7 Side Quests You Should NEVER Complete: Commenter Edition

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side quests are missions that you don't have to complete to finish the game and as such you'd think they'd have to be pretty worthwhile to pull you away from saving the world to help someone find their missing cat or whatever and while that is usually the case there are some side quests that you should absolutely never finish because they're sad force you to get rid of some excellent gear kill off your favorite NPCs or just have disastrous consequences for the game World in general don't believe us rude and also check out these seven more side quests that you should definitely never finish as inspired by your comments on our previous video on this topic enjoy and beware spoilers ahead for the following games [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you bully mom rubbish name isn't it I like a better one before my Almanac goes to print search some bully Mong bone piles will you I learned something about their diets and come up with a cashier name for the beasts it's not all easy breezy Chill Vibes being a game developer sure the working hours are reasonable and sure people on the Internet only ever tweet at you with respectful commentary but sometimes you have to come up with a name for a new kind of animal that was the predicament in which the folks at Gearbox Software found themselves when they designed these Burly forearmed ape-like creatures for Borderlands 2 and needed to give them a name the devs eventually settled on the name bullymong which is obviously perfect but not before a whole bunch of debating and rejecting of alternative ideas some of these alternative naming ideas make a reappearance in a quest in Borderlands 2 called The Name Game as suggested by commenter rathnok the quest is given to you by Sir hamelock shot and by Joe you're the one to shoot them it begins when Sir Hamilton is trying to come up with a better name for bullymongs sends you to search piles of bully Mong leavings for inspiration it's seems fully monks use those bounds to dispose of their refuse that suggests a primate level intelligence that's it martial called them Primal beasts at this point when sir hamalock devises the new name Primal Beast every former bully Mong you encounter is now labeled with this new species name but when you defeat one such Primal Beast with a grenade as per the next Quest objective it turns out the new name is a no-go despise Primal Beast now appears above every bully Mong in place of the old name if you take the new name some of the Federal's projectiles out of the air so that name but this name only sticks around for as long as it takes you to blast three rocks hurled by the newly named ferovor's at which point the frustrated sir hamalock hits on his third and wildest alternative bullymog name I'm sorry what so fantastic news every bully Mong on the planet is now renamed bonafart and bonafarts they will remain meaning if you don't ever finish this quest for Sir Hamilton there will be bonafarts everywhere permanently what could be better or more amusing literally nothing except here's the problem to avoid finishing this side quest You'll have to play the entire rest of the game without accidentally completing the final quest objective of killing five more bullymongs I'm sorry five more bonafarts which is going to be almost impossible given the pervasiveness of these big Burly guys sounds like a worthy challenge to us oh wait oops my publisher says not so bad after all come on back the dream is over can you help me mister what's the problem the goddamn horse got spooked and run off you hurt not too bad at least when he took my damn leg Friends Don't Come Easy in the world of Red Dead Redemption 2. especially when you spend as much time lassoing people and dragging them behind your horse as Arthur Morgan does [Applause] quiet first glance the four-part side mission of the veteran is such a refreshing change of pace as it gives Arthur a real friend outside of his crime gang who he can spend time with and be himself that friend is Hamish who you can find from the start of chapter 6 onwards in need of some help because his horse Buell has run off with his wooden leg anyway if you see an angry bastard of a horse with my wooden leg I'd be real grateful to unite Hamish with both his horse and his leg and he'll invite you to stop by his cabin if you're ever in the area to go fishing which sets up the mission's second stage in which you and Hamish head out into a nearby lake to fish for the great Tyrant a legendary Pike and have a lovely time pass me the Tyrant it is if you're sure you don't want him oh I ain't gonna poach from your Pawn all right I'll give his honors in he sure was something then comes the third mission in which the two of you go hunting for a legendary wolf Which is less relaxing I was reading off in my complete and unconditional yeah I don't think the Wolves would have shown much Mercy that's quite an amble she let us into yeah bushwhacking I'd call it but ultimately another bonding moment for these two friends wait here's a belt thank you you earned it so long now if you want our advice you'll end this side quest here because if you carry on and do the fourth and final part of it you and Hamish go out hunting for a giant boar look at the size of that boar holy hell I saw some cattle gourd the other day but I didn't think it was possible Ben your good friend and close Confidant gets painfully gored by the boar and dies hey I got thrown in a bastard oh got me hey Miss no granted if you do finish this side mission you get Buell to keep as a horse which is great news until you remember what happens to your horse at the end of chapter six what a load of Buell in Skyrim's Pantheon of deities clavicus vile is a powerful Daedric prince known for striking Insidious deals with Mortals making him basically the Wishmaster of Tamriel if you wished for him to end Skyrim's terrible Civil War for instance I'd simply snap my fingers and everyone in Skyrim would die War result he's got you there when you find clavicus violin his Shrine however he's low on magical juice because half of clavicus vile's Daedric power resides in his dog barbus who is not here because they've had a big falling out you encounter barbus outside the town of Falkreath where the locals think he's just a nice stray dog when he is in fact a Daedric pet with a telepathic Wise Guy voice you are exactly what I was looking for did they ever falling out over the voice or so begins a quest to reunite barbus with his master which involves escorting Skyrim's least stealthy dog across half the country are growing every enemy along the way and then you have to battle vampires and Atronach and a wizard all to reach the shrine of clavicus vile and recover his rueful ax the roof lacks by the way is what clavicus vile gave the wizard when the wizard wished for something to cure his daughter of being a werewolf again he's got you there having done all of this old clavi V offers you one of his classic deals you can give him back the magical battle ax or keep it if you use it to kill his dog simple as that I guess he really hates that voice huh or there's the secret third option suggested by commenter Ace Tech who recommends doing neither thereby never finishing the quest if you never complete this Quest you get to keep barbas as a permanent extra companion who is also an invincible damage sponge as you go about the rest of the game that is of course assuming you can put up with him that long all right then where did I put that ax bless you you are a true saint name is tobes presuming you're interested I can teach you sorceries as promised only none of them are particularly great Elven ring is an empowering story about starting off as a level zero scrub with a minuscule health bar and persevering until you can hire a ghost clone to do the rest of the game for you but not everybody in the lands between can be so lucky as to have a murderous ghost doppelganger as a best friend some are like taupes an aspiring Mage found Hawking spells in a church who you'll empathize with on several levels you're tarnished aren't you perhaps you could spare some runes believe it or not I studied Princeton sorceries at the Academy of Raya lucaria firstly because he's a low-level sorcerer who will remind you of your own early struggles and secondly because he's essentially locked himself out of his house and who hasn't been there am I right when they cast this the side effects of learning if you have a kindly sort of tarnished you'll want to help your new friend hopes and take on the side quests to secure him a spare key to the academy so he can get his life back on track but let me tell you things would be a lot better for your wizard buddy if you just left him alone and ignored the rest of this side quest entirely for a start the Academy of Raya lucaria hasn't exactly left a spare key under the doormat more like they've left a spare key on the roof past the multi-armed Killer Robots around the corner from the angry spell flinging wizard down these other rooftops past the Gargoyles down a step down another step through the window along the rafters down the rafters and on top of the chandelier somehow it's quite the slog but for a friend we'll make the effort and besides presumably once taupes is installed in his rightful place within the academy we'll have a friend on the inside who can help us even further perhaps one day you'll pay me a visit who knows I may be a decorated Soul Center by then yes perhaps or perhaps the next time we go to Royal Lucario will find him dead in a chair that's right your friend topes took the key you helpfully retrieved and used it and then presumably was effortlessly killed by some unnamed monster or perhaps an unrelated heart condition or gas leak I guess from software decided we never need to know still at least we can loot his body to get topes barrier a spell deflection technique which according to the description is taupes's life's work and which we absolutely won't be using because we have a ghost clone who does all of our killing for us I'm sure topes understands it's an efficiency thing [Music] Neverwinter Nights is based on the rules for Dungeons and Dragons and takes place in one of the most popular campaign settings for d d namely the Forgotten Realms with all this d d influence going on it only makes sense to play Neverwinter Knights exactly like we play Dungeons and Dragons which is to say screwing over NPCs as hard as possible if our dungeon master is watching Johnny you love us really one such dick move can be achieved when you make your way through the plague adult zombie infested quadrant of the city of Neverwinter known as Beggars Nest where inside the Temple of Helm you will find a man taking shelter and waiting for his brother hello in all the plaguey chaos Bertrand pen hold was separated from his Mage brother Marcus but not to worry says Bertrand Marcus was in possession of a powerful heirloom that will surely keep him safe from the zombie horde reader it did not when you track down Marcus near the graveyard and a small heap of zombies you will find he is no longer among the living or even among the fully clothed what he is though is in possession of a journal in which he's written down his plan to not get murdered by zombies sucks for him plus the aforementioned powerful heirloom this is the pen hold staff a magical staff charged with a number of useful spells and presumably enormous sentimental value to the last Living member of the pen hold Clan when you return to the Temple of Helm and to Bertrand your choice oh hero now becomes whether to complete the side quest by returning the staff to the bereaved penhold brother or to leave the quest unfinished and keep the staff for yourself as commenter dalty goth notes if you hold on to the pen hold staff you can either use its magic yourself or simply sell it to a vendor for substantially more gold than Bertrand pen hold would have given you as a reward of course you'll have to struggle with the moral implications of screwing over an innocent NPC but since when has that ever stopped you hello to you [Music] hey my moral alignment is technically evil so this counts as high level role-playing Johnny what do you want Phoebe you know causes the town on the other side of the island why people that are sick and my friend Kina is too there is a Blood Fever they say it's a curse and they need help from the gods the trolley problem is a series of philosophical thought experiments concerned with the Dilemma of whether you should sacrifice one person in order to save a great number of people you couldn't swing a dead cat in ancient Greece without hitting two or three philosophers who would then debate the ethics of swinging dead cats and so the protagonist of Assassin's Creed Odyssey finds him or herself in the ideal setting for a literal exploration of the trolley problem even again in the quest named The Blood Fever suggested by commenter Crystal 109 you encounter a family infected with a deadly plague who are being menaced by a priest and his Heavies the gods won't help you this sickness must be destroyed by our hands we have no choice help help since the plague has already killed many people and the risk of infection from the family puts more lives in danger the priest is determined to sacrifice this innocent family is there no hope for a cure nothing has worked prayers I mean as you can see they've tried everything at this point you must decide whether to save the family and slay the priest or side with the priest and leave him to his family murdering business let them go what if you understandably can't step back and watch a family get murdered you must put an end to the priest and his men afterwards the plague infected family thanks you and hits the road so they can go and cough on people in a new town because no one here has heard a quarantine also hand sanitizer wouldn't be invented for over 2 000 years forget about that just travel safely sometime later you get word that guess what a terrible plague has ravaged the island of kefalonia oh no a sickness has spread across the island if you visit the island you'll find fun plaguey set dressing like people wailing in the streets and piles of burning bodies and you'll wonder if the trolley problem is actually quite difficult after all the actual solution of course is to leave someone else in charge of pulling the trolley levers by which we mean when you see a family of plague victims being menaced by a priest do not engage anyone in conversation and definitely do not finish this side quest one way or the other since both outcomes are nastier than a licorice jelly bean I'm just gonna ride a trolley in the opposite direction to this problem foreign [Music] Forge is a role-playing game in which you play an apprentice Mage wearing Mage robes who goes around an isometric open world maging it up so far so fantasy RPG The Twist is that the kind of mange you are is a shaper which means you can create new life forms through the sheer force of your magical will among the custom creatures you can create and add to your army of mutants are fire breathing dinosaurs muscular furries and apparently sea monsters shaped like Giant pool floats they were so preoccupied with whether or not they could they didn't stop to think if they should despite having these flesh-crafted beasts on your side and fighting for you it still behooves you to arm yourself with some kind of offensive weapon in case you need to stab someone while your pet Velociraptor is on break that's why when you arrive in the town of akiri and the local cook in Ernie tells you she's had her best knife stolen he ought to pay attention this knife is made of true steel she says hardened by Magic a true shaper artifact and she's using it to chop carrots if you explore you will find a little girl named lietz on the edge of the Town acting shady oh yeah she looks like a Roman this is when you the magical knife detective can get Leets to give up the stolen goods by saying you think the knife has simply been lost at which point the girl will leave it lying on the ground for you to find now with the chef's knife in hand you are faced with a choice complete the side quest and return the knife to in Ernie at which point she will give you a discount on food a discount not even free food and she only sells meat and bread or as pointed out by coming to the Pied Piper this knife is quite powerful likely more powerful than your current weapon at this point and somewhat valuable therefore you'd be better off not finishing the quest keeping the knife for yourself and an Ernie can go on chopping carrots with her second best knife none the wiser it was already stolen now it's just stolen by me so it's a victimless crime foreign hey thank you so much for finishing this video about side quests you should never finish clearly you learn nothing from the previous content of this video Don't finish things is the message I'm telling you to take away from this 2023 is the year of not finishing things like I'm not going to finish this outro what are they because I'm not finishing this and what you want from me that's it end the video stop it [Music]
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 734,919
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, andy farrant, jane douglas, mike channell, red dead redemption 2, veteran, geneforge, geneforge mutation, skyrim, man's best friend, daedra's best friend, side quest, funny, funny moments, skyrim dog, barbas, neverwinter nights, assassin's creed odyssey, blood fever, plague
Id: CX-kAhYngvE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 53sec (1133 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 19 2023
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