7 Nobodies Who Were the Real Hero

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you can easily tell who the hero of a video game is there be one on the box usually with their back to you like you got there early to look at the box start and they're not ready yet but though these guys get all the fame they're a thought for the unsung heroes for nobodies without whom nothing would get done and those heroes wouldn't be able to be very heroic at all so here's a salute to the little people finally getting the recognition we think they deserve but also there are some spoilers ahead for the following game ah it's good to see you my Connelly rescuer in Dragon Age Origins sandal is the lovable jug-eared son of travelling merchant bowdan mighty timely arrival there my friend I'm much obliged the names bowed on thetic merchant and entrepreneur this here is my son Sandra hello my boy hello I'm John himself in a bit of a hero because unlike you he has no special fighting skills or darkspawn spidey senses and yet he loyally follows you and your party around from Camp to camp we won't be a bother to you and your companions I assure you if you should need enchantments simply talk to my boy otherwise come speak with me no matter how many times you get ambushed on the road by gross monsters and also you can my presence bring your boyfriend Alastair what just me oh come on July Brown's adopted son sons although is yet more heroic I found him in the Deep Roads when I left awesome are for good raised in this biome now isn't that right my boy I like bow down this sad one kid appears to have no special fighting skills or skills of any kind beyond enchanting your kit and faint enchantment enchantment no sandal gift for Alastair have you got an e no a judgment no forget it but not only just sandal travel you and your party all around the dangerous darkspore kneel and of Ferelden it turns out he can also kick-ass somehow boom like in the end of the game when you arrive just after sandal sorted a whole boatload of darkspawn and unlike you he somehow does it without a party of three other heroes backing him up enchantment watching secret a judgment yes obviously a jump move the real thing is never what you think it will be hyper a family if Australian soap operas have taught us nothing else is that everybody needs good neighbours with a little understanding what yeah Oh America I'm sorry I'll save my crossover fanfiction for another time but my point was that the people you live near are more than just the people you live near take Max Payne who's grothy apartment building can't be confusing to community spirit with its graffiti hallways and stacks of boxes and goons in boiler suits shooting up the place and yet the nice old lady down the hall is a good neighbor and a hero in her own right repelling the gangsters from Max Payne would-be hit squad with nothing but a dressing-gown fuzzy slippers and a pump-action shotgun no one's driving me out of my home what's more she has a second shotgun locked in an old lady cabinet and she's really donates it to the cause of Max Payne shooting bad guys in slow motion while diving sideways Hold'em there used to be a nice neighborhood you know she had two shotguns so she could duel will don't you and that's when good neighbors become good friends right yeah you were just on the Normandy youth you fired me dishonorable discharge for conduct unbecoming you pissed me off the ship with barely enough time to grab my toothbrush Commander Shepard might get all the fame and glory and lucrative store on the Citadel endorsement deal but we all know what the real force holding the Normandy together is no specialist Samantha Trainor friendship that's right while the rest of your so-called squad mates are off doing calibrations or chin-ups or getting hammered on Sarah nice brandy no-nonsense specialist Trainor is quietly saving thousands of lives by being the only one to realize that Grissom Academy is about to be attacked by Cerberus something started off in the Korean signal I have IDI performed analysis it's faint IDI thinks it's Cerberus she said the sectarian signal was similar to the one that limited to a collectorship long story or by being the only one able to track Kai Leng the space jerk who stabbed our best mate sane and is a Cerberus agent working with the elusive man to further his plans to control the weepers and dominate all other species in the galaxy whatever we only caught up with that guy because a trainer is that vain have no way to be certain but I've got a definite possibility nice work put it on the map I'll give it a look or how about the time when an evil clone of Commander Shepard was trying to steal the Normandy in the 6th ldl-c the doors are all locked how are we going to get on board Manuel I it's only meant to be open from the other side any ideas I could try a biotic field but I don't think I have to find control required to trigger it oh this sounds like a problem guys even our best biotics can't do anything about it what are we going to do oh wait some ants the trainer's here and she's going to sort everything out with a toothbrush JustGive trainer her own game series already where she saves the galaxy with her toothbrush and throw shade of establish massive egg characters so you start with Shepherd what's the difference between Commander Shepard and the Krogan one is an unstoppable juggernaut of head-butting destruction yeah yeah yeah it's although heroics going around shooting bad aliens dismembering bad aliens and occasionally having your large intestine enthused by bad aliens but at the end of the day someone's got to clean this mess up and who do you think that is either Clarke Amanda Ripley don't make me laugh this is all about the dignity of Labor and the quiet workaday heroism of space station janitors everywhere who keep our space stations clean with nothing but rubber gloves between them and lethally toxic alien spores probably so spare a thought for the nameless space janitor who has to mop up after the Space Marines are done painting the walls of the hangar bay with alien blood or human blood I don't even know what this is anymore it's going to take bleach though is what it is they got medals I can't even get a new mop [Music] boom how did you find this guy give me a break Pete hey I only work with professionals in the Resident Evil 7 beginning our demo it is possible to get a good ending in which you escape from the Baker family guest house without getting horribly murdered the only reason you can do that is thanks to a guy called Clancy Davis Clancy was a cameraman for the YouTube show silly Gators a paranormal investigation show that is for some reason called sewer Gators these guys are planning to make an episode based on the Baker family seemingly abandoned house and so they turned up to do a rehearsal which went about as well as you'd expect breaking into a haunted house in the middle of the night to go alright new deal we find a great and we go can we [ __ ] this show despite finding himself in the middle of some kind of Texas Chainsaw Massacre nightmare plus he keeps his camera running up to and including the point where he discovers his producers corpse and then is attacked by Jack Baker now personally I would have turned the camera off right after the initial meeting where they offered me the job of kicking my way into a Louisiana murder house in the middle of the night and I said no Damascus me anyway thanks to Clancy's heroic dedication to his job you can watch the VHS tape of the footage he shot which shows you the location of a hidden switch in the fireplace that opens a secret door this allows you to get the fuse you need to power the set to the attic where you can escape to a happy ending of the police finding drugs on you and no one believing a word you say and without going into spoilers for the main game this isn't the only time Clancy saves you in this manner either [Music] I'm not sure how clown sees footage ended up on a VHS tape seeing as he's filming it in 2017 but maybe this dilapidated rundown farmhouse has a VHS mastering station somewhere I mean is that any more far-fetched in a series of animal themed locks exactly regardless we salute you for your sacrifice Plan C and we can all be grateful that the cameraman for a YouTube show finally put in the effort for one oh come on I'm only joking in the Soviet campaign of Call of Duty finest now you begin as Alexander Sokolov a Soviet private in Stalingrad unfortunate enough to be a Soviet private in Stalingrad during the Battle of Stalingrad I'm no history expert but interactive documentary Call of Duty finest hour leads me to believe this was bad times indeed so bad at the time that there aren't even enough guns to go around so instead of being issued a rifle so-called gets given only some ammo and no gun gee thanks maybe if I throw it really hard don't get me wrong so-called is heroic in the face of dreadful carnage and horrific on the more heroic still is this unnamed Soviet soldier who gets killed while battling the enemy and dropped his rifle so you can pick it up this soldier delivered his Mosin Nagant to this exact spot where you would need it then expired making the ultimate sacrifice so you could pick up the rifle and use it to fight your way to eventually the bit where you heroically capture a German bunker and take down the Nazi flag on Mamayev Kurgan hill it wouldn't be your finest hour without that guy is what I'm saying because I don't think you can throw an O that hard [Music] they say behind every great mayor is a really diligent secretary who is also a cute yellow dog well that's what they say they're right as well you know because in Animal Crossing new leaf you become the all-powerful mayor of a town you just arrived in with no prior experience and no qualifications other than turning up on accidentally the right day I'm sorry that's why I got this job only kidding it was blackmail now you will total unelected control over the town of new Jamesburg it falls to you to govern wisely building Public Works and taking responsibility to the needs of your populace of anthropomorphic critters except every day you're running around whacking people with hammers and every night you're in the club blowing the budget on shots with DJ KK so it's just as well but Isabelle the yellow dog in the adorkable sweater vest is the power behind the throne isabell as your secretary assistant and entire mayoral staff she's the one running the mayor's office while you're off collecting fossils and making sure you don't smash through someone's back garden with your boondoggle suspension bridge and who is it that keeps your town from going all mad max when you stopped playing for 8 months you know it's Isabelle if it wasn't for her hard work and sunny disposition you'd have more to worry about than a bunch of weeds when you finally come back to your 3ds like Tom Nook gone all immortan joe Isabel knew James Burke honored your service I'm sorry about that time I deletes the whole town just to change the name before Rio de Janiero so those are some of the nobodies and video games who were the real hero finally getting the recognition they deserve I'd like to thank some of the nobodies here at the outside Xbox office who helped me the hero that so they could really shine the James once they might game you guys you guys are great you really helped me to start to shine to see more examples while I've got the crowd you want to see more examples of my excellent work in there good supporting work you can watch some other videos by us up here to check that one out that's good a lot of me and that's what you're here to see and under here there's some new rising stars outside extra you can check them out and all excuse me whether I feel quite good well I'm not getting out of the studio alive thanks for watching and we'll see you next time
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 2,062,225
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, outside xbox, list, top 5, top 10, 7 things, top 7, countdown, nobodies, real hero, nobodies who were the real hero, samantha traynor, mass effect, isabelle, animal crossing, animal crossing isabelle, mass effect samantha traynor, max payne 2, call of duty: finest hour, viscera cleanup detail, space janitor, resident evil 7, clancy jarvis, funny, funny moments
Id: Vji0AURBau0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 22sec (802 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 26 2017
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