7 Hilariously Simple Ways You Skipped a Whole Level: Commenter Edition

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not long ago we looked at some of the genius ways you could skip entire levels in games by taking advantage of these cheeky work-arounds you can get one step closer to the finish line with minimal effort and you lovely lot had even more examples to share with us of ways you gamed the system both literally and figuratively so get your notepads at the ready to jot down these genius level skips as suggested by your fellow commenters along the way beware spoilers for the following games [Music] [Applause] [Music] so can you open it or maybe just solve it no it can't do either it's a lock designed by a man who creates machines that kill people you can keep your money i'm not touching it uh never mind maybe another time or not let's go in the dishonored series you are constantly given the option to strike up deals with the locals to help you on your various missions for example when you reach the dust district the ground guard and the hal lagang are in a turf war of sorts if you deliver one leader to the other they'll help you unlock the gin dosh lock a complicated combination lock made by genius inventor kirin jindosh that's stopping you from reaching your next destination stilton's manor and you can't just google the combination because it's different in every playthrough and it's not like you're just gonna sit there trying random combinations for as long as it takes just to brute force your way to the end of a level early are you anyway here's commenter taylor guster who said no dishonor 2 the part where you stand there for god knows how long messing about with the riddle for hours just to go through the big gate nobody just me okay indeed rather than having to get past a bunch of enemies you can just stand there spinning the tumblers until you get the combination but that doesn't exactly count as hilariously simple does it a better and faster route would be to like me actually work out the code yourself all right stop being so smug no see the jindosh riddle the clue to help you unlock the door is not actually a riddle but a logic puzzle these puzzles can be solved by drawing up a grid and table like this which i did and completing them like a big sudoku you read through the riddle and through process of elimination mark up the grid to work out where each woman in the scene was sitting what color she was wearing what drink she was drinking where she was from and most importantly what heirloom she had which is all that is needed to unlock the door and avoid any of that gameplay solve this and the door will open skipping the dust district and awarding you with a fancy achievement called eureka not exactly the words i screamed out after finally getting it right but close enough for jazz as someone who first played it the normal way and then tried the riddle it doesn't save you a huge amount of time but it does remove any possibility of getting stabbed or shot and rewards you with an added air of smug superiority knowing that you solved a riddle that the game kept saying was impossible just walk up to stilton's front door and try your hand at the gen dash lock maybe you're smarter than the thousands who've tried to open it or you could use the even easier route of using the cheat sheet on the wiki dishonored players discovered that the jindosh riddle follows a basic pattern yes while developers arcane made the lock to be randomized so people couldn't just look up a single solution the riddle itself is the same structure each time just with the various elements swapped around for example to quote the wiki the first mentioned woman in the main paragraph always matches up with the third mentioned heirloom so there's a very easy way to sidestep the entire dust district just by following a simple pattern your fellow players worked out for you but still it isn't quite as satisfying as working it out for yourself and don't worry i will let it go to my head hey ellen we got an email back from your old uni uh they said they can't just give you a doctorate for solving one logic puzzle in a video game damn it duke nukem 3d is definitely not known for its subtlety ah so the cops are literal pigs i get it so of course this game has a rather explosive get around for one of its levels as shared by commenter matthew mcgeehan you could skip hotel hell in duke nukem 3d by dropping a bomb where you started yes the level hotel hell was aptly named full of pig cops who are trying to stop the duke from doing i don't know whatever it is a duke nukem does nuking them presumably the hotel itself isn't going to be getting a positive review from us on tripadvisor anytime soon due to the huge amount of live ammunition being hurled in our direction and the building being full of rats also because it's 1996 the wi-fi is terrible however you can steer clear of this place entirely which is good because the hotel pool is full of monsters and oh my god have you seen the state of these bathrooms somehow i think washing my hands in here will make them dirtier but before you get to those toilets of terror if you have your hands on some pipe bombs when you start the level you can turn immediately round to your right and look for this yellow and grey wall chuck the bomb in the little gap detonate it and voila a route out is immediately available to you even if you don't have any pipe bombs on you you can leg it out to grab one run back and achieve the same thing this is because the entire level circles round to where you began and those pipe bombs help you avoid the long route of climbing back through the hotel's ventilation system to get to the very same button who wants some i guess you could say you circumvented it i'm sorry but that joke is cleverer than 99 of duke nukem 3d a low bar to clear i know [Music] so often you wake up and think what would life be like without bones okay just me well if you wanted an idea you can play human fall flat a platforming puzzle game where all the characters seem to have insides made out of pool noodles this game is all about using these wobbly walkers to creatively work your way through its levels but one of its cheekiest skips is in its very first level as pointed out by animaniac 461 human fall flat there's even an achievement for take a big shortcut in the level mansion yes this level wants you to go through this very obviously marked door they will push every button they see oh really every red button don't be too sure about that mr narrator because if you look to the left of the big red button you will spot the end of the level and guess what you can jump straight to it none of you saw that okay so it's not the easiest of leaps it's a pretty wide gap and requires a run-up with a good grab but all that means is that it might take a couple of goes before you get it right that was purely a demonstration of what not to do once you get it you'll not only have cut off an entire chunk of this level you'll also be awarded with that sparkly achievement mentioned by animaniac461 [Music] yeah first try i said first try this is as far as i can go roger that we'll be able to find our way to the control center from here good luck out master chief is a lot of things seven feet tall encased in green armor and it turns out a big fan of cheese that is if you go by this 14 foot wheel of camembert cheese of a level skip pointed out by commenter james phillips the early banshee trick from halo combat evolved you could position yourself just right to knock a banshee down off a ledge letting you access the vehicle early the fifth level of halo combat evolved assault on the control room starts off normally enough with you heroically fighting off groups of covenant forces before you accidentally blow yourself up with your own grenades or get murdered by an elite yeah no mom the whole video games for a living thing is going great they said i'm a natural but get to the right spot past these double doors and you can pull off a nifty trick to skip 90 of the level and avoid any more embarrassing deaths see this banshee loops around to attack you and if you duck at just the right moment you can make it crash into the wall this makes the pilot stack it out of the banshee landing it right next to you where it is right for the taking i didn't think there were any human forces left i believe this falls under the geneva conventions protocol most commonly known as finders keepers with this you can ride effortlessly over a huge chunk of the level only having to hop out to open a few doors on the way because apparently the covenants haven't invented the garage door clicker riding around is not only faster but it seems that issuing the traditional route through the level prevents later enemies from being spawned so nothing shoots at you and when you finally reach an area you're forced to walk through they're just like me empty on the inside the only thing keeping you company is master chief's echoing footsteps which sounds a lot like he's wearing stilettos or he's got a tiny horse with him no spawning enemies also means that you can easily steal this unguarded banshee on a subsequent icebridge allowing you to fly to the end of the level still completely undisturbed except for some more door panels [Music] see we told you it was an absolute cheese master cheese damn nearly missed that one [Music] a hat in time is a 3d platformer so sweet it'll immediately give you cavities [Music] so when you get to the level queen vanessa's manor and it suddenly turns into a cartoon version of alien isolation it's a bit of a shock to say the least [Music] fortunately there's a way to give it a miss as pointed out by commenter meg in queen vanessa's mana there's a hidden tunnel you can crawl through to skip pretty much the whole level yes for everyone who is just enjoying themselves and doesn't want to have to contend with the nightmare shadow lady that you can only carry in fear from there's a clever and simple work around when you reach this haunted manner when you're in the slightly flooded wine cellar squeeze yourself between these two kegs and you can get straight to the final chest bypassing the horrible smoke monster and quickly ending the entire level [Music] this is a genius level skip on two um levels the players are smart for finding it and the developers are smart for implementing it after they presumably realized hey the tone of this area is a lot darker than everything else maybe we should put in a secret work around for anyone who really cannot deal with this whole extended forced stealth ordeal [Music] thanks developers oh you are really going to have to help me with my dental bills how you may keep the relic but we shall leave now do not try to stop us you have forgotten something the azeroth matter concerns me no more do as you wish it is of no import to me if that is so most of the workarounds on this list involve skipping levels or sections of levels but commenter ryan wessel points out one that cuts a bit more from its game skipping the entirety of two worlds by kiting the last boss into the villages of a nearby town the entirety of two worlds that's 200 percent of a world big bad gandahar was named presumably when someone spliced the names gandalf and bilbo together and then laughed at their own joke but there's also a laughably easy way to defeat him and end the game a couple of dozen hours early which is probably for the best really because two worlds is not a very good game necromancy is the path of the damned you enter upon that path at your own risk what can you teach me about necromancy gandhar can be found just hanging about right near the beginning of the game dressed in his fantasy darth vader cosplay because apparently nothing about him is unique i mean it's taking everything in me not to call him ganondorf so but one good thing about him is that as mentioned by ryan he can be easily dealt with by a mob of angry peasants do you hear the people swing swinging the swords of angry men it is a musical what did i say about any more in my nintendo switch goes in the fridge going in the fridge try to fight kandahar one on one and you'll quickly be literal human toast but these villagers are only too happy to spam lock him into oblivion and no we don't mean the other better open world rpg that came out at around the same time you the supposed hero stand on as the locals chip away at his huge health bar with arrows and swords until he crumples to the floor like a goth's laundry pile all that's left for you to do is walk up and claim your 100 experience points and be whisked into a no context cutscene from the seemingly much more exciting end game i'm sorry gandahar but there was a choice and i took it and now i can go play a better game the james pond series is what you get when you come up with a pun title so good that you just have to make it into a video game even if you have no good ideas for example in conceptual nightmare james pond 2 code name robocod instead of a weird mix of international man of mystery and part machine man of the law you got a fish with an extending torso collecting toys at santa's workshop [Music] what even was the 90s yes this game was less goldfinger and more goldfish although mr pond himself was allegedly canonically a mud skipper one of these guys i mean it's not our biggest problem with the game you guided this small fry around as he fought off snakes stretched his cyber body to climb across gaps and got trampled to death by a knockoff bertie bassett and that's why i don't like licorice all sorts also the taste of them but if you wanted to avoid this nightmare opening level of balls with faces sentient glovemen and london buses with some sort of weird vendetta against fish comet of robo sparkle no relation has the level skip for you in james pond 2 robocod you can easily skip the first level by going left instead of right the exit to the stage is just there yes if in that first level you ignored the big red arrows telling you to go to your right and went the other way there was an exit waiting for you about 5 pixels off screen well he doesn't look like a mud skipper but he's definitely a level skipper i'll see myself out so those were even more cheaty level skips that were so brilliant you can't even be mad and you're darn clever for finding them if you found any of them and thank you for suggesting them in the comments if you can think of any more pop them in the comments and if they're if they're enough we'll make this video again because it's a really fun one uh turns out but thank you for watching very much and look this purple thing is called the subscribe orb and it is very powerful and if you don't click it and subscribe well i i mean i i can't be held accountable for for what it'll do and watch these videos but but do do do appease the org
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 364,705
Rating: 4.9367619 out of 5
Keywords: Ellen Rose, Luke Westaway, Outside Xtra
Id: sw9_l8r95FI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 49sec (1069 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 10 2021
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