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cordless power tool batteries how many times have you come across them and they're dead nothing no power at all just fast blinking lights telling you that there's something wrong well i'm here to tell you stop throwing your money away save hundreds because we're gonna bring those power tool batteries back to life three two one [Music] okay here's our first problem this is a dewalt xrp 18 volt battery i'm just wiggling it around doesn't seem to be catching nothing's working definitely something wrong let's uh try it in the drill yup power nothing so let's see what we can do all right here we have a milwaukee 18 volt battery let's use this this is gonna be our booster and what i mean by that is we're going to use this milwaukee battery to boost all of our other dead batteries right now i'm taking an insulated spade connector putting these in all the terminals what i want to do is i'm going to take a voltage meter and i'm going to test each terminal to see what our voltage is this battery has separate power cells so i just want to make sure that when i use this as the booster that i'm plugging positive to positive and negative to negative the last thing i want to be doing is shorting out a good battery to boost an old one okay so let's test our voltage 16 15 16 again 17 15. if it looks like i'm testing the same terminals over and over again it's because i am i'm just double checking to make sure what my voltage is on each terminal and i have the right terminals the last thing i want is this battery blowing up in my face i mean it probably won't happen but you never know they do make a pretty good spark when you're connecting the dead battery to the good battery and you're gonna see what i mean by that in just a few minutes now i'm not getting nothing on this no voltage nothing now i made up a set of wires short jumpers to go from the bad battery to the good battery on the left is the uh male speed on the right is the female speed now i'm just connecting like i said negative to negative and positive to positive now we're gonna let these sit like this for a few minutes i'd say probably for around five minutes or so and then we'll try it on the charger but uh let's get a closer look so you can see exactly what i did here with the wires which are regular number 12 stranded by the way as you can see nothing's touching you don't want the positive and negative to touch it looks all clear so the reason why um quick explanation about the charger it has a certain threshold and if the battery is too dead the charger will not read it and that's why you'll get a bad battery um light on your uh on your charger now i'm checking the voltage on the battery it's been sitting for a couple of minutes i got 20 volts it's a little high but we'll see what happens now on this battery this is another xrp 18 volt dewalt this battery has been sitting for about four or five years and it hasn't been used at all um same problem but only this time it's shorted out on the inside as you can hear on the continuity meter uh there's definitely a problem but um that's probably for another video uh we're gonna skip that battery for now okay so here we have uh another dewalt this is uh an 18 volt also this is a nano battery um this one is always giving me problems since i've had it um let's take it out see make sure there's no shorts okay nothing on the continuity meter just checking the meter make sure everything's working no nothing so uh we'll uh we'll see if we can give it a boost but in the meantime we since we need the milwaukee battery let's take off the xrp and put that on the charger and see if it holds um see if our theory's right it should work as soon as we plug it into the charger so let's see what happens let's plug it in and look at that it's working it's holding the charge let's see uh if it stays like that give it a few seconds check the led yep all right back to the nano battery so let's check the voltage on this see what we're getting one volt zero i think we're gonna have one volt on it that's pretty low one volt wow let's see if we could bring this one back all right yep one volt so now these terminals on this battery are a little bit different uh so what i did was i took the um female spade connector and i bent the terminals out so it fits as you can see it'll snap right on and this one is going to pack a little bit of a punch let's plug it in whoa easy phil don't get scared all right here we go the reason why we had a big shock like that was because the other battery was completely dead so all right we have it charging now i had it on here for about let's say 20 to 25 minutes let's disconnect it we'll plug it in the charger see what happens keep our fingers crossed and voila it's taking the charge look at that nice don't let this sit for a few minutes back to the xrp it's fully charged and uh we'll take it and we'll see what we got [Music] [Applause] nice i love it don't have to buy that battery all right let's check out the nano the nano's been sitting for about 25 minutes oh nothing oh there it goes okay all right i had my finger on the lock button nice and what would even be more nice if you hit that like button because i know you're liking what you see so far plus i'm saving you money now we'll check out uh the next battery the next battery is gonna be in actual milwaukee uh this one as you can see on the charger it's not getting a charge i'll pull it out um i'll check it i'll press the button see if we're getting anything on the cells [Music] no nothing no lights at all no power in the battery at all completely dead plug it back in make sure it's not sitting out of the charger the wrong way nope nope dead all right so let's give this one a shot we'll see what happens we're going to use another milwaukee battery that's fully charged to charge this one so on this uh we're using jumpers with a male spade connector on each side let's see if we get any spark always be careful when you plug it in your terminals watch the end of your wire make sure it doesn't touch anything else now let's see nope not getting no spark at all okay so we'll see how this takes we'll let it sit for a few minutes then we'll plug it into the charger all right as you can see this is not the charger i plugged it in uh nothing actually happened i wasn't getting no charge on it so um i took it back and now i plugged in every single terminal and i let it sit now for about a half an hour um we'll unplug it now and we'll see how it goes plug it back into the charger and um hopefully it works okay nice it's charging and it's already got three bars on it i mean i did have it sitting for a little while so well there you have it guys so now you don't have to buy any batteries just keep doing this method but be careful as you're doing it and remember even though it's low voltage you can still get hurt so be careful thanks for watching and i'll see you on the next one and remember learn as much as you can learn everything so you too can be a know-it-all [Music] you
Channel: Know It All Phil
Views: 878,457
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cordless battery, battery hack, 18 volt, power tool, tool, tool battery, Dewalt, Dewalt xrp, Dewalt nano, Milwaukee, Milwaukee battery, save money, don’t throw your money away, money, recharge, boost, Lithium ion, Old battery, old, Tip, trick, tips and tricks, life hack, hack, Dead, dead battery
Id: s8mNCDD8zYU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 44sec (644 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 21 2020
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