[557] "World's Toughest Motorcycle Lock" vs. Ramset

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this is the lock-picking lawyer and today i am continuing my series of videos showing how common locks fare against the power of the ramsett gun the lock I have for you today is this Stanley model CD 8820 now the reason I picked this particular lock is because I've been seeing a lot of people swapping out the relatively unimpressive core that comes with this lock for something more high-security things like acid twins Primus multi lock MT 5 plus and then they're using them as high security locks and to be clear I don't think that's a bad choice these are very very robust locks in fact Bosnian bill has a great video I think it's number nine ten I'll leave a link to it in the description below in which he takes one of these locks that has had an an acid twin core swapped into it and he beats the tar out of this thing he pries on it he hammers on it he tore up a couple hundred dollars worth of tooling trying to drill into it and eventually did open it up using an angle grinder however he was impressed enough with this lock that he called it the world's toughest motorcycle lock and I think it is very very tough against those traditional kinds of attacks but what I wanted to do was see how it fared against the non traditional Ram set thread so let's talk about how we are going to attack this lock because this lock is beefy enough that I think my normal approach of just striking it right on the top of the lock body is probably not going to be equal to the task here this is a very robust shackle it's 11 millimeter or molybdenum alloy we have a ball bearing locking mechanism neither one of those are easily defeated so I went looking for a new weakest link in this padlock and I think it is the retainer screw the screw right down here that if you saw my video yesterday you know that this is what holds the entire Lock together now there's nothing wrong with a single screw holding a padlock together in fact many manufacturers do exactly that however if you are going to have your hole lock held together with one screw you would best protect that screw well and I don't think Stanley's done that here if we look carefully at this lock we can see that this retainer screw is very very close to the outside of the lock body and in fact I measured it and there's only five millimeters of steel in between the outside of the lock body and that screw so I think that is our weakest link so what I'm gonna try to do is hit it in the side of the lock body with the ramsett gun punch through those five millimeters of steel and shear that screw head off and if that does work out then all of the guts will come out the bottom of this lock and it will open right up so let's get to let's get to opening this guy up load up our RAM set and then I'm going to arrange this lock where the danger zone that is where I think the parts will fly out is pointed away from me in this direction and I'm also going to put a a rag right here that will help hopefully help catch any of those parts i've pre-marked this lock with a little red dot I don't know if you can see it right about where I think the head of that screw is so I'm gonna put my feet on either side to try to stabilize this put the RAM set gun right on top and three two one okay let's see what happened okay right away I can see that we broke off the retainer screw and we can see the lock just knock everything out and we open this up in just a couple of seconds so it's another win for the ramsett gun very very impressive if we look at the side you can see it really just compressed the side it didn't punch a hole as I thought it might even so very very impressive so that's all I have for you today ramsett gun versus the toughest motorcycle lock in the world the RAM set wins if you have any questions or comments please put them below if you like this video and would like to see more like it please subscribe and as always have a nice day thank you
Channel: LockPickingLawyer
Views: 4,514,118
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Id: Wimo09WV-rY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 7sec (307 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 22 2017
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