1 minute LEGO HACKS...

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in this video we're going to look at close to 100 cool smart and easy Lego hacks that you can do in 1 minute or less anyway let's go okay so for these first couple hacks I'm going to cop a Lego set but surprisingly they have nothing to do with the actual set instead we're going to look at the packaging the first thing you can do is take the box and turn it into a storage bin for Lego pieces look how useful this is don't throw away your Lego boxes anymore if you want you can also take the cardboard of the box and use it to make different items to go with your Lego like a simple tent for a mini fig you can also use it to build something like a table or you can even make a tiny house for a mini fig dang it looks like that bathroom from shre sometimes on the side of the Box there's a picture of a Lego mini fig so if you cut that out it almost looks like you have another Lego mini fig you can also build a simple ramp that you can launch cars off of see look at everything we did just from that one box and aside from the box there's other hacks you can do with the bags like for example you can use it to make an icy looking surface or you can use it to make the surface of water okay so for this next round of hacks we're going to look at cool smart and easy ways to use different Lego pieces in ways you probably didn't know this first piece is a curved wall panel and if you lay it sideways you could actually fill it with water and turn it into something like a bathtub or if you put a tiny slope piece above water it looks like there's a shark underneath the water and it's about to attack someone if you take this yellow Crystal piece you can use it to make french fries I'm loving it or if you take this Lego scrub hat it looks like a giant dumpling another useful Lego piece is a broken eggshell and because of its interesting unique shape you can use it to build something like a beautiful flower if you have transparent orange pieces you can actually spread them around a build to make lava so here's a tiny living room where the floor is covered in it kind of like what I imagined in my childhood if you have these Palm leaves instead of turning them into a tree you can actually use them to make the roof of a building like I built this tropical one that you'd probably see on the beach if you have a grill piece you can use it to make other Lego pieces stand up like this fish that now looks like it's jumping out of water or these glass pieces to make a window if you have this Lego Lifesaver piece you can use it for the rim of a basketball hoop or you can use it for the lid of a toilet to go with the toilet you can use a round brick for toilet paper you can also make toilet paper using the door of a car and just to make people angry I put it the opposite way or if you take one of these Dome pieces you can use it for a toilet plunger if you want to make a window look like it's broken just scatter a bunch of transparent pieces around it you can also use them to make objects look like they're flying like this bird so here's a small build I made it's an angry anime person breaking through a wall and there's debris flying through the air if you take the hilt of a Lego lightsaber you can use it to make other mini fig accessories like a flashlight or a candle for this next hack you can take a hollow round Technic piece and use it as a cup for a Min fig you can also use flat blue pieces to build something like a puddle of water if you take any flat round piece you can use it as a plate to hold food this next trick involves Spider-Man because if you take his strring you can use it to build something like colorful lights for a party if you pull Rim pieces off the wheel of a car you can use them for burners on a stove another piece on vehicles is a steering wheel fun fact the wheel can actually pop off and you can use it for many things like the valve on this oxygen tank you can also take a tiny wheel off a car and place it on a minifig head to look like a headband or if you take a car window you can use it to build something like a small fish tank these are small tooth pieces and if you have a winter themed build you can use them to make tiny icicles if you have these curved slope pieces you can actually use it for a loaf of bread and if you take a window piece with glass in it you can build a sink that looks like it's full of water or if you take a small horn piece you can put it in a coffee mug and it looks like the drink is warm and there's steam coming out if you have a larger horn piece like this in brown you can use it to build the trunk of a tree or you can use a brightly colored antenna piece to build something like a laser for a gun a chain is another useful piece and if you have two of them you can build something like a playground swing for a mini pig this next life hack involves a flashlight shoot I can't see what is that because if you take something like a Lego house you can actually put the flashlight inside it makes the house look like it has lights on or if you take glow sticks and light them up you can place them inside of rooms to add lots of color nice it looks like one of those rooms where ticktockers film another non-lego item you can use with Lego are dry erase board markers if you take any Lego piece you can draw on it and be able to erase it so you can use it to make some cool t-shirt designs for a mini fig or you can draw your own facial expressions if you take a piece of glass you can draw on it to make one of those futuristic computers you see from the movies or you can just recreate one of those dry erase boards from school okay so for this problem we have to find the derivative of the square root of next let's talk about different Lego hacks that can help you while you're building if you have a bunch of tiles that aren't lined up properly you can line them up by squishing them against a table or any hard surface if you have two plates stuck together but you don't have a brick separator you actually don't need one because you can actually take them apart using a brick and aside from a brick separator you you can also use a crowbar to take pieces off and another interesting hack is that you can actually connect Duplo bricks with normal Lego bricks and it's pretty satisfying next let's talk about quick and easy Lego builds that you can make in a minute or less if you take any flat surface and spread tiny gray pieces on top it turns into a really nice Stone surface that makes for Great Outdoor builds for this next hack if you build a small environment and put a frame around it with a minifig inside it looks like a 3D painting that you can put on a wall if you build a small hinge and add two yellow tiles on each end you can make one of those floors wet signs that you see in bathrooms you can use the same hinge to make a pizza box or a tiny Book for a mini fig if you want to improve your Lego guns you can take this round plate with a bar on the side and attach it to the end of the gun to give it an extra handle if you want to build yourself a flag but don't have the official Lego piece you can build your very own using a clip and some small plates for this next trick you can take thin plates and stack them at different angles to make a spiral staircase okay this next trick is illegal but if you take tiles and and place them down halfway on a plate you can use this to make shingling on a roof if you want to make a cool background for a Lego build just take a base plate and lay it sideways then you can fill it with random things like a house some clouds and the sun it's quick to build and it doesn't use that many pieces and for this final round of hacks we're going to look at cool smart and easy things you can do with Lego mini figs if you take a Lego turban piece and a mini fig head you can combine them together to make what looks like a baby or if you take a Lego Top Hat you can use it as a pot for plants and if you take a chef hat you can actually use it to make something like a mushroom now brown Lego pieces are known for breaking easily so if you have a brown hair piece that's broken you can use it to give a mini fig a clapped hairline if you take a 1ex one brick it actually fits perfectly on a mini Fig's hand and with that you can turn his hand into a robotic arm that can hold different types of accessories like for example the saw or if you put a green hand piece inside of a brick it looks like a tiny plant that just started growing if you take this round stud piece with a hole in the middle you can actually fit it between a mini Fig's hand and its arm and now it looks like he's wearing an expensive watch another thing you can do with Lego mini figs is rotate the legs around then you can make it look like it's bowing down and worshiping you this is a Lego Woody mini fig he's much larger than a normal mini fig and so are his arms so if you take his arms and put it on a normal mini fig it looks like someone's hit the gym what a giga Chad uh-oh wait hey ladies ladies step back if you take a Lego Satchel you can actually use it to connect random items on a mini Fig's back like a gun or a sword another mini fig accessory is a cape and if you take one of these you can use it to make a curtain for something like a shower if you take a Lego Bugs Bunny mini thing and put it in an NBA uniform he looks like he's from Space Jam someone told me a mini fig can hold a phone charger so let's see if that's true not sure how this is useful but that's pretty cool to know if you take two yellow legs and connect it to a hip piece in another color it looks like underwear you can also break a Lego mini fig into pieces and it looks like those characters from the Lego games when they die if you take a transparent mini fig head you can use it to make something like a a jar or a lamp and for this final hack if you take Lego stud pieces and put them on the back of mini fig legs you can do this hey wo chill chill comment what your favorite hack was thanks for watching I'll see you in the next episode call see
Channel: TD BRICKS
Views: 17,541,878
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lego, legos, lego tip, lego tricks, lego ideas, lego creations, lego creation, lego build, lego builder, master builder, lego masters, lego movie, lego meme, lego moc, lego hacks, 1 minute lego, 1 minute lego hacks, lego tutorial, lego how to, lego stop motion, lego set, lego sets, lego city, lego minifig, lego minifigure
Id: AnxW2Ie_Lfw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 21sec (501 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2024
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