[760] The REAL Double Wrench Method Tested

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this is the lock picking lawyer and today we'll be revisiting the double wrench method of opening locks now i recently discussed this method in video number 753 and there i noted that the traditional and most publicized version simply doesn't work on anything but the cheapest and weakest of products but i also demonstrated that there is a far better way that will work on more substantial locks now if you want to see that video i'll leave a link to it in the description below but today we're going to put this new method to a more stringent test by trying it out on these larger and stronger locks that will have a couple of links of chain secured under their shackles so let's head out to the garage and see what happens okay we're out in the garage and we're going to start on this 50 millimeter laminated steel padlock first thing we'll do is put two ends of this chain through the hasp and then we're going to start by trying the old method where we try to spread the shackle out okay let's get those wrenches seated in there and i'm not getting any movement at all in fact it doesn't even feel like i've deformed anything looks like that lock's still in pretty good working shape okay let's try the new method now put one in the bottom and one such that it pries that shackle up and looks like we opened that up pretty quickly looking carefully down there it appears that i cut a small piece of the brass locking lug out so clearly this lock was not up to the task let's move on to this solid steel round body padlock again we're going to start with the old [Music] method these wrenches are a tad too big there we go perfect okay i'm not getting any flex at all and again i bet this lock still works perfectly sure does okay let's try the new method and if we look at this lock we can see that it's a lot taller than the other ones so we may have to do something to shim that wrench up but first let's give it a shot no i'm not going to get any leverage that way so let me try stacking another wrench on top of it doing it that way that appears to work all right it feels like that shackle's moving let's take a look at that because it has moved quite a bit see that shackles come up and but is not moving it is very very tight in there let's try to get it to move just a little bit more [Music] let's see is that enough to get this chain link out [Music] it doesn't look like it and i'm going to have a really tough time moving that with my hands so let me get a slightly larger wrench and see if we can do something here [Music] there we go i think that did the trick okay my best guess here is that the brass actuator that's in between the two ball bearings probably was compressed when we lifted that shackle up and it pushed the ball bearings into it in any case we certainly were able to overpower that mechanism and open it up without too much difficulty okay we're back upstairs and as you saw the revised double wrench method was pretty effective on fairly robust locks now i did a little autopsy of this round body padlock to find the point of failure because opening this lock actually surprised me a bit but what i found was that my guess in the garage was correct and it was the brass actuator which deformed allowing the lock to open if we look carefully you can see the point of deformation right up there on the top corner this is actually a bit scary because it suggests that some pretty high end locks may be vulnerable to this attack i'll have to do some more experimenting in the future but there are a few lessons that we as consumers of security products should take away from this most importantly is that a lock must be carefully selected for the application you want to leave as little extra room under the shackle as possible in that regard closed shackle padlocks with high shackle guards like this one are usually a good idea as are shutter style padlocks because they allow very little access to the shackle and little room underneath in any case that's all i have for you today if you do have any questions or comments please put them below if you like this video and would like to see more like it please subscribe and as always have a nice day thank you
Channel: LockPickingLawyer
Views: 4,603,561
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Id: oOSWXo9fpTI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 27sec (387 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 05 2018
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