[1376] A Locksmith Couldn’t Open This — Find Out Why

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this is the lockpicking lawyer and what i have for you today is a lock sent in by a fan and certified locksmith nade in his note he says that he considers himself a fairly good picker but this particular lock was giving him trouble these apis model 8345 padlocks are generally filled with spool pins which alone shouldn't be too much of a problem for an experienced picker so i'm going to be on the lookout for another culprit maybe an anomaly with the bidding or something otherwise non-standard i'm going to use top of the keyway tension with a 50 000 thick ergo turner and the standard hook that i sell as part of the genesis set both of these tools are available over on covert instruments dot com nothing on one two [Music] nice click out of three nothing on four or five back to the beginning nothing on one two three four okay five is binding now click there a little bit of a false set number one is giving me some motion i think it's set really high yeah definitely a very high set pin number two little counter rotation set him number three same thing counter rotation on four four feel set counter rotation on five five field set back to the beginning nothing on one maybe something on two nothing on three four maybe a little click on five not sure what's holding us up now there we go number one drop down just a little bit we got this open okay folks it's pretty common for people to bring me locks that are giving them trouble and i have found some common themes sometimes the lock is just beyond their skill level but i don't think that's the case here sometimes the bidding is tricky or maybe the picker is just using the wrong tools but the most common issue i see is a very high set pin number one if you think about it they're really awkward to get to normally you're holding a pick at an angle like this but a high set pin number one you're holding the pick all the way down here it can be really awkward for the hand in fact let's pick this again using a leash tool we can actually decode that first pin stack okay i'm using the sc1 lishi again this is available over on covertinstruments.com the up one is very high looks like a zero cut a little counter rotation on two yep two feels set counter rotation on three three feel set counter rotation on four four is set counter rotation on five and we got this open and decoding this yep number one is a zero cut that's as high as they come okay folks the lesson here is that if a lock is giving you trouble it's definitely worth the extra second or two it takes just to confirm that pin number one is fully set in any case that's all i have for you today if you do have any questions or comments about this please put them below if you like this video and would like to see more like it please subscribe and as always have a nice day thank you
Channel: LockPickingLawyer
Views: 6,529,254
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 3min 54sec (234 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 04 2021
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