Instagram Controls My Daughter’s Morning Routine

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today my daughter Salish lets Instagram control 10 rounds of her morning routine every crazy idea she gets to drench me with extra sticky Nickelodeon slime for every round I will have two pieces of paper that you can see and Salish cannot one is her normal morning routine and one is Instagram suggestion what's the first thing you usually do brush my teeth yeah oh no so it might be like toothpaste or like mustard yeah okay big one hurry oh no no there you go not even disgusting I use this on board oh oh my gosh I think that's enough no I'm scared it tastes better my lips are getting a good scrub okay I'm good I don't know who suggested that but that's not a good way to brush your teeth say right now you're gonna have to pick your least favorite or most favorite outfit and wear for the rest of the day I don't even know that that's in my closet that's so bad imagine wearing pajamas all day I love this outfit so much I got it with Peyton and it's literally my favorite outfit this is a huge decision Amy my milkshake [Music] instant change wait it worked that's so much easier if Salish gets to change so do I I gotta find a shirt they're so different deep black a little lighter black very faded black hollered black shiny black yeah I'm gonna go with this one I'm gonna do whatever you guys tell me to do because at the end if I do all of them then I can slide my dad in every morning routine there is skin care okay um I'll do this one I guess skincare routine on your dad no yes come on dad let's go for my daily skincare routine all I do is wash my face with this and moisturize with this but for my dad I have a whole thing planned for him let's find out the avocado face mask makes skin look younger I have a huge surprise for Salish later she will be seeing her best friend Nadal will she punch him or date him wait to see first I'm gonna mash and avocado be safe when cutting it next is one teaspoon of rolled oats but I don't think a teaspoon is enough well that was way too many out so I took some out and this is what it looks like now now I'm putting this clay in I can usually do facials on my dad but not with food so thanks to you guys for telling him to do this because he would never say yes oil whoa now some witch hazel they call witch hazel because the person who discovered it was a witch named Hazel we did a good amount of this it smells so bad oh that lemon juice never mind lime juice it kind of looks like slime avocado masks are great because the avocado moisturizes oats soup and exfoliate and the lime juice I think protects you from wrinkles I think now it's time to go put this on my dad I'm not ready for this you've got your cucumbers for your eyes your aromatherapy face cleaner and your face mask first I'm cleaning your face with toner okay you're not really gentle about this yeah yeah oh that's gotta smell oh wow right in my mouth okay all clean that was already rough face ew what is that go down oh what is that stuff oh [Music] no my nose this looks so good Dad you're gonna have no have no more wrinkles really is that what this does uh we'll see okay now we'll let this sit for 25 minutes is all over my face dad my hands right now I'm putting cucumbers on your eyes you're all good stay safe is a success maybe I should do this more often maybe not and this is going in funny dad pictures no you're not taking a picture right now did she just take a picture Sandy oh no my skin so good time for the next challenge okay what is it I don't know Ron just handed it to me I have cucumbers on my eyes damn celebrities uh oh first I think I'm gonna do Jenna Ortega oh I dressed up as one as Adams let me DM her I did the dance and you are so good it was really hard oh that's sweet I promise you guys I won't take this face mask off until we have 15 million subscribers okay I'm probably gonna break that promise but could you subscribe anyway next is Millie Bobby Brown I like your skincare brand I am even making one okay what do you mean you're making one what are you talking about say it what'd you just do sent a photo to her a view you did not just send a photo of me like this to Milly Bobby Brown too late please please say she does not open that next Rihanna I loved your halftime show your baby should not be named Salish which hold your name well first of all no one can ever pronounce it yesterday I was at a competition and they said celicia it's a leash or salicia or Salish that's true I have one Hudson matter is active right now Charlie demilia Queen don't say that no no no no wait Salish did you actually say slay Queen to Charlie yeah and that's all you said yeah wow oh I know I'm gonna say buy yourself flowers what does that even mean last one on the DMO follower this is nice okay nice to talk to you we're gonna check back later and see if anyone can responds okay we can get that mask off now you sent this to Milly Bobby Brown oh yeah I did all right challenge do I look any younger that's the question his skin looks so glowy will you guys comment below tell me if it made a difference because if it did I'm gonna start doing that like six times a day Salish is on her beam and that's good because this time of day she usually does there she is she does gymnastics you have two options okay do I have to wear something funny we'll see you make that one what got you your full gymnastics conditioning at Target this is my five step conditioning routine first dumbbell push-ups [Applause] [Music] because it was pretty close we almost got busted yeah go go go next is tuck-ups [Applause] next scissors [Music] next burpees [Music] looks like we're buying jump ropes ropes we don't officially have permission to be doing this but we will buy them mine is so long dad this is not gonna work okay you're alone I guess how did this turn into me conditioning by myself excuse me I'm sorry this won't hurt you think I had it in me you want to keep calling me old look at this how's this give me a one through ten that's pretty good I'm pretending I'm not tired right now okay you can leave because I'm gonna fall apart and I don't want you to see that good job bye okay we can cut because I'm getting tired but I don't want to admit it okay you have to see that didn't you after conditioning sometimes I like to run come on how did I get roped up in this why do I have to do this too why you run so fast watch out we're gonna Bang into people okie dokie we're going that way excuse us excuse us just going for a run in Target I think we're done why am I so tired because you're old I don't think this is the most flattering angle for me and it's breakfast time okay um what's the bad thing well you've done it before and you didn't like it uh oh no is it pause I'm just saying pick one and see what happens oh God she's lucking out today all right let's make a smoothie oh hold on tiger [Music] what is it you'll find out make breakfast with one one hand yeah I guess let's get making my smoothie I'm gonna do raspberry and banana this is the movie I make every day I don't always eat Masai evil oh boy okay stop it I freak out when she does this with two hands I don't measure first some raspberries this is a lot harder with only one hand this isn't easy okay I usually mash it up ew this is one of my favorite combinations this is inspected my favorite breakfast is Smoothie acai bowls or a protein bar the only food I put in my smoothie is like strawberries or raspberries water and a banana [Music] [Music] before you have your breakfast say you gotta pick how you eat it the hand stand out I don't know I can't do a handstand I don't yeah this is gonna go I've never done it before but okay say would you be safer if you just did those on the floor no gymnast Please Don't Judge my form because I from when I'm in the handstand drinking like a smoothie okay I'll just be here in case no wait you gotta drink the whole thing Dad what's that you know what she needs but she might end up getting let's find out I think she needs five minutes to rest we'll be right back teenagers definitely need more sleep at night what do you want here at Starbucks a pink drink something like that pink Drink is one of the options what is it like a small black coffee [Music] oh no last time you tried black coffee you loved it I did one cheers ew thanks a lot Instagram can I please have a decaffeinated black coffee ice is that for you unfortunately yeah and let's see what you think [Music] it's good do this I didn't see that coming so a year ago when you were with thrawn and you drank the coffee it was gross but now it's good she's a teenager now no dad stop it no don't stop it no what's your least favorite hairstyle look back or space flight okay it is you red white and blue I choose you oh thank you first I brush my hair and get all the knots out listen to this it's so satisfying now that it's all rushed out first I'm gonna use this dry shampoo it gives me more volume and it makes my hair smell really good and I think it holds the curl a little better then I use this heat protection this just makes sure that my hair doesn't get too damaged then I just brush it out I spend at least 20 minutes a day brushing my hair or else it's gonna get really Tangled I like to leave the ends a little straight I think it makes it look a lot prettier while I'm purring my hair I'm gonna answer some of your guys's questions no surprise you have a lot of questions about needle and I'll answer that one last if I wasn't a gymnast I would be a gymnast I could not live without gymnastics I think I should be 15 start dating what do you guys think I used to live in New York and now I live in California and I miss the rain in New York I really like stranger things but I don't watch a lot of TV shows my favorite picture of my brother is probably this horse I have really bad allergies right now and I'm taking some medicine but it doesn't seem to be working do you guys have allergies now we're gonna answer something all questions do you love needle as a friend do I think need all likes me I don't know ask I am have me and need all kissed no although in the Valentine's video we got pretty close I like to brush my hair out after I curl it because then it just makes them looser this side didn't really curl but whatever okay time to see if anyone's responded nope no one responded next challenge nail polish what is it like do gross colors you'll see okay do a friend's Nails poo it is time for a nail polishing competition between my daughter Sailors and asala they each pick one color to go on meatless nails and at the end Mila will determine the winner bring it on sale okay you can pick whatever one you want because I'm still there no you're not my best friend always wins I like this one I think I picked the wrong color I think we should switch because she knows that sandwich is on that side it's me right here fireworks you make me mess up too I hope you treat glittery Mommy no Mila loves the Colorado sound effect I know it Mimi do you like lighter pink or darker pink lighter aren't you gonna solid if you lose you have to share my consequence which is a bucket of Nickelodeon slime you're right now because part of St Lucia's morning routine today is filming a blindfolded challenge with the anazal family oh this is rolling the days here time for Mila to choose you're going down you're going down all right meaning of truth you're gonna tell us which hand you like tomorrow okay one two three which one Mommy I'm not getting slime yeah you're getting slammed on your own good job buddy there is a one more Instagram there and if she does that one I get slime this last one has nothing to do with sailor's morning routine but you requested it so much we're gonna do it [Music] okay should I trust you or not yes Jeff yes yeah okay [Music] yeah what does she know you've always wanted to don't even lie did you afraid this oh yeah yeah what was the other option wait no oh I like that option no I don't all right guys let's go on our date we're gonna make a video about that date and post it really soon so stay tuned my daughter agrees to go on her first date and I get slimed in the same video shocking system wait and we're going to the Kids Choice Awards maybe we'll get slime there okay ready no three two one oh come on come on [Music] cut [Music]
Channel: Jordan Matter
Views: 16,894,985
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jordan matter, salish matter, hudson matter, say say matter, amp world, ben azelart, lexi rivera, jeremy hutchins, drew dirkson, britt hertz, anna mcnulty, sofie dossi, flexibility, hide and seek, camouflage, camo, camoflage, challenge, yacht, yacht's life, tag
Id: jSDm9PYSAes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 27sec (927 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 04 2023
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