7 Boss Fights You Can Win Before they Even Start: Commenter Editon

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most boss fights are by Design challenging Affairs but as we discovered in a recent video some of them can be bypassed entirely before they even start thanks for coming boss don't let the door hit you in the bus on the way out this is something you the Wy outside Xbox audience have noticed as well it seems because we've had loads of comments with even more bosses you can own before they've even had a chance to power up their cheaty unblockable attacks watch on to see how it's done in these seven boss fights you can win before they even start thanks so much for your suggestions and do beware spoilers for The Following [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] games oh okay on what the hardest boss fight in undertale is and they'll say well they'll say Sans because come on it's [Music] ridiculous ask anyone what the second hardest boss fight in undertale is though and you'll hear plenty of votes for Muffet the baked goods loving spider you encounter in hotland who runs an exorbitantly overpriced bake sale and then gets mad at you for not buying anything from her bake sale and then tries really hard to kill you with an endless barrage of spiders eyeballs and croissants whether you're doing a kill everything run or a pacifist run for this fight you're tied up in a web and there's only one way of defeating Muffet you simply have to endure her onslaught of attacks for long enough for a spider to deliver a telegram explaining that you aren't an enemy to the spiders at this point Muffet will change her mind about killing you and decide to spare you instead such as the mercy of arachnid patier [Music] however if you're a canny pastry investor you can skip this brutal boss fight easily if you're super wealthy you can buy something from muffet's Super overpriced bake sale an act of spider generosity so appreciated that instead of attacking you she'll send you on your way with her [Music] thanks or you can go to the much much cheaper spider bake sale located in the ruins earlier in the game buy something there and then eat it as soon as possible after meeting [Music] Muffet Muffet will initially think you stole it but thank God for the spider telegram Network because she soon gets a message from the other spiders explaining the situation and then the boss fight is over before it can even get underway all thanks to your love of spider [Music] Donuts are they Donuts shaped like spiders made by spiders or made from spiders we don't know and frankly it's probably better if it stays that way hail friend I don't believe I've ever seen you down here in the blood Works before allow me to introduce myself my name is agronak most people just call me the gray prince it's kind of silly I know but the people of cadil need Heroes I'm more than happy to oblige if you want to earn respect in the Elder Scrolls for Oblivion the best way to to do it is to kill the emperor as soon as you start the game so everybody knows you mean [Music] business tallos preserve us for the all right the game doesn't actually let you do that so instead I'd say the best way to earn respect is in the arena the gladiatorial coliseum in the Imperial City where you can win money Prestige and unsolicited nicknames such as meridon and pit dog welcome to the arena you filthy pit dog well that's never going to catch on coffee for you pit dog well that's me showing there are eight ranks in total and to finish the quest line you have to finish 24 fights and then in an epic final boss fight defeat agranat Grog AKA The Gray Prince The Fearsome half Ork grand champion of the Arena humans are all the same as you can imagine defeating someone who is champion of a brutal Arena Kum and spends all his time training in Murder is no easy feat which is why it's a much better idea to instead undermine everything the greaty prince knows about himself to the point where he gives up and begs for death if you take the time to chat to the prince you'll discover that he believes he's the son of a noble Lord who has been denied his Birthright I am a Lord's son yet I've been denied the noble privilege to which I'm entitled so I have become the gray Prince Noble in my own right he asks you to find proof of his Noble provenance so he can show everyone that Orcs can be no Noble too so off you pop to The Fortress of Lord Leviticus here you can find the Journal of Lord Leviticus which reveals that he the greay prince's father was actually a vampire making the gray Prince half vampire the dude called lord Leviticus turns out to be a vampire well I never drop this Mory Povich style parentage bombshell on The Prince and he'll be devastated at his monstrous Origins I'm No Gray Prince I'm the spawn of evil I thought my father was a nobleman not some blood sucking monster I I can't all a lie a lie the greaty prince is so devastated in fact that he won't attack you in your final fight leaving himself completely defenseless even asking you to hit him again hit me again you have just witness The Impossible and so you can end the Great Prince and become Arena Champion with ease now what do I get for being Arena Champion something good I expect wow you're the grand champion I saw your fight against the greaty prince you're the best can I can I follow you around I won't get in the way a you've got to be kidding me have you met your partner yet Anna Nara I think she and gun are upstairs in the breakroom haven't run into her a real piece of work maybe you should compare no before the operation you never know she might go easier on you any original DSX you play as JC Denton an agent of the United Nations anti-terrorist Coalition or unatco for short this JC Denton is also cybernetically augmented giving him powers and abilities Beyond those of most normal humans although he barely ever mentions it my vision is augmented the other two characters in this scene are Anna Nara and gun Herman two fellow unco agents who start out as your allies and have strong opinions about soft drinks your hand might have slipped no I wanted orange it gave me lemon lime the machine would not make a mistake it's the maintenance man he knows I like orange however as the game progresses JC defects from yatco and finds himself at odds with both Anna and Gunther leading to eventual boss fights with both of them made Tough by Anna's ability to turn [Music] invisible and gun's ability to flamethrower if you prefer not to get your hands dirty you can instead stop these boss fights before they even start through some devious subarugears phrases that if said in their presence kill them instantly mine is I'm sorry the McFlurry machine is out of order inquisitive players who leave no stone unturned can discover Anna's phrase flatlander woman in various computer files you Dentons sure hung us out to dry and if you make the right choices you unco contact Hae r will give you gun's kill code well here's some go clearance information for you dug it out of classified medical records before I left Gunther's kill phrase is lautin machine lautin machine easy enough then all you have to do is say those words out loud and you'll skip the boss fights with the extra bonus Take Your Best Shot flatlander woman how did you [Music] know that they explode hilariously I know your unatco kill phrase the Putin machine I am not a machine sticks and [Music] stones I mean I know they're evil in everything but honestly YCO 10 out of 10 no notes this prison is equipped with an automechanical Warden I've had it programmed to eliminate you on site and rinse your remains down a drain by far the hardest thing you'll fight in obsidian's Spacey RPG the outer world is also the closest thing it has to a final boss a robot prison Warden that goes by the name of the riot Auto mechanical or RAM for short ram is essentially a mechanized Riot CP armed with a super powerful Cannon tons of health and a large Shield it can use to soak up as much damage as you and your companions can throw at it and no going ah while you fire at things doesn't make your bullets do more damage sadly luckily for you there is a way past this mechanized Menace that doesn't involve having to fight it but it does involve you being unfathomably brainy that's because there's a terminal in the room next to the entrance to Ram's boss chamber that you can hack into to discover a few useful sounding options if you're level 100 in hacking you can access the ram override menu at which point you'll trigger a three-part authentication system that you'll need to be a veritable Nobel Prize winner to make it through first of all you'll need to pass a level 100 hack check to bypass the first password then a level 100 engineering check to flag Rams thrusters as overheating and finally a level 100 science check to load Double C batteries into Ram's quadruple Z battery charger which I don't know what that is but it sounds uncomfortable accomplish all three of those things and RAM will topple over dead letting you stroll into its boss fight room at your leisure and retrieve the hibernation chamber key you need to finish the game without a single bullet being fired there's probably a moral here about brains being more important than Brawn but I did Kill about 2,000 people on my way over here so probably evens out there are only three stars members left now Captain Wesker bar and myself we don't know where Chris is everything in the Spencer mansion from Resident Evil is trying to kill you zombies Crows The Mansion itself sometimes Wesker Barry help so it should come as no surprise to find out that the foliage is out to get you as well something that becomes apparent when you head into the House's grounds to discover the residence a collection of outbuildings harboring staff quarters a shark tank and a mean piece of vegetation called plant 42 plant 42 is some sort of plant that was injected with the t- virus turning it into a tendril lashing acid spitting flesh hungry nightmare that your stars members are going to have to fight if they want the key lying in the fireplace in the room it's currently inhabiting while this is not an overly taxing fight plant 42 does still take a bunch of ammo to put down and its acid attack and tendril whips can put a fair dent in your health which is why it's a much better idea to just take care of this thing before even walking through the door the way you do that is by mixing up a batch of a special chemical called V jolt proven in clinical trials to absolutely wreck plant 42 to do this you need to collect all its component chemicals mix them together in the right way and then pour them on the plant's Roots this causes the roots to wither so that when you head into the room to start the boss fight the plant shrivels up for about 4 seconds before grabbing you so another world beating umbrella product everyone but then in this situation and only this situation Barry comes in with a flamethrower and kills plant 42 for you so it's fine thanks Barry problem solved and all you had to do was spend ages mixing chemicals in a poorly ventilated room oh and by the way this doesn't work for Chris because he's dumb as a box of rocks and unable to mix chemicals even with step-by-step instructions it's just like that incident with the home hair dye that we shall never speak of again the only way Chris can do this is to let Richard diey to the attic snake and then throw the book containing the instructions for V jolt to Rebecca who you then controlled to mix up a batch while Chris gets menaced off screen by a tendril for what has to be the best part of 15 minutes Chris Rebecca it's no use the roots are in the basement you can no Take that file and he just gave Rebecca the book so he doesn't even have anything to read nightmare link you are the a light our light that must shine upon Hyrule once again in the Legends of Zelda breath of the wild it's possible to go straight to the final boss as soon as you leave the tutorial area possible not sensible the way you're supposed to play the game is to go around defeating the four Divine beasts animal themed dungeons with an elemental themed Ganon boss at the end of each one if you don't beat these Dungeons and fight these bosses those bosses will instead be waiting for you in Hyrule castle where you fight Calamity Ganon himself turning this battle into a Boss Rush of Epic Proportions that's going to make facing your Nemesis much much harder the good news for fans of not getting killed is that you can skip the first of these bosses the Airy windlight Ganon super easily and before the fight even starts all you need to do is Chow Down on some attack boosting food jump and loose off an Airborne arrow and then land activating the boss's cut scene before the arrow hits the wall now thanks to a glitch the arrow is right in the middle of windlight Ganon causing damage the entire time this cut scene is playing out so that when it ends windlight Ganon just kills over and dies sure there are other bosses to come but you just made things considerably easier it'd be even easier if you'd sto to put something on other than just your underwear but that's speed running for you I command you corpse speak reveal truth to the absolute nothing must be reading it wrong Boulders Gate 3 is a game that office you a tremendous amount of choice even when the right option is pretty obvious for example a very obviously bad idea to kiss this mind flare yes get away from that thing and yet I can still do it what a game warm wet tentacles wrap themselves around your head and for the first time in your life you're perfectly happy H yes a bad idea as such there's a chance that some balers Gate 3 players won't even encounter the early game mini boss draw r Anglin a powerful hobgoblin who is one of the three Goblin leaders you have to kill in the shattered sanctum you're no true Soul you're a damned heretic boys crush him if you do encounter him though be prepared for a grueling fight as it's early in the game you're still likely to be something of a neoy and draw Raglin is tough hits hard and is backed up by plenty of minions to keep you distracted while he whals on you if all this is proving too much though you can easily end this boss fight before it even starts with the right persuasive skills you can convince the Goblins that you're allowed to be inside the shattered sanctum and can come and go as you please right well you ain't the first foreign type I suppose now if you want to get Raglin out of the way first you must pick your strongest character and send them into his throne room you will need to smash his throne so that he goes and stands in the right place but it seems that Raglin is the forgiving type you have a convincing air of Innocence about you finally with everything in place all you have to do is walk up to him and shove him down a massive hole and they'll know she is absolute no more draw Raglin sure that'll aggro everyone in the room on your remaining party member but their Noble sacrifice won't be forgotten also that's why we have Withers this is the price of balance 200 gold to not have to do that boss fight sounds like a bargain if only every boss could stand next to a big hole [Music] [Music] nice thank you so much for watching all the way through this video without skipping which I assume you did you naughty YouTube viewers you uh if you would like to watch another video uh without skipping through it we have one from us up here and one from our sister Channel outside extra down here right I'm off to go and get a McFlurry hope the machine isn't out of order
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 506,881
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, andy farrant, jane douglas, mike channell
Id: mpfGYhz8X-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 57sec (1077 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 19 2023
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