8 SECRET Backstories You NEVER Noticed in BLUEY

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did you notice the background stories behind every episode of Bluey in some episodes there are background details that are not just a simple coincidence these details tell us stories of adopted children homeless parents or even a possible car accident so get ready to meet this mysterious side of Bluey the details also tell us stories and in the episode we can see that Bingo uses a simple two-point safety seat just like Bluey but in the second season in the episode Escape we can see that this they changed the seat so that Bingo would stay safe probably because at some point in their Adventures the Healer family had an accident and bingo flew away so they decided to change it to one with more protection and if this story seemed shocking to you it is because you surely had not realized the sad story that we were told about the father of the Terriers this happens in the episode's silent game just after the title of the episode appears we see Bandit walking to buy the gift of muffin and if we pause we can see that in the background we see a homeless man begging for alms but if we look at him closely he you will be able to realize that this is the father of the Terriers this because he is identical to them and they never show him with his family so this gives us to understand that his parents had a divorce and this left him with nothing they left everything to his wife and children but this probably happened when the Terriers were still small now the question is what could he have done to have all this done to him in the Facey talk episode a big secret is revealed about muffin's parents and it's not that they don't know how to raise their daughters but rather that they have a good time arguing because they can't agree if we remember in this episode muffin throws a big tantrum because they don't let her use the tablet to finish her drawing but in the background we can hear Trixie and stripe arguing about getting the attention of the muffin and she was so loud that even Bandit reaches out to his daughter's tablet to mute the microphone when this happens we see the that muffin is not surprised at all so this probably happens every day in her house could it be that stripe and Trixie have had enough or they're probably just showing us that it's normal to have a few arguments in your marriage and a story that almost no one noticed had to do with the bill that the Tooth Fairy gave to Bluey in the episode of the market if we remember Bluey didn't know what to spend her doll five on especially now that her friend Indie was with her and it wasn't until winton's Dad convinced bluee to buy a candy apple but of course Indie couldn't eat this apple either but the story doesn't end here winton's Dad gives this bill to Winton then he gives it to those who sell German sausages and from there this bill travels with several other people to finally end the indies's mom and finally to Blue and from here BL has another opportunity to share that money with a song and this was just the beginning of the journey for this bill since possibly after the musician finished working in the market he continued his normal life and for some reason a fate he he decided to keep this bill for several episodes perhaps because of the nice picture that they had put on it of a tooth the next time we saw him was in the dance Mode episode if we look very closely we can see that he is on top of his hat and from there this man continued to keep this bill until he finally decided to spend it in the episode of the silent game where we saw him again with that same bill for the last time it is said that we will see this bill again in some other episode of Bluey perhaps it will when Bingo loses one of his teeth the Curious fact is that this musical dog is the representation of Joff Bush the composer and musician of all the songs we hear from bluee and speaking of the silent game episode it also tells us part of another story and it's about winton's father just as we see the homeless man we can see winton's father approach and leave a bill in his hat but did you notice the strange thing here exactly he was not with winton's mother but with another lady of A different race but this is not the only time we see her with someone different and that is why we are preparing a video for you talking only about the relationship and divorce of winton's Father we find this story in the episode the package game in this episode they teach us a great lesson but if you looked closely you may have realized the story behind this episode here the children are playing the pack game but Pat changes the rules and makes the children cry because they don't get their gift when this happens we see that each one of them runs to their mother's arms and we see that the mother looks exactly like her children but when Missy runs to her mother we can see that she is a completely different breed this subtly hints to us that Missy is actually adopted and in the Calypso episode maybe you didn't notice the subtle detail behind this episode well you may have thought it was just about Calypso but it actually tells us a story that many children experience well here we can actually see that pretzel is having his first day of school and that is why he is not included in the other children's games probably because he does not know how to approach them but in the end we see how Calypso tries to help him so that he can finally have friends had they realized this let's finish this list with a rather curious story and it's about these birds that we see throughout the program if you paid close enough attention you would have noticed that these birds face almost the same problems that bl's family faces the first time we see this is on the episode the trampoline where blue and bingo do not want to let Bandit go to work and it is right at the end of the episode when we see a bird's nest where the little birds begin to cry when they see that their mother is leaving its nest just like blue and bingo wouldn't let Bandit go in the curry Quest episode we can also see these magpies going through the same situation that Bandit is going through well here Bingo must face his fears and let his dad go on a trip the same thing that happened with these birds the mother bird had to leave their nest and leave to bring their little ones some food you hadn't realized this right anyway have you managed to discover any other backstory that happens in Bluey if you did then leave in the comments below
Channel: TubbyTank
Views: 524,460
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Keywords: 8 SECRET Backstories You NEVER Noticed in BLUEY, bluey, bluey new episode, bluey and bingo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 12sec (372 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2024
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