10 SECRETS Bluey Doesn't Want You To Know!

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did you know that one of the biggest hidden secrets in Bluey is that she has a crush on one of her best friends well folks even Australia's little blue pup has a soft spot for one of her friends despite many people shipping blue with Jean Luke the french- speaking friend she met while camping the truth is we have a real clue about the person she likes in the episode where we see bluee dreaming in this episode she flies and hangs out with her favorite animals bats and at one point she passes by and we see McKenzie sleeping but we have to remember that it was a dream which means Mckenzie was in Louis dreams in other words we usually dream about people we really like even if we don't show it especially when we're kids and let's be honest who hasn't had a crush on a schoolmate or someone they played with a lot we don't judge you [Music] bluee this is just the first of the hidden secrets in Bluey that we're going to uncover in this video the meaning of the license plate bl's family has a car that looks like a Jeep but slightly different which we always see them using when they travel longer distances and if you've been paying attention you might have noticed that the license plate has three numbers followed by the letters hlr those who notice probably realize that the letters are a reference to the healer's family last name healer this is actually a reference to the two species of dogs that make up the family as Bandit and Bluey are blue healers and Bingo and chili are red healers but what about the numbers do they have any significance the license plate is 419 hlr there are millions of colors and shades in the world and each one is identified by three-digit Hue number the Hue of the number 419 is a blue identical to the lighter shade of blue used to color Bandit and the show's main character Bluey that's where the show's name comes from why was that car beeping you because the light was green uh yeah I didn't see a change State references when we see the Healer Family's car license plate we can see a symbol between the numbers 419 and the letters hlr and when we look in that same scene at another car in the parking lot we see the same symbol but enlarged next to one of the rear tail lights of the car behind Bandit this strange symbol that most of us have no idea about is actually a reference to the state in which the entire show takes place blue and all our friends and characters in the show live in Brisbane the third largest city in Australia which is the capital the state of Queensland one of the six states in the country and if you look closely you'll notice that the state of Queensland has the exact same shape as the symbol we see on both the Healer Family's car plate and the car sticker in the parking lot so it's clear that the people behind the show really love the place they call home and that's pretty cool is Radley adopted Radley is Bandit's older brother and the only one of the three who hasn't married yet although it seems like he and frisky Blue's godmother are dating but what we're going to talk about now isn't a confirmed secret but rather a strong theory that is circulated on the internet and may or may not be proven in the series the idea that Radley is not banit biological brother but rather adopted this Theory gains strength because Radley is completely different from the rest of the family his fur is not similar to that of his siblings father or mother and it's lighter and Bluer at the same time we know that in the bluey series there's a tendency to relate parents and children by the color of their fur like with Bluey and Bandit Bingo and Chile Judo and windy and many other cases but that's not the case with Radley which raises strong suspicions that actually make sense however we'll need to wait for future episodes to find out if this theory is true or not who ate all the mini seral right you get over here Chile marks her territory no we're not talking about the time she pretended to go to an imaginary bathroom in the living room we're talking about the small detail we noticed in the episode where she and the girls visit her father's childhood home and start chasing him at one point Chile says they can't hide from her because she knows that area like the back of her hand which is true and Granddad Mario confirms it shortly after that Granddad and the girls go to a swamp and there we see several tree roots if you look closely you'll see the name Chile marked on one of the giant Roots Chile probably made that Mark for herself when she was a bit older than bluee this is this is one of the pieces of evidence that show that the girl's mother has always been quite [Music] adventurous characters from strategy games it's really cool to see that the people working on Bluey leave hints about their personal interests and almost imperceptible details in the show one of them involves one of the most popular Japanese RPG games when the Healer family goes to the supermarket for a brief moment the girls pass by some shelves and above their heads we can see some names Dimitri Claude and and eedle guard these are the names of the three house leaders in the game Fire Emblem three houses released in 2019 so someone involved in the production of the show really liked strategy games Granddad the war hero throughout the three seasons of Bluey we see two pictures that are part of the family's home decor one of them is a photo of Chile's father Granddad Mario when he was young wearing Australian army gear not only did he serve in the Australian Army but he was also a hero as we can see from the metal at the top of the armchair next to the living room door and not just any metal but the Victoria across which is the highest British military decoration awarded to soldiers who have shown bravery in the face of the enemy after World War II only four of these medals were awarded to Australian soldiers which means one of those four is in the Healer family's home so Granddad Mario is simply a legend in the Australian Army the currency in the series is real in some episodes we see that both Bandit and Chile make an effort to teach the girls about money and there seems to be an implicit limit in the series which is $5 and yes the $5 note that we see in the series actually exists in real life but you might be wondering why is this money pink the $5 note is pink because it's not about the US dollars that everyone in the planet knows as greenbacks instead it's the Australian $5 note which actually features a portrait of Queen Elizabeth and has a pinkish Who in real life so we can say that the money we see in the series is a can9 version of the real currency in Australia check this out Bingo the too fairies put a special sticker on here wow what are you going to spend it on that's the question bluee the martial artist in one episode of the series we see that the girls and Bandit always take out the trash together an interesting detail is that we can see Bluey wearing a kimono we can see that while Bandit is talking to bingo BL starts making some moves implying that she was trying to remember the moves as that day must have been one of her first lessons and we see her wearing it a few times throughout the episode but at the end of the show we see that she now has a yellow belt so we can conclude that not only does Bluey practice martial arts but she is becoming a better martial artist in earning new belts what's a bobo head I don't know did he call anyone else a bobo head yeah he called everyone a bobo head oh okay health issues in the family this is a characteristic that seems to be very present in the Healer family especially on Bandit's genetic side as it's not just one case but several the first of these is not an illness but rather a disorder perhaps neurological that we see Blue's cousin socks has he is the only character in the show who behaves like a real dog while everyone else behaves like humans he walks on all Forest most of the time bites things and Barks this has led to several theories about him considering that he may have some behavioral disorder possibly even autism another case of health problems is in the episode where Bingo is in the hospital for some reason and Chile is with her throughout this episode we see doctors and nurses taking care of her but it's not explained why she's there one Theory suggests that it's probably related to some dietary disorder such as gluten or lactose intolerance since in another episode we see Bandit making the girl sandwiches and apparently he makes them differently another Factor related to health problem s is the fact that we never see Granddad Bob in person but we know that all the family members know him as in the charades episode there's a picture taken by all the family members at Grandma Chris's house including Granddad Bob so there's a strong possibility that he's ill or may have even passed away and this fact has been omitted from the children to avoid traumatizing them anyway these are secrets that we will need to discover for sure in the future or if they are just fan theories so there you have it folks those are the 10 hidden secrets in blue that we've uncovered just for you it was really cool uncover these little details in Bluey and we're sure you enjoyed learning about them too just like we're confident you'll enjoy the videos we're leaving on the screen for you to watch now and continue having fun
Channel: CineWave
Views: 2,776,190
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: clKTBisqf40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 15sec (495 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 27 2023
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