Oddly Satisfying That Will Make You Sleepy

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love friends it's me and today is satisfying sunday so prepare to be satisfied chocolate chip pancakes don't tell me this is slime oh it's not it actually cooked y'all almost had me i almost thought it was slime because look at that that actually does look like slime no it is simply the perfect pancake why i only got chocolate chips on one side for the aesthetic oh but that flip it actually was the perfect pancake gorgeous oh no they are filling up her ear with slime oh make sure you get all of it too huh get all the crusties out so this is an ear impression basically slime for your ears but then you wait for it to dry and then becomes hard pop it out pull it out out the bubble gum out the ear oh oh it was the end of a q-tip it got stuck in her ear you know this is why they say to not use q-tips in your ears because they can get stuck it's not gonna stop me from doing it but if you have things stuck in your ear this is how they get it out it's not long and forgotten it's not going to slide into your brain and make you dumb that you can't blame the q-tip but you can get it out i'll see that pop out again oh just comes out clean no crumbs one piece oh that is some crunchy ice the top of the trampoline for rose oh to walk on a thin layer of crispy crunchy ice oh no it's falling apart everything's breaking no it's ruined now do a flip i don't know what this is but i would like a scoop it looks delicious oh it's soft this is just straight up nutella with chocolate pudding with sprinkles that's it it is perfect i don't care what it is i want to eat it oh i love these videos of the little paint boobie that you put on the plates but now they are cleaning it i didn't know you had to clean it between uses but i mean if you want to put like a different print on it you know it must be a joy one of the perks of working here is i get to clean the paint booby yay give it a good smack several smacks and dip it into fresh paint and well bam plate painted excellent oh scissors to cut slime oh it's not slime it's kind of hard but it's soft it's candy oh that looks so delicious my teeth could never handle this texture i'm surprised it's not sticking to the scissors it's like hard and soft at the same time it's like candy when it's still hot oh squeeze a lime with a spike thing wait no no why is slime coming out we put a lime in there you can't tell me that lime was slime that's a lime oh there's slime on the backside so the lime was not slime oh is that dough why are there so many bubbles in it are you gonna make bread out of it i'll put the olive oil on just a little drizzle with a lot of drizzle oh put your hands in it put your hands oh yes smoosh it all up i want to see all those bubbles popped oh even though they've like massaged the bubbles you're still not popping this will make for a glorious pan of bread what is that oh sesame seeds oh sesame seeds makes bread like 10 times better sesame seeds are for the elite how do you get dough that's like so jiggly and doughy oh these buns gonna make me act up oh more oh through the whole wall and you strip that wallpaper you strip it real good luck to see tools actually doing their job like the way it comes off so easily oh i enjoyed that y'all ever get dried paint in the paint pump oh i didn't think it was gonna be that much that was nice very satisfying it's like pulling out a nasty booger and you can breathe again nothing like peeling dried paint delicious okay summer is coming up i need to get me one of these bubble gums because they are so freaking cool like you just dip it in the bubbles and it literally makes thousands of bubbles when i was a child in prehistoric times we would dip a single bubble wand in the bubble juice in just one bubble at a time that's all you get this is the future you don't even have to blow you can have paper lungs and have thousands of bubbles with the press of a button insane imagine walking under their apartment like oh it's raining oh it's bubbles where do the bubbles come from oh some good old soap cutting and they already prepared it there are so many of them just like waiting to be cut you know it really bugs me that all the crumbs are going on the rest of the soap now that i know that i can't sit here and enjoy the soap carving any longer so there's a piece of metal and i believe they are welding i have no welding experience and know very little to nothing about welding but watch this how bro just like spawned some metal to connect them how does that even work oh the little stick that they're using did they borrow metal for the little stick and then just like weld it together to a non-welder that's like magic oh what was that then just got the ink pens i can like open up and make a thicker line why does this look so wrong it reminds me of something else maybe because it's red oh that was real satisfying the way it just like perfectly opens up and lets out more ink nice this car came into the car wash filthy crunchy crusty looking like the inside of a butterfinger how you gonna get that off i'll mix together the solution put in a good old spray bottle i want to see this clean you got like a little cleaning gun let it marinade oh that mud is on good oh and then the power washer the best part all of it just like cleans off so easily man i thought that was on good he barely even let it soak i've baked brownies in pans that were harder to clean than this car oh and then buff it out and it's like brand new it's so clean like can we get a before and after like look at this dusty crusty musty nutter butter car and then after oh man that is nice i can never get a car wash this good y'all ever wanted a hair sticker for your arm that you can wash brush shampoo and scrub and then give it a little rinse rinse like a head of hair for your arm and you can really stick it anywhere a pube attachment perhaps that's nasty but like how do you get it off they pulled and they washed and it still stayed i guess that's supposed to go like on your head perhaps i think they're on to something this is the most gorgeous shade of pink hair i could literally like eat it up oh and then i styled it and it's perfect i wish i could have like brighter colored hair without my hair literally falling out why is she watching the game so close to her face like you just turned into a bubblegum fairy girl look in the mirror she's like watching two inches from the screen is that a bucket of piss some lemon lime gatorade oh no it's slime oh that's nice very satisfying you just mix it up wait what was the point of it being yellow i thought when you mix blue and yellow it makes green but it's making blue that's weird mountain dew no hey he's eating the mountain dew made of jello what else you got oh an eyeball oh what else you got ah a red egg i'm sorry i even asked for more yeah it was pretty cool until the red egg i would like to eat a bottle of mountain dew take a bite probably healthier than the actual mountain dew you see this piece of jewelry it looks clean right there's nothing wrong with it now you couldn't have been more incorrect put it in the jewelry cleaner and you see all the gunk that comes out of it literally years of grime it's being dissolved okay but i want to see what it actually looks like when it's clean because what we saw before was not clean so you don't scrub it or anything you just like shake it around pull it out oh i didn't even know it was gold who was it looked like a different color before because i guess how filthy it was i didn't even know it was gold it's so shiny now looks brand new look how they cut this watermelon why does it look like that how do you do that so they cut the top piece off wait they cut the the bottom oh so it's like it stands in place cut it all up oh it's like an illusion but you leave the top piece oh and then rearrange the slices it looks so fancy okay but let's talk about where you got a watermelon with no seeds from i'd be buying seedless watermelons they still have seeds i'm getting scammed guess the song okay i'm gonna have to turn the volume on for this one there is no way i'm gonna guess a song based on some brush strokes guess the song i know what song it is smash like if you know what song it is it's never gonna give you up never gonna let you down how do i not know all the words to this i never thought i would guess some brushes hitting a chalkboard did i just get rick rolled by a paintbrush crazy i dig monsters what are the feet they're plushy in there what is this and where do you buy it's a popsicle and never let them know your next move because i have no idea what's going on because now that we're playing with slime we're slicing slime is this a kid's toy is this what kids are playing with these days because that's actually really cool and you get to shave it is there something underneath it after you shaved it off because it looks like it there is another hidden toy this is like a toy within a toy within a toy oh there is there's like a secret surprise oh how do you know to put him in water oh he gets cold when you put him in the water this is actually so cool y'all get such fun toys to play with these days [Music] they mushed up a glass oh we are going to revert it to its original form sand forbidden flower i remember when i was a kid and somebody told me that glass was made of sand and i was like ah what no way but like this is it being reverted to its original form so this is how they powder coat things bro i think you're gonna need like a bigger mask that mask ain't gonna cut it why is the water bubbling is it hot or something but basically they took this metal pipe and dyed it green does it even get wet or just stay a powder and just dry so many questions it's not a satisfying video without one of these i love me a good laminar flow video where it's pouring it's pouring the water is coming out right now but it looks like it's not moving like it's just stuck in place come on prove me wrong prove me wrong i dare you touch it yeah see see the water just moved for like a split second and then it's back to just being frozen in time and space i can't believe that's a thing like if he did not touch it i would think it's not filling up the bowl but there we go i saw that water move not fooling me and this is why i don't give out free samples anymore because somebody took 50 of them and refilled their foundation bottle with all the free samples like why would i buy a new bottle when i could just fill it up with free samples actually very cheap but kind of smart that was a lot of product to be getting for free now sometimes you gotta make do this guy is one step ahead y'all gotta tell me what kind of paint you're using or maybe it's in the brush or maybe it's in like the force of the painter then i won't feel that bad for not being able to paint this efficiently like this video isn't even sped up or anything i know he's pushing it very hard you gotta have like a very firm grasp if your wrists don't feel like they're bleeding then you're not doing it right is that wood varnish i believe so wait it's getting way too close way too close to those white shoes my guy it's gonna stain just like it stains the floor you trapped yourself oh he stepped back okay i thought that was a wall for some reason okay we're good that was making me real anxious i thought he was going to trap himself in a corner and then what wait for the wood to dry before i can like step out and do the rest i know okay we're good there's another room that is not on camera but anyways that's all for today i hope you guys enjoyed this video comment below let me know which one was the most satisfying and if you guys enjoyed make sure to hit that like button and make sure you turn on notifications click click and subscribe to the wolf pack i love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 14,807,135
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, satisfying, oddly satisfying, satisfying video, oddly satisfying video
Id: 4xc4TERZR8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 39sec (759 seconds)
Published: Sun May 01 2022
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