9 Creepy Photos with DISTURBING Backstories

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I wanna kick this video off with a picture that’s been circulating around recently. I don’t think many of you will be familiar with the story behind it. Last month, Belgian detectives released a piece of evidence to the public which could be the key to cracking one of the country’s most notorious unsolved mysteries. That piece of evidence is this photograph, which was sent to them anonymously. The man in this image is said to be a “vital lead” in the investigation of the “Crazy Brabant Killers”. Between the years of 1982 and 1985 the group carried out a huge number of robberies and raids, targeting jewellery stores, restaurants, supermarkets, hostels, car dealerships and other businesses in the Brabant area of Belgium. What made this group so feared was their mercilessness. They would burst into establishments wearing face paint, and immediately begin opening fire on anyone inside - employees, customers, it didn’t seem to matter one lick to them. During their spree, the group took the lives of 28 people, including innocent children. 22 others were seriously injured. Some of their victims were even tortured before their lives were ended. There are even accounts of the members shooting dead civilians just outside the stores they were about to rob, for seemingly no reason whatsoever, other than to cause fear that is. It’s not known exactly how many members were a part of the Brabant crew, though the number’s estimated to be between 4 and 10. None of them have ever been found, or even identified. The three core members were nicknamed by the media. The Giant, a tall man who is believed to be the gang’s leader, The Killer (who was the main shooter), and The Old Man, who was the getaway driver. For whatever reason, they abruptly stopped their raiding in 1985 and disappeared completely. Since the introduction of DNA tests, investigators have made significant progress in tracking down the members. Now, with this newly uncovered photograph, they’re one step closer to learning the identities of the men who so barbarically opened fire on helpless civilians, all for the sake of money. And not even much money at that. They’d often leave empty-handed, or with some petty cash or low-value goods. The weapon the man’s holding in this photo is believed to be one of those used during the spree. Do you recognise the man in this image? If so, please get in contact with the Belgian authorities. You just might hold that vital piece of information they’re so desperately searching for. I should add that this is also a race against time, as the Belgian statute of limitations for the case runs out in 2025. Nigel C was on Skype, chatting with his son who was in New Zealand. While the pair were catching up, Nigel’s son suddenly appeared frightened by something. He asked his father “who’s standing behind you?” Nobody, replied Nigel, I’m alone in the house - Terrified, his son quickly took a screenshot. This was the image he captured. He sent the screen grab to his father. Nigel quickly turned around to look for an explanation, but saw nothing. He didn’t hear or feel anything, either, despite the fact the figure appeared to be touching his shoulder. Though seemingly human, the entity in the screenshot looks to have unnaturally pale, latex-like skin. Though only partially viable, its face appears feminine and still. Who or what this figure even is remains unknown - Nigel and his son are still searching for a rational explanation to this day. This is a bit of a crazy one. The man in this photo is Franklin Delano Floyd. In 1974 he married a woman named Sandi Chipman who already had 4 children of her own. Floyd invited her and her children to move into his home in Dallas, Texas. For a brief time they were happy. But then in 1975, Sandi was sentenced to 30 days in jail for writing bad checks. During that time she left her children in the custody of Floyd. ~Strangely, her husband didn’t come to visit her while she was incarcerated. Upon release, she returned to the family home in Dallas - Floyd was nowhere to be found. He’d gone - and what’s more, he’d taken 2 of Sandi’s children with him - her oldest child, Suzanne, and her youngest, Philip. To this day, Philip has never been found, and it’s unknown what happened to him. The girl pictured here with Floyd, however, is Suzanne, and we know what happened to her. Floyd had taken her to start a new life with, and this photo was taken shortly after moving - he claimed Suzanne as his own biological daughter, and changed both of their names. He raised her as his own. In 1989 Floyd married another woman called Tonya Hughs. She also already had a son, Michael. Floyd and Tonya had a strange relationship - he wasn’t the gentlest of husbands, and, despite being a smart girl who earned a full scholarship to study aerospace engineering, Tonya didn’t go to college and instead became a “dancer” of the more risqué variety. When Floyd discovered his second wife was secretly having an affair with with a college student, he became enraged. One evening soon after her affair was discovered, Tonya mysterious lost her life after being hit by a car. There were no witnesses, and the driver sped away without even trying to help her. At the time Floyd wasn’t suspected of anything, but is now considered to’ve been the man behind the wheel that fateful night. After Tonya was out of the picture, Floyd tried to adopt her son, Michael, but was denied custody. Floyd wasn’t biologically related to Michael, and had placed him in foster care after Tonya’s untimely demise. Floyd subsequently walked into Michael’s school in the middle of the day, and, with a loaded weapon in his hand, forced the principal to take him to Michael’s classroom. He then took Michael and the principal to his pickup truck and drove off with both of them. He ditched the principal in a wooded area, handcuffing him to a tree. Michael was never seen again, and, just like with Philip, it’s still unknown what happened to him. In 2015 Floyd confessed to taking Michael’s life the same day he took him from the school - though that claim remains unsubstantiated, as the boy’s remains still haven’t been recovered. The craziest part about that whole story I just told you? Floyd’s second wife, Tonya Hughs, was actually the young girl he’d stolen from his first wife - the youngster in this photograph - Suzzanne Chipman. Like I said, he’d changed her name and raised her as his own. Their relationship was more than that of a father and daughter however. When she was of marrying age, he took her as his wife, and despite her good grades at school, forced her to start working as a dancer to earn money. She ended up running away with one of her boyfriends, with whom she had Michael, her son, but Floyd tracked her down and took her back with him. When one of Tonya’s coworkers at the dance club, Cheryl Commesso, reported Tonya for misstating her income and lost her her government benefits, Commesso mysteriously disappeared. That was in 1989. 97 photographs were later discovered of Commesso bound and beaten. Her skeletal remains were later found in 1995, with 2 shots in the back of her skull. Her slaying was linked to Floyd and Tonya. Floyd was apprehended 2 months after taking Michael from the school, and for his life of sin was given the death penalty. As it stands that sentence is yet to be carried out. Franklin Delano Floyd is currently 77 years old. Recently, a photo was posted on Reddit, titled “Someone was outside our window last night. This is about 16ft off the ground” - The user, who goes by the name TheTapeLibrary, went on to elaborate: So last night I couldn't sleep. It was too hot, so I decided to go into our living room for a bit to cool off. As soon as I walked into the room I saw these handprints on our middle window. While that wouldn't seem super strange on its own, they weren't there when I went to bed earlier and we're above a basement flat so the ground below this window is about 16ft below... Here’s a shot taken from outside that same window, showing the distance to the ground. The OP realised that the prints could have been made a long time ago on the inside of the glass, so he tried to wipe them away…, but they remained, meaning they were left on the outside of the window that very night as he was sleeping. Since this was posted on the Ghosts subreddit, many people jumped to the conclusion that this was some paranormal visitation. More skeptical users suggested it could have been some peeping tom with a ladder, using his hand to balance on the glass window. That could explain why the two prints were made by the right hand. The potential intruder could also have been testing the strength of the glass, or perhaps even trying to open the window. Either way, it’s freaky to think that somebody could be outside your window at night, watching you while you’re unaware, whether they’re from this reality or another. I know one thing: I’ll be sleeping with the curtains closed tonight. Her expression says it all. This photograph, titled “tragedy at sea”, was taken mere moments after a couple’s 19-month-old son was swept out to sea, and captures the mother’s immediate reaction. The son had been playing in the couple’s yard, but had somehow wandered down to the shoreline and was dragged out by a particularly fierce tide. It was snapped in 1954 on Hermosa Beach, California, by LA Times photographer John L. Gaunt, who also lived by the beach. Perhaps the most disturbing thing to think about when looking at this image, is that it shows the couple in distress, but not yet breaking down - it’s that short period where realisation is just setting in, where panic is just transitioning into grief. As one user on reddit put it - It's the moment where the facts start to set in and there's nothing you can do to prevent it anymore. There’s nothing left for them to do but turn around, go home, and live with the loss, their lives and dreams for the future completely altered forever. Their sons remains were later recovered from the surf. Gaunt won a pulitzer for this photograph. He himself had a daughter the same age as the couple’s son at the time. These are the kind of photos that turns your stomach. Yadira Reyes was 26 years old when she went on a date with Michael Garguilo, pictured here. He seemed like a nice guy at first, of course, but as their date progressed he started to become forceful; aggressive. You can see just how uncomfortable Yadira was in these images. The date ended even worse, with Michael ushering Yadira into the back of his van, driving her to a secluded area, and then beginning to have his way with her against her will. She protested the through the entire ordeal, until Michael finally gave in and got off of her. He agreed to drive her back to her house, but warned her to keep what had happened to herself. Now that backstory is horrific enough, but an entire decade later, Yadira would receive a phone call that put the whole encounter in an even darker context. You see, you might know Michael Garguilo by another alias - namely, The Hollywood Ripper - not that Yadira or anyone else knew that at the time. He was responsible for the murder of at least 3 women when he and Yadira went on their date together, though his true number of victims could be as many as 10. It’s unknown whether or Garguilo he was responsible for stabbing his 18-year-old neighbour to death on her back doorstep when he was 17, though he allegedly moved from Glenview, Illinois to Los Angeles to escape the heat from the authorities. Several other incidents have been postiviley linked to him, though. In 2001 he stabbed Ashley Ellen 47 times at her home in Hollywood, inflicting a neck wound so deep that her head almost became detached from her body. On the night of her death she had planned to go for dinner and drinks with her then boyfriend, Ashton Kutcher. The actor would later go on to testify at Garguilo’s trial. In 2005 again took a blade and repeatedly stabbed his neighbour to death in El Monte, California. In 2008 he again attempted to slash his neighbour to death in Santa Monica. Definitely not a guy you want to live next to, I can tell you that much. Luckily, the women he attacked was able to fend Garguilo off, and investigators were able to match DNA found at the scene to Gargiulo. He was apprehended 1 month later. After numerous delays, Garguilo’s trial ended in 2019, where he was found guilty on all counts. His sentencing has also been delayed, so it’s unknown whether he’ll be spending the rest of his life in prison, or if he’ll receive capital punishment. Only time will tell. Watch this space. A woman named Bunny L submitted this series of photos, showing a woman and her child posing together on a beach. The first few look normal enough, though if you inspect them closely, you’ll notice a strange shadow in the background that seemingly doesn’t belong to anyone. Not to mention, the shadow itself is missing the head of whoever is casting it. What makes this series of photographs truly chilling, however, is the fourth one. Now, behind the woman, you can see a disembodied head - when you look closely, you can make out the details of a dark face staring down at the water. Given the angle of the head and the position it’s in behind the woman, it couldn’t have possibly been connected to a body. Not to mention, despite being on a sunny beach, the head is completely shrouded in shadow. The woman in the pictures says she didn’t notice anyone behind her at the time, and was shocked when she looked through the images after the fact. She couldn’t come up with any kind of explanation for it being there. What was this strange entity, and why did it appear behind her during that carefree trip to the beach? Ghost pictures don’t usually do it for me, but even I think this one is disturbing to look at and think about. What’s the first thing that stands out to you in this photograph? Perhaps the batman t-shirt that guy’s wearing, or the pram in the foreground. Whatever it is that jumps out at you, it’s probably not what makes this image disturbing. This image was taken at Niagara Falls. See the woman in the background wearing the red sweater. That’s 20 year old Ayano Tokumasu - She was a Japanese exchange student on a trip to see the famous waterfall. Notice how I said was. She’s standing on the guardrails, posing for a picture herself. What she didn’t realise was just how slippery those rails are on the viewing platform. Moments after this photograph was taken, she lost her footing, and slipped into the rushing waters near the brink of Horseshoe Falls to her untimely demise - a young life snuffed out in an instant. In our youth, we all tend to feel invincible and do stupid things - sometimes the risks we take cost us big time. The looks on their faces say it all - we all know that North Korea isn’t the nicest place to live - that’s putting it extremely mildly, I know. The whole country is run by an authoritarian regime that controls pretty much every aspect of every person’s daily life. One minor misstep, one bad word about the wrong person, one small infraction of the rules could land you and your entire family in a labour camp, or perhaps even publicly executed. You see, Pyongyang doesn’t believe in punishing just the individual - they believe in generational punishment. If one family member makes a mistake, at least one person from every living generation of said family will pay the price for it. With that backdrop in mind, it’s easy to see why the people in this photo all look so distressed - well, with one obvious exception - their supreme leader, Kim Jung Un, who was on a publicity campaign. This turned out to be a PR disaster for ol’ Kimmy, seeing how the photos were leaked by a South Korean news website. Hopefully the family in the photo wasn’t punished for their “insubordination” and “lack of loyalty to their leader”. But with the country being so secretive, we’ll never know if they were or weren’t. Whatever the case, this image is extremely revealing, and gives us an insight into the minds of an imprisoned population.
Channel: Lazy Masquerade
Views: 604,641
Rating: 4.9266305 out of 5
Keywords: creepy photos, scary photos, unsolved mysteries, solved mysteries, scary true stories, reddit stories, horror stories, lazy maskarade, lazy masquerade, skin walkers, with creepy backstories, ghost photos, caught on camera, deeply disturbing, 2chan, new, best, most, long video, mr nightmare, corpse husband, lets read, nexpo, top 10, audiobook, relaxing, British accent, English, Asmr, horror movies 2020, Japan, yanderes, creepy pasta, creepy, horrifying, terrifying, lets not meet, chills
Id: F_S56OG5Rfk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 13sec (1393 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 22 2020
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