[753] You’re Doing it Wrong... The REAL Double Wrench Method
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: LockPickingLawyer
Views: 11,169,510
Rating: 4.9052162 out of 5
Id: dBSSA5ot0tA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 58sec (178 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 22 2018
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
I'm going to go steal shit now.
They need to show these methods with the locks in actual use. How well does it work with 2 large chain length's in the lock?
Used this on the padlock of my own storage space once. It was three days before Christmas and I lost my key. Showed up to the front desk with my license, passport, registration papers for the space and keycard for the gate. Lady told me she would have to get their locksmith to come remove the dinky little padlock and that would take two weeks. Said “ok” and that I’d come back to reschedule the locksmith later. Walked across the street and bought two wrenches and a new lock, cam back and snapped off the old lock, got my fake Christmas tree and went home.
Be careful watching lockpicking lawyer or bosnianbill on YouTube. Could sink into videos for eternity.
Everyone's asking how it would work if the lock as attached to something, so I thought I'd maybe bring up an idea of how it would work.
If anything is attached to the lock you use 1 wrech (vertical one, not horizontal one). You jimmy that wrench up against whatever is used to lock. The second wrench you use to get grip on the lock by putting the 2 prongs between the back side and front side of the locking mechanism housing. Once that's done simply squeeze the 2 wrenches togeth and voila, lock broken.
PS: If anyone wants I could use my very very VERY limited ms paint skills to show you how it would work.
Not John Mulaneys funniest bit
guy is so jealous about that 60million views
I’m gonna break locks and replace em with the same model. Then watch.... the confusion.
Ah, if there's anything that I've learned from reddit, it's that every lock ever invented is shit and someone can easily steal your stuff with a toothpick and a toenail clipping.