Bluey Seasons 1, 2, and 3 FULL EPISODES 💙 | Unicorse, Mini Bluey, Pass the Parcel, and More! | Bluey

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[Music] [Applause] dad [Music] Bing okay she's asleep what do you want to watch tonight babe do you watch TV after we go to sleep BL not again come on back to bed I don't want to go to bed too bad kid but why do we have to sleep why can't we just stay awake all night cuz that's the way the world is well I'm going to make it so that's not how the world is that might be tricky people like to sleep well I'll take everyone's bed to the dump yeah they'll probably just sleep on the couch well I'll take the couches to the dump too oh sounds like a big job you'll need a full night's sleep for that yeah I will night hey wait no come on I'll read you a story you know she can't help it I know can you help me oh yeah I've got an idea wait is it a bad idea Mom are you grumpy with me no honey I'm okay come on once upon a time there was a village are you sure you're not grumpy no I just want you to go to sleep and in the village he y unicor oh no not unicor this episode of Louie unfortunately is called unicor bu bu watch the horn what are we reading well it's a story here read this it's got a unicorn in it I'm not reading that fine I'll read it on up on uh Tim I wish I could read unic course Lou is finding it a little hard to get to sleep so we're actually trying to calm things down a bit well it's got to be we be Bingo's asleep I don't care well I do so how about you and your little mate jog on ain't going nowhere toots my name is Chile oh I'm sorry Silly chil Billy yeah that's what I said oh Mom please can unicorn stay blou he's the most annoying unicorn in the world guilty but I can turn him into a nice unicorns I promise I can right unicor n don't listen to him please Kenny stay fine but we're reading this book not yours you will live to regret that once upon a time there was a village and in the village everyone walked around Barefoot yay you're a c I can't see the page and why should I cat I forgot about the catch R if you block the words mom can't read the story and what should look the stories are nice my story was nice it had a unicorn in it this one has zero unicorns and the ending is boring she just makes don't spoil the ending why not cuz bluee hasn't heard it what unicor I'm trying to make you a nice unicor okay okay okay please continue Millie I want spoil the ending where she makes shoes woo woo woo one day the queen decided to get off her litter and have a walk around changed my mind oh wait changed it again actually I will nope not today up down up down up down up up down up course that is bad behavior so is that shall we continue yes Meep so the queen walked a few steps and stood on a prickle ouch a un of course that's mean how would you feel if you stood on a prickle I feel good I feel so good at dance you wouldn't dance you'd be crying like the queen well maybe she should wear some shoes unicor anyway the queen discovered that her whole kingdom was covered in prickles what was she to do make Sho blue oh I know unicor what's your favorite food [Music] children oh just kidding I like chicken bucket oh great look here's some chicken bucket a thank you mighty kind okay we're good to go so the queen had an idea she will cover the whole Kingdom in leather that way no one will ever stand on the prickles again so she got to work all day and night the queen worked covering her whole Kingdom in in leather oh can you please chew with your mouth shut I can chew with my mouth shut of course I can thank you the queen just but I'm not going to that's it I'm out catch you on the flip side Willie wait no I'm done BL I can handle this mom you're not ow my back my neck my back and my neck I just tap you on the shoulder Whiplash Whiplash call my lawyer look BL good on you for trying but you can't change unicor I think you're right not sure you can change anyone very much but what can we change well we can stop letting unicor Annoy Us really how maybe we ignore him he's pretty hard to ignore let's give it a go the queen just couldn't do anymore she was too tired oh here he comes remember just ignore him are you really healer I'm chilly healer Mom oh yes sorry but then the jester said to the queen your Majesty instead of covering the whole Kingdom in leather why not just cover your feet stop that reading this is a very serious matter one of you karate chopped my client karate chop Louie oh yeah sorry so the queen cut two little bits of leather and made them into shoes hey I'm talking to you yeah listen to him so the people could walk anywhere they wanted and the freckles couldn't hurt them stop reading unic course let me handle this yeah watch it mate have to get a little Pokey okay as your lawyer here I come and they all lived happily ever after shall we leave them to it yeah I'm tired going to get it now mate done mom can you play with me oh you know what Bingo not right now honey oh why not well I just don't feel like playing right now so Bingo what hey Bingo do you want to play Blue yeah hoay Mom said she wouldn't play with me you know there is a way you can make people play with you really how you use magic magic yeah you can use it to make people do anything mom taught me oh show me okay turn around watch I can make your tail go this way oh bingo pretend my hand controls your tail oh okay I can make it go this way wo and this way and W look at it and it's not just Tails I can do this watch teach me um sure I guess Mom won't mind this episode of blue is called Magic okay Bingo let's do this try to Magic my ears it's not work working you've got to be more dramatic like you know okay arm up feed out okay try again it works you know magic now if someone doesn't want to play with you you can just make them Le frog is there anything else I need to know well there was something else mom said some rule oh I forget let's use it Dad yeah I think that's it looking good hi Dad good out Bingo check out the new grass ooh looks great um can you play with me oh not right now mate we got to water this in oh wellow that's too bad is there something wrong with your arms mate it's not working I told you more dramatic like this bingo I think you need your racket rest racket rung I said that's too fast oh no Bingo learn magic oh no you don't what should we do with them this is not fair K stop making us dance stop it okay time for the big finish oh no you better to stick the landing pth it's not up to [Music] me we did it we did it Christmas crackers you a turn Pat you're losing me Pat you're losing [Music] me I love magic what's going on here oh no you don't who taught you how to use magic Bluey did I should have known and did you teach her the most important rule about magic I could couldn't remember it the rule is never use magic for cheekiness oh yeah that's right oh Bandit get your armpit out of my face you twoo get out of here this doesn't concern you Bingo magic should only be used to help people we were helping we were helping them learn to dance Lou okay okay noral cheekiness thank you starting to by it should be up to us how we use our magic if we want to be cheeky then we can be cheeky it's not your magic it's everyone's hey and it's stronger in some than [Music] others magic should be used for goodliness I was using it for goodliness Bingo is sad because you didn't play with her now she's happy W grup should play with kids whenever the kids [Music] want grownups can't just drop everything and play when kids ask them [Music] to why not cuz then who will do all the chores like cleaning the house and making the dinners we ring the pizza boy you can't just ring the pizza boy we can do whatever we want aren't we Bingo um I guess no Bingo don't listen to her the pizza boy is not the solution biger I need your help Jo your magic to mine people should play with you because they want to not because you make them otherwise it's not playing hey uh is all that crazy stuff still happening oh get off it's not up to me you see Bingo she pey magic always wins cuz we've got tick out now Bingo bring all the Pizza Boys me yes it's yours why do I have to do it cuz I answer you can't just tell me what to do yes I sorry bab it's the magic H who's doing that finger no hooray then go join the good side I am not an object well that was a big day nice gr Dad thanks kid that'll be the Pizza Boy hoay come on who's coming we need a grown up off you pop actually I'm pretty comfortable right here yeah but you're still going you going to make me if I have to oh man okay wish I need Magic uh uh that was you're ready for pass the parel kids yeah I love pasta pel me too uh Pat would you mind doing the music yeah too easy Sheila ready kids I'll just close my eyes uh Pat no you have to stop on each kid once what why so everyone gets a prize but how can everyone get a prize there's just one in the middle no there's a prize in each layer what so no one misses out hey Bandit you hearing this yeah where you been mate stop the music Dad look when I was a kid there was only one okay okay I'll start but this is not how you play past the parcel this episode of blue is called pass the [Music] parcel okay and stop all right it's me oh it's a bracelet oh this is just wrong it's not from Me lollipop yeah okay Leela this time stop ah good one Pat you got a bracelet too hey Missy have you had to go yet no okay and stop I said stop oh this touchcreen stop me again oh no that was supposed to be hers here give it here but it's stopped on me luy dad oh man I'm not cut out for this balloons are blowing up Janelle thanks I'm almost there with past the parcel oh good oh a hang on are you putting a present in every layer yeah of course no way I want to play it the proper way none of this present in every ler business put one big present in the middle winner gets that well what about everyone else we'll have to suck it up that's not how it's done anymore Pat I'm putting my foot down Janelle we're raising a nation of squib fine but you're handling it no worries you watch this will blow their mind ready for pass the parcel we're going to mix this up a bit kids you're going to love it go see now I'm not looking I'm just going to push this button any time yay bingo I can't find the present ah yep that's right check under your legs luy dad where's the present ah now you see there isn't one there's just one big present in the middle what yeah what we're playing it the proper way okay let's go keep passing so I don't get a present no cuz just like in real life you oh boy um she'll be right come on just keep [Music] passing Mommy stop this is how you sp supposed to play it this isn't the 80s Pat Uh Janelle don't look at me mate oh man dad do I not win anything oh it's okay you won five bucks here and so did you everyone wins five bucks wait who can break a 20 actually look take one of these they're my presents oh Chucky you got plenty you can give a oh yeah well that was fun wasn't it yes except for pastor parcel I don't like lucky dad's rules yeah it's hard when you don't win yes it is maybe next time okay that's kid number five Mom where's my out out why I'm wrapping past the parcel for your birthday tomorrow oh can you do it lucky dad's way with only one present in the middle yeah but it's good is this one honey that was a bit of a disaster no it was awesome please time for pass the parcel hoay okay kids and parents Jasper has asked that we play pass the parcel by Lucky's dad's rules they're not my rules oh what so let's just do our best okay okay here we go oh it's me a sorry finger keep passing ah it's me a sorry Leela a i an helicopter B wo I was so close maybe next time ready for past the parcel yeah do Lucky St hooray did they say hooray please let me win this [Music] time it's me ah Bingo look a bubble wow I love lucky stars wo Y what have you started I'm sorry you didn't win past the parcel Bingo it's okay I don't mind really yeah when Leela is happy I'm happy oh Bingo maybe next time you know what bingo I think you're getting quite good at [Music] losing [Music] BL how do you want to do pass the parcel tomorrow um I'll let Bingo choose really thanks BL which way do you want to play Bingo okay ready for pass to parel yeah I think it's it's only fitting to let Lucky's dad do the honors right good on you which rules are we playing blue I left it up to bingo to choose did you choose lucky STS you'll see well Bingo whatever way is okay with me what happened to raising a nation of squibs ah look let them have some fun let's get a bit rocking eh oh yeah this is a good song luy oh yeah sorry nothing ly wo wo [Music] [Applause] wo oh Bingo it's okay white [Music] foot hi Mom can we do Facey talk with muffin and socks uh please yeah that's fine o but no hogging a little Facey face thing okay Louie I'm talking to you yes Mom no hogging cuz you know what happens when you hog don't you yes we know what happens when you hog wait do we hi hi muffin hi ah so stop Hing this episode of will is called Facey [Music] talk can I have a turn doing the drawing yet blue um yes but can I just finish this sure muffin is my turn not yet muffin hi girls hi Aunt Trixie muffles make sure you give socks a go drawing the silly stuff okay but I'm not finished socks get off girls I can't do this right now I've got somewhere I need to be y I can handle it uh are you sure yeah I got it covered kids you better share that thing or I'm switching it off what who okay maybe not off but look I'll handle it no I can do it you go do your thing well okay if you're sure right I'm setting the timer on my phone when it goes off it's sock's turn Okay Muffy I'll take that as a yes I'll just draw some CL CL ooh nice clouds okay Muffy there's the timer so's turn now yay I have to finish my cowboy hat a no you don't have to finish your cowboy hat you have to give socks a turn but I want to finish my cowboy hat Muffy muffin healer give your sister a turn now but I want to do a cowboy hat just give her a turn muffin no muffin cupcake healer cowboy hat if you say cowboy hat one more time you'll be in timeout cow booy okay that's it you're going to time out oh boy bye muffin muffin stop dling there now you have a good think about it young lady no I don't want to I'm sorry girls but muffin was hogging so she can't do your Facey call thing anymore okay unle she needs to learn that other people have what the muffin she's got my phone muffin you get off my phone this instant he's coming muffin muffin running way will only make it [Applause] worse muffin muffin you can't steal your dad's phone yes I can now where do I hide under a bed okay don't help her big girl why not cuz she's not meant to be running away she's meant to be in timeout for huging hey that's Mar you kele you lended it to me yeah but that was ages ago I'm still playing with it muffin you hang that phone up now young lady no okay well I'm ending the whole Facey talk okay okay muffin this is your last chance you hang that up and March down here now me you little get this thing off me that's it where are you okay you're under a bed can't see who's well there's only so many beds in this house kid I'm coming oh no he's going to find you Muffin just give him back his phone no tell me if he's out there it's clear but muffin I don't think I should help you what about now not clear not clear got you good gravy what's going on Uncle sh is chasing muffin class six Drive get back here muffin run muffin muffin who okay there we [Music] go what's going on I'm handling it it doesn't look like you're handling it time out we don't do timeout anymore what since when I read a Blog you didn't tell me cuz you're never here hey uh guys just let me handle it stripe no tricks let me handle it I get to parent too yeah but you have to do it right this is how I do it guys kids can you switch this off thought we do enjy things all right well can you mute it yeah we can I feel like you hog all the parenting oh is it this one I don't mean to try this one if you say one say another the kids get confused you can turn the sound back on when strip and tricks have finished chatting okay yes [Music] Dad [Music] uh muffin better look behind you [Music] why muffin stop running away muffin muffin I would imly advise you to stop right now listen to your father let's split up good idea no together come on then come back here no where are they your mom's hiding behind the couch what couch the couch we've got lots of couches it's that couch right there C I'm please my [Music] phone oh boy sorry Dad muffin yes time out okay Finish oh wow that's great socks thanks can I have a turn now blue oh yeah sure thanks no problem cuz we know what happens when you hog where is my to Lou can you be as quiet as Bingo for a bit no I can't Louie I can't find your library book and they're duw back have you seen schurle the Dirty Turtle no I have not seen schurle the dirty turtle you have to keep better track of your things what about bingo bingo puts hers in a neat pile when she's read them finished ding orders up oh cheese and jam dad I don't like cheese and jam what I thought you did no Bluey does I like banana and peanut butter how can you two come from the same parents be raised in the same house but be completely different don't know well I'll tell you this for free my life would be a lot easier if you were both the same tell me about it P I've got an idea okay wait what why do you keep setting them up what are you looking for hair talk oo give me your arm this is going to be great all right done here you go Bingo peanut butter and [Music] banana this episode of blue is called mini Bluey a so cute let me introduce you to us I'm Bluey and this is mini Bluey hi she's just like me watch have some cheese and jam mini Bluey we love cheese and jam I love it see this is going to be a long day okay mini Bluey let's learn about me H I like to say cereal instead of serious oh and I'll show you how I dance I like to do this sort of thing and sometimes this y that's it and I sort of just talk all the time it doesn't even need to make sense just noises are fine b b b and I like to sing singing things singing things a bit louder s things yeah that's great I like to just leave my toys on the ground isn't it better to tidy them away n it doesn't make much difference where is it I like to ask a lot of questions mom what are you doing you know what I'm doing blue but I don't really listen to the whole answer o and if I see a bum I give it a little boom get boom he get out of it hey BL I need you to pick up these grass clippings and put them in the wheelbarrow yes Father whoa whoa whoa where do you think you're going to help Dad I like wheelbarrows Bingo likes wheelbarrows Bingo helps dad you're mini Bluey now oh yeah and Bluey does not like grass clippings I'll tell you that for free but Dad said we have to do it let's find out if he's cereal excuse me big fella here we go these glass clippings you're talking about why do we have to put them in the wheelbarrow they don't belong to us well you know all that food in the fridge that doesn't belong to you either but if you want to keep eating it I suggest you get to work okay [Music] heu borrow mini Bluey that's quite loud yeah mini Bluey I don't really sing when I'm doing chores I usually winge and do the job a lot slower than what you doing watch why do we have to do this it's hot okay you know what can I order double bingos no it double BL forever my arm hurts double bingos M yeah here you go start on my tail hi do who this is big Bingo hi may we help you tidy these grass clippings away uh yeah come on Mini Binger result I like to pretend I'm hugging a one hug hug now put it to bed good night night night where are you schurle here he is oh thanks um big Bingo big Bingo double bingo I could definitely get used to this what Bandit oh I didn't mean oh blue wait big Bingo but seriously how good's double Bingo yeah I know hi big bingo I wasn't sure which bed to sit on are you okay I'm a dad want two of yous they don't want any of me it's very rude it's cuz I'm annoying and you're not annoying at all yes I am I'm super annoying really yeah I'm just different annoying I'll show you where's the sticky tape here you go oh thanks and can you find a fake teeth for me o okay here you go you look crazy follow me oh man chill the beans God what stop it you're freaking me out get away from me what's going on in bing in here that's it we want one Bluey and one Bingo from now on you got that okay you think it's safe I think so it's been 20 [Music] minutes close [Music] enough ready okay ring ring ring ring hello pizza shop would you like to order a pizza yes please I want one supreme with no mushrooms do you want garlic bread yeah I want garlic bread you got it it will be there soon do you need my address no I can see you bye one supreme pizza please Pizza girl no mushrooms okay I'll do the garlic bread can we pretend with sisters and our mom owns the pizza shop oh yeah and we're going to run it for her so she can go on holiday yeah to Italy glic Bread's finished great don't forget the free drink thanks Pizza sister see you [Music] soon here you go oh nice one no mushrooms no mushrooms great no no you can't have the box it's our only one right so what do I do just take the pizza H okay thanks bye oh man I'm back Pizza sister a not again oh I can fix it mom can we get a new car oh but you've had Pedley since you were two but the wheel keeps falling off I know but there's just a lot of stories in that car how can a car have stories well fixed ah there you go see good as new is my car squatched this episode of is called Pizza girls what is this muffin it's an electric car my dad bought a new car and this came with it it drives without petals yes and it's very expensive muffin so be careful with it can we buy pizza girls in it okay hooray okay we're all sisters who run the pizza shop got it h there's no roof to stick the pizza sign on it's a convertible okay well I guess we you don't need to use it hello customers and you just do this with your foot and that opens the boot oh cool customers the phone's not working I'll just ask them wait buff no we meant to do it over the phone they want a supreme okay one supreme thanks Pizza sisters our mom started this pizza shop she worked really hard so we're trying to give her a holiday wow we're going to deliver piz fast now stop I'm just putting the pizza in you can't bring m in the new car what why cuz it's very expensive oh okay well what do we do we have to play something else a what else do you play in it I usually just drive around okay let's do that wash your feet sorry no mind in the car we ready muffin but just don't drive too [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey hey you're getting fingerprints all over it do you like a tricks uh I missed the old one we brought the kids home from hospital in it you know that was is fun can I have a turn okay all right here we go what's going on oh it's out a battery a we have to charge it Dad okay battery's charging kids how long does it take to charge this long oh what should we play while we wait I guess we can go back to Pizza Girls yeah so there's one cream pizza with extra pineapple yep but no mushrooms you hear me got it you put mushrooms on it I'm good okay bye let's put mushrooms on it yeah L who can I be well I need to fix my delivery car you can be the mechanic [Music] okay ready here's your pizza oh great great here's your money oh extra pineapple hey hang on what are these enjoy the mushrooms what a you little okay okay thanks bye goodness me the customers have ordered 10 pizzas 10 they said they're having a pizza party and we should take our time okay I'll get started how's the car mechanic I put this one on which makes it Go extra fast oh wow you're a good mechanic thanks all right I made the garlic breads hey girls the battery's charged you can ride the car again oh thanks it's your turn to have the drive Bluey um yeah it is and you just keep the keys in your pocket you don't even need Tobe no more about your car mate your pizzas are here oh great well one of them is how's it uh good here you go enjoy thanks I'll be back in a jiffy oops oh dear maybe it is time for a new car Bluey no way I've had petley since I was two hello mechanic I broken down coming hi I'm here to fix your car my goodness that was quick fixed there you go good as new Uncle R's here hi Uncle where is he how you doing bluee I'm Bingo really yeah that's blue oh yeah cuz he's blue I'm a girl oh yeah yeah I knew that are you putting us to bed tonight Uncle rad you bit hooray not hooray blue isn't sure about Babys s have put Down's Uncle rad don't worry bluee who better to do a babysitter put down than your uncle rad hello brisy hey girls this is Uncle rad hi hi frisky have you met Bandit's brother Radley before um yeah didn't you fall in the pool at the wedding probably frisky is Blue's faite godmother sorry frisky Uncle rad got in touch last minute and said he'd babysit you mustn't have got my message oh no no I didn't get it that's fine um I'll just go no not go both babysit oh well as long as it's okay with Uncle rad fine by me hooray this episode of Bluey is called double babysitter bye now blue tell me why you're not keen on babysitter put Downs well I had one before but I didn't like it a why not it was just too different well your fairy godmother and I will make this exactly the same as a mom and dad put down but I don't know you as well as Mom and Dad oh yeah good point well you just need to get to know us better I know why don't we play 20 Questions yeah wait what's 20 Questions well you ask us questions about ourselves and we answer them it's easy go why don't you have a wife well well how do you know I don't do you have a wife well no so why don't you have a wife uh per turn how many friends have you got oh um three that's not many why have you only got three friends well um back to him why do we only see you at Christmas cuz I work on an oil rig is that why you don't have a wife oh maybe what's an oil rig why is your hair so pretty I'm a milk shampoo do you want to have children yes will BOS go be the daddy um no bosow and I aren't friends anymore who's Bosco no one next question BOS go is her true love not anymore but true love is forever well uh is true love not forever it is I mean I thought it was uh let's play in the backyard yeah can you play the exact same games as Mom and Dad okay what do they play chicken rat chicken what come here and go away come and go where now you don't need the same games Louie you need torch Mouse [Music] torch mouse was fun but I don't want to do anything else is different please what about this this is weird yeah but before you know it you get used to it do me oh boy I'll give it a crack hello upside down Bingo hi Bingo you've gotten heavy come and sit by the campfire I'm trying how about a story and then the prince knocked the dragon out with a big Prince punch boom hey princess I have rescued you now we shall marry and the princess replied no thanks what she didn't like the look of him why not well his hair was a bit messy and he was a bit too musly you know what I mean kids hang on I Prince punch the drag and take you back to my castle and we get married that's business hey I didn't ask to be rescued you'd rather stay here with the stinky Dragon I'm getting used to him okay I'll wake him up wait wait no yeah didn't think so princes are all the same she thought no we're not there's good princes and bad princes Mady everyone knows that which one was this Prince he's good he rescued the princess only because he likes Prince punching dragons tomorrow he'll be off in search of another Princess man this princess is hard to rescue well while the prince figures it all out she grabs a nice book and lives happily ever after the end what that is not the end in Mom and Dad's stories they get married in the end uh princess okay fine for the sake of the children they get married the end I'll take it night night bingo did you have a good frisky you won't watch TV after I fall asleep will you oh uh no we don't have to you promise oh hang on was your last babysitter put down with Nana yes and let me guess you woke up and the TV was too loud yes Mom can't hear very well so she turns it up loud she was watching something scary that's why you don't like babysitter put Downs isn't it yes look you're just had a bad one kid this one will be different we promise but how can I know for sure it won't happen again you can't but you have to give it a go anyway or you'll be stuck in a tower with a stinky Dragon forever okay I'll give it a go that's my [Music] girl it's the other shampoo I like the shampoo is great but the conditioner I don't rate the conditioner nah me neither but you know you can't get around with open follicles mom am I better at than monkey bars and bingo well you are 2 years older than her bluee am I better than Judo you're about the same as Judo I'm not Judo can't do skit ball or backwards W well she'll get there one day but am I better than her on this day Louie just run your own race what does that mean come here have I told you the story of when you took your first steps oh no well it all started when you were still a [Music] baby come on Blue roll roll over roll over you learned to roll over really early SP it she rolled over she rolled over she's not meant to do that for ages a that's my girl hang on where was I you weren't born yet sweetheart ooh that was invisible were you proud of me for rolling over so soon yes a little too proud I think I may have turned into a bit of a showoff oh I've never heard of a baby rolling over that early I know she's just special but then one day at Mother's group it is very early to roll over oh you're so clever blue she's sitting she's sitting oh Judo you're sitting all by yourself oh goodness that's very early to be sitting oh well you know it's not a race but it was a race a baby race this episode of will is called Baby race I don't know what got into me but I was determined I'd get you walking before judo's mom I mean Judo there you go Steady B it she's sitting good girl but after a lot of practice eventually you set up Lou you're sitting Beau oh goodness I just can't keep track of her Judo craw before me as well Jud beat you again and just what did you do about this well I tried my best this thing how do you come on BL craw the mama you can do it you can do it did I do [Music] it not exactly why was I rolling I don't know kid you didn't come with instructions the doctor said there was nothing to worry about some babies just roll before they crawl but I wasn't having that 99 BBS a thing on the W aha it's fun to crawl oh how good is crawling better than rolling my knees did I do it the blue craw not exactly come on Blue you can do it CR to me [Music] yeah bum Shuffle bum Shuffle bum Shuffle you were a bum shuffler woohoo go Lou meanwhile Judo was pulling herself up on furniture which is the step right before walking and I was just bum shuffling around you are definitely not winning the baby race the doctor said there was nothing to worry about some babies just BB Shuffle before they crawl but I wasn't having that see feels good doesn't it feels like you want to crawl right did she crawl yes [Music] backwards beep beep beep the doctor said there was nothing to worry about but nana wasn't having that let's stop mucking around eh a bit of olive oil on those knees will do the trick how is olive oil going to help oh my goodness mom what are you doing if she can't crawl she'll have to walk this isn't legal anymore I'll sprinkle some grp down too oh where'd that go Yana is old school none of it mattered though Judo had won the baby race ow biscuits are you upset with me that I lost the baby race no sweetie look we were all learning to do things for the first time I just felt like I was doing everything wrong aren't you going to Mother's group yeah a cute hat like he was born in it but then one day Coco's mom came to see me hi Chile Bella oh hello I'm so sorry the house is a mess we chatted for a while and then she showed me a photo are these all your children yep I thought Coco was your first no I've got eight kids wait no nine I had no idea wow you must have learned a thing or two I have and there's something you need to know what you're doing [Music] great are I happy tears mom yeah happy tears honey and then I decided to run my own race [Music] wins well done Judo you clever girl so did blue ever learn to walk yes honey in the kitchen [Music] actually why did I decide to walk in the kitchen I don't know sweetie maybe you just saw something you [Music] wanted okay just one last bit of washing to hang out and there all my washing is hung out now to relax oh no the winds blowing my washing off the L I have to get it back this is H oh sorry pom pom it's a long way down for you isn't it yes Mrs Pomeranians are a small breed there you go now to get my washing back come back here pillow okay this is a I can't do it maybe it's best if I don't play washing P well I'm still an Enthusiast I go along you know have it go at it oh poor pom pom well she is a bit small for this game there's nothing wrong with being small honey hey Bluey let's play seaa yeah this episode of blue is called seaa SE oh I hope they bring you back to se four yeah they do haven't you seen the trailer no trer [Music] R this is mine hey get off yeah get off we were on that not anymore come on Binger help me a massage why thank you yeah a little lower oh that's the spot rub his arms a oh yeah highy oh that feels good get off you big blue meanie N I got an idea come on Bingo we'll see soar him off oh yeah come on we're not heavy enough yeah I'm pretty huge hey Chloe come up here and help us the or dle ooh okay we going to more heavy you off now Big Daddy O I'm scared okay sit down Chloe we're still not heavy enough he must weigh the same as a hip heart that's it I'm calling Mom oh yeah run to your mama mom she sort you up mate hello Mom dad's sitting on our sea and won't get off oh boohoo what here you are my darling oh thank you my precious what are you doing don't feed him you're making him even more heavy so feeling have fun children this is outrageous the grownup won't help us well then we need more kids spin Coco we need your help what is it blue we're trying to get my dad off the Seesaw oh but we're not heavy enough oh and he keeps eating sausages oh is your frizzy hair very heavy um yeah good come on I brought Coco hooray it's working Coco's fry hair is working ho ah it stopped we're still not heavy enough I'm sorry it's not your fault Coco it's his we need another kid get sers we need you I'm playing on the I'm on oh we got to fix it you want mate we've got a sausage dog Lou look what he's got oh Rodney my darling it's so smooth it's a pet rock what he just picked it up from over there well don't worry Snickers is heavier than a pet rock aren't you I think so come on Snickers okay we're going to do it we're going to do it oh Rodney look you can have your own pet rock what his pet rock has a pet rock this is out rightous get off our seaa yeah why would I get off my seaa what are we going to do we've run out of kids oh no we haven't and how's your dad going he's just actually we're going to see him next week okay I'm coming come here we need you I'm here pom pom get up here quick okay Goodness Me I'm up yeah that's it that's it here I come it's working that's it pom pom keep going hey what's going [Music] on come here you pom that was close come on pom pom climb back okay going almost there r a small but Hy breed come on come on working stop it you can do it pom [Music] pom I did it help I don't like it up here take that you big meanie this is our seaa I demand you let me down this instant okay we'll get off ready ready wait hang [Music] on get him [Music] Here Comes Mrs spider oh I'm fre oh you chy fly can I go being the spider Binger sure pom pom you're too small to be the spider no I'm not yeah no she's not Pomeranian are a small but Hardy breed ooh dinosaur it mouth opens in sh dad can I have one of these and if you pay for it yourself but I haven't got any money well then you can't have it but I want it well that's commonly called bad luck no that's not fair it's pretty fair get it off get it off ice cream hi kids ice cream keep walking a can't we have an ice cream nope no one's having ice cream why not cuz you had one yesterday kid it's too much sugar a no fair it's fairly Fair well why does muffin get an ice cream muffin's not getting an ice cream I got an ice cream see thanks mate look kids muffin gets an ice cream cuz she got a dinosaur stuck on her head it was a A Wack door a no fair it's totally fair maybe muffin will give you a lick of HSE yeah that's not going to happen mate can I have a lick please muffin Dad okay okay you're going to have an ice cream yay ice cream this episode of blue is called ice cream look they got mango this is the happiest day ever on my life oh our Fair's here muffin see you later girls Bye Blue bye bingo hey kids Uncle stripe and muffin are saying goodbye oh bye muffin bye uncle strawberry see you mate now you have to finish that before we get on the faery Muffy right do you know what you want yes I like mango please okay one mango please and extra big size extra small size thanks a no fair highly Fair Lou what about you I can't decide I want either mango like Bingo or strawberry can I add two flavors no a no fair very fair okay I'll get strawberry please in a cone I can always have a look at bingos $6 please thank you what flavor are you getting Dad I'm not getting one got to stay in shape it's just coming up it's taking a [Music] while ready oh go give us a double chocolate and a cup extra large h y I've got a problem everyone happy it all nice Dad yeah it's chocolate bingo Can I have a look of your mango here we go okay but only if I can have a look of yours sure ah not a Big Lick I wasn't going to take a big lick you were your tongue was all the way out no it wasn't it was it was like this no it was only at this far no it was out this far it wasn't it was out this far it has to be out this far okay okay that's okay hang on if I lick first and you lick second you can just take a bigger lick than me h bluee no I won't you will you lick first I'll lick second but then you'll just take a bigger lick I won't I promise you will okay kids come on sort it out we can't both lick seconds what are we going to do I know let's look at the same time oh yeah good idea Bingo okay you ready yes so we both take the same size luk okay okay show me how big your tongue is out okay that's okay so and M yeah oh go no your t's are too far but big not that much oh oh oh kids what are you doing no that's too much tongue back in tongue back in not too [Music] big no oh not too much get out of it my ice cream it's melted mine too they're both melted dad our ice cream's melted it's a hot day kid you had them out in the sun the sun melts ice creams but that's not fair it's about as Fair as it gets actually can you buy us another one zero chance a why not cuz it's not my fault they melted you took too long to eat them so we get nothing well you get a valuable life lesson I don't want a valuable life lesson I just want an ice cream oh oh oh all right I tell you what you kids can have mine really yeah go on yeah thanks Dad let's take turns you go first have as much as you want thanks bloy is it good yeah your turn I only took a little bit thanks Bingo well done girls m it's even better than mango yeah it's chocolate I'm sorry you don't get an ice cream Dad it's all good kid I'm fine well it's actually your job to give us your ice cream oh is it now and why is that cuz you're the Big Daddy man fair enough okay who else have we got here to Uncle Stripe from n oh here we go there you go Uncle strip thanks blue world's best chef thanks Mom hey I thought I was the world's best chef oh you both are that one's banana from Bandit this is from Dad a thanks Bandy no worries M oh what is it oh it's a shirt what does it say hang on I'll just get my glasses hang on I'll just get my glasses off what is it yes a doctor's bag INF rable pool Island oh yeah tennis balls two Bluey from Mom and Dad oh it's for me thanks Mom and Dad o wo I love him I'm going to call you botle bee I think that's it hold done Christmas swim yeah this episode of blue is called Christmas swim let me introduce you to my family blebe they're your family now too are you sure you know how to do the crackling read the apron Uncle shy this is blebe get out blebe nice to meet you hang on bleby I was just getting blown towards the pool so what is you and this is my cousin socks Merry Christmas yeah don't worry she does that everyone come on muffin you got to be late for work ah have to eat breakfast this is my cousin muffin hi BBY I'm sorry I'm late for work Barry's about to leave I'm late bye kids lipstick lipstick back through the door attention passengers fairies leaving by kids hooray you made it hoay muffin's a bit busy right now let's go meet Bingo this is my sister bingo bingo this is blebe this is his first he of Christmas hi ble is not B Be crocodile it's his first heal of Christmas Rob help they light for work follow me are you okay H maybe we should go and meet my [Music] dad dad's playing classic Cates who's [Music] next Who's Next Dad this is bleby that's a gun ble you want to turn to classic [Music] [Music] catchers you got to keep your eye on the ball mate oh bosby I'm so sorry dad broke your arm a Trix I can do the gravy if you like oh I'm fine Chris I've just got some packets oh no let me do a proper one a Trixie can I borrow a cow for botle be please oh nana would you be able to grab a towel for Bluey please oh sure did you get wet botle boy dad landed on him oh dear me no no no what he's got a broken arm oh goodness me I had no idea sorry bumblebee hey Uncle rad and Aunt frisky are calling St are you sure you know how to do the crackling mate read the apron oh I wish you guys could be here yeah me too Mom look what I got for Christmas Uncle rad wow look at that the MU Hey where's blue I'm sorry it's been a bit crazy bartlebee I hope you're still having a good time what's that what you want to go home hey BL look who it is frisky hey blue Merry Christmas Merry Christmas frisky who's that you've got there this is bleby he's having his first healer Christmas oh how's it going well not good he got attacked by a crocodile then dad broke his arm then Nana jiggled it all about oh dear he wants to go home he says my family is too rough here let me have a word with him oh okay nice to meet you be I'm frisky I'm new to the Healer family as well and just between you and [Music] me they're a bit crazy hey but give them a chance you'll see yeah but that's not why I voted for him a stripe it's crackling oh really they're full of love ah B Be where are my keys quick fa's leaving come on by [Music] kids Merry Christmas every everyone Merry Christmas and here's to battleby yeah welcome to the family mate Dad sorry [Music] buddy Bingo calm it down a bit mate ooh banana dad is there going to be thunder in the movie maybe oh you sure you're ready for movies blue you're a bit of a sensitive kid McKenzie seen it yeah but you're not McKenzie I know but I'm ready just checking come on let's go get some tickets Hey where's Bingo bana Bingo sorry this episode of blue is called movies one adult and two kids to chunky chimp thanks and a giant popcorn and a small popcorn a uh $54 please chunky chimp do I have to pay for the four-year-old she's not really going to watch it uh yeah you still have to pay can you ask him if there's any scary bits oh yeah hey are there any scary bits in this um there's a big thunderstorm bit at the end that might be scary for some kids oh I think I might be some kids look we can leave whenever you want just say the word thanks Dad okay three tickets and a popcorn and another popcorn Bingo stay with me m oh open your eyes blue is the thunderstorm bit on yet the movie hasn't started yet oh these are trailers for other movies this summer prepare to be out of your comfort zone you sit here Bingo oh swinging chair maybe just sit forward a bit okay tell me when the trailers are over wa Bing careful oh it's finished experience pure sound loud do okay now the movie started this is boring P shh is this the storm bit nah it's just some monkeys in a tree hey treles look what I invented we can use it to explore the ground lands oh chunky you and your inventions Bingo sit still why can't you just be like the rest of us why do you you have to be so different I don't [Music] know I wish I wasn't different oh man the songs I wish poporn one Popcorn Please sure Bingo don't touch that Dad am I different like chunky is huh uh yeah well um no Bingo no mate I think I am different I'm the only one of my friends who doesn't watch a movie movies I wish I wasn't different look mate I'm pretty sure that by the end of the movie everyone will like that the monkey was different don't spill them Bingo don't spill them well I'm not going to be different anymore I'm ready for movies just like everyone else the ground lands aren't for chimps Tree World Is Where We Belong but my heart belongs to the groundland I don't care can I sit over there no mate we're sitting here want to go down there no you have to stay here with me but I want to explore Dad look I'm watching well done blue huh hey what Bingo where's that kid you can find the magic Pine gong chunky you just have to be yourself be myself yeah be yourself oh be yourself [Applause] [Music] I need the toilet oh man oh no mate don't touch the dunny brush dad why does chuba Duba tell chunky to be yourself uh well you know fished Bingo you got to flush come on am I just being yourself look it's just monkey singing songs mate don't think too hard about it a bingo well I understand what just be yourself is cuz I'm ready for movies oh no it's a thunderstorm dad I want to go now okay no worries Bingo we got to go huh Bingo where are you bingo bingo where have you gone I found the magic Pine con Bingo L help me with your sister you block her up but I can't see ow come back here you little pickle sorry sorry sorry everyone stop running away Lou open your eyes put the scary bits on it's just a monkey in the rain Louie open your eyes and help me I can't do it I'm not ready I should have just stayed in the trees like everyone else but you didn't huh you rode off to save the village because there's no one else quite like you now fly chunky [Music] Wy woo it gotta nice one blue okay let's get you out of here oh Dad look the storm is over oh yeah nice nice one can we stay what really um yeah okay we're staying a I don't want to stay I know mate but it's important for bluee so what do I do you know what Bingo just be [Music] yourself now it all work out everything's fine living in the trees all we you want to be yourself yourself be yourself Beach this episode of Lou is called the beach mom beach beach beach a poor mom she's all on her own mom likes being by herself I wonder why than [Music] here comes a big one I'm just going to go for a walk along the beach why do you like walking by yourself not sure actually I just do see you soon Little Mermaid wao look at this shell wow can I go and show Mom yeah all right off you go Bingo an I'll way here really is that Mom with the orange hat over there yeah that's her and I can go all that way by myself yeah I'll keep an eye on you for real life yeah just don't go in the water okay but how will you get there no legs mermaid oh yeah you can be King Neptune and you give me legs legs actually she's a bit far away but Little Mermaid you can follow mom's footsteps oh yeah thanks King Neu good luck I am the mermaid who got her legs but they only last a day Little Mermaid so enjoy them okay I will [Music] woo see go can you please move M wants to get through dad can you oh that's right that's back there [Music] [Music] then little cheeky wave you washed away my mom's footsteps peppies peppies coming up for wee oh hey mate where you going the new lady py py I'm the mama who got her CRA where are you going Pinchy okay see you oo Orange Su mom is getting bigger mom I got a shell to show you oh she can't hear you better keep going I'm coming jellyfish you can't sing me jellyfish I am the M who got her legs no Castle I wonder who lived here maybe this is where the other mermaid [Music] live [Music] hello um would you mind moving I need to show this shell to my mom maybe I will just head back I think I've had enough walking by myself oh that's just a blue SP can't go backward can't go forward what am I going to do mom's footsteps your mermaid's just got to be brave I am the mermaid who got her legs but only for a [Music] day thanks for moving Mr [Music] pelic Mom did you come all this way by yourself yeah I'm a mid who got her legs P the jellyfish yeah and the Pelican and I saw a whole h of crabs you little star listen to [Music] this [Music] I love walking by myself oh yeah what is that um I don't know I just do this is nice too though it's hot oh it's so hot mom what are we doing today nothing until you've cleaned your teeth but I don't want to clean my teeth it's boring boring things are still important no they not you sound like your dad hey squirts Uncle strip said we could use his pool while he's in barley yeah let's get out of here make sure you take all the swimming stuff yeah yeah we got it covered don't just get the fun stuff I mean the bag of stuff boring yeah boring hey it's nice and cool actually this episode of Lou is called the pool mom is such a f pot isn't she she is mom always makes us do so many boring things she does that is way more fun I am dad what does he a a [Music] BB k k k k k k j k k k [Music] spell well stick your thongs on I didn't bring them ah okay um how are we going to do this ow ow ow hey Bingo what's going on up there I'm a giraffe and I'm eating these leaves and someone Open this gate I rashy did you bring it no then no dad did we bring sunscream oh no I didn't it's okay we don't need sunscream yes we do we'll just have to stay in the Shady bit and we'll put our hats on what hats hey Bingo check it out my [Music] tongue can you take that out n keeps the pool clean kiddo can I have my floaties I didn't bring them what what um you'll have to stay on the shallow steps spin a but I won't be able to swim away from the cruly thing dad do you think I can swim from this side to that side all by myself yeah you definitely could no you have to pretend that you don't think I could oh I mean no way no one can swim that far watch this oh hey kiddos sorry not into the sunny bit you've got no sunscreen on a you'll be right now let's chill some bees higher higher lower okay the water's making my eyes stingy yeah that's the chlorine did you bring your goggles no ah okay well we'll just have to play above the water games kid but I want to dive down and get the sinkies did you bring the sinkies no well that solves that then a dad I want my floaties dad is shade a bit going to get bigger or smaller ah bigger for [Music] sure uh I meant smaller I'm Bor hi Bor nice to meet you I'm hungry oh hello hungry this is Bored oh tough crowd I want some food oh yeah it's morning tea time yeah but I didn't bring any food a you know what kids I think we might be done no I don't want to get out come on Bingo I'm cold well grab your towel kid I didn't bring one just shake I haven't learned to shake it come on no I don't want to get out I'm staying in the pool I can't shake properly L give us a hand with your sister I've never getting out of this Dad I'm cold Dad I'm freezing Dad I'm hungry Dad I'm staring okay can everyone stop stop saying Dad I think Dad is actually boring mom is way more fun oh that's nice to hear mom I brought all the swim stuff you left behind yeah oh Bubba [Music] K so boring things are important sometimes then yes Mom brought the sinking [Music] yeah got it okay ready for the torpedo ready you can't get me cly thing ha what was I saying uh something about [Music] ballet she's here hi mu here Mom you remember your promise yes I do because it's a special night and cousin muffin sleeping over you get to stay up a little later hoay stay up late stay up late we're going to stay coconut have water in them W what's up with you muffin oh boy I think muffins skipped to sleep I am a l eating a Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum did she say she's a llama this episode of blue is called the sleepover you stop Doors door St what's going on Uncle stri remember when you dudes were younger and you used to have a little sleep during the day yeah well as you got older you stopped having that little sleep didn't you yeah now we just sleep once yeah at night well muffin is right in the middle of stopping that second little sleep during the day Oh Daddy stop okay muffin early bed for you wait no we get to stay up late though uh well got to run hey muffin ow CL it off mom you promise we can stay up late I know I did but we have to do the right thing by Muffin she skipped asleep but you promise one game then bet a inredible guitar oh I know let's make it a really long game so that we have to stay out late to finish it yeah okay one game then bed great now which game restaurant so husband and Sheila should we have a nice slow dinner at the restaurant Sure Thing by good evening Welcome to our restaurant known for its Speedy service how many will be dining tonight three very good one two where's the other [Music] one why can't my name is bo bo b bo bo bo b Bo needs to go to bed no she's fine she just likes plants I plant we are ready Cho CH next start the musum Shayla this isn't a bus here are the menus yes just warning you I I think we'll take a long time deciding no you won't oh it all looks so good [Music] bab coconuts have water in them Jayla what are you doing let us go my rest this doesn't mean we finished Lou maybe we'll just go to the Chip Shop come on family chies chips get your chips here oh hello would you like some chip hey CH okay okay please mam don't shake my shop we love some chips please and take your time your friend looks like she should be in bed oh no she's fine well that'll be$ bucks please if we pay him the game's finished what are you going to do babe I know run Shayla okay hey stop safe the game's still going that's great babe police did someone call the police yes she went that way stop [Music] police I want wa muffin you really are tired freeze thank you for your time sir I want you to throw the book at her now listen up if your friend buys chippies she has to pay for chippies yes police lady sorry police lady okay girls bedtime oh it's not fair you said we can stay up late Louie it is late look it's 8:00 we stay up hoay no hooray blue if your cousin has skipped to sleep it's up up to you to look after her muffin should have been in bed long ago look at her this doesn't mean the game's still going I'm coming for [Music] mango okay muffin on the Flingo qu L this music game is still going come on let's even [Music] later no Bingo do what I do ah Shea look the police lady's coming follow me you want to catch us police lady Lou I'm going to catch you I don't you hear Sheila okay boo they'll never find you here thanks buy now stay quiet I'll check your the coast is [Music] clear good work blue morning boy I'm so tired maybe you should go to bed earlier yeah probably muffin blue yes muffin why is there a flamingo in my sleep back it's a long story can you play games with us no time for games squirt I'm working from home today one sec I just got to pop downstairs [Music] D okay I'm back is this yours yeah play the elevator game I told you kid no time for elevator game it's a work day today [Music] today I found another one again sorry kids I got loads of work on dude I just can't play the elevator game you all play this episode of blue is called yoga [Music] ball Now Bing go hey don't even think about [Music] it you little RS why do you sit on a giant green ball cuz I wrecked my back changing your nappies bo bo bo bo bo I want to turn doing that bo bo bo bo bo bo bo okay now beat it I've got to get to work no not yet oh so then mix that Murphy says what smoothie banana you like oh Bly you need your sleep you must be so tired that big daddy's been sitting on you all day I'm Bo which tattoo should they get do you like the Unicorn or or the rainbow W Bingo my name is l well L I really think you should get there it is out can we play delivery chair no oh please I don't use your please face oh all right yeah Bingo delivery chair the Polie face gets me every time now I need to get these two packages delivered but first I need to stamp them stamp stamp okay now I need to deliver these two H let's see oh mishue okay here's one package oh Mark fragile okay well I better be careful and and here's the second package okay delivery over now I've got to get back to work oh come on one more no can we just quickly play that game where we run down the hall and you sing and you roll the ball down the hall and we jump out of the way oh you mean Raiders yeah Raiders yeah Raiders all right maybe a quick game hooray not too quick though I want you to play for this long okay fair enough hooray you ready yeah okay [Music] go I can I [Music] can okay game over I have to do some work walk it off [Music] sport hey bingo oh what's the matter Daddy's playing too rough with me yeah he does play too rough sometimes doesn't he yes did you use your big Gill bar no because I don't have a very good big go really show me oh that's all right just do it bigger bigger W there it is come on let's go talk to your [Music] dad go [Music] away what's up you're in trouble no one's in trouble Bingo just has something she'd like to tell Dad that's all sometimes you play a bit too rough with me a bingo really a sorry Buster I didn't realize I I think I just forget that you're a bit younger than your sister I'm only four yeah not six like me but Dad we don't want you to stop playing with us oh okay I'm just going to get better at using my big go B okay well let's practice okay so tell me is this rough okay Bo yes that's okay okay how about this rough Bo yes that's okay okay what about this Bo okay too rough now I know all right now clear out you lot I've got to Hey where's my ball I'll just be a [Music] second oh my how rude can't you see that I'm on the [Music] toilet Bandit I'm just having a quick shower then I'll give you you were hand cleaning the room all good I got it covered now where are those naughty kids oh wa here they are do that again kids no kids kids no kids kids no kids let's play hotels yeah oh no not hotels this episode of blue is called Hotel oh Bingo we have a guess I want to be a crazy pillow no you're the crazy Hotel helper a hello no dad have to push the Bell oh okay I might just fix that Bell's volume Dam let's try again that's better hello how are you weo very nice I'm good I'd like a room please oh yes we have some rooms one with a TV oh yes sure this way please thank you Bingo grab a suitcase no my name is Loba oh yes grab his suitcase LBA DBA I have an important cleaning job to do in the morning so it's very important that I am not Disturbed oh of course we have this lovely room it has the sleepy bunny NightLight and some toys M no thanks we also have this room H maybe too many computers and not enough beds and we have this room hey do you mind oh no too stinky and this is the big room it has a bed and a TV oh and there's a lady in the shower is that okay this will do nicely good night H this pillow isn't very comfy yes it is oh okay y CRA help her okay see you in the morning sir yes please see that I am not disturbed until then oh of course my helper won't be crazy at all oh I'm sure she [Music] won't [Music] room now I am terribly sorry about this well I should say so I have a very important meeting in the morning do you need a crazy pillow no he doesn't this is very embarrassing it won't happen again well please see that it doesn't first hi who want bacon but it's the middle of the night who want night bacon love I'm so sorry sir this won't happen again well night bacon does sound pretty good actually as long as I'm up I might as well watch the news yeah the news Lou can I be crazy pillow now come on Bingo try the TV again Okay click oh hello I am the TV today on the news a while don't keep banging people's heads into the bed now back to the news we have [Music] thunder blue I want to be a crazy pillow no you're the news and lightning no I'm not playing you're bossing me around slobber dber come back with inant ah TV always people shouting at each other click all right kid I got to get back to making the bed no Dad wait don't stop you have to keep playing we not finished hotels well you better sort it out with Bingo kiddo you have to let her makes some decisions too you know okay don't start tidying please Bingo you have to keep playing or dad will stop playing I don't want to play anymore please no please no please Bing I'll do anything no okay all right I'll play really yeah but I want to be a crazy pillow okay yeah crazy pillow hello sir I have your new pillow here for you oh thank you don't worry it's not a crazy pillow well that's a plus my oh my this is very comfortable and not wrigly at all okay well I best go to sleep now night knows that's OD hey pillow get back here now stay there pillow and where's my blanket ah here it is Ah that's [Music] better hey wait a minute hey this is a crazy pillow yeah I'm a crazy blanky ah run away B stop stop I'll catch you with my NE I'm coming to get you [Music] stop I thought you were going to clean the room blue don't talk with your mouthful and sit up straight don't slouch it's Bad Manners it's just B mom Bingo mom why do we have to have manners because we're not animals I'm happy as long as you eat your veggies hey hey hey elbows off the table thanks Mom can you believe that kids blue take this it's a magic asparagus what does it do it turns people into any animal you want for real life for real life ooh don't play with your food BL it works D okay what hog no no I want to be a [Music] piget now that's taken care of I need you to do a little something for me chicken this episode of Lou is called asparagus elephant I love this go now be free my Animal Friends noal rules for anyone Pig B you're making a mess come here you reg put me [Music] down don't just grab people swing them around hly puppy Mouse you can't chew people's toys it's not nice this is hard work maybe I'll turn you into slightly calmer animals peacock that's a bit [Music] better hey mind your maners Mr show off okay you ask for it lions that would teach you to show off no don't go outside where'd they go there you are who now where are those lions one Sunday morning as I went walking by Brisbane Waters a chance to what was [Music] that is that you lucky oh well I guess it's nothing oh Mrs Hill oh I don't know about this Buy what you want to G get back in the house you two sorry luy Dad how worries BL I shouldn't have let my guard down get in here you lck that's it you ad see to L of manners daddy W no doing that thing first manners is want cracker first is don't speak when someone's speaking squ second Mana is hey what no running away from Mana lessons now third one is don't eat the next door neighbors that's a really important one Hey where's Daddy warus no both mes don't go to the toilet on the rug you big grub this is hopeless I'm going to turn you all back in the dogs where's my asparagus [Music] [Applause] cck oh no it's stuck like this forever squat why you want more asparagus wait I've got an idea okay B go you've eaten the magic asparagus too late to change that but I think if you say doggy everyone will turn back to doggies can you say Polly want a doggy reallyy [Music] please po want cracker no Polly want a doggy answer yourself Daddy warus come on bird bigo hly want a [Music] doggy [Music] squ come on big it's hard to get a war to sit at the dinner [Music] table dinosaur no doy doy now we need the B teacher [Music] hoana huh hooray you did it BD big go squ what's going on uh oh uh we're just eating dinner remember ah yeah dinner okay well make sure you I finished my vegetables father I should now excuse myself to go tidy the kitchen pip pip well that's more like it Bingo for the last time use the knife and [Music] chicken
Channel: Bluey - Official Channel
Views: 11,338,149
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bluey, Bluey Disney Junior, Bandit, Bingo, Dog, Pups, Puppy, Australian, Blue Heeler, Wackadoo, disney, disney jr, disney junior, Chilli, bluey disney jr, bluey full episodes, bluey clips, bluey disney junior, bluey australia, bluey and bingo, bluey season 1, bluey season 2, ludo studio, bluey season 3, bluey full episode compilation, bluey every episode, bluey full episodes season 3, bluey full episodes season 2, bluey full episodes season 1, bluey series 3 full episodes
Id: AMppfY8aF6M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 115min 39sec (6939 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2024
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