7 Bosses You Snuck Up Behind Like a Total Hero

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most big bads in video games are something to face bravely head on especially if you know they're literally a big head [Music] however with some bosses should you try the traditional frontal attack your day will go worse than that time we accidentally bought game spot shares because we thought reddit told us to so your best and often only approach is to go for the stealthy option just consider these seven bosses you snuck up behind like a total hero beware of spoilers for the following [Music] [Applause] [Music] games [Music] [Applause] [Music] here you should eat i know you're hungry i've been out for quite some time what is it it's dear with some human helping on the side no not my promise it's just the deer meat life in an apocalyptic world can be really tough you have to find your own food fight off zombies and sometimes you wake up in a cage having been stolen by cannibals god i hate it when that happens when ellie manages to escape her captors at the lakeside resort she doesn't have much to defend herself with just her switchblade and then thanks to that switchblade also a revolver it's a good thing she grabs that knife because she needs it when she gets to todd's restaurant no not because the stakes are extra tough but because captain of the cannibals aka david steals her revolver as she tries to leave dang it you have to sneak ellie around the restaurant's booths and get up nice and close for a melee attack because if you approach from the front you're in for a shock no wait i mean shot to the face ouch tiny ellie taking on david is a real david and goliath moment except you're david and david is goliath maybe i should have chosen a better metaphor i see there you are anyway to make up for this disadvantage the only way ellie can damage david is to sneak up behind him and put a knife in his neck that was good kid it's gonna be all right oh great he has a machete now that didn't happen in the bible at least not in the big bumper children's book of illustrated bible stories with this machete david flails around after every attack forcing you to back off after each time you stick him with a blade and if he catches you the deaths are no less brutal than before well that's one way to have your life cut short sorry i'm just trying to lighten the mood all the time you're trying to hide from david's gun or his blade you're also trying to avoid broken crockery that could give away your location crockery that these monsters haven't once thought about cleaning up i heard that cannibalism is one thing but not doing the washing up after unforgivable but like these cannibals eating one of their victims this mess bites david in the butt in your final round with him he clocks your whole stealth thing and crouches out of sight as well making it incredibly difficult to find him amongst all the chest high furniture suddenly the crunchy crockery is super useful giving away where unstealthy david is at which point you can easily make the final sneak attack and end the fight this david is why they say to pick on someone your own size i'm not here to kill anyone why do you continue this pursuit garrett you want the primal for yourself i don't care for the energy i want the girl thief was a 2014 revival of the popular stealth series that imagined a gritty victorian world where magic and science rub shoulders and where crouch walking with your arms held straight out in front of you could be sustained for more than 15 seconds oh feel that in the morning unfortunately the game was not nearly as well received as the older sneak em up games in the series it hoped to revive perhaps because it leaned more heavily into the parts of the thief life that involve pressing your eye up to keyholes in a haunted asylum you shouldn't be here ah crime really doesn't pay the game tells the story of you garrett a master burglar who finds himself working with a reckless fellow thief called aaron who ends up absorbing the sinister power of a mysterious stone which is bad luck for her but worst luck for you because at the end of the game erin summons up all the lethal power of that stone to become the final boss aaron of course didn't reckon on your particularly brilliant ability to duck out of any kind of fair fight however because your next objective is to immediately hide avoid the monstrous enemies she spawns to hunt you down then sneak up silently behind her like a hero to try and steal her magic stone powers even once she gets wise to your plan this boss battle is still all about denying erin the punch-up she clearly craves hiding in the shadows to outsmart her but then i suppose even the stone's magic is no match for the age-old technique of crouching behind a column where are you evade erin and her magic floating doppelgangers or floppal gangers if you will for long enough to get the three pieces of your stone back and she gives in ending the boss fight i mean if you can call that a fight come on erin i'll give you a free punch i was sort of expecting more to be honest i've had enough my spirit returns to the canvas and i will show you when emily caldwin first meets delilah copperspoon in dishonored 2 it's clear that this powerful witch is not someone to be messed with so when you finally have to face her in a nightmare painting world it's understandable that you don't want her facing you at the same time but even if you miss that lesson you'll quickly learn that head-on is not the best route to take [Music] and there goes your ghost playthrough see you're in delilah's world now and she has backup in the form of magical replicas watching her fake painted throne so even if you do try to stealthily and non-lethally neutralize the delilah sitting on it all those replicas will be alerted and come to mess you up one option the game gives you is to sneak around and destroy the replicas one by one [Music] the game doesn't count these as kills so are lots of fun for anyone doing a clean hands no kill run who still wants to see the death animations the sickos destroying them all summons the real delilah at last along with a sandstorm allowing you to sneak right up to her and either assassinate her or knock her out so you can use one of dishonored's darkly ironic non-lethal alternatives like trapping her forever in her own painting ah man not even a cool painting like the ones with the dogs playing poker this might not be the epic showdown delilah was expecting but frankly she should be grateful after all one alternative to all this is to go directly above the entrance where you come in and choke out the real delilah immediately and extremely easily although make sure you don't forget to crouch sneak up to her else your day will be completely ruined remember your abcs people always be crouching sakiro shadows die twice is a game that tells the serious story of a shinobi bodyguard on a quest to rescue his young ward and considering how somber and melancholic in tone the story is you end up fighting what some would consider a weird amount of comically oversized animals when it's not giant apes it's a building-sized cup and when it's not apes or cups well then it's the turn of the great serpent this giant snake is a recurring enemy throughout sakiro's adventure and pops up whenever the game decides your bowels could really use an emptying yep good and empty thanks game avoiding becoming lunch for this train-sized pearlescent serpent will test your stealth skills to their limits and often involves crouching perfectly still waiting for the only acceptable moment to make a break for the next bit of cover the great serpent though i don't see what's so great about it is perhaps the most nerve-shredding enemy in a game full of nerve-shredding enemies not least because as you flee from its hissing more you'll doubtless be mulling the fact that this presumably is all leading up to a cataclysmic and terrifically hard boss battle in which you will have to watch porsakiro get bitten in half over and over so when later in the game you happen to catch the snake enjoying a cheeky nap 100 feet below you in a valley i mean surely it can't be this easy can it ha have some of that snake right then now we know how it's done back to the carp when do fish nap exactly oh that's right never impressive batman i doubted you would actually return i'm a man of my word victor you should know that by now in batman arkham city batman forms an icy allegiance with mr freeze one that quickly shatters when you reach gotham city police department hq how are you feeling you look unwell give it to me i'm afraid i cannot do that batman you have given me your last order he might be called mr freeze but that is not cool despite you rescuing him helping him to get his gear back and gathering ingredients for him to make a cure for the joker's sickness frieze isn't letting batman himself anywhere near that cure without bats running yet another errand for him sorry no more errands mr freeze unless bruce wayne has lost his millions and has had to join the gig economy and in that case at least venmo him first you will bring me nora or you will die okay that's just cold with all the other boss fights being big batman brawl fests you might think you could get up close and wreck mr freeze with your bat hands but you'd be wrong bruce remember what happened last time don't try to take him on in a straight up fight he's too powerful hmm maybe we should have let oracle finish death is called batman iceberg instead of facing freeze directly you have to make use of batman's gadgets to throw him off kilter allowing bats to sneak up and get some hits in dad is ready but each time you have to get out of there prompto before freeze can hit back plus he learns from your methods freezing up any tricks you previously used forcing you to try a different approach [Music] you have to hide and keep moving as freeze follows the heat signature from your footprints and he even sends heat-seeking drones to find you when he loses track of you but be sneaky enough and you'll lead him on a merry dance into yet more traps [Music] the most satisfying way to get a hit in on freeze is to sneak up directly behind him for instance you can do a crafty takedown from a floor grate and when the grates are all frozen up you can still go for the classic silent takedown well done bruce you did it yikes bruce guess that venmo never came through it's not uncommon while playing demon souls to find yourself wondering if perhaps you might not be the good guy after all for instance while crushing the spine of this one dude in particular for the thousandth time just because he happens to live closest to the spawn point and has a high drop rate for edible grass morals be damned give me that grass much more likely to have you questioning your status as hero of the game though is the battle against another with that title the old hero boss is found in the game's creepy cavernous ritual path and looks like if guy fieri figured out how to go super saiyan which is something i think we've all thought about you'll soon realize that the old hero is a little clumsier than that backflipping introduction would lead you to believe because his eyes if indeed he has any are completely covered being blind to his surroundings by far the smartest and simplest way to handle this boss is to creep up slowly behind him so he has no way of telling where you are until the parts where you smack him terribly hard with a stonking great sword of course which is your cue to back off lie still and wait patiently for the old hero to stumble off so you can creep up and jab him in the back again with no adverse consequences then hide once more which gives you plenty of time to think about how actually this may not be the most heroic behavior extra stealthy players can make this fight considerably easier by equipping the thief ring an item that makes it harder for enemies to detect you and the poor old hero almost completely blind to your whereabouts all you have to do is sneak up a few more times to get the killing blow and then carry this guilty unheroic feeling around with you for the rest of the game or at least until your next visit to stockpile thomas in the nexus hub world you have a heart of gold don't let them take it from you thanks thomas see thomas gets me stay out of my way sebastian when it comes to people you don't want to have a face-to-face fight with a terrifying plague doctor wielding a flamethrower is at the top of that list sorry nicholas cage second place such is the case with liam o'neill in the evil within two once an ally to hero ethan you meet him again after he has been brainwashed by evil cult leader father theodore wallace and turned into a harbinger which is a posh term for a terrifying plague doctor wielding a flamethrower you'll never understand for that facing liam and his fiery attacks directly is surprise an extremely bad idea not only because he'll make you rinse your ammo and health syringes faster than drinks at an open bar but also because there is a much easier much sneakier way to destroy him liam tells you to stay out of his way before the fight starts and if you take that advice literally he quickly loses track of you this allows you to get right up behind him for a super heroic stab in the kidney i'm sorry oh make that both kidneys look mate you've got a flamethrower let's not talk about fairness here once you've pulled your knife out of his abdomen all you have to do is leg it back to a hiding place and repeat this process over and over again because liam doesn't ever learn from his mistakes or apparently know how many kidneys he has all right nicholas cage you're next name the time and place so that was seven bosses you snuck up behind like a total hero well done i hope you're proud of yourself can you think of any other examples of bosses that you had to sneak up on if so then drop them in the comments and if you liked this then why not check out some of the tabletop stuff that we do on this channel outside extra and our sister channel outside xbox we play d d we play blades in the dark it's a good time so why not check that out and like and subscribe if you enjoyed this alright see you next time goodbye
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 805,406
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ellen Rose, Luke Westaway, Outside Xtra
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 58sec (1138 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 09 2021
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