Why Haven't We Seen Baby Bingo in Bluey?

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I'm a dier strong and be be be get out my way have you ever noticed that so far we've hardly ever seen Bingo's baby versin in blue this absence of Blue's younger sister in her baby form has raised several suspicions and some Sinister theories that might explain why this hasn't happened so far we've gathered the likely reasons for this to share in this video today so to find out why we haven't seen bingo in her baby version in any episode so far just stick with us until the end of the video the only time more than 150 episodes have passed since blue first aired it might not seem like much but that's quite a lot and it's remarkable how infrequently Bingo appears in her baby version compared to her sister in fact there's even a whole episode where we practically only see blue in her early months of Life called Baby race in it we see how Chile ended up needing help to understand that she was actually a good mother after that episode fans speculated that we would soon see an episode showing Bingo as a newborn too but that hasn't happened yet and the question is why it's true that we've briefly glimpsed a scene where Bingo appears alongside her beloved floppy the stuffed bunny but let's be honest that's very little and the reason we have so few photos and no scenes of baby dingo could be more disturbing than you think one of the reasons for this would be believe it or not the possibility of bingo being adopted two and three Hey where's four done how are the eggs doing Bingo yes we all know that Bingo and Chile are very similar that's undeniable but Bingo looks even more more like another family member if we look closely yes when Aunt Brandy visits the family we can confirm what we've suspected she and bingo are very very alike this has been suspected for a long time especially because of the photos hanging in the entrance of the house where we can see Chile's entire family gathered in a photo it shows Grandpa Mort next to his late wife and their two daughters Chile and Brandy one on each side but actually I want to draw your attention not to that photo exactly but to the one next to it before showing you that photo make sure to subscribe to the channel here so you don't miss our next videos which will also be great returning to the photo we can see a canine figure that looks a lot like Chile but isn't riding a horse and how do we know that it's not her by the color of the left ear which is much lighter just like bry's ear in the episode Dragon Chile mentions that her mother was very important in her life for various reasons but highlights that she encouraged her to continue drawing at the end of the episode we realize that when Chile says goodbye to the horse which then becomes a winged Pegasus we understand that part of Chile's love for horses is due to her mother's illness this makes perfect sense as in another episode we see Grandpa Mort saying that Chile knew every inch of that nature region since she was raised there now if you think about it all these influences that Chile experienced and the places she lived are the same as her sisters so she might as well have developed a love for horses too which would make her the person in that photo in the healer's living room this also shows how much Chile likes and is close to her sister having a photo of her even though they haven't seen each other for years and this connection between the two sisters would have led Chile to accept her sister's request to raise her newborn niece even though Brandy couldn't for very personal reasons whether Financial or health related take care of the baby herself and over time the healers would to become so accustomed to bingo that it actually seemed like she had come out of Chile's womb when this happened blue would have been only 3 years old an age at which most of us hardly remember anything from our past so she would have memories of bingo only as a baby after some time probably and since Bingo would have been about one-year-old by then that would be the reason why there are no photos or memories of baby bingo in the series until now so as the years went by after bry's absence for personal reasons it would be a big problem for everyone if Bingo left the healer's family as both the child Chile Bandit and Bluey had already formed a complete family in every aspect and it would be quite traumatic especially for Bingo to leave behind all the feelings and memories she had developed over her short four years of life with her parents and sister even though they aren't blood rated all of this would fit perfectly into the scene we see in the onesie episode when Brandy and bingo were playing and as Bingo moves away we see Brandy with her arms outstretched and a desolate look while her little copy who might be her daughter moves further away with each step but all this sea of possibilities inevitably leads us to other thoughts among them the main one being why would Brandy leave bingo why can't she just have the thing she wants because it's not meant to be there are several possible reasons for this but surely the biggest one would involve Bingo's grandmother although we still don't know the name of Chile and bry's mother we see that she is one of the most important characters in Bluey because without her the Healer family wouldn't exist at least not as we know it and you might be wondering what does Bingo's grandmother have to do with her adoption by Chile hold on to your seat because here comes a solid Theory blue hasn't exactly explained the cause of the girl's grandmother's death we only know that it happened before they were born and probably before Chile and Bandit got married but from the context of the Dragons episode we can deduce with a high degree of certainty that the cause was unfortunately cancer this is because cancer is commonly referred to as a dragon in some contexts and there is even a game called that Dragon cancer which is a game created by a father who lost his baby son to this terrible disease and there are two very relevant factors about cancer that we need to mention the first one is that there are some types of cancer in women that are much more common than others and among them the ones that stand out the most are breast cancer and cervical cancer there's a chance that Chile and bry's mother was affected by one of these two another fact about this disease is the fact that it can be hereditary meaning it can pass from parent to child and so on from this point of view assuming that Blue's grandmother had problems with her uterus we can conclude that at some point Brandy might have developed the same problem and because of that she may have needed to have surgery to remove her uterus to prevent it from spreading throughout her body which would have prevented her from trying to have babies again this would be the first point of connection between Bingo's grandmother and the fact that she was adopted because there is another point that also makes perfect sense in the baracus and bumpy episode episode we see Chile with bingo in the hospital for some reason and the truth is to this day the real reason for them being there has not been explained which opens up many possibilities one of which would be the fact that the disease manifested early in little Bingo or at best she needed to have a general checkup to see if anything different could be found in her body and maybe that was the main reason why Brandy might have left bingo with her sister and brother-in-law as they could have the chance to provide better treatment and supervision for Bingo than she could especially if she was a single mother which seems to be the case in this way the best thing for little Bingo would really be that she never knew that her real mother was Brandy and that Chile and Bandit would be her adoptive parents that way she could continue to have access to Good Health Care and receive the best treatment of her grandmother's disease which manifested in her aunt ends up appearing also she goes to a good school today and has friends just like her sister whom she is very attached to and feels a lot of love for speaking of this beautiful feeling if you think it's one of the most important things in life comment below # love I definitely think love is very important returning to the theory of bingo being adopted taking her out of that whole context in which she lives would be a great cruelty and lack of sensitivity of course if all this theory is really true there is nothing to prevent Brandy and Chile from telling everything to bingo in the future and she decides the best path to follow and in fact this may have already happened since in the episode where blue meets Jean Luke and befriends him in the end we see that blue is again in that same park but under the tree that was planted by her and John Luke when they were much younger at the moment blue goes to the tree she is carrying a book and we hear someone talking to her about this same book and it's a girl's voice and if you're not paying attention you might think it's Bingo but in fact blue is talking to muffin her cousin the most common thing would be for BL to take the book from her sister if they still live together isn't it so it's possible that Bingo wasn't with her family at that moment and is elsewhere perhaps with her biological mother Brandy that would certainly explain her absence all of this we've talked about here would be the real reason why we hardly see any photo of baby bingo since she would have spent that phase with her other family while not living with the healers remembering that all of this is just a well-founded theory that we found on the internet and thought that you would like to know and we also think you might enjoy watching these videos we're leaving on your screen choose which one you like the most click on it and have fun
Channel: CineWave
Views: 178,771
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 81oacNFV-xY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 21sec (501 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2024
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