see if the numbers don't tell you enough of a tail on the lab radar with the feet per second and the Mantis system showing the bar graphs of the felt recoil then you'll be able to see it visually here so it's it's an exercise that I've been wanting to do for a long time there's been this life long debate on recoil what everybody complains and says that's not true and this and that and again people saying that you're manipulating your grip whenever you're grabbing this higher caliber or you're gripping lighter so there's there's so many things and arguments that are taking place in the past I'm trying to put a lot of that to bed right now by simply showing the physical performance of these rounds and I picked three Glocks for obvious reasons it's a very popular gun most people have shot one but also their frames are relatively consistent when you go from one caliber to the other yes the the 45 has a little bit Meteor frame to it you know we'll show the weights and all that of each one of these these guns to show that there's a little bit more mass involved here but not a huge difference not a huge difference so we should still see a difference in that recall impulse so cool cool exercise I've been excited about this for a very long time again I want to thank mantas system library our or mouskouri munition and ransom rest for all taking part in this these guys this this does not happen without these guys involved so let's get to it what I'm gonna do is I'm going to go through an I'm going to shoot all these I'm not going to bore you I'm going to show you some of the highlights starting with nine 40 and 45 again I'll show you some of the clips and highlights through that for the amount of time it would take me to run through all of that because I plan on shooting about 50 to 100 rounds with each one of these calibers so obviously it's way too long of a video way too boring of a video probably already boring you to be quite honest with you but let me skip through all that real quick again show you some highlights and then the real will recap at the end of it my setup worked pretty good now while it's not advisable to reset the ransom rest by pushing down the slide I noticed that if I push down on the ransom rest base where you're supposed to that I had less control of the actual system and what sometimes get a false positive on the Manas app the manage sapwood think sometimes whenever it hit abruptly on the base that a shot had been fired and it would try to record recoil so that's why I'm pushing down the slide here where you're not supposed to now to calculate your feet per second properly the lab radar needs to know a number of things but also it needs to know the grain weight of the particular bullet so when I switch to 40 Smith & Wesson I had to change that reading in the lab grade arm now when we were shooting the 9-millimeter we noticed that we consistently got using the visual in the bottom right hand corner we consistently got the muzzle writing up right around in the orange area notice the 40 caliber or the 40 Smith & Wesson rather goes just above the orange now so we're getting that visual that we're looking for but we'll also look at our readings here in a second after several rounds downrange from our 40 Smith & Wesson it was time to move on to our 230 grain 45 ACP round this was our final round bigger bullet now one thing you'll notice here notice my red line in the back here remember the nine-millimeter barely crept into the orange line the 40 Smith & Wesson went just above the orange line and here the 45 ACP is going well into the red line now it was time to take a look at some of this data this was gonna be a very interesting look okay friends I tried to set this up to where it's easy to look at and process the data here if you look at the top where it says 9 millimeter just to the right of that the dotted line that you see behind the red lines that's dead center of the axis of the recoil plane coming from the bottom going up all of those red lines are actually the different all 13 different shots that were made and the different paths that they took recoiling upwards the picture to the right is the highest path that the nine-millimeter actually recalled upwards going into that orange line and of course to the right hand side there you'll notice that's data straight from the Mantis system the muzzle rise which is highlighted at 20 point 10 degrees that's the degree of rise off of the vertical line that you have that black line behind the picture would be consistent with zero degrees and where you see the muscle at in this picture that's 20 point 10 degrees higher than that that black line that's the angle that it is you'll notice below that recoil with that is again those red lines that you see the distance between all of them the average width of that that's pretty much shows the inconsistency of the recoil one thing to note is notice how much wider the 40 Smith & Wesson recoil width is in this picture and all the red lines how much wider they are then say that 9 millimeter in the 45 ACP that's what you hear when you hear people talk about the torque of the 40 Smith & Wesson and having such an unconventional recoil impulse that's what they're talking about it's all over the place the nine and the forty five is extremely consistent with a upwards moving recall movement for the most part I mean you can see also that the nine-millimeter and the 45 ACP most of those shots are just to the right of Center the dotted line being Center the white dotted line being Center look at all the red marks on the nine and the 45 they are mostly to the right of that center line where the 40 Smith & Wesson is all over the place is to the left and it's to the right mostly to the right but again you see it's easily as far to the left as it is to the right you'll also notice the difference between these guys notice the muscle Rises only nine millimeters twenty point ten degrees where the muscle rise on the forty is twenty five point five and then we have thirty four point zero eight on the 45 of muscle rise degrees that's a pretty significant difference in those muscle Rises for sure I mean you're talking about between the first two you've got five degrees of separation between the nine and the forty is far as muzzle rise difference but it goes as much as almost nine degrees between the forty and the 45 I wasn't expecting to see that huge of a jump between the 45 and the 40 Smith & Wesson definitely the 40 seems to have from a rise standpoint less muscle rise than what I anticipated I believe that torque that unconventional torque that the 40 Smith & Wesson has makes a lot of us believe that it actually recoils a lot more than what it does because again looking at this the muzzle rise is not near as much as I thought it would be a pretty significant difference between the 9 and the 45 13 almost 14 degrees of difference of muzzle rise between those two calibers now speaking of that recoil with take a look at this again you have your 940 and your 45 ACP this is the variants that you have on the recoil width if you'll notice the white line would be the average you'll also notice that on the 9 millimeter that most of that rise that you'll find is to the right of that centerline again looking over to smarty excuse me the 40 Smith & Wesson look at how many of the lines they are there are to the left and how inconsistent they are especially the one that I have have highlighted in dark red you'll notice that that's not exactly a straight line going up very unusual line going up there that's to emulate that torque or to at least define the torque that you're finding with that muscle rise and then you move over to the 45 ACP and if you see how well and nice and straight and consistent those lines are going up and almost dead-on on your your center axis I know there are some shots too little bit to the left and to the right but we're talking about one degree difference coming off of that center line axis so that again shows you the differences between the type of felt recoil that you're going to experience shooting each one of these calibers a nine millimeter and the 45 again being relatively conventional and straight up going from bottom to top and with your 40 Smith & Wesson yeah it's going bottom the top but it's definitely got some sideways movement that's going to not just torque that shot but you have to understand that when we're dealing with polymer-framed pistols like what we have here that's torquing that frame a little bit and that's going to function and operate and feel a whole lot different in your hand when shooting at 40 Smith & Wesson versus that nine or that 45 ACP another thing that's kind of cool about this managed system is that not only will you get averages of these strings of shots that you put together but you can actually go in there and select each individual shot to see what the characteristics of that shot are as you can see you can measure recovery time your muzzle rise which is what I have highlighted right here which is signified by that red little line on the side of muzzle rise this is showing all 13 shots of multiple riders that I have here with the one selected being shown in the darker red line you also have your recoil with you'll notice that that's the again what I spoke about earlier the all the shots going up the width between them left to right and of course your recoil angle that's where the line would be if your gun is off center of the line going straight up and down if it's to the left or the right of it the angle that it might be recalling upwards so again you can actually dissect this and look at it shot by shot individually and see what each shot is I could see a person in training videotaping themselves shooting and also going back and comparing what they see with the videotape with the actual data that you can pull down here shot by shot now one thing that I thought would be a bit interesting is to take the human me and put back into the mix just to show you the difference we'll analyze all this data again in the studio and a little bit later on but I want to go ahead and run a five round drill with the 9 to 40 and the 45 just to see in comparison what the human does when it comes to recoil impulse and all that good stuff back in the studio later on so here we go didn't lock back as I had my hand on the stop there the catch okay that was the nine-millimeter let me reset that and go to the 45 here we go okay looks like it registered the first one as me putting the Mantis onto the rail you got to watch for those false positives because it's showing me firing six rounds there and only fired five let me go ahead oh I know what it was it was probably the slide going forward so let me go ahead and put my slide forward first now I'm hot and ready let me reset my mantas system and then start over this should do it right here with the five shots instead of the six by the way yeah five shots that time okay we'll take this same data bring it into the studio here in a little bit and we'll analyze the human involvement into the recoil management and the recoil impulse and compare that with the ransom rest actually containing all of it and eliminating me from the picture well clearly this was very interesting one thing that we did prove is that the ransom res certainly taking the human element out of the recoil impulse story it surely tells a different story clearly I would have really messed up these numbers if we would have just shot this thing either on a sandbag or just free handed particularly look at the 40 cement and Weston under 45 ACP I actually had some of my recoil impulses that were higher with my 40 Smith & Wesson than my 45 ACP as you can see here I actually averaged about eleven point eighty degrees with the 9-millimeter I averaged 16 point to three degrees of muzzle rise with the 40 Smith & Wesson and I averaged only seventeen point six six degrees with the 45 days you'll remember the 45 ACP off the ransom rest had a 34 point one seven degree average versus this being a seventeen point six six free handing it now also of note is that the 40 Smith & Wesson had a 25 point 30-degree off the ransom rest to only an average of sixteen point two three free hand again I think this is a good indicator that the human element as I stated earlier in the video I'm definitely gripping and compensating and preparing for this recoil to make sure that it doesn't have any ill effects flying out of my hand stovepiping limp wrists anything like that so certainly taking the human out of it surely gives me better results so the ransom rest is certainly the ticket and getting me some truer data right here well guys this segment of caliber Throwdown is certainly coming to an end but obviously I think it's very clear that we've opened the door for so many other things that we probably need to address and look at in terms of felt recall and what recoil is doing whenever you fire various calibers I didn't expect the huge differences that I got from the Ransom reps going to the human being me actually holding the gun I think as I pointed out earlier in the video that typically we as humans whenever we know we're about to fire heavier caliber a stronger caliber we tend to subconsciously grip that gun a little bit different differently a little bit better and I think it showed that that was not intentional on my part but gosh whatever what a difference it was a huge difference between the the nine and the 45 versus the nine and the 45 holding it the ranch arrest versus just meat holding it big difference is right there I think that you're definitely going to see some some cooler videos that we're going to be able to put out on that I think what this pretty much showed us is that the nine-millimeter is prone to having a very manageable very controllable recoil we're going to be continuing this caliber Throwdown series and actually shooting them with the mana system alone and getting our own using the human getting our own feedback as to how fast we can actually recover and get an effective shot that's going to be something that's gonna be kind of interesting I think we showed that the 40 there's a little bit a little bit different you'll notice on these recoil impulses that come up on the 40 that the graph is a little bit wider in other words it's a very inconsistent torque the gun torques a little bit differently especially in these polymer frames I would have to believe that if we shot a 40-caliber with a steel frame like in 1911 it would probably tighten the window up a little bit of these recall the angle of the recoil impulse I think it shows that the 40 definitely has again more inconsistency the 45 yes while it has a much higher angle of recoil you'll notice that it's a very consistent pop of a recall going straight up that that upwards axis it's pretty consistent whenever we take into account that it is such a strong caliber but again it's not like the 40 the 40 was kind of all over the place even though that felt recoil and that recoil angle was lower the 40 still had a much wider variation in terms of all the different rounds going up there was no consistency whatsoever in terms of that so that was very interesting to me so guys I make I'm excited about this this is a lot of fun to me hope you guys will take this data and process it like I did I've got tons more data I'll probably be posting some snapshots and some screenshots of all of this data so you guys can process it along with me I've got tons of I don't want to thank Mantha system and their engineers or doing a little bit of work behind the scenes to get this thing tweaked to where I could utilize it the way I needed to of course ransom rest thank you so much for what you do for us this rest that's amazing and again this is what I really needed to make this happen the old score ammunition what can I say clearly this doesn't happen without it I've shot hundreds and hundreds probably closer to thousands of rounds just testing before I even start at the video guys please subscribe to us here on YouTube if you haven't subscribed already of course hit the notification bell YouTube has this strange little funny habit here recently that whenever we have all these subscribers out there very few of them are actually getting notified whenever we put a video out and you got to hit their little bell and unfortunately you got to keep coming back and hitting the bell because they undo your hitting of the bell you can hit it every single time and they're still gonna undo it because I've got lots of people who tell me hey guys I'm trying to subscribe I hit the notification bell I go back and check and realize I'm not getting you notifications and videos of you you got 10 more videos out it's because the bells not rung anymore so I don't know it's YouTube guys we'll see you guys next time thanks again for watching as always [Music]
Channel: Legally Armed America
Views: 240,088
Rating: 4.8687687 out of 5
Keywords: legally armed america, paul glasco, 9mm, .40, .45, acp, smith and wesson, s&w, mantis, mantisx, mantis x, ransom rest, recoil, what is recoil, what recoils more, caliber, comparison, compare, lab radar, labradar, armscor, ammo, ammunition, .40 cal, self defense, sig sauer, .40 s&w, 9 vs 40, 9mm vs 45 acp
Id: 47ob02Nbn7A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 24sec (1284 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 07 2019
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