Top Ten God Bosses

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being able to fight God is a recurring Staple in gaming I mean if it's not the devil it's God kind of comes with the territory and not just in the biblical sense many games across varying genres allow you a chance to square off against the almighty of several pantheons and legends and somehow it's winnable video games are weird and we're going to be ranking boss fights with the best creators subjects of worship and highest powers of their respective universes and yes we are going to gods of evil which are very different from an ancient demon who happens to be woried has to be a legit title to some degree I'd say they had to be verified to be considered but that joke kind of doesn't work anymore the around of this Ric of the AG right to the end the words come for from in [Music] breel WoW kicking off the less of the alpha Pokemon already boy that escalated quickly despite being what is essentially the Pokemon God archus was really given much of a presence during the early days of its debut in fact a lot of people thought we peaked early in Gen 4 after literally dropping actual God as a catchable Pokémon well where do you go from there what do we go for next only one place left to go we go for God wait no we got that one too oh has to say a lot of people thought it was a bit silly that you can catch actual God fortunately gen 8 amends that with Legends archus and gives our all powerful holy llama the grand postgame fight and lfix he deserves see the archus we've seen and are familiar with that's not actually him that's more of what you can perceive of him to put it simply the archus as we catch are avatars not the actual deity itself you fight archus in the Lord duel armed with balls of light while archus Reigns down a wide array of light beams meteors and shock waves after you he will fly clone himself warp reality to catch you by surprise and summon energy balls that you have to dissipate or he will catch you in an unavoidable area attack only then will you be able to send your Pokémon out but that's not the easy part either archus will will adapt to the typ weakness of your Pokémon at will almost always scoring a super effective hit with judgment so you better have counter coverage ready for each of your Pokemon's weaknesses or you're not getting anywhere this is a really intense fight especially since each attack can hurt you a lot and leave you very little room to recover the only real downside to this boss are the checkpoints sure they're optional and you can choose to start the fight all over again if you really want a challenge but it kind of does hamper down the diff difficulty when you have the option to cheese your way to this last health bar also it kind of feels like your Victory wasn't really earned if God is just taking it easy on you yeah I know this is a thing with the Lord fights in general and the game does want to stay accessible without being too intimidating but come on we had Volo and gutina beforehand and those fights ain't easy so I feel like being a little more hands off here with the difficulty would have been fine still that doesn't make this fight any less legendary and consider this what we're fighting is merely one of archus is many forms this isn't even a percent of what archus can actually do and he's already blowing our minds it's one of Pokemon's many Mysteries that not only remains fresh but is made even better [Music] nowu The Simpsons Game while merely competent from a gameplay perspective it is an absolute master class in escalating Insanity we start off innocuously enough with the titular family discovering their video game characters and therefore have all kinds of powers being well The Simpsons they use set powers for personal gain winning eating contests mob Justice and destroying a factory their fun is cut short however when aliens invade this leads to fighting off giant mascots a dolphin Army and a genre Savvy video game Boss the only way for The Simpsons to stop said invasion is with the assistance of the show's Creator death McFarland BR but first they must must get keys from parodies of the following games Pokémon EverQuest Medal of Honor and GTA ah you ripped me off see now I didn't she unfortunately Matt graining isn't so willing to save his Creations afterwards we get this line I'm going to use my Buddha hand powers to build a tower to Heaven out of Springfield buildings then we can get to the only Authority Who outranks Matt graining God and how do they combat God DDR of course [Applause] [Music] Ro yep the battle against God is a dance off and not just against him his Creations many of which are the enemies you already killed in previous levels listen Rock You Like a Hurricane great remix don't think about it through sheer determination they destroy God's pra station oh okay that sound a little racist Exodus box and he oh okay I see what you did there now admittedly this fight isn't anything amazing it's just DDR with an insane set piece but the buildup and aftermath of it all is just too good to not include afterward you find out that the Simpsons game itself was just a miname within God's Earth game afterwards take a look [Music] wowu ah Zeno Blade the game where you start delivering a sandwich then end by killing God in Zeno Blade's World there are two Titans the natural life-giving bionis and the mechanical meanus Our Heroes being mostly human fight against the militarized mechon which serve as the primary antagonists of the game so it comes as a genuine shock that Dixon portrays everyone and reveals that the Mado was essentially the one ring and the mcis goddess was good the whole time well crap zanza was originally a human by the name of klouse who after causing the birth of a new Universe became one of the Gods of it however he developed an actual God complex through his new power despite wishing for companionship he feared his Creations would leave him meaning his own demise he created a cycle of Destruction and rebirth causing the races of the bionas to return to it after their death which is just another way of converting those dead bodies into energy for zanza to absorb he tasked his minions to attack the mcus and their goddess manth to achieve his Ideal World luckily he was stopped and sealed away in prison Island well until he possessed shul and had his minion Dixon groom him to try and escape shul and his team eventually confront zanza and the bionis core despite zanza having power of both creation and the future the first form summons two Guardians to protect him while zanza dishes out strong monado attacks this form is beaten pretty easily as there isn't much to it phase two though takes all of his phase one attacks and Buffs them they do a lot more damage he can buff himself and debuff you he replaces his manado attacks with attacks based on both the bionis and mcis and he can still summon Guardians despite zanza taking shulk's ability to see the future and using it against you in this battle you can still trigger Visions by getting to burst Affinity with your party once you get this second phase to 20% shul is able to gain the power of a new monado one that surpasses zonas and has the power to kill Gods this triggers the third phase which is the same as the second but zanza has less HP and shoke has a way better weapon keep it up and you fulfill your RPG protagonist Destiny of killing a God zza and shul are actually opposite to a fault zza was a human who got corrupted with power and loneliness and wanted to recreate the World In His Image something we'll see often on this list sometimes foreshadowing is relatively obvious and schul wanted to create a world without Gods where the different races could work together to survive despite zanza grooming schul to do his bidding she killed him with his own blade and while zanza and more specifically K clouse got more development in F fure games we'll leave it [Music] hereu like all creative fiction video games love to pull from Real World mythology not surprising since it has a rich well of deep interesting and royalty-free ideas to draw from Fantastical creatures epic battles and more often than not jerkface gods and one of the most prolific gods in Norse mythology is none other than y Dil the world tree quick rundown on atrian Odyssey for posterity your new Adventurer who's come to town seeking your Fortunes in The Labyrinth mysterious Place filled with monsters and treasure you lead a team of fellow adventurers down into the Labyrinth to recover those treasures and create a map of the labyrinth literally part of the fun of vetan Odyssey is that you have the option to draw your own map of each floor but as you go deeper your Renown grows and eventually you meet with the leader of the town vizel he's a tall imposing man and he gives you tasks to do from time to time but you get the feeling he's hiding something as you reach the lowest floors the mysteries of the labyrinth start to unravel he gives you one final task destroy the forest folk who inhabit the Labyrinth as you venture deeper into the Labyrinth you encounter a forceful girl who spoke of ancient promises and Holy Ground you know not of what she speaks and for the sake of getting to the bottom of the dungeon you have to fulfill Vil's request once you reach the bottom you learn each request from vissle was designed to destroy you he had hoped your bodies would join the countless dead adventurers who had risked their lives lives in The Labyrinth his last GLE was that the forest folk would kill you however you proved too strong but now you know the truth a thousand years ago the world was destroyed and remade Humanity along with it the Ino project then recreated humanity and made the forest folk vissle is one of the last of the original Humanity but he has been corrupted by the yrail project vle fuses fully with the tree and the fight is on obviously a lot was glossed over but you get the general idea the Ado project Vistal boss fight is a challenge worthy of being considered the god of the world it created it can cleanse your party Buffs it could generate its HP at a staggering rate per turn and can instantly kill a party member who is at less than half HP and heal itself for the HP that party member had remaining and these are just some of the more notable things eil is capable of there are plenty of other things they could do to put an end to your party but hope is not Lost atrian Odyssey combat has a few unique quirks that if mastered will surely see you to victory the Ager project is a test of that Mastery players who have learned how to use and abuse the power the game systems give to you will be victorious those who still have a thing or two to learn will probably struggle a lot more honestly that might be the best part of the game you can be crazy underleveled and undergeared but Mastery of the combat system can see your party triumph over seemingly impossible odds once you defeat the AER so project you leave the Labyrinth but a part of you wonders if there might be something more lurking down there in the dark a part of you fears this isn't quite over [Music] huuah last month we talked about the closed Goa game dragalia lost and wow I was surprised to see the support of the game when talking about the other is this going to be the new trails I don't know it has been almost a year since it ended so let's give one more tribute by talking about the game's Main and final villain the progenitor zenos similar to zanza zenos was one of two deities that existed before the world's creation after meeting the dragon Bahamut the two found solace in each other after being alone for so long so they decided to create a world together where humans and Dragons could work together yeah you know how this story goes their subjects start craving power and rebel against their creators well Bahamut destroyed the world and the DCI to create a new one however they differed in how to do it this time zenos wanted a world of order without change while Bahamut wanted a world of possibility where Humanity could choose their fate the only difference this time is that they were both evil Bahamut created the great worms to help defeat zenos and why is zlade footage playing anyway he possessed uden's older brother had minions stick around to cause events that led to his resurrection like creating the other and Reviving Satan once he's resurrected he destroys every other world other than his own almost killing our heroes in the process but definitely killing every other person you met who wasn't part of the main group why is this just zanza again I feel like we've been here before have we been here before anyway the fight with zenos is a gauntlet his first phase is pretty simple as he will have beam attacks and dark portals that could do decent damage however his HP is fairly low and his guard can be broken easily when Phase 2 kicks in he summons the power he stole from baham to combine his own dark magic and dragon's power he has way more HP in this phase and his attacks become more varied halfway through this phase he will have a DPS check where you need to destroy his block minions or an obligatory giant ball of energy will drop on your head he continues this battle by using the other elements in the game creating many varied attacks that can drop your HP fast if you are careful just when you beat this phase and you think you've won the real battle begins zenos comes right back with even stronger third form with the abator vocal theme yeah you know we're in the end now at this time you need to destroy the two tentacles next to him and then attack the shield blocking him eventually a scene plays out where uden destroys both tentacles and the shield protecting him allowing you to finally attack Zeno's head on this face is ridiculous he has even more HP than before and he has attacks will cover the screen oh and don't try to Auto Battle this fight the brawl is really long depending on your team it could take from 15 minutes to almost an hour to win or you can be as masochistic as my co-writer who decided to fight him with a free-to-play team that took almost 80 minutes to beat him even after you beat the third phase his HP bar will rise again keep it up and you will finally defeat this insane battle and even after that he still isn't dead you have to go through a scripted stage as UD in right after he gains the power of everyone in the world to finally be able to finish zenos off zenos is one of the longest and most insane battles on this list the only reason he's here is because the other fights have similar Feats that are better characterized throughout their stories despite his influence zenos only shows up in the third to last chapter of the story well excluding his possession of uden's brother fairies plus you can't even experience this fight yourself since dragalia ended either way if this was how it went out it definitely ended with a bad almost like this one c yeah almost got you [Music] there like all creative fiction video games love to pull from Real World mythology not surprising since oh sorry I just got a really weird sense of DEA Vu anyway Fire Emblem in the radiant duology we hear words about a couple of gods the dark God Yun that lives in Len's Medallion and the Bountiful goddess ashra who loves and protects Humanity with a loving hand that's worshiped by the whole world Yuna and ashra once run being named Asuna but the two split after they accidentally caused a massive flood that destroyed most of the world discovering that the cause was letting their emotions run a muck ashuna split off their emotions which became Yuna the goddess of chaos while the emotionless being left behind became ashra the goddess of order wanting to be rid of Yuna ashra tasked her three Heroes killing her emotional half it was only when the Heron lren convinced ashra to spare her and seal her way a medallion wait a minute oh my God this is happening again what is with Nintendo jrpg Gods having similar backstories anyway while H is neither evil nor good just chaos she is labeled as a dark God that must never be awakened if ashra is awakened by the chaotic energy of War she'll just Purge the Bor Lago races and start a new of course this is a fire emblem game so War is inevitable however Yuna was not woken by War but by a song made to free her too bad arra didn't care enter most of the world's population to Stone at this point unitest Ike micaa and their friends to defeat the God and free the world after some of the most difficult maps in Fire Emblem you eventually reach ashra herself where she is going to make your life a living hell the battle begins with asra at the center of the map surrounded by Mirage copies of herself if you attack the copies without denial skill prepare for some damage every few turns she will Cast a Giant AOE spell that will do pretty decent damage to your whole party once you destroy the copies you can attack ashra herself and she is on the slouch with 120 HP and a powerful spell you need to be on your guard okay back then 120 HP actually meant something powerful Fighters like Ike or the Lago Royals minus Kurth will be needed to strike her down once all of the copies have been killed and ashra is low on HP you must finish her off with Ike Yun will give all her power to Ike and Ike will stand his ground against the goddess of order finishing her off in an ether to end all ethers a great ether if you will nah n kid but man that would have been cool similar to zenos ustra is a being of pure order and stagnation she Rebels against the idea of chaos and is only about the possibility of establishing a pure order where things go her way unlike with zenos this feels more personal as you get to learn more about and travel with the opposite goddess unit you learn that she is selfish but kind she's condescending but cares for Humanity's potential and it hurts more how powerless she is against ashra despite once being a part of her ultimately ikan makaiah showed ashra Humanity's potential allowing ashuna to look over Humanity once again huh didn't expect the god to have a happy ending this time around it's tough to be a God no really one minute you're at the top of the hive with a legion of mindless worshippers that you created then next some Fancy Pants worms slithers in offering Free Will and sentients and suddenly they all think he's their creator ungrateful little insects yeah insects how dare they forget their one true matriarch there's only one way to prove that you're the one and only Divine being there is manipulate their dreams and start a [Music] plague are we the baddies and that's essentially the story of the radiance the one who gave birth to the moth tribe but then The Pale King came around and expanded their minds and they all turned their backs on her this could be a pretty sad tale of a tragic goddess abandoned by her followers if she didn't cause the plague in an attempt to enslave her old followers and affected the hollow nest out of Rage she was sealed away in a vessel nlike creations made to protect the hollow Nest from the infection one of them being our own protagonist unfortunately the vessel that contained her one quite right in the head thanks to this the Rus was able to wipe out the rest of the beings in the holliness and threaten to wipe out the rest of the land and thus our Knight enters the picture while her vessel the titular Hollow Knight is the original final boss if you have the void Soul equipped you'll be taken to the dream realm a it's actually kind of peaceful here oh and a look at that a lovely view of the [Music] sun oh crumbs that's no son that's a goddess good news she doesn't make contact damage bad news she doesn't need it she bares you with non-stop attacks Spike floors light beans platforms and knives lots of knives she throws so many knives at you she can get a job at Annoying Orange going Head To Toe with the disgraced goddess is a trip and a half already considering you barely have time to lick your wounds from her vessel but it's all worth it in the end when you finally put an end to the infection and be rid of this Petty deity at least until the godmaster DLC where you're pitted against an extra buff version of her at the end of the biggest Gauntlet in the game have fun trying to get there you masochist Hallelujah Hades Hades yes Hades Hades name is Hades Lord of the Dead hi how you doing Hades one of the Greek pantheon most affable and iconic Gods granted most of them are downright saintly compared to Zeus and being a very popular myth Hades has seen as fair share of adaptations into games and even getting his own boss fights and because of that we're kind of spoiled for Choice as to which is the best one there's the Final Fantasy 9 iteration which portrays him as a blacksmith for some reason pretty sure that's a this thing but great I did nonetheless and we're all very well acquainted with Disney's take on the character showing up several times in Kingdom Hearts he has a decent enough fight in kh2 but boy doesn't get annoying heit to get Hercules to constantly depower him however if you want a more gritty and brutish take then look no further than God of War 3 a cross between Sauron and a disgruntled Jailer voiced by none other than Mr Krabs himself Zeus boy me God katto has slaughtered me way and is now Ying me soul out with me old weapon there's also Hades from Hades pretty straightforward the ultimate test of everything you've learned and gained in your run with loads of different and fun builds to experiment with against him all of these Hades are interesting iterations of the myth with the most compelling bosses in gaming but let's not bury the lead you guys know which one I'm going to pick was there ever any doubt yeah real obvious but can you blame me it's fun funny and a Perfect finale for such a fantastic villain for the longest time the kidis franchise have been playing it really Loosey Goosey with its portrayal of Greek mythology I mean Medusa was made Queen of the underworld and not pranie so once Medusa is vanquished in the credits role it comes as a genuine shock to see that true king of the Dead barging like a freight train to cancel out the fairy tale all for one final battle against our hero mechanically there's not much to the fight Dodge his attacks shoot his wak points timing and execution will be the key factor in this battle but it's nothing too complex but fck all that mechanical the biggest highlight of this boss is the banter and dialogue this may not be the most lore accurate iteration of Hades in a game okay it's definitely not but but you cannot deny just the entertainment let us have [Music] this what you thought I wouldn't that's cute if you want a prime example of the power corrupts Trope look no further than my boy my inspiration arguably my all-time favorite character kefa from Final Fantasy 6 I may have mentioned once or twice at nauseum how much I love this demented clown his chaotic personality his devious laugh his Final Boss music is strategically designed Masterpiece that didn't need to hit so hard but it did anyway cuz gka don't give a [ __ ] just a quick recap at the psycho Clown's upbringing in the beginning he was just another poor soul nabbed by the supposed big bad Emperor gastal he was experimented on with science and magic and made into Cal's Court gesture however as is the tradition with clowns in the media Gea flips his cookies and turns into a genocidal psycho clown bent on total Destruction so naturally Gall makes him his right-and best buddy where I'm sure he'll never regret such a decision that oh what kind of deliciously depraved memories should I fill you up with this time around oh right dangerously unhinged so kfka ultimately says screw you to the gastal swipes the Waring Tri it and becomes the god of magic get with your it deserve using his new found might he aims to wipe out everything and anything that stands in his way and uh unfortunately you're one of those things in his way so after taking out the statue of the Gods nicely representing kfz personality by the way you face the demented Harley Quinn himself and he's bulked up quite a bit his opening move reduces your HP to one even if you're at full health and on top of that he's got the elements on his side with fire ice and lightning at his fingertips along with arguably his most powerful attack forsaken with a heavy heading power of 220 this Unholy blast can take a chunk out of your party and cannot be blocked this boss fight is pretty great the only thing holding it bad is that the fight is a bit on the easy side again Final Fantasy zeser system is fun but definitely one of the more exploitable magic systems in the franchise once you figure them out and build up your own own power it isn't too tough to wipe that smug smile off his face via disintegration however his characterization his personality and yes his blessed boss fight music outmatches everything else on this list not to mention he succeeded in what he set out to do he reached the top of the food chain ruled everything for a year before he was dethroned and killed he accomplished it all with a demented smile on his face an eerie laugh and a nihilistic view of the world that only further rounds him as a being a pure chaos not to mention you know you can't Overlook the tragedy of his upbringing he didn't choose to be this destructive psycho but now that he's been dealt the cards he's going to make sure everyone feels his wrath while he cackles all the way oh and if you dare get sanded on his boots well I hope you weren't attached to the whole being alive [Music] thing galdera octopath traveler the black doesn't just have some daddy issues her dad daddy is the issue Odin yoten you do the alla's bidding and he still chooses to Smite his loyal disciple Sylvan fear and hunger the mother of all monsters so you can blame her for all the Death you've been seeing Angel of light and Shadow Bomberman 64 second attack bit of an overly dramatic conclusion to a bomber Man game but still epic nonetheless Thor God of War Ragnarok if endgame turned Thor into this his change of physique would have been positively received Dio Gone to Heaven JoJo Eyes Of Heaven Dio becoming the literal God he believes himself to be is beyond epic he can still lose via a normal fist fight though jubileus Bayonetta a perfectly climactic boss that's all about climax no not that kind hallelujah hallelujah hallu I am am the true God I am chakra bed a boss we've admittedly overlooked in quite a few past countdowns due to some rulings would have definitely made the list were not locked behind a pay wall for An Almighty Creator chako Barton's true forn is kind of dinky in scale so he loses points they are supposed to be a difficulty Spike and again as great as that battle is chakra Varden will not be on the list dang it there's always something fun that disqualifies him so who thought that after all that he'd find himself at number one not once but twice this keeps up there might be a room for another member of the number one Club it should come has no surprise why he's at the top out of all the massive pantheons we've covered up to this point none of them have even come close to the same level of presence spectacle and absolute power that chakra tin imposed based on the ideal Universal ruler depicted within Buddhist and Hindu mythology choc rarden Stands Tall with 22 arms and a treasure troves worth of symbolism from his golden spider being based off of the spider's thread to his qte buttons having symbols that represent the mantras of Indian spiritualism and the scale of his might he can stop oser's punch with the flick of a finger you know Osa the guy who punched a plane siiz deity to dust yeah that guy even when he's hundreds of light years away from Gaia you can still see him that's how astronomical he is nevertheless he's still got an oser's nerves you don't toy around with the angriest God for thousands of years dangle his daughter in front of him and expect to get away with it before you even reach chakra Varden you have to fly across the universe as a WIS and sized OCA and punch through a series of stars that the so-called Creator throws at you once you meet him in the event horizon he asks you to pay for the child support he offered you throw the receed at his face and now he's going to sue chakra vardon's preferred method of attack comes in the form of his favorite monster Contra energy balls give him the energy balls in every phase whether it's the normal one the giant nraa statue or his ominous final form he's raining down balls at you in every way your counter punch him punch the balls all the way back at him and punch him every way back in the face and speaking of punching sure are a lot of Jojo references here between the series of jab zoster and chakra VAR throw at each other to the boss freezing time and throwing daggers at you man not even the actual JoJo game made Deo this good on top of the incredible cinematics intense atmosphere 's wrath also has an excellent handling of QuickTime events you can tell this is where it's at its finest when even the big bad has his own prompts and after all that you get the satisfaction of watching this universe level threat squirm os's incalculable anger finally catches up to him and he's reduced to nothing more than space dust chakra Bon is everything we want to see in a god boss Grand spectacle insane power levels and a brawl that throws every punch necessary to make a breathtaking fight if I could crown any fight of Masterpiece this would stand High On That pedestal with almost no contest I'm Josh scorcher and you think fighting Gods would have been much more challenging which I guess is the consequence of not expecting anyone to fight back perhaps we should look for pH that I'll actually put up a fight hint hint C [Music] hey everyone this is Josh if you like this video please like subscribe leave a comment and share the video around please check out my other social media like my Twitter twitch and Tumblr check out my other channels such as Joshua burner for reactions and other stuff Dragon Fighter gaming for tabletop and fob Equestria for cartoons consider checking below the video and donating to my patreon streamlabs for my merchandise or becoming a YouTube member thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: joshscorcher
Views: 57,156
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Top 10 God Bosses, Epic Boss Battles, Gaming Gods, Boss Battle Strategies, Divine Bosses in Gaming, Gaming Countdown, Video Game Philosophy, RPG Bosses, Action Game Deities, Gaming Challenges, Mythology in Games, Gaming Strategy Guides, Epic Gaming Moments, Video Game Analysis, Gaming Content Creation, Divine Showdowns, Video Game Ranking, Gaming Boss Mechanics, Philosophical Gaming Content, Gaming and Morality, Legendary Boss Fights, Video Game Boss Lore, joshscorcher
Id: 86dLEZFbcpg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 7sec (1987 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 15 2023
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