Hitman 3 THE MOST ELUSIVE TARGET YET: 3 Ways to Play Hitman 3 Elusive Target The Collector

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To this day my favourite hitman video is the patient zero video. It really shows how different their play styles are and Mikes run is definition of β€œit all going a bit Mike”

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 22 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Ice-Picker πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 20 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Jane 15 minutes, four stars. Andy 19 minutes, four stars. Mike? 52 minutes, 1 star.

True to form.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/dpash πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 20 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Jane was the Hitman champion here!

(I hated this ET, I failed miserably when the dang target left, which I was afraid was going to happen here).

And, hey, Jane has a new Gamertag? MissDeeds no more? (I wonder if she messed this up early and spectacularly and had to borrow someone else's log-in to actually get footage, haha).

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AchtungBecca πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 20 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Andy hoisted by his own Hitman pitard by presuming the target would stay in a loop

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MrTheHan πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 20 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Good bot

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Anarcho-Biscuit491 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 21 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
oh he changed he changed clothes no that's my trick he's in a bloody disguise excuse me have you seen an elusive target come through here that's all flat cap wellies um dressed like pretty much everyone else on this entire level oh crime's been noticed so uh i mean that's bad news obviously what a disaster what a disaster good afternoon 47 afternoon diana target is currently at thornbridge manor to steal a painting by cecil bardu okay it turns out he's quite the master of disguise that's my whole deal being a master of disguise i mean look at this disguise this riddler outfit that i insist on wearing hi everyone welcome back to hitman with outside xbox i'm andy uh 47 has apparently his coat got all tangled up when he was riding the motorbike in so now i have i'm all weirdly tucked so please excuse but yeah we're here for an elusive target this guy cody haynes he's an art collector but wouldn't you know it he's one of those art collectors who murders people um because he doesn't want any of the previous owners of his paintings to be left alive so he kills them which is normal it's definitely a thing that someone would do in real life so we're gonna go in and and kill him stop him from doing that but also the um the client who is a uh gallerist who sold him some paintings would also like us to get a painting back for them so there's a little bonus in it for us if we can do that as well here we are back at old thornbridge manor another day another dollar back of the hitman coalface bit of a complicated one there is a dude the collector who has already infiltrated the mansion here as i am as i'm doing right now um see my usual disguise for getting into the mansion he's not around today so i'm gonna have to gonna have to coin me a gardener the client has informed me there will be a bonus if you manage to procure the painting too good luck you want me to pick up a painting how am i supposed to fit a painting in this suit look at the cut let's hop in here this is an entrance to dartmoor that i did not know about when we did our first three ways to play look at my green suede shoes quite the fashion statement 47. uh right let's get a disguise of some sort what have we got um gardner maybe gardner maybe part of a coat just got caught in the motorbike wheel and just got pulled off or maybe this is the way 47 likes likes it cut you know likes to cheeky little little flash of of right buttock there something for 47's admirers to enjoy okay well i can't go around like this i'm trespassing i need a disguise so that's that's going to be my first order of business and he's away and he's away so i'm going to get myself in some gardening clothes because i think i need to be in the garden in the grounds of the mansion so let's just creepy creepy and that's how you get yourself a gardening outfit pop you in the hedge lots of hedges lots of hedges in the grounds it's the risk of being a gardener lots of hiding spots for your unconscious gardener body here we are fresh disguise ready to go ready to infiltrate i could just do with those shears actually they'd be a brilliant murder weapon okay where are the shears i i don't have them and they're not on the ground so they must be inside his underwear okay i reckon i can take take one of these guys out and then i can have a security outfit which i don't think gets me in the house but i can at least scope out the grounds dressed like that so let me uh let me get ready for some coining all right he's off after the coin so next time you see me i should be dressed like him it's just no it's an elusive target let's be a bit careful and move this this chap i mean not all the way into the bushes that would be extreme just behind the rocks fine we know the collector is posing as like an orchid inspector some sort of orchid crime detective so he's here detecting all kids still in all kids hang on can i pick that up no no wine for 47 but there is a crowbar for 47 crowbars always useful isn't it so um anyway i think i think our man is going to be in the gardens what else can we pick up along the way poison never say no to poison and oh this is this is intel for the story mission which i don't think we'll be doing any of today but why the hell not let's pick that up what else can we have fire axe nah that's going to get me in trouble isn't it i can't just walk around with the fire axe i'm a gardener not a lumberjack now i know gardeners aren't allowed in the building because their wellies would ruin the parquet flooring so i'm gonna need to find another outfit of some sort what did i tell you plan worked perfectly okay so let's go and explore the ground see if we can get eyes on this guy you'd think he would actually be indoors um seeing as that's where all the art is but um you know we can deal with that when we get to it i can find an indoor outfit big woodcutting axe that might come in handy can i i can carry it i can carry it around i can't put it away you know you're allowed to carry weapons if you're security even if it's a giant hand axe that's fine oh what unicorn horn that's even better i love that all right the photographer's still here the private detective isn't which is a shame because that's the most useful disguise in history you can go anywhere just like that i could just hop in the window here yeah okay i need to be really really careful because everyone knows i'm not supposed to be here at the moment around here not in there oh boy definitely not in there uh in oh no no that's no good as well oh dear well i'm in a real pickle now aren't i oh that's a that's a that's very definitely someone who's going to notice me oh this is tense already the most gardeny part of a garden is the greenhouse as we all know that's where you'd keep an orchid isn't it so that's where i'm going to begin my search let's have a look for this bloke cody haynes aka the collector but he doesn't collect all kids oh no that's all a front he's an art thief and a serial killer and i'm going to serial kill him and then thieve some art that's the plan anyway and that's is that him okay let's see if i can just nip into the shadows here and just get close enough to just drag this guy into the corner oh dear oh dear okay they didn't spot me they didn't spot me this is dicey this is seriously dicey can i just drag him here yeah and then disguise oh boy that was close right i'm leaving that guy there i'm not touching that that half naked guy ever again um that's the title of my autobiography um right if i want to go inside i'm going to need one of the the suit bodyguard uh disguises i don't know if there are any of those guys out here oh oh oh there he is that's him that's him right that's him that is cody haynes yes all right good and master of disguise thank you diana the windows are a bit i mean there's a rip mucky aren't they let's see yes okay that's our guy in the the flat cap and the wellies his cunning disguise as an orchid crime inspector or whatever what's going on there he's trying to do a hit manning of his well yeah he is actually trying to do a hitman of his own if we're honest because he's an art thief who oh cheers yes please it's all part of my gardener cosplay 47 that is not how you hold cheers unless you're gonna decapitate someone with them i suppose that looks very suspect um anyway this is our fella cody haynes uh there's a gardener who knows i am not a gardener two gardeners who know i'm not a gardener let's just pop down behind this crate oh second crowbar don't mind if i do he's got um he's got like a bodyguard or a security guard someone who's tailing him around so that's gonna make it tricky but um he's an art thief who also likes to murder the people who own the art that he thieves so we're here to stop a stop a murder and prevent art thievery actually we're gonna we're gonna steal the same painting so uh scratch that actually we're gonna do a murder of our own and then steal the painting as an optional objective okay so i've got a painting i need to look for uh which i don't know is upstairs perhaps that guy that guy will recognize who i am so i want to avoid him everyone up here seems chill seems cool uh i don't know where my target is at the moment and i don't have any kind of interesting weapon with which to bump him off either and i don't know where the painting is so really i'm entirely clueless okay so he's got a bodyguard which is a problem i can probably separate him off from the bodyguard yeah we might have a situation yeah are you going and investigate good excellent all right this is good bodyguard's being separated off and he's in this hedge mazie bit so no one's looking me yeah not a problem not a problem uh what's over here well a letter opener i'll take that might come in handy hmm i could be climbing around on the outside of this building might be a useful thing to know actually if things get a bit spicy later on newspaper don't think that's really going to cut it as a as a lethal weapon another newspaper big into the print media in this household for some reason feather duster could he be tickled to death potentially hello gardener hello to you mr orchid detector i thoroughly searched the area and as i explained on arrival this is not where a thief would keep a ghost orchid he's such like a such an elaborate front but then again no more elaborate than than one that 47 might use so uh game recognized game got a respect to the craft of a finely honed uh disguise he says he'd like to have a look inside the manor now so that means i think we're going to go inside the manor because we've got to find a way to separate him from his bodyguard who is sticking to him like glue not bodyguard um i guess he's just not being given free roam of the mansion got to get this guy hidden asap oh oh here we go here we go box box box all right good work good work buddy you didn't you're doing great work okay i can't put on that outfit actually that's not for me that's not allowed but the bodyguard is taken care of i have of course now lost the target which is less ideal but he does he no longer has a bodyguard so that is that's progress that's progress any of these paintings look like the right painting from this sort of screenshot thing it looked like it was on a stairwell somewhere so what i need to be doing is finding the the bloke the guy the murderee the guy's disguised as a sort of orchid man can i get in this cabinet no i'd have to break the glass oh a body's been found oh oh boy okay that's a problem now are they going to put two and two together that one of the bodyguards clothes are missing and um and there might be someone dressed as a bodyguard is that going to compromise my outfit i don't know they're searching for someone screwdriver always useful if you sell where's our man i've not even i've not even found the target yet uh you're just gonna leave the milk out it's gonna go horrible i don't have any of the items required to open that door uh oh but there is a sword here i mean that's useful very useful and apparently it's fine for uh a bodyguard in this mansion to just walk around with an 18th century saber on his on his back so fine good works for me um that guard has he gone back to his post with no clothes on no he's just he's left he's gone home for the day where is my target i'm gonna need a disguise to get inside the mansion so check this out um this is my one of my favorite butler disguises let's have him while no one's looking and have a nice stream about whatever you like best and i'm going to take your butler disguise i mean butler outfit it's a disguise when i wear it oh and uh nice bit of timing here come here come my victims victim here come my victim and non-victim oh no he's bloody seen my coin hasn't he oh no there goes my coin yes you are the man okay i'm down one coin but uh hey you know what i wonder if i can if i can separate him from his um his companion bodyguard his security dude the man assigned to keep him out of trouble we might have a situation because he'll be trying to lose this guy so i'm doing him a favor and i'm doing me a favor so i'm going to coin him into this hedge what did i say about hedges they're a bloody liability for everyone else so let's have him you're a lucky lucky man because i'm only going to check you out and leave you in this hedge um do i want to disguise myself as him maybe ah you know what no i think i think the mansion staff disguise will actually get me more places i think i'm going to be more low-key and incognito as a sort of butler i'd be willing to bet he's gone inside which is uh which is an issue but he's probably on a loop isn't he probably gonna come back so maybe i can just lay and wait perhaps the greenhouse will be the site of the murder it's even in the mansion is he outside looking at flowers or something let's just check in here there's a note around here somewhere is that not him in the wellies that i mean that looks an awful lot like it probably is him but diana's not said anything so you know that is cody haynes oh obsessive collector a little slow on the uptake there diana i would say were you asleep at the wheel that is your man isn't it that's that's cody haynes right good fine this is not where a thief would keep yeah plant stuff right greenhouse plant stuff i had the right idea oh boy be good to get rid of that security guard if there were an opportune moment but equally it's that malay weapon non-lethal don't want to compromise my entire mission just to take out the uh security guy and there's a lot of guards around here i mean it's like guard central in fact i shouldn't really be following them this closely because if that guy turns around i'm gonna be a hundred percent made right he's going into he's going into the mansion fine now where did my man go where is the collector there he is there's the scoundrel what's he doing what's he thinking well i know what he's doing and that's he's looking for a painting um and i'm looking for somewhere to murder him let's just a little bit of character work blend blend blend very good 47 great polishing um okay so he's looking for a painting and i'm looking for an opportunity to shiv him or do i have a shiv i've got shears and i've got fiber wire so let's uh let's do a nice go rotting when i get the opportunity he's going to go around looking for this painting i reckon there's paintings bloody everywhere in this mansion okay so where are we now staff staff room staff bathroom oh no there's a blooming there's a lady in here there's his guard can i can i get at his guard from around here where is his guard his guard is there maybe i can throw a screwdriver through the window as his guard goes past if they go past is that guy gonna see it in fact what if i put some money down what if i pop a little coin cheeky coin through there then grab this screwdriver screwdriver is he coming he is he's confused oh crime's been noticed crime's been noticed so uh i mean that's bad news obviously okay i'm compromising concealed what a disaster what a disaster don't look over here because i'm just i'm just um inspecting some flowers right you're cool with that okay now now now now i'm gonna leave my coin back pop a coin in the corner over there hope that no one comes in or indeed looks through the window okay okay the greenhouse is clear the greenhouse is secure and safe we've got a boat key got all my coins back so all all being well he should come back in here if he's on his if he's on his loop like thinking about it a big glass room that you can see into from every angle probably isn't the best place to do this but we're in it now so let's let's just see how it goes okay so update everyone i've killed the security guard but now i've had to run away and now i can't use the security guard to identify where the target is i think we need a doctor here which is a bit of i think we need to talk to this guy he's got a screwdriver in his melon uh okay well they're going away they're still searching yeah they look angry what other outfit can i wear inside the mansion no outfit is the answer right okay they are all extremely cross but what happened to my guy what happened to my target wait they they've given up the crime was noticed but the perpetrator was not no cyst and i am the perpetrator brilliant i have no idea where the has gone now though has he just legged it or is he carrying on doing his thing he's got to steal the painting hasn't he he's got to steal the painting first so really i have uh i have clawed this back from the jaws of defeat assuming i can find the target again which is now difficult because he's not been followed around by a noticer oh what an idiot i am oh no okay can we get her out of here and we've got a oh oh oh he changed he changed clothes no that's my trick he's in a bloody disguise he's doing a 47. well i can't stand for that hang on that's oh oh spicy 47. okay um okay right well that's what we call um a crime of opportunity a hit of opportunity i can't believe she didn't see me in the mirror he must be still inside the mansion right he's not gonna he's done is pretending to look for the ghost or kid now he's gonna be after the painting uh where is he where's he gone oh who knew that the elusive target would be quite so elusive come on mate this target's only available for 10 days i don't want the time to run out before you get back here oh wait the detective is there interesting okay that would be useful if i need to go indoors which i might still because i don't know if he's ever gonna come back out here maybe i should be the detective okay so we're gonna choke the detective out there's a box over here uh i have already stashed a gardener in it so i think we're okay i think we're okay i think we're okay that guy turns around there is a yeah there's a guy here so we just have to wait for him to move but then i can be the detective and i can go inside because i mean i'm sure he will eventually come back to the greenhouse but it's going to take a while i think so let's just yep turning around perfect like clockwork like clockwork in hugo and now private investigator great run of the house oh okay good upstairs gotta be upstairs i think i've done a lap of the ground floor oh dear that's the butler that's the butler the staff of this mansion are a real problem uh okay i don't want her to like see the corpse in the mirror and then suss me out because um incredibly right now no one's figured out i've done a murder and that there is a murdered man in the staff room um okay quick course of action tidy up the bodies she's definitely going to turn around and and see the body can't believe she hasn't seen it in the mirror she's definitely going to turn around and see the body and i need to hide him before she does but also not not be seen by her oh my i just sort of panicked when he put a disguise on um i don't want to lose him okay sorry about this madam so i'm very no whoa nearly grotted her with a fiber wire i've made that mistake before okay let's get something that's not going to kill her and then just just lightly subdue her whoa you are one lucky lady i nearly killed her with the rottweiler that would have been awful anyway let's get his body tucked away man it was gosh it was so spicy that he had already opened the door to the kitchen um when i garrotted him that was uh that was messy 47 not your i'm best for an outline that looks like it's wearing wellies if i knew where the painting was i could just wait by the painting is the painting up at the top of the house if it's really expensive that's where i'd put it right i mean it's acceptable losses if i don't grab the painting i think i just need to find the target oh that's a that's a person i nearly ran into that guy uh which painting is it is it even marked all right he's got no bodyguard now as i've established so that is that is a positive so let's see if we can let's see if we can find where we went probably look at some paintings that's the other thing as well i need to find this painting that he's after but i don't know if you've noticed this house is full of paintings there's one there's one there's one that's a mirror reflecting a painting probably still counts excuse me have you seen an elusive target come through here that's all flat cap wellies um dressed like pretty much everyone else on this entire level maybe he's gone to see alexa carlyle i mean that would make sense right she's in charge around here no hard feeling sir but you need to leave all right oh okay can't let you through all right well i can't apparently even dress like this i can't go up there mr are you ready to inspect the crime scene now sure sure phones me why not if you'll follow me sir i'll consider her dead when i leave 47's got amazing hearing he's still carrying on the conversation with the butler even though i'm about half a mile away from him that's good this guy's a master of disguise he could have changed his outfit as well and i'd never know oh but here we go look he dropped a bunch of things there's an intel item my coin i'm back up to two and a craft knife top floor plan of thornbridge manor the office is circled with a red marker pen well that's bloody where he's making his way to then isn't it he's trying to get up to the bloody office that's where the bloody painting is oh okay just uh letting letting the adrenaline drain away from that impulse kill um well that could have gone a lot worse we've got one corpse and one unconscious made in a hamper but otherwise no one is any the wiser so i've just got to get upstairs to the office now um without being rumbled if i'm going to get this secondary objective which is a painting just doing a lap of the house now see if he's hanging around outside turns out killing his security guard was a really bad idea i'm slightly concerned by this master of disguise stuff i'm worried that he's changed his outfit and i don't know who he is and diana's not gonna she barely told me once that it was him i'm worried she's not gonna tell me again where are you you jerk i should have kept eyes on the guy i'm never gonna find him now this giant house here's the material that i've prepared for you it's a list of the possible suspects and they're caught yeah yeah yeah it's emma emma did it it was emma fernsby yeah she's going to poison him she's his religious manis etc yeah it's all very um very shocking and stuff mr fernsby mr whitmore you have enough evidence to preserve you yeah yeah yeah no not yet come and see me when you do oh okay damn they're gonna let me upstairs until i've got a i'll find another way up i mean the painting's got to be up in carlisle's office hasn't it that's where i'd keep my expensive painting so oh how can we get up there without being noticed i bet he's up there as well i bet he's eyeing up the painting but he's confused himself because because of all the murdering if i can get up to that window i can get on that drain pipe and maybe get up to carlisle's office without being clocked by a bunch of angry security guards so i need to go directly up from this corridor let's go onto the balcony and scope this place out oh the drain pipe here is this alexa's private balcony maybe hey oops that was weird behavior wasn't it that'd be a weird thing for someone to do let's go through the door instead yes much more acceptable this is a bedroom so carlyle's office is opposite isn't it let's lob a coin in here and see if that security guard guy goes in there so please refrain from throwing stuff around thanks no hey how are you uh i'm fine thank you thank you very much now if i remember correctly there's a staircase oh and another another staff member one who knows i'm not who i pretend to be right let's just get past him and if i also remember correctly the man at the top of the stairs does not care that i'm gonna go past him great good perfect thank you very much okay another another very observant maid who knows i'm not supposed to be here and the office is on this side yeah here we go is that him wait is that the target it looks like the target doesn't it that's gotta be him that's got to be him maybe i can kill him and use his disguise to get the painting that's the guy that's the dude isn't it he's got the glasses on and he's pretending to be staff i think he must be on the top floor because i'm not seeing him anywhere else i think i unlocked a shortcut up there last time i was here so rather than do the whole investigation again i'll see if i can uh i'll see if i can get up that way now now who doesn't want me to be here anyone no one fantastic all right no one minds me being here that's the kind of that's the kind of situation i like when i'm looking for a mystery painting let's go and have a look for our mystery painting okay so i'm gonna steal the painting that he was gonna steal it's not that one like i said there's paintings blimming everywhere uh does he want horse painting no not horse painting what are we gonna do with this painting once we've stolen it diane oh right the client wants it the client who wanted them oh dog paintings anyone want a nice dog painting no apparently hyenas i could have that i'd hang that but no no no the client is not in the market for hyena paintings uh what else have we got you know there's a safe over there behind one of those dog paintings i don't think the painting is in the safe i don't think that's the game pheasants no um oh that's the lady i murdered before i don't think the client wants that 47 would probably hang that that's the kind of sadistic thing he'd do oh now here we go here you are see i recognize you now now i think about it i recognize you from the briefing uh oh no oh bloody hell oh it's the lady i murdered before but who is alive again now yes the man isn't it that's him finally tracked him down master of disguise is he just striding in oh my gosh he's just striding in this is a distinct problem for me because i need to stride in as well maybe i can maybe i can just nip through yeah i've got i'm through okay there he is he's pretending to dust there are many guards in this room as well which is a bit of a problem how am i going to deal with this guy all right this should take us into the office he's got to be in there right run around all the other places oh oh all right this is the painting i need luckily but i need a knife if i want to get it also is he in here that was sort of the point of coming up the answer friends is no okay so she's the she's the bad the bad lady who works for the bad people and um normally under under different circumstances i would be here to assassinate her but not this day not this day but she she does know i'm not supposed to be here so i'm gonna have to just lay low keep a low profile while she she does her story relevant stuff she's talking to don yates who is the man i murdered in argentina so you know it all links up it's a rich tapestry a rich murder tapestry and now she's going to go into her little safe room and have a scream um good times and then the way is clear once more now let's see about let's see about stealing this painting how do i how do i with the knife oh no oh no 47 just straight up stabbing that painting does the client mind if it's got a bunch of stab marks in it because 47 turns out is a not a delicate art thief never mind never mind let's get out of here i didn't even see that guard there well i'm stuck in here and he's gone over there oh dear oh dear oh dear oh dear what a faff are they chatting to each other right fine right okay so he isolates himself down the corridor the problem is that there's a maid walking around at the same time so maybe if i can just subdue the maid and hide her all right mate's coming in here i'm going to shut the door or i can't shut the door can i shut the door yes i can shut the door right let's subdue her okay he's moving down the corridor so now right now i'm gonna have to go for it i'm gonna have to go for it okay what have we got here is that a knife what is it what is it letter opener that'll work right that's pointy what more you want 47 yes yes all right good good you got the painting now take care of the target i would love to i would so love to diana the problem is the target is not it's not cooperating the target has vanished diana we've lost the target now the objective becomes to escape the mansion find the exit not get rumbled not get spotted by this man who knows i'm not supposed to be here wait for him to do some dusting there he is i'm away and who else is around oh one of those security men get the saber out silent attack there we go right through the guts taken care of if you want to find the painting this is the time then find an exit i'll transfer the money to your account got it okay i'm gonna swap the outfit oh he's got a hobby knife brilliant well that'd be perfect for the painting can i hide this guy somewhere not really um and i can't steal his outfit because he's he's the one wearing it uh i'll have the top floor plan though all right how am i going to do this all right look he's he must he's got to go back to the greenhouse surely surely he's definitely on this level somewhere i'm sure he hasn't gone in the car and driven away your target leaving 47. get him before he escapes what do you mean he's leaving where is he leaving how is he leaving i'm gonna need to get rid of that security guy as well so i mean this is really dicey because if anyone sees this it's it's big problems but there we go okay so the maid's not going to spot him as long as no one comes through those doors in fact let's let's just hide this guy shall we let's just yeah because that door's open let's pop you just pop you in here as well um let's just hope that made that poor maid doesn't wake up and find a dead security guard in there as well uh so i've got the hobby knife i should be able to steal the painting if it's is that it that's the one isn't it is anyone watching no one's looking can i do it quietly i'm doing it with the letter opener why not good you got the painting too amazing it's going to be going out the front door right be weird if you didn't go out the front door is that him is that him is he changed yes this is him all right oh my god he changed that is that is against the rules okay okay okay okay this is fine he's bound to he's bound to go through a quiet patch we just need to it's just a simple case of waiting until he's not being looked at by anyone um oh god i got i got rid of all my i have to stab him with the unicorn horn everyone okay okay okay we're gonna coin him we're gonna coin him we're gonna call him this way okay and then we're gonna coin him again over here okay i'm going for it i'm going for it he turned around just get him in the bushes real quick okay oh man man he was on his way out of the level that was uh oh top floor plan what's that knife this one this all would have come in handy yep in the office brilliant this all would have come in super handy when i was trying to find the uh the painting but oh well okay let's just lay low okay this is fine people have patrol paths you know people gonna patrol i just have to work around that now is he gonna go back the other way or can i find a way around him with this painting rolled up and stuffed down one of my trouser legs ah okay he's going he's going he's moving he's on the move and now we can cut behind him and downstairs cool man art thievery is easy turns out maybe i should become an art thief but my life of professional assassination behind me there's the head butler there's the king butler he knows i'm not a butler so let's take a different exit let's take another way out of this house let's go this way okay all right well i didn't bring this unicorn horn to not chuck it into his face so that's just target eliminated and the painting secured well done 47. oh let's get out of here this was a right mess to be honest uh let's go down the drain pipe like an absolute hero out we go boy that was a close one that was a very very close one but i think i'm in the clear i think i'm in the clear out the front door bold as you like there we go let's pop back to my sweet motorbike in fact get back in my uh my cool outfit great success i would say whoa whoa there's always one one really observant member of staff ready to clock me on the way out whoa break the line of sight man she is not getting paid enough for how observant she is hmm okay don't like don't find him hmm okay that's i think that's fine i think that's fine um let's just go out the way we can keep it simple let's not get let's not get cocky not get complicated we're just gonna retreat the way we came in i can even pick up my coat uh pick up the old coat in the hedge where i left it next to the unconscious gardener and then we're away and that was yeah that was pretty good the kill itself was a little bit messy i will grant you um a little bit of panic where he popped on a disguise and i was a bit flustered that sort of a witness i it remains to be seen whether she saw something in the mirror and was just too polite to let on but yeah she's in a hamper she's safely squirreled away and i've got the painting rolled up and down a trouser leg so let's get out of here diana well apart from the bit where i lost the guy for almost a full hour uh that's gone it's gone pretty well to be honest pleased with that i look forward to my massive massive score exit mission plus one painting cool power slide on the bike match all right well i'm right by the exit and it's an elusive target so let's not tempt fate shall we let's just go i know i have the speedboat key ah speedboat takes it the road not taken all right let's go motorbike let's get out of here man that was stressful he changed clothes he looked all different shouldn't be allowed i don't have a red outline for you anyway i'm off see you later oh boy that was that was surprisingly tough he was hard to find that went about as well as it could have possibly gone being an elusive target where you can't retry anything well got the painting got the collector uh something about a motorcycle did a piano wire kill 7000 xp 15 minutes four stars yes i will gratefully accept four stars for that slightly panicked but in the end very effective murder and art thievery um i can't wait to see how the others did that was that's different star i suppose it did take me almost a full hour to do that so um all right i'll have it hit man you are a cruel mistress but i'll take it all right we got we got the painting so you know bonus bonus for 47. four stars what was wrong with that no oh it was that body right at the end oh well i'll take it all right folks thanks for watching uh like and subscribe if you enjoyed this for more hitman from outside xbox and we will see you next time bye
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 202,115
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, andy farrant, jane douglas, mike channell, hitman 3, world of assassination, elusive target, dartmoor, collector, hitman, agent 47, england, painting, portrait, location, steal, silent assassin
Id: eJPpv3Rbm1I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 11sec (2771 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 20 2021
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