7 Videogame Workarounds That Will Blow Your Mind

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now we're not game developers unless you can the game where I replace the milk in the outside Xbox fridge with almond milk and wait to see if anybody notices oh God 97 on Metacritic even so we can't help but be impressed stunned and flabbergasted by the ingenious ways in which game developers managed to trick hack and jury rig their games to let them do the things that they want to be able to do honestly it's a miracle that any games ever get made in the first place anyway here are Seven Peaks behind the game development curtain to blow your mind enjoy [Applause] foreign [Music] which is why I can make ignorant sweeping statements like 2D games are easier to make than 3D games take the impossibly Charming puzzle game unpacking rather than constructing a 3D room and having to model an intricately detailed Trapper Keeper out of several thousand polygons developer which beam relies instead on a pleasingly retro isometric pixel art graphical Style [Music] pleasing enough that I voluntarily played a game without tidying up when tidying up is exactly what I'm avoiding when I'm playing video games but while you would unequivocally describe unpacking as a 2d game it was recently shockingly revealed on the unpacking official Twitter account that the scene you're looking at here is secretly three-dimensional [Music] I feel betrayed and hungry those two things are unrelated that's not all in direct contradiction to our previous statement rather than making building the game harder adding this secret Third Dimension actually made developing the game easy that's because when things went wrong graphically during testing the team was able to fly around in 3D and work out what the issue was suffice to say there's lots to unpack here I mean in the game it's sort of the point where'd you come from chances are when you are a supernaturally powerful battle mage with dragon shout and fire hands like you are in Skyrim accidents are going to happen accidents like for example killing named NPCs because you pressed the wrong button or wanted an item they were carrying or they were standing near something you thought it would be funny to first throw Dar them into or off of honestly there's not a jury in the land that would convict you now you might be thinking that once you've committed these again totally justified and fine murders that the bodies in question would just disappear to save you the hassle of having to look at them every time you come back into town looking to pick up some Mead for the road and though it's true that they do disappear from the place they died they don't disappear from the game entirely rather these NPC corpses get transported to an incredibly creepy Place informally known as the dead body cleanup cell the dead body cleanup cell is a cross-shaped purple and green lit dungeon that contains the corpses of every named NPC you've killed while on your Journeys around Tamriel this hidden nightmare room which can only be accessed via console commands has no windows and if you try to exit via one of the doors you will fall into a pitiless black void and end up respawning in the center of the dead body cleanup cell so that's nice so you've effectively stuck yourself in a room with the dead bodies of your various NPC victims some of whom are just creepily standing around staring accusingly at you need something look if you could drag and Shout people off cliffs you'd have done the same mate don't give me that are the road morning due to a major security breach this system is on Code Red Alert status one of the more well-known examples of a hacky workaround to fix a problem comes to us courtesy of Fallout 3's third expansion Broken Steel the DLC which realized that oh yeah it would make more sense to let you send your friend who is immune to radiation into the room full of radiation letting you survive the previously unsurvivable end of the game of course my immunity to radiation makes me a far better candidate for surviving in there yeah I don't know why we didn't think of that before folks during the DLC you come across the presidential Metro train a subway system which allows you to travel between points on the map now Fallout games aren't known for their vehicles in fact pretty much all the cars and buses you come across are wrecked and rusted so Bethesda had to come up with a way to make a train from the systems they already had in place and while they definitely did do that I don't think anyone could have predicted what the actual solution would be as discovered by curious players poking around in the game's files broken steals presidential Metro train is actually an enormous hat being worn by a fast-moving NPC the player only sees the train Carriage which they can climb into but instead of electricity and rails the whole thing is being driven by The Unlucky NPC just below the surface the deception doesn't end there either once you're inside the train its movement is simulated as well by equipping you the player with an arm covering which covers your field of vision and looks like the inside of a moving train while in the game itself your character Sprints along the train tracks at an impossibly high speed still beats walking look at him go [Music] chances are when you first played The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time you didn't spend a lot of time thinking about the sky or if you were playing its successor Majora's Mask you actively avoided thinking about the sky because oh there it is again but what's interesting about the sky in Ocarina of Time is that it isn't the sky at all but rather one big optical illusion back in the days of the N64 developers were still trying to figure this whole 3D thing out and as brought to the internet's attention by Twitter user Daniel bemond the solution they came up with for the sky above Hyrule was to create a small Sky patterned Cube that sits within the camera's Viewpoint this gives the impression of surrounding the entire map when in reality it's just a blue cube hanging around near link that tricks you into thinking Hyrule sky isn't an objectively terrifying black void foreign because honestly what Zelda game would make the sky so terrifying because oh damn it it's back all's well how are your charges well supplied oversupplied never thought a mountain pass could seem like luxury if there's one thing you are as the leader of the titular Inquisition in Dragon Age Inquisition it's busy if there are several things you are as leader of the titular Inquisition it's a self-appointed savior sent by God a wise ass jerk and a sleazy flirt who spends more time macking on her advisors than closing demonic Sky holes is your interest in the Inquisition Madame de fair or is it more personal aren't you charming but yeah busy covers most of it as such you're going to want to get around the place fast and in a fantasy era that has Mages you can shoot fire out of their hands but apparently not the internal combustion engine the best way to do that is on a rideable mount Inquisitor as with most games that include mounts Dragon Age Inquisition lets you spur your Steed onwards to travel at faster speeds essentially letting your Mount Sprint except that actually it's just a trick and it doesn't make your Mount go faster at all according to Dragon Age 4 creative director John eppler on Twitter in Dragon Age Inquisition EA's frostbite game engine couldn't load in the large open world levels quickly enough for a player riding amount to be able to Sprint their way through the maps therefore the Wiley designers kept your Mount speed exactly the same whether you were sprinting or not but to give the illusion of speed they added in speed lines and a camera effect to make it feel like you were going faster when you were supposedly sprinting my actual face on learning I'd spent all that time clicking in the left stick for no reason what else are you lying to us about Dragon Age if it turns out dorian's mustache isn't real I'm going to lose it [Music] after his hostile takeover of Peach's castle in Super Mario 64 Bowser has plenty of tricks up his sleeve to keep his arch nemesis Mario at Bay from doors locked behind certain star numbers traps in the floor and most fiendish of all an endless stairway that not only goes on forever but also has music that seems to be impossibly constantly Rising [Music] while it's a neat effect this is all an illusion the music uses octaves to trick your brain into thinking it's constantly rising in tone and the staircase is even more clever using a design trick to make sure that no matter how high you climb you're always just as far from the top of the stairs as you were when you started the way it works is that every time Mario reaches a certain step he is teleported backwards a set amount but it happens so quickly and the corridor is so uniform with its evenly spaced Bowser portraits that it's impossible to tell that it's happening you can see it in action if you hack the camera though as seen here [Music] once you get these 70 Stars required to pass this effect is disabled and you can finally make it to the top of the stairs which now seem disappointingly short but hey if it means I don't have to listen to that creepy music anymore I'm all for it what did I just say [Music] did you bring a canoe or do you expect your gentle breeding to keep you from the alligators one of the Lesser known Assassin's Creed games Assassin's Creed Liberation is set in 18th century French Louisiana and sees you playing as Aveline do Grand Prix a woman who can effortlessly switch between modes like refined Society woman and chain killing death machine while Liberation was very much its own thing it was still a spin-off of Assassin's Creed III and as such a lot of assets were reused from that game in order to get Liberation out the door more quickly but they weren't always reused in ways you might expect as we can see if we take a look at the game's canoes pilotable canoes were meant to be included in Assassin's Creed 3 but were cut before the game's release however they did make it into Liberation allowing Aveline to navigate the bayous of Louisiana without sullying her petticoats according to the official Assassin's Creed Twitter account in order to get canoes into the game in time for release they took the existing code for alligators from Assassin's Creed 3 and then made them invisible stuck a boat model on top of them and called it a day alligators were already coded to move through the water near the surface so this is a pretty smart way of giving you water transportation without having to start from scratch the only problem is every time you get in a canoe you now know that lurking directly underneath you is a deadly invisible alligator who's probably none too happy about the situation so that's a new phobia I'll add it to the list thanks Assassin's Creed thanks for watching this video about Peaks behind the game development curtain that will blow your mind and for more things that will blow your mind why not more find videos from the folks at outside Xbox let us and outside extra our sister Channel up here we have one of our videos this is about the most annoying things that your AI companion will do I see you there in the thumbnail Nick Valentine judging me and down here is a video from outside extra which is about unskippable openings to games that you wish you could Skip and they go on for ages like in oh you're finally awake in the cards let's go and be executed in Skyrim yeah sit through that 300 times don't you thanks Todd Howard bye
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 456,426
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, andy farrant, jane douglas, mike channell, 7 things, train hat, fallout 3 train hat, fallout 3 funny, funny, funny moments, alligator canoe, gator canoe, alligator boat, assassin's creed liberation, assassin's creed, assassin's creed liberation alligator, gator, canoe, skyrim, dead body clean-up cell, dead body dungeon, unpacking, secret, skybox, ocarina of time, legend of zelda, dragon age inquisition, dragon age mounts, dragon age inquisition mounts
Id: 9uJLU539NA8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 9sec (789 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 02 2023
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