The Mystery Behind Judo's 2nd Family in Bluey

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here you go my darlings thanks Wendy thanks Wendy I paid for him oh yes here's your change is it true that Judo one of bl's best friends is an orphan more than that is it really true that she was adopted by Wendy undoubtedly one of the biggest mysteries in the bluey cartoon is related to the family of their neighbor and friend Judo this is because the father of the super cute chow chow pup has never been seen in any of the other 150 episodes of the blue animated series this is extremely unusual especially considering that the two families live right next door to each other with that in mind we researched and found disturbing signs that answer this mystery and we're going to tell you absolutely everything we've noticed and discovered where judo's father is is just one of the Unsolved Mysteries in Bluey just like where Grandpa Bob is who has never visited the girls in any of the episodes and was never at home when the grandkids are with Grandma Nana but unlike judo's father we've seen him in flashbacks and even dancing to answer both cases many theories have been raised even though the show's production has stated that many of these questions will be answered in in the upcoming Seasons so several hypotheses began to emerge one of them claims that judo's father may have a job similar to Uncle Radley who works offshore with oil and therefore needs to spend long months away from Solid Ground on an offshore platform this is one of the reasons why he supposedly hasn't married yet and can't be with his relatives during Christmas however if this were true just like Uncle Radley he would eventually appear in one or another episode when he was at home with his wife and daughter doing some activity which never happened and if there's one thing we always see in Bluey episodes it's their trademark one small details that help us understand situations and topics very subtly just like when we see that Bandit is an archaeologist and that's why he occasionally travels and we don't see him in some episodes only chilly and two the approach to extremely deep and complex topics like not being able to have children friendships and even death but some complex themes have not yet been addressed in Bluey episodes and for sure some of them will involve Judo and her family since as we just realized judo's father probably doesn't work somewhere far away which leaves us with three main Alternatives the first one is that in fact judo's father has tragically passed away and that's why Wendy her mother is actually a widow this would explain for example the fact that there are only two toothbrushes in the bathroom one for Wendy and one for Judo but if that were the case wouldn't we have seen a painting or a photo of him at some point in the show since that's usually what people do when a loved one dies prematurely and that's not seen at any point in the episodes so although it's possible it's also very unlikely for other reasons that we'll explain shortly but before we continue if you love Bluey as much as we do comment # Judo so we know that you're also a fan of the cutest blue dog in the world of animation and her friends returning to the question of where judo's father is another possibility has been raised about this is Judo adopted this would explain why we've never seen Wendy's husband and why she raises her little daughter alone since in Australia in many places you can adopt a child from the age of 18 or 21 however we dismiss this possibility when we see the baby Race episode episode and realized that many of bl's friends were born very close to each other and the fact that Wendy and Judo have been there from the beginning reveals that at the time she was too young to be adopted since an adoption process takes an average of 2 years to complete this leads us to the third and final option to find out where judo's father is her parents are actually divorced this means that judo's father is alive and she is not adopted in fact he doesn't live in the same house as her and her mother because he actually has another family no this is not a guess it's actually a fact and we'll prove it to you now remember when we said that one of the trademarks in Bluey are the small details we see throughout the episodes well those details showed us what we mentioned the first one is the simple fact that Wendy judo's mother always has plenty of free time we see her doing various things like walking and exercising or watering her flowers but we don't see her for example working or anything like that this means that she has plenty of free time to dedicate solely to her daughter we see that she has so much free time that she has even helped take the girls to the supermarket with bandit in the passenger seat which is a nice gesture but throughout this process where she helped the hellers over a weekend where was her daughter Judo yes we know it was a weekend because the girls weren't in school here you go my darlings thanks Wendy thanks Wendy I paid for him oh yes here's your change and if BL wasn't in school neither was Judo so where would she be the most likely answer is with her father this is because in shared custody cases both parents have designated times to be with their children this becomes more evident when blue mentions that it's been a long time since she's seen Judo but how is this possible when they're neighbors it's because she must have spent some days with her father perhaps on a trip but hold on there are also signs that she's not just with her father but also with the new family he formed in the butterflies episode Judo Bluey and bingo play it being butterflies and in many moments Judo is not only rude and annoying to Bingo but even goes as far as saying that little kids can't do things right I think we lost her I might go and see if fing go all right she'll be fine now let's play first but how would Judo know that it's simple she spends time with another small child who would be her younger half brother living with her father and his second wife unfortunately in cases of siblings with a significant age difference there's often a kind of competition for their parents' attention and typically the younger siblings require more care because they're younger which leads the older siblings to develop a sense of Independence since they have as we see in the episode longer legs for certain movements and games that the younger ones can't do little kids take so long to do everything he's only got little legs so Judo has a brother and he gets more attention from her father because he's younger which has led her to develop an aversion to younger children since as she doesn't see her father often she would like to have him all to herself during the entire time she's with him but more than that we even know the name of judo's half brother in the same episode she wants to play pretend phone calls with bluee and at one point she starts pretending to order cream buns from someone named Casper and the truth is when we're children we like to imitate adults so it's very likely that Judo was imitating someone she saw talking on the phone and there's a good chance that she's actually imitating her father's second wife on the phone whom she witnessed doing this at some point when she was at their house furthermore Casper is probably not her father's name but rather the name of judo's half brother whom she competes with for her father's attention because children never call their parents by their names but rather call them mom and dad and even couples don't call each other by their names but usually use terms like deer or honey so based on all these pieces of evidence it wouldn't be unreasonable to conclude that Judo is indeed in a situation of divorce between her parents and she has shared custody being with her father as much as possible unfortunately this can have negative effects on the behavior of the healer's friend and neighbor since as Bingo observed herself Judo is bossy and bl responds by saying it's true but she has no one to play with and shows that she is lonely and overprotected by her mother there is also another hint that Wendy misses having a complete family in the episode where bluee and bingo activate the dance mode in Chile and we see that even though Chile is dancing Wendy's eyes are mainly on the children and Bandit crossing the street which could indicate that she might be imagining her ex-husband doing the same if they were there instead of the healers the fact is that Judo and her mother do live alone but it's also a fact that whenever possible she's with her father and during those times Wendy is home alone or doing activities on her own while other parents are doing things with their children but there's a real chance that Judo has another family and that's something she'll have to learn to live with and deal with since she will never have her father all to herself but that's what happens when you have siblings at home too truly life is about sharing not just things but also people and we hope that Judo Casper and her father's second wife get along well always that's all we know about judo's other family folks and more and more I'm convinced that Bluey is a very inclusive show that tackles difficult topics in a cool way but don't worry there's still a lot of great content for you to watch on this channel we picked out two super cool videos for you to choose from and watch I heard that this second one here is absolutely fantastic watch it and then tell me about it down [Music] below
Channel: CineWave
Views: 610,013
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gVlfuz4lYWc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 0sec (480 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 14 2023
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