ZOMBIE APOCALYPSES that should NOT have happened!

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in zomba media the world of an apocalyptic scenario can make for an interesting narrative where the reanimated or infected lurk around every corner of a dilapidated World while the degradation of humanity strangles the life out of what remains but most of the time the way it even got to that point where Society has crumbled Anarchy Reigns and the undead have won the war against the living is often skimmed over extremely quickly to get to the meat and potatoes or given a hellaciously stupid reason as to how it even happened and more so how it overthrew the populace and armed forces that protect it for the most part zombies are a pretty bare-bones threat when it comes to what they are capable of even if people turning into them could be widely different between scenarios the fact that wiping out hordes of them is relatively easy for militaries and basic armed people begs the question how the hell did they even stand a chance at not only overwhelming Society at large but permanently crippling it some stories give good or at least fair enough preludes and excuse as to how their worlds were zombie dominated ranging from a super spreader event that was beyond repair to overpowered corpses with Relentless intent but that's not what we are here to talk about some universes have no excuse for how stupid their response was to the initial outbreak and how it managed there on out and we are bringing up the dumbest and strangest of the bunch in no particular order today we are discussing zombie apocalypses that should not have happened yeah [Applause] [Music] starting things off with the zombie Multiverse from the mind of Zack Snyder himself a military Convoy transporting a biological Hazard shipment across the Mojave Desert when suddenly a newlywed couple not looking where they're driving smashes into the oh so important cargo vehicle the Personnel apparently have no knowledge of what's inside slowly approaching they see the critical package was an alpha zombie with super strength high intelligence and superb combat skills it being able to wipe out the entire Squad as it infects and bites everyone before they ascend over the nearby Hill to see New Vegas I mean Las Vegas on the horizon from there all of Las Vegas is quickly swallowed up as we see a montage of chaos as normal people trying to celebrate in the City of Lights being taken into the dark by the undead now what makes sense for the pandemic of Undead to stay relatively contained within the confines of Vegas's City Limits considering it's just an expansion of endless desert in all Direction and zombies tend to want to stay where people are more likely to gather but not only that but the alpha zombies of this virus will also lead and direct the hordes so they are more coordinated but even with all of this happening with animals being able to be infected and Alpha zombies teaching zombies how to work as a unit and with them being completely walled in this attack on titan-like structure of New Vegas all these zombies are literally fish in a glowing Barrel societal standards and new Cycles discuss how nuclear bombing is consistently delayed to Human Rights deliberations and government Affairs dragging their feet but something with this much potential of being a national pandemic if even one infected were to get out or utilizing the undead for biological warfare supersedes any moral restrictions or even the alpha zombies that are known to be pretty damn smart figure out a way to breach containment or use the hordes to get over the wall World War Z style you would not want to give these zombies time or other people outside the walls time to figure out something like this for it to happen the U.S government and Military were surprisingly able to get shipping containers to completely surrounds the 135 Mile City area in a short amount of time but slowed down on just annihilating what remains inside I'd like what I said earlier they are fishing a barrel at this point they can't get in or out and don't get me started on how the original Alpha zombie even broke free from its containment to get to Vegas to turn overnight a military Convoy would not be disrupted as vehemently as this over a sports car of two newlyweds going full speed into their transport car you know I think military vehicles would be just a little more durable and shouldn't the soldiers have some kind of inkling of what's inside I get it it's top secret but this is something that cannot break free or get loose I think that would have been stressed even if they didn't want the zombie thing to be known about but still when all hell breaks loose in military strikes start happening to quell the zombie hordes of dead Vegas they go from bombing the hell out of the city to dropping in paratroopers directly into visible hordes of hundreds of zombies why and then we see a heist mission to breach into a casino to retrieve tons of money and it's because of that that one person escapes the city finally being nuked only to spread the virus as he flies away via jet but not turning from his bite wound until much later all of this could have been prevented you have the resources you know how deadly this zombie virus is because you were transporting it in the first place they're acting like Mr house has anti-missile defense systems to protect Las Vegas if they would have just did what Fallout couldn't and nuke Las Vegas from the start none of this would have happened in the first place plus did we really have to make it into a Time Loop thing yeah just look into the movie there's apparently zombie robots too I don't even know what to think but this shouldn't have started [Music] okay he's dead let's go get him that's another one for the fire I'll be lumping these two breeds of zombie apocalypses together since they are fundamentally the same a virus that infects every living person on Earth most likely via an Airborne pathogen that reanimates any person upon death so long as the brain is intact bites from the fully turned will spur fever that kills a host just so they can become a zombie AKA Walker these zombies are probably the least threatening of anything we will deliberate over today being for the most part slow stiff and dim-witted albeit with tons of durability and longevity they can go seemingly infinitely without rotting into a pile of biomass and bones and can even adapt to their environments learning as they roam the world to use tools weapons climb and even work as a unit more so than just a Mindless horde a single bite from these zebs means lights out if you can't amp the affected area in time but more so than that is everyone will eventually become a walker slash Ghoul at some point without proper disposal methods taking place but does it mandate the world consistently falling to ruin so quickly the idea of anyone turning into an undead cannibal moment after their expiration date is terrifying in its own regard don't get me wrong in the first few days weeks months and even years would be extremely difficult to come to terms with those that perish by a means like terminal illness roadway workplace accidents sudden complications and even suicide could come back and seek to Devour the living nearby bearing witness to a loved one a friend or even a stranger coming back without any semblance of themselves besides their own Visage would be a bitter pill that many would not be able to swallow chaos would be guaranteed within the first few days and weeks but the reality would be quick to discern for many many would and continue to if all prayed to someone dying coming back and being bitten either due to being in shock being asleep or being preoccupied before being bitten or eaten alive but Humanity would adapt to this new fact of life I'm more than sure society would not crumble and dissolve to increasing numbers of the undead if anything were to be the more realistic outcome of this kind of universe even if it seems ridiculous for me to say it would be the world as it is at the end of the movie Sean of the Dead some parts of Comedy are more biting parts of reality and the aspect that zombies would just be integrated into everyday civilization is hysterically what would probably happen once the Advent of a z-day were to calm down what the Army actually doing its job and wiping out the hordes of Undead unlike some series that just make the military out to be completely hopeless and idiotic governments militaries and Society at large would proceed to establishing methods for disposing any dead bodies having emergency procedures for calls were supposedly someone has died or is dying or precautionary Methods at hospitals hospice centers ICU Chambers and more restraints on people would be mandatory in case they were to Flat Line suddenly and every person would need to be instructed on how to destroy the brain it would be an everyday part of life in case someone were to pass away to prevent reanimation and for other people not to be infected by the fever as dark and Grim as this case is it would be a part of reality that everyone would start to become accustomed to society might falter in the very beginning of the virus that infected all of humanity to be potential cannibalistic corpses but we have a tendency to adapt and evolve to new ways of life as Extreme as it may seem plus it's not like we are dealing with the undead corpses of Dawn of the Dead 2004 or Zombieland no these versions are slow and easy to take down Ghouls and Walkers do tend to have variations or smarter corpses that can run at times or learn to avoid fail-safes that Humanity places on them like fireworks defensive parameters and more but these variations rely on time geographical locations and or consistent outside stimuli to become those versions with no guarantee of them even deviating from the standard archetype a majority of the undead will either be executed on site or as The Walking Dead Romero is dead and Sean of the Dead have displayed respectively they can have their jaws removed to be made docile can be made to be friendly during extensive experimentation or be made to do remedial labor and used for our entertainment with all three being very likely as the zombie apocalypse becomes nothing more than just another footnote in human history [Music] who you making me live heading to the land down under the Rabid outbreak of 2019's cargo we see a dash of what I just discussed in a civilized post Zombie World muddled up with nothing but irrational people making dumb decisions they have these packages apparently widely distributed throughout Australia labeled containment assistance that's described as a guide to help prepare you and your family to recognize threats and make smart decisions in dangerous situations noting the stages of infection and even providing a damn countdown watch that ticks away for 48 hours until the full turn time also in it are lethal injection pins to stab the temple to mercy kill anyone that is bit or infected obviously a lot is known about this rabid virus that causes honey-like pus to spew out from every orifice even charts are fully shown where High infection areas are so you can avoid it the world or just Australia easily figured out everything and provided measures for pay people these zombies or invicted are extremely slow and dim-witted are easily distracted since just the smallest signs of blood can make them Veer away from a full Flesh and Blood person without any issue they go towards loud sounds but barely make any kind of overall indomitable threat or presence especially considering the fact that they avoid direct sunlight if they can and will hibernate in dark places like tunnels or burying their own heads in the sand I guess to protect themselves from UV light and potentially healthy survivors head-shotting them while they're hibernating I don't know but these zombies spend half their time not even being active threats and basically are just sitting ducks that add to their diminishing return on lethality I mean look at this there is a guy yelling goes up to this group of hibernating zombies and loudly whacks numerous zombies in the head without even waking one of them up they hunt purely based on smell and sometimes sound if they feel like it and if one can mask their scent from anything appetizing to the infected then one can move freely amongst them without fear of being attacked or bitten and in some cases the pus that produces from them can even fully blind them if it covers the entirety of their eyes the seizures from the symptoms of the virus never going away as they just rapidly convulse as they move slowing down their already sluggish Pace not to mention I think the only way of the infection spreading is through a bite because the honeypus didn't really transfer infection and I don't think this is an Airborne thing where no matter how you die you turn so yeah avoiding getting bitten by these things seems incredibly easy or for them not but in reality yes hell indigenous tribes of Australia are able to basically turn the zombies into pets mules and more with barely any effort due to just a little blood and meat something he can just find lying around in your body or just at a market or out in the wilderness that and all the tribes needed were pointed sticks and fire and they easily wiped out a horde of these infected in minutes flat something people with guns and basic Weaponry would easily be able to accomplish a squad with a few guns could clean house no question the major threat that wiped out a continent can easily be deterred by just dangling chunks of meat in front of them to make sure no one gets bit now I have to reiterate that a zombie will completely ignore a person or even a group of people purely for just a drop of blood on the wall or the ground or a scrap of Flesh nearby and become docile or way too distracted so they could just be easily killed from afar or even up close and you can easily take them out as they are just that easy to kill honestly this movie is a close Contender for the dumbest zombie outbreak because how the hell would any of these things take over a city let alone a continent and it should not have even gotten as bad as it supposedly did but nothing compares to what today's number one pick is purely for how botched people made it out to be even though it's one of the deadliest infections in Zombie lore history all right what are you afraid of what if it comes back it won't come back what if it does if it comes back we kill it [Laughter] are you serious topping the charts of today's video I'm probably the single most dumbest way for a zombie-like outbreak to even get started or in this case restarted is the one that spurred from 28 Weeks Later don't get me wrong 28 Weeks Later is an amazing Dark and Bloody film that I will always re-watch and enjoy especially for its opening scene and the helicopter blender scene but holy hell did everything leading up to the rage virus finding its way back into the minds and bodies of human hosts not make any sense whatsoever all throughout 28 Days Later we see the ravenous way that Great Britain was overrun how fast and easily the infection can be spread via blood saliva any kind of bodily fluids that can turn a healthy host in a matter of seconds and how infected starve themselves out due to their constant irrationally angry State without food and water Great Britain after thousands of people are drenched in an irreversible animosity and violent blood-soaked Massacre is seeing its population of infected die off without suitable hosts the rage virus can be quelled Great Britain is healing so what's the best course of action after less than seven months since the first infection what do the U.S military and former British citizens decide to do 28 weeks after the initial outbreak of the rage virus sure there are still efforts still ongoing to burn any leftover bodies in the streets as well as search and either rescue or destroy efforts ongoing throughout the greater Great Britain area but suddenly a gigantic leap in judgment befalls the Yanks and the Brits somebody saw what had happened how awful this rabies-like super spread was how fast it spurred out of control just from a few animal rights terrorists going out into the streets after getting some monkey fluid in their body and destroying the Queen's land and you know what the ultimate decision was to get things back to normal government officials and U.S military and top British people said this or we realized that the greatest country in the world needed people or else that it ain't a country and that bruv we've been a bit of a Sticky Wicket in it we're quite knackered trying to wait for all this to blow over why not have a cup of tea with your mites no need to pawn to the bloody zombies even though they're bloody bloody all bloody day no need to worry about it don't reckon yourself with rubbish like fear it's all good turn on some Beatles don't worry my British accent is Flawless and if you say otherwise I have the 23andMe DNA results to show you right here I'm like over 90 British so I think I know a thing or two about my homeland but yeah they straight up said let's go ahead and fly and bus in hundreds thousands of British citizens to this condensed area barely kilometers away where cleansing efforts are still being made they're still underway are you absolutely [ __ ] Daft all this for the purpose of repopulating Britain returning to normal normalcy and whatever other examples were provided to put other viable meat suits in alms reach of a viral why would you bring hundreds of people civilians anywhere close to anything that remotely is still underway with cleaning efforts why are you having a soft opening to [ __ ] Britain when you're not 100 sure that the infected are all dead or if it's even completely sanitized yet a disease this contagious would have this place abandoned like Chernobyl just with less radiation and more blood that turns you into a Karen at Black Friday trying to get five dollars off her pressure cooker and not only that but freaking children are able to sneak out of the established safe Zone despite dozens of armed officials standing guard above and even then we have Hawkeye and others watching them leave and they're just like kids will be kids ha ha we got two bogeys roll tide Yeehaw I'm captain Falcon Hawkman Yeehaw America you think it would be kill on site if quarantine was broken in any kind of way but then again why have people in a quarantine here in the first place why fly him here only after do the kids find a scooter go to multiple buildings and have a jolly old time do they go to their Old Homestead and find their mother with bloodshot eyes and acting erratic do troops finally swoop in and scoop them all up the mom is strapped in a heavily secure area to prod into how the rage virus isn't fully affecting her noting she isn't necessarily immune but retains her Humanity despite the virus being inside her high-ranking scientific and army officials want to make some kind of cure out of her genome or some [ __ ] noting her ability to still be able to spread the rage virus as a carrier they leave her bee while deliberations are made about her and from here is where the stupidity goes from level 9 to level over nine thousand of this entire operation it elevates to Heights thought improbable by mankind Dawn the man that abandoned her at the beginning the man that was known to be the father of the two kids that just breached containment and wrist infection to accidentally find their infected mother who officials could easily connect the dots on him having a probably a relationship with his wife or even just the mother of his children the man they found and hired as a janitor has high level clearance to access anywhere in this facility including the room she is being held in no Legions of security around this genetic Lottery Ticket No cameras peering over this harbinger of potential virile Annihilation nothing he just waltzes in like oil I'm Scottish and I'm here to clean the the best meat bum of a wife did I did don't mind me just going in for a bit of a peek up the old girl Kilt and maybe even a tug on her old bagpipes eh I don't have a really good Scottish accent I don't claim to have Scottish DNA but he just strolls up to her no armed guards anywhere has a heartfelt conversation and freaking kisses her what kind of no skill ass janitor would have clearance to a quarantine room with a woman like this wouldn't there be biohazard Specialists for that kind of clearance instead of the guy that cleans up bird [ __ ] outside the building and he kisses her ironic infection and symbolism of the kiss of death aside Jesus Mary and Christ this is the reason for this being number one on zombie apocalypses that shouldn't have happened and I did say no particular order but this one Takes the Cake his singular kiss with his wife causing him to become infected and from there being easily able to take down every single armed Soldier he lays eyes on without issue is absolute Insanity I could maybe see him infecting one two or even three dudes but after the count gets up there any trained guy with a rifle what is that the situation and what gun this bloody bloke and his new infected Chums down on the spot you're telling me the infected Dawn took out multiple American soldiers with guns you're telling me Americans forgot how to fire guns what kind of universe is this apparently confronting ravenous civilians that are about to kill them has them saying some Marvel one-liner like this is above my pay grade hell living is above my pay grade they obviously know what the rage virus is and what it turns people into but suddenly oops all zombies are infected we skim over how all this happens because now we have to call everybody we hauled back into the Jolly Old England and to make it even worse by having all of these healthy hosts clutter up in this cramped and claustrophobic ass room down flights of stairs to protect them instead of telling them to just stay indoors and lock up say there was a breach and not to make any noise or open their doors for anyone nah we're just gonna have all available uninfected civilians in one place so this infection that causes people to turn in seconds from just one drop of blood spit or come can easily turn into a Super spreader event yeah because that'll go so damn well Don somehow after infecting tons of military personnel gets out scot-free and finds his wife to the civilian containment area via the only other door to escape from you mean they bother to have this floor situated for all civilians to be safe but don't bother to secure both points of Entry just one what in the good God hell were the safety measures here why if you brought all these people back to Great Britain would you not have extremely tight-knit and concrete measures to resort to when not if but when [ __ ] hit the fan that you can fall back on because it's very apparent that this [ __ ] was going to happen you put fuel on fire and then was surprised that a freaking explosion of flames happened the only method they even have down is having Hawkeye and his married band of snipers gunning down infected from the rooftops the scene of them getting the order to indiscriminately kill all people at ground level due to not being able to discern who is infected or not is powerful but sheesh dude that order should have been at the ready since they know what the rage virus is this is not new information you've had half a year they then proceed to firebomb the [ __ ] out of Britain but Don still survives because he's just hiding in an alley they think the sun is immune and can be a key for your cure and soon they see a officials going around using flamethrowers to cleanse the city and any person they find you didn't think to do this 28 weeks earlier the bombings and Hazmat pyromanes were reserved for when you actively knew the threat and threw more people into the biological bonfire the movie ends with a horde fastly approaching Paris somehow the infection of 28 Weeks Later being able to reach other countries while 28 Days Later the infection with no bombings or rushed military aid or nothing of that sort was kept within one country everything about 28 weeks later's outbreak is absolutely Bonkers I love the movie in and out but out of every zombie outbreak I can think of nothing sticks up more to me than the sheer stupidity of bringing people back to a country that 28 weeks ago was brought to ruin by the worst virus the world has ever seen and to add insult to injury with the dash of salt in the wound the botched upkeep and response that took the simple kiss of an infected woman to ravaging Armed military Gods to spiraling a horde of people into hordes of the infected it feels less realistic and more of well we need another outbreak in the infected die after a few weeks so let's just card in more people against all logical [ __ ] sense I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry yeah baby yeah everything Target's not free we've lost control I planned on covering more zombie outbreaks that made no sense for today's video and yes 28 Weeks Later is a zombie genre movie do not start with that [ __ ] today if I have to explain that one more time despite making full videos on the matter I'll come down on you like a rage virus monkey on a pita member but with other life stuff I had to limit things to today's four scenarios is there more that really made no sense to you that you think should have been covered if today's video gets any traction who knows maybe we can make a follow-up and do some more did you like what we discussed which of these four outbreaks do you think shouldn't have happened the most let me know down in the comments big shout out to today's patrons YouTube channel members and big time donators for supporting the channel and if you want to be featured on this breakout list of awesome people you can do what they did but all you really need to do to support the channel is just being thanked for watching this far and maybe even been dropping a like that's pretty cool if you could do that until next time I'm Zach Cass AKA while such gaming stay happy stay healthy do not make dumb decisions that start a widespread pandemic and stay Wild
Channel: Wow Such Gaming
Views: 2,309,650
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: George A Romero, The Walking Dead, TWD, Dying Light, The Last Of Us, Call of Duty, Zombies, Zombie, Shaun of the Dead, Dawn of the Dead, Night of, Army of the Dead, Zack Snyder, Left 4 Dead 3, Cargo, 28 Days Later, 28 Weeks Later, Rage Virus, Don, 28, Walking Dead
Id: bwD-dvlTva0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 59sec (1739 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 21 2023
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