NERD Extreme MAKEOVER πŸ€“ *How To Become POPULAR* Beauty Transformation With Gadgets

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ah loves first kiss well at least the pig's cute I'm starting to think these kids aren't very nice [Music] don't worry here's something to cheer you up it's a beauty box why don't you look inside hmm let's start with that smile and just in time too can't forget the toothpaste it's kind of important now let's start brushing keep going look ma no hands okay that should be enough much better now that's something to smile about might be wrong but I don't think that's a bra well these aren't your granny's panties let's take them out for a spin you just gotta love all that cushion for the cushion probably shouldn't dance in small quarters though I think they'd be great in battle sure that's one way to clean out your ears [Music] but we've got a gadget practically made for it though this might be a too Gadget jump yeah I wouldn't smell that if I were you [Applause] oh maybe you're just turning into a unicorn but let's play it safe and clean those pores kiss that pots goodbye but not literally feeling any pimples are about to erupt try these patches and they come in cute shakes ooh this one gets the gold star [Music] give it time and soon the zits just pop right off nice and smooth say goodbye to that gunk hmm it's grooming time what's in the box oh wax strips kind of reminds me of a pore strip but it might not be as easy to take off [Music] wanna try something else for that unibrow and I'm sure this hair removing machine is not as scary as it looks [Music] is it bright in here or is it just me congratulations on your two new eyebrows [Music] now let's try this makeup brush it just goes around and around and around [Music] just add some makeup well what are you waiting for try it out remember the trick is to make it look like you're not wearing makeup time for blush [Applause] careful that's a little too much apple cheek or is it cold in here those lips could use a good workout time to exercise now get those lips moving come on pucker up have a snack need to keep up your energy let's change up your workout regime run a band around each lip and get moving [Music] finally now you've got lips worthy of a duck which is weird since Ducks don't have lips now it's time to add some color [Music] uh do you need a tutorial let's try something else add your lipstick to the rim of this glass bottle pucker up and well give it a kiss assorted ah much better [Music] don't forget eyes are the windows of the Soul the let's stop before you poke an eye out these stickers will give you instant eyeliner wonder if you can use the eye stickers too now for the lashes and these are magnetic potato chip rules you can't stop at just one foreign [Music] how about we leave the braids to Pippi Longstocking [Music] wow all that volume and we didn't even use moves your hair is a pretty color but why settle it just one yeah I'm not sure bangs are in season oh now your hair's set it's time for accessories what's better for your hair than making it Sparkle add said Sparkles close it up and let's give it a try you can never have enough sparkles [Music] now you don't have to wait until the sun sets to see stars [Music] magnetic piercings no nail gun required you stay together through the magic of science there's plenty for your nose and ears [Music] oh look at these these temporary tattoos just cut out the one you like where you want it throw on a sponge and they stick to you like glue of course there's nothing wrong with a little customization now it's time to show them off selfie time [Music] let's get those legs ready for swim practice [Music] maybe this foam can help [Music] spray it all over just like spray cheese no razor needed the hair just slides right off stop just feel how smooth your skin is hmm next up we've got an ice mold make that two ice molds let's juggle them never mind moving on let's try them out hmm glitter more glitter some water and stir [Music] oh let's try gummy bears for the next one just soda [Music] keep the sticks in and freeze them up [Music] just run it on your skin has the ice melts you get glitter this probably feels great on a hot day too yeah that should be enough for now how did our other little popsicle come out it's about time we had a snack break hey did you make any more of those time to show off your new look what no outfit montage [Applause] [Music] make sure you do the hair flip ooh even better slow motion think he might just want an ice pop too hey she didn't forget that stunt you pulled [Music] besides hey just can't beat rainbow suspenders you know there's a website that tells you how to solve those it probably helps that he looks like Clark Kent [Music] wait no you do that during the Shaving bit you know the toy Pig did it in one shot [Music] cotton swab rules don't stick it in too far [Music] why did we film this on bring your vase to work day [Music] I kind of wonder what her story is for amazing stuff catch you next time
Channel: Cool Tool WOW
Views: 37,871,451
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gadgets, amazon, tiktok, viral, challenge, 5 minute crafts, 123go, cool, cool tool, anti stress, hacks, tricks, tools, diy, craft, creative, tips, tutorial, mermaid, beauty, makeover, toothbrush, acne, patch, push up, panties, rubber, band, snail, markers, earwax, remover, electric, brush, fishnet, tights, hair, strip, eyebrow, stencil, mini, nail, salon, manicure, contact lens, removal, spray, shave, sparkle, gems, school, nerd, ugly, pimple, lips, la la life, popular, tattoo, crush, transformation, cute
Id: WICUpY6ucEc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 15 2022
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