10 Secrets You Missed in Bluey's House

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did you know that there are plenty of hidden secrets in the healer's house that most Bluey viewers had never noticed for example if you look closely in one of the episodes you might even spot one of Disney Pixar's most famous characters hiding in bl's house one thing that is in no short supply in bl's house is toys because she and bingo have a lot of them really a lot this becomes even more apparent in the episode where we see that all the women in the family prefer Mr Monkey jocks over Bandit poor Bandit but that's not all the hidden detail in the healer's house is that next to one of the scenes we see a massive pile of toys and if you look closely you'll notice that one of them is a car with eyes and a smile which Bears a striking resemblance to Lightning McQueen and other characters from the Cars franchise and since both cars and blue are part of Disney this was certainly a well-hidden secret that you missed in this fantastic show this is the first of the 10 secrets we found in Blue's house that we're going to share with you now archaeology the creator of the show Joe Brum wanted Bandit to have a profession similar to his real life life Brothers an archaeologist and it really seems that not only is Bandit an archaeologist but he's also kind of a can9 Indiana Jones that's why sometimes he has to travel and be away from his family and this becomes evident when we look at the healer's house specifically Bandit's office it seems that bandit has been to the most distant and hidden places on Earth since we can see that he has on the wall a mass typical of dog tribes in Africa moreover we can also see that he possesses a samurai style sword which he must have acquired on a trip to the Far East of the canine world another Relic we find in the healer's house is a stone sculpture very similar to those found in the Polynesian regions probably made by mayori and their canine versions as well and finally the weirdest item of all a bone inside a glass Dome that is simply floating Bandit's work seems really cool American football this is a detail that almost no one has noticed while watching Bluey episodes only once because it happens very quickly in the episode babysitting Duo when we meet Uncle Radley Bandit's older brother we see that at the moment moment when he frisky Bingo and blue say goodbye to Chilean Bandit we can notice a mysterious American football on the roof of the house and as we know nothing in Bluey is placed there by accident so there's a real possibility that in a future episode we will see how it ended up there remember that it's indeed an American football not a rugby ball as they are quite different I'm looking forward to discovering how it got there and we're also very excited to have you as the new subscriber to our Channel just click the button and our excitement will go through the roof all right sticky lizard one of the toys that blue and bingo have and love the most is the sticky lizard we can see it in various episodes like the time when Chile does everything to catch the lizards so they can go outside the interesting thing about the sticky is that it's seen in various parts of the house in different episodes for example in the episode where Bluey and bingo start sleeping in separate rooms the lizard is up there when they go to divide the toys and we can notice that at the very moment while they are talking the lizard detaches a little and they don't even notice this happens before dinner after that they engage in various activities and several hours pass and when it's time to sleep the lizard is still there but once again it detaches a bit more and neither of the girls or Bandit notices it what's even cooler than that is that by the end of the episode The Lizard falls on the plant pot and practically no one noticed except us of course this is an incredible detail in the show and shows how the show's Team Works on continuity Chile's pregnant photo this is probably the most controversial and well-kept Secret in Bluey as we've mentioned on this channel and you can check our Bluey playlist where we've compiled all our videos about this amazing series at some point Chile lost a baby everything suggests that it was before Bluey this becomes even clearer when we see blue showing a photo of her mother probably taken by Bandit of Chile sitting during a trip to Sydney and we can see that she has a slightly rounded belly in this hidden photo from the series Chile was pregnant with the baby she ended up losing or with Bluey otherwise Bluey would also appear in the photo but about the fifth member of the Healer family this could still happen the original idea was for chile to start the series pregnant with a third baby as we can see from this image released before the official launch of the series in 2018 furthermore the series drops some hints about this when Bandit mentions that Chile doesn't want him to undergo surgery to prevent having more children that's why I feel that soon we will have a new healer baby in this house second bedroom baby what we discussed in the last section is closely related to the fact that there was a room that was not used by anyone that's why moved into it while Bingo stayed in the old room this could mean that another secret in the healer's house is that the room was actually intended for a new baby and maybe they stopped trying for one so they decided it would be better to have each of the girls in a separate room but as we mentioned who knows if Bluey might have to go back to our old room in the future since in this new room we might see a crib again honor medal another amazing secret hidden in the Healer family's house is the possibility that it originally belonged to Chile's parents and she inherited it one of the strongest indications of of this theory is the fact that we can find several items in the house that have immeasurable sentimental value and belong to Chile's father one of them is a photo of Grandpa Bob a young man in an Australian army uniform probably during a conflict he was sent to this is because not only did he serve in the Army but he undoubtedly did amazing and heroic things so much so that he received the highest award for bravery given to a British Army soldier the Victoria Cross which is also displayed in a frame near the door at the healer's house all these items suggest that B left the house to Chile after she got married and as his wife had already passed away he moved to the countryside this is definitely a big secret that almost nobody knows in honor of The Bravery of the Healer family's patriarch and the coolest little animated doggies in the world comment # Bob down below family pet if you have a pet at home you know how cool it is to have a four-legged family member whether it's a cat or a dog but in the world of Bluey literally every family member has four legs as they are all dogs even if they're civilized right but that doesn't stop them from having their own pets even though they would be considered pets in our world and there's a detail in the healer's house that makes it clear they have a pet of their own however this doesn't happen in any of the episodes of the series at least not yet but in the official and canonical game of the series in one of the game scenarios when we can choose the characters we'll play with if you look closely you'll notice that on the top floor of the house there's an aquarium and not only that we can see that inside it there's a little goldfish swimming peacefully this is definitive proof that the healers who would be considered pets in our world have a pet of their own man that's really cool Double Dogs maybe you don't know this yet but there are only two items that have appeared in absolutely every one of the 150 plus Bluey episodes they are the tennis ball and the long dog figurine you might not have noticed them in some episodes but believe me they were there but there's a really cool detail about one of these items the dog this is because there's an episode where stuffed dogs appear not just once but three times and all at the same time the scene occurs in the episode that focuses on Bob Bilby the puppet character that the girls simply love when Bingo is on top of her dad and bl takes a photo of her and Bob we can notice them there we see the long dog that's in every episode under the table hidden and on the table we can see two other smaller dogs but a bit long and white as if they were twins this is the first time we see more than one stuffed dog simultaneously in a Bluey episode now I'm thinking did these two smaller dogs start appear in in every episode from this point on I'll be keeping an eye out from now on favorite animal did you know that blue has her favorite animals for a while her favorite animal was bats so much so that she dreams of flying and spends a lot of time with them but as kids love to change their minds after a while her favorite animal becomes the zebra so much so that it's the outfit she wears in the episode where they meet Chile's sister Brandy but even before that episode at another moment the production had already given a hint of it and you could tell that blue really liked wild animals especially zebras in the Train episode we can see in the play Veterinary Clinic various animals like a sheep and several little possums and among them one stands out a zebra stuffed animal which is right there next to the long purple cat the hint was there and we didn't notice these are the 10 secrets we found in the bluey family's house watching Bluey is always a lot of fun and it's great to make videos about the Healer family and to keep the fun going with us we've picked two great videos on the screen for you
Channel: CineWave
Views: 80,628
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Id: l9rpKRhyRtg
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Length: 8min 34sec (514 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2024
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