Phasmophobia HEART RATE CHALLENGE πŸŽƒ Hallowstream Challenge of the Week! (Let's Play Phasmophobia)

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In awe of Andy's cardio

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I've only watched a bit of this (ironically, at the gym while on the elliptical), but I think my favorite part was the XBox Series X "unboxing."

All of the other games journalists are going around, doing these fancy unboxing of their Series X and PS5s and Mike just casually holds it up "it's roughly the size of a human head." LOVE IT!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AchtungBecca πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 29 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I was really looking for to them getting spooked from this, but there wasn’t much activity. I think the microphones were disabled unless they used push-to-talk which may be why. Still fun to watch though

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SnowArcaten πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I’m watching this now with my dog on my lap in lieu of safety beanie.

Been loving the streams so far this spooky season. I’m not normally one for Halloween but it’s really grown on me this year.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SecondBee πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 29 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello hello welcome welcome to phasmaphobia with live heart rates oh my gosh the technology numbers yeah and next to it your heart rate oh wow okay so welcome everybody to phasma phobia it's a co-op ghost hunting game we're gonna be playing it for hello streams challenge we are weak today on outside xbox and uh it's a phasma phobia heart rate challenge how do you win how do you win uh if your heart explodes you lose um if nobody wins andy the ghost win that's everything yeah um the idea is to uh try and try and keep your heart rate low and uh the person whose heart rate goes to the highest loses i guess the person who remains cool uh wins but we'll need to we'll need the chat to keep an eye on our heart rates and things yeah i think we'll give it to the chat to make the final adjudication at the end of the stream who on the whole has the lowest heart rate i mean i'm doing quite badly already because my heart rate is apparently already in the 90s breathe just breathe i'm very bring it down i'm one i'm stressed and scared two i've just drunk a lot of coffee so i'm having caffeine palpitations right now that'll do it i brought beers to cheat and hopefully reduce my heart rate is that how i don't know if it's a relaxant isn't it alcohol is like a relaxant it's a depressant yeah yeah so that might work people saying it's difficult to see my heart rate because it's over my caging and you'll have to like shift it a little bit from time to time i could move it down a bit or something maybe move it across to move it across slightly to this shoulder down here yeah that's good now you can see it it's against the against my arm that's good yeah let's pop them down a bit there we go lovely all right great live tech support thanks hive mind how are you doing yeah let us know wednesday good old wednesday um it's getting pretty spooky where i am i've got yeah got lots of skull-shaped treats and a couple of decorative gourds we've done our pumpkin we painted it it's like so it's got a kind of like jackson pollock style it's like white bass and then like loads of splattered paint and it looks really cool the piece of resistance is the uh um mike do you remember you brought me back some tea light holders from salem and they're like oh yeah jack-o'-lantern shape two light holders i still haven't got them out so that's going to be the final like star on the christmas tree type decoratively yeah i i brought my gifts this is my one nice very good amazing carved this one the other night how did you not post that on instagram yet i don't know actually i should i should really talking about things we should have posted on instagram what we should also point out that we do like everyone else on the internet we do have look it's an xbox series x there you go is this it is this your unboxing video there we go yeah unboxing i did notice that because um i think it was like one o'clock where xbox said everybody you can tell the world that you have an xbox series x so we're like no we're playing phasma phobia right now but there you go look it exists that's about the size it's about the size of a human head yeah uh everyone's talking about my resting heart rate like they don't know i'm an athlete andy's maintained his fitness over this covidius year and i have not apparently no coasting i've been eating my way through lockdown so uh you know i feel really bad i used to be pretty like fit and healthy i don't think i think we should point out that these these heart rate monitors aren't are kind of spiky and and they they sort of they provide a very like live sort of update but that can be sort of all over the place i've had it okay i guess yeah i've gotten across the room and it's gone up to 100 and i've sat down and it's instantly dropped back down to 70. so james yours is jane yours isn't changing at all oh you're just stuck on 91. try moving around or something am i dead did i die yeah maybe you died in your heart oh it does seem like it's stuck at 91 doesn't it that's weird yeah it was working just fine a minute ago what's going on i guess check your check your phone it it connects via the phone check my phone you are still alive it's okay my phone's charged the bluetooth is still on what the hell i think i think it for whatever reason it disconnected uh but i'm reconnecting now so there you go there we go some breathing techniques i might be able to get mine even lower let me try like a monk like a meditation oh andy you're dropping 459. you're clinically dead 59 yeah and if your heart rate goes too low then you get disqualified for not being anywhere efficiently should we talk a bit about the game we this is what's going to give me the competitive advantage okay if i can have a lower starting heart rate even if it goes up by like 30 beats a minute i'm still lower than my interesting heart rate that's true okay so phasmaphobia if you don't already know is a co-op ghost hunting game it's extremely scary so unpleasant it's a little bit procedurally generated so we don't exactly know what we're going to be facing you have to go to a haunted location and figure out what kind of ghost is haunting that location by finding three pieces of evidence um and there's a catalogue of ghosts and they each are identified by having three specific pieces of evidence yes that's the game as she is played and also you get murdered by ghosts if you piss them off too much so yeah so we need to not piss off the ghost we're going to get the evidence get out not get murdered but the ghosts are listening as well aren't they you can talk and uh you can talk into your microphone and there's god it's so unpleasant and you have to talk to like the ghost and be like where are you what how old are you give us a sign and yesterday i swear i said what do you want and the ghost whispered like right into my ear uh pain so the ghost wanted pain oh and one time i said where are you and it said behind um and then i and then i i ran out of the house and left well your heart rate has spiked just talking about it just thinking about it i am already panicking so mike was saying if it's a french ghost i just want bread yeah it might be my bed it might board i found a ouija board oh that was a mistake classic ghost hunting mistake i used the ouija board that i found and i said where are you and it it wrote nursery is spelled out should we should we head to our ghost hunting truck let's go do something head to ecto-1 who are you gonna call we're like the backup bts yeah the ghostbusting bee team all right i'm ready let's go two flashlights so that's not quite enough for one each hmm nice shirt nice of you to dress up for the occasion thanks yeah i'm on my way to the club after this yeah it looked like it yeah with my tails of my tails of ghost hunting okay so let's have a look at the map smallish building breaker probably in the uh basement basement circuit breaking on the boat well we gotta go to the basement okay jane and mike have both lost some sanity already it was looking at your shirt that's what it was yeah okay so the ghost name is michael moore oh no oh no oh director of fahrenheit 911 and bowling for columbine love your word i didn't realize he passed oh f everyone asked my f for michael moore in the chat um okay so our objectives discover what kind of ghost we're dealing with yes capture a photo of dirty water in a sink i can do that right now i could just if you excuse me for a moment find evidence of paranormal activity with an emf reader that's easy we can do that if we're taking the emf read room with us have a member of your team witness a ghost event i mean that's ideally we'll all witness some ghost events today so everyone's saying my avatar looks like ian hickton oh yeah a little bit i guess yeah you're not where you look like troy baker mate that's who you look like you look exactly like troy baker oh my god all right i didn't need that much of a close-up okay what's wrong with this what's wrong with it this is not time for making out look calm down oh okay okay okay okay i'm sorry i'm sorry okay good uh what kit does everyone want uh i don't know who's i'll take the flashlight because he's he's leading the camera i've got the uv light i've got the main flashlight but i thought we had two flashlights where's our second flashlight no apparently not all right hand it over fork it over oh fine all right there you go grab it i've got the camera i've got the video camera all right i'll take the emf reader i've got the spirit writing book as well i'll take the spirit box okay yeah you're going to chat to some ghosts i'm going to chat to some ghosts good all right i think that's everything i've got the house key wait we need have you got so who's got the stills camera because we need the photos i got stills camera cool should we uh should we crack on then should we go go see a ghost who are you gonna call okay now remember the ghosts can hear us yeah so keep the we might need to keep the extraneous chatter down no keep it up we need to draw the ghost down oh wait i didn't i didn't read um sometimes it tells you on the whiteboard whether they like to attack people or well my sanity just plunged just going out in the rain the ghost also only seems to respond to people who are alone okay that's useful you can use its name to anger it and get some paranormal activity yeah cool um we need to find some evidence so you have room in your inventory to pick up um this uv torch on the floor yeah where is it there you go right under your feet here oh yeah i got it grab it you got it yeah we look like a real pro outfit you guys yeah oh i dropped the torch ghost hunters everybody all right let's head inside did you ever watch a lot of um like uh britain's most haunted no yes yeah yeah is it good this is us now ghosties come on out michael moore mike michael moore i've heard about a conspiracy at the highest levels of government it's like you'd like to come out and find out about it all right let's quickly get around this house and um i'll listen for pke readings i found the nursery you guys okay okay is that good or bad dunno depends if there's a ghost in here it was mike that was me yeah i forgot that's the nursery okay um should we get some lights on in here yeah yeah yeah sure uh this is the master bedroom wait it's the living room isn't it no in here master bedroom so it's a bungalow yeah should i put a camera down uh let's uh wait until we get like a ping from the pke meter okay yep and then let's put it wherever we find a ping on there where's the light switch for the lounge is this it it's uh basement door the ghost has left us a message it says what bread no that's just a bread bin [Laughter] whoever lives here is a subscriber to cooking pro magazine okay probably the girl shouldn't come out if all these lights are on right the word for cooking probably it is loves they love spiro okay also michael moore apparently is a shy ghost who only attacks people on their own and we're all grouped up at the moment so anything see if you can find like a bone or a ouija board oh who turned out the lights that wasn't me i think the circuit breaker's gone everyone oh dear oh all right let's go down into the basement and that sounds like a terrible idea that's where the circuit breaker is fine all right who's got the torch me mike's got the torch let's follow mike don't leave me alone because the ghost will get me all right let's make this basement michael moore where are you down in the basement michael moore where are you michael moore i love bowling for columbine where are you michael michael i hear weird noises yeah that was my spirit box uh okay making the white noise i see oh okay the break is over here by the way the temperature's dropping in the base temperature's dropping in the basement okay uh andy drop the spirit book down here maybe you can pick up a ghosty down here all right i'm popping the spirit book down on the one on the floor on the floor yeah oh yeah either that's my breath or your butt is releasing clouds so uh have you got the video camera i know it went upside down you need to uh yeah hang on drop it go there go the right way up stupid you need all right good good good and now drop it yes there you go that's better is there a video camera we can pop down here to look for spirit yeah let's put the video camera i'll put where should i put it where's a good spot for a video camera on one of these shelf yeah it needs to be a sort of oh how about this rocking chair let's get on this on this shelf oh okay i bet there's a ghost right in this rocking chair right now you're stupid i bet it's sitting right here it's f to place the camera f okay f to place the camera there you go um all right the camera is on all right great uh good good go and the spirit writing book is down there okay hang on let me let me talk to the spirit box okay so i've got to turn out the light okay michael not to talk to him do you want to leave me down here in the dark of course i do yeah i'm gonna go back to the van and look at the uh video jane's heart rate rate is up over a hundred at the moment is it oh no okay all right you can leave me but if i get murdered i'm gonna be real mad okay also you didn't even leave a torch with me you bastard talk to you in the in the light yeah but i don't have to anyway it's fine it's fine go just go leave me in the dark all right you heard the lady okay i'll oh oh my my breath is really really i want to put it in my i'm going to put it in my journal super cold down here michael michael are you there where are you getting temperatures there we go i'm taking oh i didn't mean to take a photograph there i'm using the pke meter it's so dark down here where's the bloody light switch are you getting really are you getting readings on the pke meter no nothing on the pku meter um oh jane i can see you on the camera oh what's that what's that behind you is that don't don't is there genuinely oh no pke reading nice i saw a ghost store but i saw a ghost orb okay ghost store we've got a ghost orb we've got freezing temperatures come and rescue me all right mike you've got the torch all right let's see what anything come and get you okay i can't even find the light switch try not to get murdered by ghosts while i'm on the way michael michael it's like i'm watching the lost boys michael where are you michael okay ghost orb confirmed what do you want michael what do you want oh oh he's talking to me he's talking to you what did he say he just said all right well get out of the basement then because that's the third bit of info i can't see where i'm going where the basement is i can't see it's so dark andy i can't even see the light switch okay okay i'm coming down oh thank goodness come on back it up back it up oh okay great great great great uh i bet my sanity meter is like through the floor should we go and check it in the truck yeah is that the last piece of intel we need no because he didn't talk to me through the spirit box he just whispered spookily in my ear okay uh which way is out oh there we go yeah there's been a real spike in activity in the last okay uh jane your sanity is at eighty percent oh that's not so bad pretty insane okay i think for 2020 that's a good that's a good amount of sanity to have retained oh i wonder if any of the uh sinks are filled with dirty water oh yeah that would be good should we have a look where are they uh the kitchen sink is fine okay uh people saying that the they might have been your breath and not a ghost orb that i saw on the thing oh oh yeah it makes sense wait i'm gonna there's a sink in here is it what's it got in it no dirty water i'm checking the camera i'm not seeing any more ghost orbs okay so maybe it wasn't a ghost orb after all maybe we can't be sure it's like a little dot just mike's face looming out of the darker none more terrifying um all right i'm turning off the microwave evidence because michael where are you where are you i'm not sure if i'm getting proper voice recognition at the moment we're out of the um i think that might seem to be off for the um for the speech yeah that's true that's a good point michael we know you're shy what do you want michael where are you where are you i don't want to stay in this house it's frightening where are you i don't want to stay in i want to get paid mike we're very poorly compensated a lot of money i'm coming back into the house um i'll tell you what all right let me get the uv torch is that going to help do you want to see it go and sweep the basement for um all right well might come with me because i can't see anything all right but he won't um oh no i have to be on my own don't i all right which way is the basement is it left here i'll show you where the door is and then i'm going to abandon you we really need another torch sure too yeah this door right behind you this one this one yep all right cool oh look at this total activity in the truck i'm in the truck now i'm i'm looking at the screens oh mike your um sanity is at 70 wow okay someone turned on the lights it wasn't me didn't i didn't touch anything oh i can see you andy on the night vision uh yeah i've come out to have a little sanity break in the in a nice warm truck that's what i call them as well celebrity breaks oh okay so according to the objectives on the whiteboard take a look at this mic okay um objective three find evidence of the paranormal with an emf reader we've done that we witnessed the ghost event apparently i think that was maybe that was the breath i think or maybe we just didn't see maybe we weren't paying enough attention yeah and it happened maybe it was just watching us okay so i'm gonna look at my journal i suspect i got ghosted and didn't notice um hey what's up i didn't see any fingerprints down there okay okay okay well we can be sure that there was freezing temperatures but we're not sure about the ghost storm right no we're not not 100 sure okay i didn't get a five on the east five on this it was only like a three or four have you had anything through the spirit box or is it all just been no nothing for the spirit box which is why i was wondering if maybe the voice recognition oh the ghost writing did oh no there was nothing on the ghost racing either although maybe we put it in a different room yeah are you sure the basement is the room i mean the basement is where i got the emf reading oh okay so probably the basement is the room well they do wander around the ghosts do kind of like drift around put it in the kitchen and see if that gives us a bit of reading yeah yeah mike and the torch get back over here sorry i was just checking the i was checking my journal i didn't realize you'd gone back in okay i'm gonna take photos of dirty water if i can find any okay is there a bathroom in here i'm gonna go down to the basement and grab the journal that's clean okay to be honest this is such a small house that um oh there's there's writing there's spirit writing what does it say it's oh it's a pentagram and an upside down cross and it's not a demon oh it sounds like a demon let's go and have a look oh show us andy show mike on the stream so that people at home can see oh yeah there you go well let's get back to the van this is important evidence all right i think we're all scared but we're like yeah let's let's all ferry this let's go courier this evidence will get the hell out of this house okay so i'm going to look in my journal and in the evidence i'm going to put freezing temperatures and go straight so the kind of ghost it could be is a demon or a ray um it looks more like demonie i see this yeah you see this writing i think with the pentagram it's probably a demon yeah it smells like a demon to me but demons are really like violent so and we didn't get violence at all hardly at all but uh can you turn on the water and and then the water becomes there no no it's the thing a ghost does when it wants to scare you yeah let me take a photo of your book there andy hang on i'm gonna take a photo with my camera oh for extra evidence points there we go photos of evidence i don't know if i do but no you do you do do you oh nice okay cool all right so we got so we we don't have the dirty water but we're pretty confident what type of ghost we were dealing with i think it's a demon or a uri but with that all those pentagrams i think it's got to be a demon right yeah i mean we could take a guess or we could go in and try and like rile up the demons some more should we go and shout at it should we go in and shout it's not very dramatic for a stream if we don't rile it up is it all right let's go roll it up let's go all right i think i think we should go in one at a time kick the hornet's nest okay yeah let's all right michael you go first okay mike you go first that is my full name michael yeah go and talk to other mike demon mic hey hey you're gonna turn the lights off as well demon mike how's it going mike how's my heart rate i believe in you uh you're quite you're being all right yeah i'm all right i'm at 91. you haven't expired yet okay good michael moore where are you ask him what he wants what do you want what do you want your spooky spook oh dirty water no no not dirty water just a sink just a grey sink just washing up that needs doing in the sink ghosty ghost i'm pretty sure it was the basement wait we didn't check the garage maybe it's in the car revving the car you can't you can turn on the water yeah no you can but it doesn't that's not what makes dirty water there's a sink in the garage i think maybe if there is water there then the door dirty oh maybe okay um okay here's oh the bone the bone let me take it no don't get up let me take a picture first okay everyone we found a clue a clue a bone is here a bone clue demon bone all right it might just be a regular bone there's a small bone it's a ghostbuster yeah a ghost bone that's what they called ghostbusters i'm inside a ghost yeah all right uh what have i got here is a key i if i if someone picked up my little bone thing i would be angry come on ghost where are you i promise you that he uh said something while i was in the basement well maybe yes he's still hanging out in the basement i tell you what why don't we leave mike down in the basement all right mike you with because you've got the torch you go you go down in the basement and we'll head out to the truck is the camera still down in the basement and the camera is also down in the basement doesn't seem fair also you're the one streaming so so i need to be spooked is that what it is yeah yeah you need to get unfair but we did get a bone photo so that's good oh i can see a bit of smokey noises look look in the camera i'm looking in the camera is that oh no i thought it was an orb but it wasn't it was just the circuit breaker on the camera i did see a thing what did you see like it looked like a floating sort of ghosty orb should we just call it a demon and leave because it made a nasty noise and frightened now if if you saw a ghost orb then the ghost type would be a urey if it wasn't a ghost i don't think it was i think you need to see ghost orbs on the camera right i think our best guess is a demon so should we just like gtfo now yeah i don't leave the camera down in the cellar no no in the fiction of the game you come back during the day and collect your kit when it's safe so you can't you can leave your stuff wherever as long as you don't die as long as you don't die at which point you can't can we guys get in our nice truck no it's been sanctified our truck has been sanctified let's go good what type of way we need to specify what kind of demon it is demon no just demon regular demon uh okay go in your journal and and go to demon oh i didn't get a chance to i thought you had i thought you had already so we got paid 15 for those photographs everybody nice yeah hey you've got enough to buy a torch we've got we are such scrubs we got uh bone evidence yeah bone evidence bone evidence phone evidence um all right well that wasn't too bad apart from your heart rate spiking to over 100 just well i mean we could have been murdered by demons so it's like um landing a plane any demon hunt you can walk away from is a good demon hunt uh should we um buy some things okay cool so now we should have flashlights each right so yes i don't understand why this is zane i'm sorry so uh you buy this stuff and then it becomes then you have to add it as well yeah then you add it to the equipment but i'm looking at the equipment list and it does say two flashlights so is that because andy just added it um cool do we need should we get a flashlight you got to open up your inventory and like you press minus because yeah confusing it says three flashlights now so i think we'll have one flashlight each cool anyway what else should we buy ask the chat the chat might have good ideas let's let's check in with the chat as well because i've not talked to them in a little while so uh how is everyone doing how is everyone doing a lot of people are saying you need to use in-game chat for the spirit box to work but we had a little trial earlier and we didn't need to use it then no we've got we have the microphones are like live certainly yeah so yeah our microphones are not only streaming but they're also being used in-game i know there's like a push-to-talk option but i don't think you need to use the push-to-talk option to use the spirit box people seem surprised that the the demon didn't murder us apparently they're usually much worse like unaware blindly oblivious maybe attempts to i got we got a thing where i said we'd had a ghost encounter and my sanity dropped massively so maybe it tried to kill me and i just sort of walked past it as it swiped at me um even was like i just didn't notice okay oh alex h says the writing the book doesn't indicate the type of ghost you need free evidence or two and the different behaviors for what ghost is oh so we just got lucky we just got super lucky we did uh laurel tracy says thermo is super good oh okay can we afford thermo can we afford a thermometer oh okay yeah i can afford a thermometer okay ah the motor will help you discover the location of a ghost quicker by getting the temperature of the room okay purchase what else should we buy uh chat let us know a big gun to shoot the ghost a big gun all right how much for a big gun you can buy sanity pills to restore yourself really yeah what are they i don't know what kind of decks they're calming effective tic tacs you can buy like um smudge stick sticks which like defend you i think if you get marcel jansen says we should get a thought on a crucifix we've got a thermometer also you guys need to be braver if you get a photo of the ghost you'll get more money i think we're working up to it aren't we we're working on it that was just a warm-up it's only the second game i've ever played yeah it's it's our first day in the draw on the job but it's gross hunters whose job is it to select a job because it's not mine anymore it might be andy's oh okay um shall i buy crucifix yeah i don't really i don't really know how to use them myself you throw them on the floor and throw them on the floor and the ghost is like i think it prevents a ghost from attacking you from yeah from hunting you but i only if you use it before they start you can't just like they can't start hunting you and then you throw it and they're like because that's vampires yeah um well i wonder if we should get more detection equipment before we start going for the defensive equipment um well between the thermometer and the emf reader we should be able to track it down and get a good reading okay all right um well i've got a bit of cash what about a parabolic microphone is that useful it's 50. it sounds awesome all right can you get us can you get the strong flashlight oh is that good all right let's get this strong 50 bucks i don't have that kind of money i i can pay for that i'm uh daddy big bucks oh daddy big bucks my favorite character from yeah and andy that that musical okay um all right i've bought a big old giant flashlight sweet one of those big police ones that they can light up i think if you put salt down it's like it's an expendable item so okay i'm gonna get some salt just for fun because it's only 15 which is ridiculous that's a lot for something you think about it um salty artisanal yeah yeah yeah yeah sea salt crystals uh salt is toxic to most kinds of ghosts it says and will reveal their footsteps like slugs so if i take the uv light and the salt maybe i can kind of do it one two punch yeah yeah yeah okay all right let me just add the salts and salt taste add salt to taste salt and pepper and a strong flashlight why is it not letting me add them hang on add right and we must resolve to be braver according to muscle muscle all right all right all right marcel easy for you to say behind the safety of yours peter metzker says well done surviving your first demon first i don't want to see any more demons you need to turn on the water before the ghost can make it dirty oh andy you were right you were right andy okay all right well we're learning it's we really should have learned these things before becoming professional ghosts professionals such a strong word matthew pollard says good to see mike's corpse blindness transcends beyond uh among us yeah so did did they see the demon and we didn't maybe i don't know did anyone see anything did anyone see anything let us know hive mind apparently not i mean nothing i can see okay um in the chat says how does andy have the lowest heart rate this is this a serious experiment well the thing is although andy's is easily scared he's also the most cardiovascularly fit out of all three of us and he does the most exercise the most like jogging and lifting yeah also we didn't see anything actually like too scary if something jumps me i'm sure it'll he'll start going yeah yeah i think it's the great leveler that andy you you might be quite easily perturbed by horror games no shade but also you're incredibly fit so so yeah it all balances out yeah i lift two i lift the beer to my lips yeah okay i'm gonna take another sip of coffee yeah we're ready select someone select a job i think it might be andy's job to select oh it's my job yeah what job should i select should we try a different house like a bigger house is there another one with a yeah that's a house i don't want to go to like an asylum just yet let's work up to it do you want to do the one that we just did again or a farmhouse or a road farmhouse let's go for a farmhouse right okay that's the grafton farmhouse or the bleasdale farmhouse what rating are they difficulty-wise um amateur difficulty amateur for the grafton fam house it's a two-story four-bedroom house okay lovely sounds reasonable uh all right let's do it okay all right let's do it i've never been here before ready up mike are we already up i will oh apparently the the demon flew behind jane or andy when you exited the basement what ha what wow so that's why you got the um that's why you got the ghost event right the sanity i got the sanity hit yeah ready let's start this job i can't wait to um go back through the footage back through the stream and see that we were being constantly demonized as well you remember the movie uh woman in black yes and um oh and it goes back through and you see like even um haunting of bligh manor like most frames like you can just see like something spooky going on and no one ever notices i i'm ready up by the way yeah i'm sorry i need to press start yeah oh right okay keep your sanity high by staying in the light just don't go into the house at all right third farm oh you were just on a murder farm what's this with ellen in ellen's fear academy it's been a real murder farm day yeah oh it's just loaded properly because there's nothing on the right i've got no objectives and also there's no andy in here i'm scared it says loading game 90 oh okay andy's not in here so it hasn't finished loading yet what if the ghosts did get in the ghost trailer all right there we go all right prevent the ghost night switching possibly harder okay dirty water crucifix evidence of paranormal so okay let's get the old i i uh everyone grab a flashlight to start okay yes i will grab a flashlight i'm gonna bag the thermometer as well if uh that's okay i think that's this okay yeah um and jane do you want the the emf i've got i've got the steering wheel let andy have the emf because i've got the salt and the uv thing okay and i've got i've got the emf okay i don't want the spirit box um why don't we come back to the spirit box who's got the crucifix we don't have a crucifix don't have any crucifixes oh i thought we were no i i didn't think we wanted one yet too late now sorry i'll buy one next time the ghost name is carol taylor i only seem to respond to people who are alone you should be able to use his name to anger and get some paranormal activity make sure to right carol taylor and let's fill all the sinks with water yeah okay all right the camera is here though so we'll have to come back we'll come back with the camera although actually i might be able to i might have a left i might have a spare hand yeah all right oh boy it's a spooky looking farm everyone sure is oh man i think this is the ultra powerful torch it doesn't seem that powerful it's more powerful than mine yeah is it okay all right okay i've got some salt is that the circuit breaker outside that is yeah oh that's good so we know where that is right all right in we go hello carol taylor hello carol carol oh there's the lights on lights aren't working can we turn on the turkey breaker well the lights are working in here yeah they just take a while to warm up because it's an old house ah okay with you all right right did it go those are some creepy pictures carol carol is that you are these photos you carol okay what do we wanna are you using that thermometer did you get it uh yeah i can uh i can have a look oh i need to be in the light it doesn't have a backlit oh it does have a backlit screen i'm going to put some salt down uh where am i going to put some salt it's 40 degrees c in here 15 in here i don't know the layout super warm it's warm but it's cold it's cold in here okay i'm going to put some salt on the stairs in case the ghost is coming like up and down this is upstairs let me turn on the light it's creepy oh yeah okay uh all right i'm popping some salt down here popping salt and salt and um let's put some salt on the upstairs landing as well if it wasn't haunted this would be a lovely you know rusty farmhouse i mean it needs some work but uh yeah oh what's that noise okay i'm using the emf it's the floorboards i think i'm using the emf deal siren is that in the game or is that in real life yeah that's in the street okay police ghost please oh um what have you found a horrible temperature was briefly five degrees but has anyone got an emf reader i've got it out yeah i'm using it right now it's on green all right i'm filling the sink with water all right cool okay uh what's in the bathtub i'm not seeing a lot of like abnormal temperatures so far i think the temperature like drops you know like i think it drops suddenly oh there's a smash drop suddenly to 2.8 degrees fahrenheit okay where where are we going it was minus one a second ago oh shoot is anyone's breath clouding no not yet not yet nothing no salt what i think mike's spread yeah mike's breath is clouding okay so we've got freezing temperatures without freezing temperatures all right pop it in the journal pop it in the journal whack it in your journal freezing temperatures your classic freezing temperatures oh there's a bone i found a bone oh nice take photos have you ever got the camera i don't have the camera with me where is it all right let me go back and get it it's here where i am crouched in the corner of the bedroom oh there's an axe on the wall very nice okay there's some there's an exploding barrel here should we just blow this place up probably the quickest way to get rid of the ghost it's the only way to be sure i think if you if a ghost had been discovered in your house yeah you'd probably just want to burn it to the ground when you even want to move back in no i mean but if you want to rece if you want to sell the house on then show me how i get it yes uh the bone is uh come to me andy i'm in the bedroom upstairs yeah um there goes the police ghosts here yeah it's really quite cold in the picture of a bone yeah all right i'm going to take the bone now it's minus 10. oh that's right okay are we about to get serious uh maybe let's get it about to get got um i'm not getting anything from the emf reader okay um maybe we should drop a spirit book um oh yeah where should i put it oh yeah put it in the um in this hallway right where it's really cold put it in the hallway yeah yeah uh okay can someone give me some oh here we go here's some light right i'll just pop it down on the floor here yeah yeah i'm looking for footprints in the salt water oh that is the salt right that makes sense yeah so it's like you know when you know in like red dwarf where everyone gets like atomized and dust yeah that's all right the book is the book is down here should we actually i might move it because it's in the shadow of shall i get the video camera we can set up a video camera yeah yeah yeah let me check the temperature yeah it's my minus 10 in the right in the main for the camera everyone and it's just upstairs it's just the upstairs hallway as well okay so all right good that's where you go sorry you have a torch why do you know oh did you have to drop it in here i had to drop it to get the camera i mean the lights are on mike can you just shine uh a light on this so i can see yeah it's okay it's the right way up that's fine yeah all good okay what was that spirit box is still in here i feel like i can hear clunking noises wait is someone picked up the video camera already i can't see it oh yeah i've got it sorry sorry um you need to set up the video camera yeah i do yeah the landing oh you're going to make me go back up onto the landing gear yeah you're the one with the video camera yeah i see how it is oh the lights are going what's that beeping oh i've got two but i've got two bars on the emf okay just so you know we are out of the five-minute safety window where the ghost is unlikely to attack you now it's go time it's like rainbow six siege but with ghosts isn't it yeah what are you doing out here mike have you played away camera have you played i've planted the camera i just want to go let's observe the camera all right i like that's all our cowardly excuse yeah yeah no i think i'll get out of here probably it'll which i can get now because i put the spirit book down did you turn the camera on mike oh oh no mike has to go back in the house all right let's observe my let's observe mike when the camera comes back on good luck mike oh my god we believe in you my piddling flashlight as well do you want to take the powerful flashlight i can swap you no it's well maybe maybe like good luck good luck good luck jane shall i press the button to leave yeah let's get out of here hello okay everyone's sanity is still pretty high though so yeah except for mike's it's on is mine gone my real life sanity is plunging stop stressing about it um i think the lights are on in the corridor yeah can you turn off the lights oh my god you're going to send me back in are you ready no i think it's fine the ghost will probably turn the lights off themselves in a minute anyway i don't see any spirit orbs spirit orbs there we go turn the lights off now what very nice okay now we're just we're just watching for spiritual have we completed any objectives on the whiteboard uh yes find evidence of the paranormal with an emf reader we've done that got it what else do we need to do syncs did did you get a level five emf reading no just it was two all right i'm gonna go to my journal and check freezing temperatures how's that camera looking see any ghosts nothing yet um i tell you what though that thermometer is paying for itself that was good oh yeah oh yeah all right i'm going to go i'm going to go in well why don't you let me see if i can the video or should i come in i'll tell you what i've got the amf i feel like we might get a better reading of this let me get my thermometer out again as well so it's 16 degrees outside 16 degrees in the in the in here check the um oh it's freezing um i'm seeing my breath upstairs on the landing no writing on the oh wait there's a there's a footprint in the salt right oh what oh no you can only see the footprints in uv and there's no footprints in the salt but there is definitely freezing breath um i know she only attacks or she only comes out when you're alone do you want to leave me on the landing with the spirit box and i will try okay i will observe the i'll go there's no writing in the ghosty book oh i'm getting three on the emf okay carol carol carol are you there three on the imf carol oh it just dropped dropped to zero carol carol can you hear us oh i think that that might be a footprint in the assault now i think oh i think it's a footprint in salt i think she's come through here oh dear no should i get the uv torch i've got the uv torch point wave it around see if there's any footprints look that's a footprint isn't it look you can only see the footprints in the salt i believe i see that's the footprint right i mean it's been disturbed but i'm i don't need uv to see them what was that the phone's ringing the phone's ringing the phone's ringing phone is ringing all right um let me just try the spirit box again i don't know if it's working oh guys amazing tip from the chat t for torch when you're holding equipment oh oh [Β __Β ] okay i mean oh dear um okay let me try this spirit box i'll turn my torch off and uh push to talk on v hello carol carol where are you i can hear you in the voice chat oh yeah it said away away away carol where are you away away means she's not where i am carol how old are you carol how old are you carol adult she says she's an adult carol what do you want carol what do you want oh my gosh cash did she say she wants cash get cash get money get it get that paper i think it's um i think it's hunting time uh yeah also i think my absolute heart is like beating get out of there yeah it is yeah i am getting out of here you spiked up to 114 oh no oh no ah okay all right we're out of that what's the plan um spirit box is evidence isn't it so we've had freezing temperatures we've had spirit box yeah i'm sorry sorry i think um i think the chat is saying that i just deafened everyone by screaming into the mic i apologize f for everyone's ears very very sorry everyone we could be dealing with a rather mayor or a demon okay i'm having a mayor i'm having an absolute mess freezing temperatures and spirit box but not a level five emf not yet three is the highest i've had so far i think i remember hearing that mares like to turn lights on and off they really like the dark so it could be a mare oh because yeah that was the phenomenon they reported oh the light just switched on in the bathroom there you go it could be a mirror oh let's check for dirty water yeah check for dirty water oh chat tell me how high did my actual heart rate go i saw 114 114 wow what was really funny was that in game like you could start hearing my heart pounding really hard so did you just turn the lights on yeah that was me sorry yeah fine i just wanted to check the book oh i've got three i've got four on the emf oh nice oh dear and the temperatures just dropped did you know that if the ghost hunt starts she locks the doors so you can't leave yeah i heard that are you serious i'm serious oh check the um the upstairs bathroom sink i i just looked it's it's still clean it's still clean oh the lights are off oh my god lights are gone um let me ask if carol's there carol are you there give us a sign why do we get a nice job where are you are you carol either where are you we get a spooky echo yeah i'm using v push to talk it actually seems to be working better so maybe i do need to use push to talk and that's why you can hear a weird echo that's right it's quite atmospheric okay temperature's fine here a renaissance man in the chat says jane your heart rate spiked at 115 which is too high for a healthy person the lights won't go on now i'm not a doctor oh the circuit breaker is where's the circuit breaker outside right i think it's actually upstairs oh phone's ringing ringing answer it answer it stop answer it answer it okay it's not the circuit breaker it's loud up here it's upstairs um you know that room next to the bone room yeah yeah upstairs next to the bone room i saw a circuit breaker all right should we go i'm gonna stay downstairs and talk to carol someone i'm checking the temperature of your butt andy okay thanks which room you remember when we found the bone yeah yeah it's the adjoining room to that carol where are you where are you oh andy i don't like this at all well it's so dark it is oh here's the circuit breaker temperature's fine in here though where are you all right the lights came back on oh no they went straight back off again carol carol what do you want what's her full name carol taylor uh was it taylor maybe that's it maybe she thinks i'm rude for not using her full thanks for talking about some other carol carol taylor where are you oh four on the emf where are you for a second temperatures are still super low up here where are you where are you okay i'm in the kitchen uh i'm gonna check the sink i'm gonna set the water going in the sink uh i keep seeing pictures and freaking out yeah all right water's still clean everybody okay you'll be you'll be happy to know carol carol wait hang on spirit box uh wait is there another bathroom down here hang on maybe through here have you has anyone photographed the probably not because i've got the camera hey um i can photograph the footprint right that's evidence uh yes yeah do take a photo of that do you need the uv torch or do you think it will count if you take a photo of it without i don't know i'll try i'll come upstairs and take a put some uv on it for you yeah okay okay carol carol thompson or possibly all right take photo of that now okay oh my breath has gone all frozen and misty it is cold up on the landing but we've not seen anything up in the landing have we i mean we've not seen anything at all unless the chat has seen something oh oh oh oh oh there's another footprint over here there wasn't a footprint before do you think it could be this bedroom oh yeah it's leading do you think it could be this bedroom the source of all the haunted upstairs there's some there's some spooky uh kids um toys there's some bricks you know play bricks with letters oh the phone is ringing phone's off the hook though you're off the hook now yeah that's right carol light switch is not working okay anything in the cupboard temperature in here is fine though the temperature in here is like it's balmy it's a barbie 16.2 degrees c i know it drops it just dropped okay if you want to leave the room for a second i will try the spirit box again and ask if she's here i feel like we're so close to getting a five emf i've had four okay carol are you here carol where's where are you nothing detected where are you nothing detected try coming out into the hallway again i don't think she's in the bedroom okay oh oh oh oh i found a look on the door here there's a hand print there's a spooky handprint oh that's evidence that's the last piece of evidence we need get the heck out of here fingerprints go go go it's a wraith we have wraith confirmed the discovery is mine you didn't take a picture of the handprint did you oh yeah andy get in there and take us right over where is it there it's upstairs i'll show you where it is i've only got one picture left brave mike will show you where it is brave jane needs to provide the uv torch i can't believe we've all got to come back in the house just to get a picture of a hand print oh did you hear that yeah like a sort of gurgling gurgling ghostly noise all right where's this handprint so it's over here andy i told you it was this bedroom okay look get quick get a picture yeah yeah very nice very nice got it all right let's go annie leibovitz let's get the heck out of here run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run carol carol bye carol bye yeah bye bye what a brave team we are we didn't see a ghost again and we've all run off again yeah but we got all the evidence we need yeah we did all right hang on before we close the door everyone make sure they've checked all the evidence and chosen their ghost types so what we have spirit freezing temperatures spirit box and fingerprints type that is a race confirmation everybody all right that's gtfo bye carol and there was no dirty water in the sink right i didn't see anything see ya off in our ghost truck guys these ghosts are easy i don't know what the problem is i don't know why everyone's so scared of this game well my sanity is at 54 oh means dirty water somewhere oh no we missed the we missed the dirty water yes okay good right what are we going to spend our money on what we're going to blow our camera i've got 120 bucks wow all right what have i got yeah oh yeah 120 all right what should we buy motion sensor chat what should we buy yeah tell us yeah let us know we are butts uh we are we are buds yeah yeah butts yeah uh we should have we could have got the sink if we'd had more film in the camera if we bought more than five um five films or whatever no it's a digital camera isn't it your camera's full of like selfies and stuff there's only room for five more photos on it vanishing says greetings from kentucky long time subscriber this is the first live stream i've been able to catch love everything you'll do the entertainment you provide cannot have a value placed on it well the value was 120 so that's the value you can place on it is that's what we've got to spend for the most recent bit of entertainment okay um i'm gonna buy when using the spirit box don't say the ghost's name they're less likely to respond and might just get mad says dude oh but we want them to get mad because we've not seen one yet but also if we wanted if we want evidence on the spirit box then you want them to talk to you that's true so i should stop saying carol where are you i should just say where are you um yeah okay good work everyone um yeah well done us yeah what are people buying what's the chat saying we should buy should we get a cruise fix this time no head mounted cameras lucas petrie says okay a lot of other people saying head mounted camera cruiser fix crucifix glowstick rave smudge stick lighter all right i'm gonna get crucifix and um zanzibar white says i still do not see how this is scary you've got to live it man yeah man i've got some more salts that sort was pretty helpful last time okay marcel janssen again says we should be braver uh like jane who dares to be alone with the ghost i guess we gotta be alone with the ghost i'm gonna get i'm gonna get a tripod so i don't have to look for surfaces to put the camera on oh right that's gonna be useful all right well i am going to get a strong flashlight i know i need to be level three i can't get it the motion sensor is the most expensive thing so it must be the best thing oh no but you have to be level six yeah okay we can't you can't afford that yeah i mean you can't unlock it yet um i'm gonna get uh what am i gonna get i've got more soul i've got a crucifix salt was good yeah i'll get a crease fixed as well what does the smudge stick do uh burning smoothies here it goes yeah it's a defensive item i think all right i'll get a cruise fixed as well sounds good do we need is another uv light useful candle candle what's candle for just a candle lit oh okay all right i mean i feel like if a ghost can turn the lights off it could probably blow a candle out but what do i know the thermometer is useful by the way if everyone if other people want a thermometer as well pretty good it's pretty good what about another emf reader yeah maybe i mean you could only carry three things so i'm gonna save my money i'm gonna save my money all right yeah all right i'm gonna save my money select a job let's do another job right another camera because we can only take five photos yeah i nearly ran out last time okay all right oh i need to add them to the equipment list don't i hang on one two three four five back okay so now we've got two salts good three flashlights two photo cameras yeah good okay all right we're ready i think we're ready okay what job should we do something spooky yeah the murder farm or the murderer um what what kind of murder replacement street house yeah sounds good how difficult amateur it was amateur again yeah all right let's do it we are definitely amateurs so we're hobbyists so in terms of heart rate spikes i think james was the biggest in that 115. 150. when did that happen was that that's when he got spooked when i got spooked yeah yeah it was a weird i think it was when the ghost was talking to you yeah probably that sounds about right oops oh gosh hold on what's the matter my game got a bit confused oh okay uh right oh uh okay we haven't properly loaded in yet we've got no kit and oh there's andy oh here's the key capture photo of the ghost oh man we're actually gonna have to see it this time oh my god let's be brave everyone oh wait listen to the radio oh too late here we go this is going to be a tough one it's violent it's violent well our cowardice has come back to bite us in the butt mark jones um response to people who are alone mark jones and we're looking for a photo of the ghost we're looking for evidence with the emf reader all right well can i grab the emf where's the thermometer there's a crucifix here did we bring the thermometer i don't know if we brought this thermometer i don't think you i don't think you added it oh dear oh well emf meter i guess then shall i take that i've got it okay you've got it uh i'll take this stills camera and try and take a photo of a ghost i guess yeah oh my god what am i doing do you want to do the spirit box because you're quite good at that oh okay i'll take the spirit box um i've got some salt and has anyone got the uv light it's down there oh it's just down there shelf pointing my torch at it at the moment okay i'll tell you what i'll i'll come back for the uv light i'll lay the salt first and then come back for the uv light later should we go in then yeah let's go in mark jones is gonna mess us up this house just looks like a pleasant sort of semi-detached yeah suburban house did you get the key i've got the key yeah great okay in we go let me show you around uh it's a lovely starter home um plenty of room for your burgeoning ghost family sure oh i wish i brought my thermometer it was so useful what to do because we don't have a thermometer they've got like a jar of pickled onions here i think oh that's that's what started this whole thing that's the ghost left news who's this pickled onions let's get the taps on yeah yeah oh wait we're not even looking for dirty water we aren't looking for it i mean it's still evidence it's our calling card like the you know the bandits from uh no emf readings so far okay well also mark likes alone people so let's split up i can't believe i said that but yeah let's all right jane said it you all heard her uh jane said it if i get murdered by ghosts it's on you jane did anyone check the map for where the circuit breaker is no sure oh no why won't this door open oh that's the basement door no thank you if there's a mysterious question down there the answer is ghosts uh that's the basement down there yeah i'm going down in the basement let's go and at least check if the break is down here yeah have a look for the breaker down in the basement all right don't forget we've got five minutes to set up our kit i'm gonna put some salt down uh here yeah getting a three emfs in the basement where are you in the basement yeah okay um did we bring the video camera yeah somewhere i think i'm gonna i don't know the basement we haven't i brought the stills camera but not the not the video all right i'll come i'll come and set i'll go and get it all right i'll try the spirit box um andy do you want to come upstairs and i'll try the spirit box downstairs yeah all right i'm checking emfs upstairs okay all right what what number did you get four or three three okay all right what's the name of the suspected ghost mark not mine where is the video camera i think when i do that they don't like that you using their name oh yeah where are you away he says away uh hang on mark wait no i'm not gonna use your name what do you want kill well that's very hostile mark oh boy kill oh he's just he's just chanting kill at me now oh good well um that's encouraging i think i might leave because of the ghost chanting killing that's so horrible oh no james i'm gonna come out and get the uv light and see if we can see any footprints in the salt shall i put the shall i put the camera down in the basement to take the crucifix and drop it in the basement because then uh maybe we'll be safer oh and i'm going to take the book take the spirit book oh okay you're at like 113 there we've still got a minute and 30 left oh before it does it's spooky yeah before it comes out and rips out your spine or whatever yeah all right i've got the camera feed oh my god i forgot i forgot my torch um oh mike can you turn it a bit it's looking directly at a shelf oh yeah it is uh yeah oh i can't believe i put my torch down i'm an idiot all right we don't need the spirit box anymore because i did hear him say kill kill so let me grab my they all talk in the spirit box though don't they no no that's a piece of evidence if they talk in the spirit box yeah all right i think they all respond to their name or maybe some of them do and some of them don't but not all of them um talk to you on the spirit box okay all right box evidence i'm not seeing any ghost orbs i'm seeing mike's face any ghosts he's in here um as a protective measure i'm going to drop oh did you just hear that like an exhalation no it's impossible no it's much more like a deep sigh yeah it might have been me okay um um okay 30 seconds till oh ghost time uh let me drop the spirit book can you give me some oh wait no i can turn my torch on myself there's the spirit book i feel like there's more it's more in this room than it is oh you reckon yeah okay all right let me drop a crucifix just in case nothing on the emf and i love how they've all got these creepy fly paper things there right there's the book he's not going to come and write in the book if there's a crucifix next to is he i think it just stops him from attacking manifesting okay um who wants to check out upstairs i mean no no but i will i don't want to do anything that is an objective in this game basically yeah all right there's a children's bedroom i'm going to go back and get some more kit because all i'm carrying right now is a torch which seems like a waste yeah what are we doing oh wow wow okay i'm looking there's a huge spike of activity on the activity chart a few minutes a few like about 30 seconds ago no in fact about five seconds ago so oh dang well we just went upstairs so maybe you're riling him up have you got your meter andy yeah i've got it out it's on one it's just on one okay if you want to get a rise out of him it's mark jones remember mark jones you say yeah mark jones jones mark jones i'm gonna take the uv torch and maybe we can find some footprints and what else come on mark jones what's the problem what's the problem here what's your unfinished business man what is your unfinished they've got a gaming pc here oh nice sweet what's your ghostly deal john's doing all right no he's not he's doing really good he's dead yeah he's all right i'm going to put some salt at the top of the stairs oh wait no i just dropped the whole bottle that's not good uh f f assault all right i've not i've checked every room upstairs i think i'm not seeing anything not been spooked as yet well they roam around it's the thing so you might get a negative reading at one point and then a positive reading where's all this violence mark what's gonna check the camera again okay what's the deal ensuite bathroom activity is flat right now oh yeah that's where i'd be hanging out ensuite bathroom look mike wants to talk to you yeah yeah mike wants to have a word with you mark i've had enough of this not seeing any ghosts nonsense have you heard about banshees they attach themselves to one player they get really into like one player specifically nothing on the go store might move the camera okay um if you go and move the camera can you check the book while you're down there yeah i'll i can move it where do you want it i don't know just somewhere else where it might be more spooky okay i'm gonna come down and check the salt with uh the uv torch all right although i mean footprints in the salt isn't actually a piece of evidence is it it just helps us locate the ghost we can photograph it oh yeah we're getting two bars on the emf are you down in the are you down and down in the basement with you yeah okay oh no it's going oh it's very sporadic is that a footprint no uh no i don't think that's a footprint find me find me a place with the where the emf is going bonkers and then we'll put the camera down okay i've yet to see anything useful really on the camera is it just spirit orbs yeah yeah just spirit orbs i think that's good that's good that's good so you won't see the ghost on the camera i don't i think you might actually when it manifests but only when it manifests you know when it's hunting i've got no emf reading whatsoever a bit of a spike on the activity monitor just then huh but i i don't think we all saw it nothing in the soul uh michael emf upstairs your sanity is at like 65. oh damn that seems bad why am i with the least sane why does my sanity always drop there's the question spending a lot of time in the dark maybe ah wait have we is the camera still active no it's not no mike's got it oh okay we're gonna put it somewhere new but we're not sure where to put it okay um i'm gonna come and do a sweep for fingerprints okay because that is a kind of evidence um so so far we've had nothing right spirit box we've had spirit boxes yeah yep and we know it's a violent spirit so that could be a poltergeist or a gin or a demon or an oni yeah okay good times i mean they say it's violent but it doesn't seem to be doing anything really what's the name mark jones mark jones what if i just say mark jones yeah i mean i guess that's it you haven't been pressing push to talk every time you said it's v isn't it steve pushed a talk mark jones get down here right now young man i think maybe don't use its name um come here i'm gonna drop the camera off so i've got a free inventory slot and um maybe move the maybe move the book the book okay yeah yeah move the book nothing in the salt should i just put this on the piano i'm just going to pop a camera in the hallway okay is that where you found an emf reading in the hallway no um not the video camera just the stills camera oh just because i want to be carrying it because i stuck the video camera on a on a thingy um i've got my stills camera ready to take a photo with a ghost ready to take a ghosty selfie all right why don't you taunt taunt the ghost some more is what i would do mark you suck you're the worst this wise probably not is anything about this job wise i mean we should really be on our own more because he only he only likes loners books down in the front lounge okay okay okay okay oh um you know when you hear like a little creaky i'm not sure whether that's just atmos or that is a ghost sign yes i've got to know isn't it okay that constant ambient light low yeah sound is very spooky ghost show yourself can you hear me when i hold the push to talk yes [Music] all right look out for bones i guess well um it's got like certain phrases doesn't it like um show me a sign and think give us a sign some noises but yeah is this the book on the floor here did you put a book on the floor i put a book on the floor oh yeah i see yeah yeah okay what if the crucifix really upset mark and now he's just left this is gone he's gone what if we accidentally exercised him are you gonna go and get the kids did you get readings in the basement andy yeah we got readings in the basement but like have you had readings in the basement recently mike's gone silent oh not for me uh mike says have you had readings in the basement uh on the emf yeah recently uh not recently okay i picked up the crucifix where are you ghost you picked up the crucifix andy yeah okay i did yeah just in case he was giving him we need to get a photo with this thing well i mean does anyone have a film camera on them right now stills camera yeah i've got the camera okay come and have a photo ghost josie photo shoot meeting replacement spooky meet and greet please i think we should um spread out maybe yeah check the camera again there is nothing on the activity oh man lion give me a sign play the spooky piano or something all right hang on i'm going to grab that stills camera and then i'm going to lock myself i've got the sales camera no there's two of those oh there's one in the hallway all right okay no ghost orbs on the camera no i'll see both of you yeah hi what if i go and lock myself in the basement i can't believe i'm saying this that's great let's see what shut the doors it sounds like a really solid plan uh there's a room in here that we haven't really looked in much maybe the ghost's just in there maybe hanging out doing some laundry wait what room is that what room have we missed uh it's not that we missed it per se it's just i've not spent a lot of time like wandering around it oh where is it the laundry is just off the kitchen oh okay is there a you know there's a garage over here oops i took a photo sorry oh i've only got a little number why do we have what kind of digital camera is this 16 megabytes of storage all right ghost show yourself still no footprints in the soul oh but i think if it's a floating ghost it doesn't leave any uh footprints what we don't even have the first clue as to what it what it even is do you know because yeah we've got spirit box we've got spirit box right we've got the first clue but we don't one clue we don't know anything beyond that all right for the sake of ghosts i'd be getting more i'm going to shut myself in the basement with the lights off okay let us know how it goes see what happens i thought i'd be getting more emf activity extremely dark down here all right push talk mark mark mark jones give us a sign give me a sign any kind of sign coming no where are you mark wait no that's not that's not the right phrasing where are you no wait i'm not even using a spirit box so you can't talk to me give me a sign mark jones mark jones i think my heart rate is soaring right now you're a hundred at the moment being locked in the basement is going badly for you if it goes sideways i am toast down here by the way but i i've i've hung out in the basement on my own like a few times there's nothing doing well what if it's a banshee and she's just she's chosen me i mean i suppose it's a i suppose it's a mark but then boys can be banshees oh yeah that's me sorry okay mark mark mark should i check we haven't like witnessed the ghost event in the truck i'm just gonna go and have a look in the truck and see okay what's on the whiteboard and see if anything's been cleared out because i know sometimes we just miss things don't we like we might have seen something that right the only thing that's been grayed out is find evidence of the paranormal with an emf reader yeah you know we don't know what type of ghosts we've not definitely not taken a photo of it is this another spirit box we've only got one spirit box i believe there's a radio here um oh yeah me too me too uh that's bad that's bad no that's bad that's hunting time oh the door shut the door okay crucifix is down i got murdered did you oh no i'm totally dead wow did you take the key in with you like it's like my neck oh the door's open yeah and he's just casually walking out horrible fingers crept across my face and snapped my neck if you come down to the basement you can take a photo of my corpse for extra money i'm just saying okay that sounds good i mean the ghost is down there as well but yeah like why not why not oh wait in fact i dropped a film camera because i was about to take a photo is the door to the basement locked no unless it's out the door i know it opens out it opens outwards all right come on you hold that crucifix andy i'm holding it okay oh my god i can see you by the way in ghost vision like among us i'm a ghost right now right let me get a really good photo of the corpse there's a camera right underneath my legs where i died so well the emf reader says nothing's going on down here so you might be maybe you might not be dead oh no wait three got three bars come on ghost for a second oh five oh god it's on the stairs it's on the stairs it's on the stairs it's on the stairs it is on the stairs it's looking at me crucifix where's the crucifix stand on it did you see it andy did you i saw it i saw his horrible legs what did it look like it looked like a like a demon oh it's not on the stairs anymore andy okay well it's legs we're definitely on the stairs okay so what evidence did we get we've got like spirit blocks you're dead body ms for five and jane is dead that's good evidence right strong all right i'm getting oh my god the activity is bizarre are you in the truck now yeah i'm in the truck with the safety of the truck did you take a photo of my poor dead body yeah yeah i've got one yeah i've got a real mf level five where's either a chin or an oni okay um what's the difference between a gin and onion i know that sounds like a joke but like can we know and only okay let me read for you um being more active will make the only easier to find and identify onis are more active when people are nearby and have been seen moving objects at great speeds we haven't seen that no what did you say a gin or an audio gin or an oni yeah a gin uh turning off the location's power source will prevent the gin from using its ability huh okay i may have just turned the breaker back on i don't know a gin will travel at faster speed if it's victim as far away hmm it says gins leave ghost orbs which we did not okay we haven't seen any ghost orbs but it says uh and only will leave ghost writing which we also didn't see right yeah there's no ghost writing the breaker's on i switched the breaker on okay the book has been down in several locations it was in the basement for ages it's been in the front room for ages it's an illusion it probably would have so you think it's the other one which is a gin right yeah i've i feel like it's probably that gin i remember with your ghost vision can you see the ghost or no i can't see the ghost i can only see you see sneaking around i didn't see the ghost when andy saw it on the stairs yeah i saw it's horrible or like withered legs oh gross i feel bad that chat didn't get to see the guy i feel bad as well i wanted to take a photo of it just so you know i'm in the truck with you i'm in the ghost truck i'm just observing mike on the camera oh my lights are flashing oh yeah your light's flashing right get it off light slashing look at this activity monitor andy oh my god yeah it's through the roof they're going to get me might get out of there i can't get out um do you have the crucifix no if i die i'm going to get a photo of this dang thing before yeah yeah yeah yeah come on ghost call it mark jones mark jones yeah come on mark jones give it a go come and have a go oh the front door is locked like i'm trying to open it from the outside oh no oh no it's opening it's open it's open apparently i avoided it you survived the hunting phase i'm like accidentally the best ghost hunter how did mike survive the hunting phase how did i you're like yelling at the ghost with the camera all right and i got my head twisted clean off my shoulders we're close we're so close to getting a photo of this thing yeah that's i think that should be the mission is really getting yeah oh yeah the power is all out i think this gin chat deserves a photo of this ghost chat does deserve that i just built beer on my headphones oh no oh my god it's happening it's happening oh it's a hunting it's a hunting it's going down hunting time it's pronounced haunting jane it doesn't like groups stick together mike oh yeah oh i can hear footprints can you hear footsteps no i can hear a grudge i can hear a grudge groan oh my hey i can hear my heartbeat he's in the stairs he's in the stairs oh no i can see it oh oh it's a horrible naked it's making grudging sounds oh look at it oh it disappeared i gotta fight i got such a sexy photo of it emf is going off all right all right let's get to the van let's get the hell out of here wow is it locked no mic open the door properly you've got to see this photo the photo of it is amazing it's got such like a slinky pose it's like oh oh goodbye ghost okay right everyone forget don't forget to set your journal to capture a photo of the ghost yes well done we think we think gin do we i reckon gin all right i reckon i'd like photos oh wow what a great photo there oh can you you can see it in the journal you can see it no i can see it in your hand oh right but it's in the journal as well but like oh yeah battle quality all right okay i'm calling it mike if you said it to gin no wait hold on so what we got emf level five yep we got spirit box didn't we yeah we got jane dead on the ground and we got now we only got two kinds of evidence according to the evidence book okay but we reckon we reckon gin because it's either a gin or an oni okay yeah all right i am so pleased with that photo i'm going to print that out on frame guys i got up to 77. what's my sanity did you uh am i i'm at like no you're two percent might you're on one percent all right i'm pressing the button let's get out of here mike's on zero percent sanity right now he's you stay away from me oh chat what was my heart rate when i died by the way did anyone see i don't know we'll have to go back we'll have to oh it was an oni we got it wrong no oh no oh no we had a 50 50 chance and we got the wrong dang it i got 20 for photos i feel like they'd be worth more if we had hard evidence of a paranormal yeah oh boy that was stressful i got up to 83. um mike got up to 112 and jane got up to 113. wow all right okay i can't believe andy is the scientifically calmest of us here what's andy yeah andy's doing well doing well from a baseline that was a great photo amazing work uh alex b in the chat says quality voguing from that ghost yeah this is such a good vogue photo was it like flicking in and out of vision for you it was yeah yeah yeah yeah okay chat thank you for letting me know that my peak heart rate was 113. there you go marcel was that brave enough for you i took a photo of it in its face and lived to tell the tale oh crikey that was something i can't believe i got got by that oni um do we have time for one more or not i mean it's quite it's quite late but it's do you want to do another cheeky one or i think we should do one more cheeky one okay one more just for fun one more question one more cheeky ghost um why don't we try something really difficult and see what happens no wait is that silly yeah no it is silly but it'd be funny as well all right pick a really difficult one okay we've had some success um so let now let's try a difficult one to challenge ourselves um i'm gonna buy some i'm gonna i'm definitely gonna add the thermometer this time yes because that was way more useful i'm gonna buy a thermometer and uh hmm what else spiffy mark okay it's 20 thanks for proving ghosts surreal yeah i don't feel like i don't feel like we're getting paid well enough for this wait isn't there a long-standing like thing by uh some kind of yeah james ramsey he died recently i think it was a million he was a magician right okay i'm skeptical yeah and skipped and he said we can have a million everyone's saying asylum everyone say we gotta go to the asylum all right let's go to the asylum um i'm gonna take i don't have asylum on the selector map okay i've got two farm houses and three houses i'm gonna buy a cruise fix as well we've added the crucifix now okay i'm buying okay maybe if i leave someone else will get to choose and i can yeah come back in remember what the code is yeah yeah i remember okay that was great though i like i took an awesome photo of a sexy ghost i feel really good about it okay so there's the grafton farmhouse brownstone high school tanglewood street which we've done gleesdale farmhouse ridgeview roadhouse but i can't asylum is higher level but the school the school's got to be like a big issue we could go to the high school yes what yeah what difficulty does it say it says recommended team size three recommended items sanity pills and location size medium and it is a school it says shut down due to unnatural deaths this isolated school has been abandoned for decades we've just got confirmation of a possible ghost sighting here school let's go lucas petrie says at the highest level jane can potentially pick school or asylum let's go to school let's go in shouting basically all right everyone hammer the v button hang on let me add some more kit um i bought some smudge sticks some salt uh a thermometer and a glow stick miss anthropologic says before the stream started i bet money that mike's heart rate won't change well i lost but i don't regret it though um i i get stressed during horror games but i just don't like jump very i don't like scare very easily i'm just like extremely anxious throughout oh alex h says take the strong flashlight for everyone let me see if i can afford anyone oh yeah i bought a strong flashlight oh okay can you afford a strong flashlight mike uh yeah oh yeah definitely we've got three it says oh i know no it's required level three a strong flashlight oh that's why maybe i can buy one and give it to can you buy multiples uh maybe should i buy another thermometer because they're really handy yeah i've got another thermometer hang on um strong flashlight there you go i've added another strong flashlight great so we've got uh yeah we've got one strong flashlight at the moment you need a lighter for smudge sticks oh okay let me get a lighter as well maybe um because you're not level three it won't count this strong flashlight for you i don't know um i'll buy a lighter though william fischer says i've done ghost hunting in real life and i've experienced many paranormal phenomenon do you guys believe in ghosts or demons uh i do now after i took a photo of a sexy one yeah jane and i went um on a ghost hunting tour of hollywood boulevard we found loads of ghosts yeah we met all the we met um i think janice joplin was there actually yeah they all came out on that particular night it was just a real coincidence but we were using the um the emf reader yeah it was like a homemade emf reader that the ghost hunter had lent us um mike do you want to ready up i do well i do when i don't i do oh god sorry ouija board you don't know whether there's a ouija board until you get there and find one or not as the case may be it keeps accidentally making me resize the screen and i don't like it it's oh weird it's confusing hold on uh yeah i think i'm ready it's it's changed the size of my window for some reason oh no did the ghosts get in the ghost got into my obs software got into my face lucas petrie says get more thermometers they're the best way to find the main haunting room um well we've got three anything below 10 is the ghost room school is huge oh okay well we've got three thermometers and that's the maximum we can have so we're good well let's go everyone okay this is what we trained for everyone a haunted high school i apologize for the slight black bar at the bottom of the um obs screen but it's phasma phobia being weird in fact i might be able to let's get those fasmos everyone that's my time no i can't do any options whatsoever ain't afraid i know phasmos that's how the song goes yep all right all right all right um let's just wait for everyone to pop in sanity pills are level five by the way so we can't use them no they were recommended oh no mike look at this map it's huge uh cool let's go get some good cool let's go get some ghosts there are literally dozens of rooms in the school with no sanity pills with no sanity pills we're all just gonna go completely buckwild um without sanity oh wait listen to the radio hang on i've also written some notes on the whiteboard if you need them okay i've got nothing else to report unfortunately oh that's a bad sign he says i've got nothing else to report unfortunately so is that a bad thing that's apparently that's a bad sign all right dirty water smudge sticks uh oh i've got smudge sticks that's good and the emf reader okay okay right stephen miller get yourself is the name of the ghost okay okay everyone grab a thermometer uh i've got the emf reader got a flashlight got it are the thermometers okay all right let's get in there during the five minute grace period jane do you want to grab your spirit box uh yeah the five minute doesn't start until you open the door andy you're okay what's this like white thing oh that's a smudge stick is it yeah let's not use that until we're getting haunted a little bit i'm there's a i'm gonna take a stills camera because i feel like i've got a real burgeoning career in sexy case photography and your tripods here right in front of the right in front of the desk oh yeah i'm i'm going to take a video recorder because if we immediately chance upon somewhere that's good i'll set it up okay yeah i've got the emf reader okay uh could they not have made this school look a bit less haunted no it's been abandoned for decades mike right because of the incident no one likes to talk about the unpleasantness did you know you can move very slightly faster with shift yeah but not it's not running is it it's not really running i wouldn't call it running and i've got the key i've got the key no way yes i've got the key i'm glad you think of these things here we go [Laughter] we went to our go stunting job but we couldn't get in so we left we tried the door a couple of times it didn't work so how's they how the temperature readings uh it's all good here 16.1 at the moment emf proves inconclusive okay um let's split up i can't believe i said it but let's go different ways but how am i going to explain to you when the temperature drops where i have great questions let me turn on the light let's stick together until we've got a temperature reading oh okay and then okay well jen you can go off oh thanks cheers all right you go right i'll go left it's basically a big circle so let's just go around in a big circle and be on the other side did he zag on him jane what did you say andy zag on him zag on him all right i'm sagging they say guys nothing in here let's leave doors open so we know we've checked oh okay good idea nothing in here no ghosts no emf either i'm getting a solid 14 degrees oh i'm in the school gym uh oh my god this place wait is it going upstairs as well yeah it's gone yeah it has gone upstairs should we just do the ground floor first yeah let's clear the ground floor this flashlight is rubbish what was the name of the stephen miller stephen miller oh i found the breaker i think it's okay yeah it's under the stairs what's the button to talk about yeah andy's chatting to the ghost we may have bitten off more than we can chew this oh oh oh i hear that i hear that phone is ringing i'm in a classroom with a phone on the desk right um oh there's a physics textbook when maybe that was the response to me asking for a sign oh yeah yeah it's true probably oh okay so you asked for a sign where are you ghosties i'm in a classroom and there there is a telephone but i don't know if it was the telephone that was ringing because i didn't get to it fast enough uh can you give us another sign a different better sign temperature is good temperature emf readings or steven miller i'm outside now there's a back door stephen miller stephen miller oh i'm in the bathroom that's gross the most horrifying thing of all the bathroom yeah i'll get some taps on oh the taps aren't working oh no wait there they are so there's a ground floor classroom that you were spooked in i well i wasn't spooked but i heard a phone ringing and i ran in and then it stopped so i think it was coming from there but the temperature was just normal so but they're not all ghostly they uh yeah that's a good point actually maybe i shouldn't have overlooked that what what we've got door doors opening on its own really yeah and i'm getting two emf bars oh and the temperature's dropping oh this looks like a ghost room confirmed all right let me come to you and then we can set up the video camera whereabouts are you uh we're actually it's like the first one i can see you may see you hi hi hi yeah we're in freezing okay temperatures so convenient the ghost was in oh yeah breath is clouding lights flashing why not flashing no not like super flashing just like a little touch of flash not like hunting flashing all right where should i set up where should i set up the camera we're in the library right oh the phone's ringing the phone is ringing answer it answer it it's already off the hook oh that's spooky okay um i'm gonna set up a video camera okay i'm gonna go i'll go and have a look at the feed oh yeah all right all right i'll see you let's stay here if you want to go back where do you think i should point it where is the most actually just into the just into the room freezing temperatures yeah um on the desk into the room okay fine unless you i can go get the tripod if you want no no it's fine i'll put on the desk facing like towards the door or like if the ghost wants to murder us we're all in a really tight huddle yeah the ghost likes uh oh i think i saw yeah i think i saw some breath people are yeah we've oh we're up to three on the emf okay not quite a five where are you ghost stephen stephen miller hey steve it's me andy hey steve i'm gonna get some more kit okay we're probably are we out of the five-minute window oh surely probably uh the commenter says uh dream club says andy cut a promo on stephen miller oh steve yeah wait stephen miller you just you think you're some kind of big shotgun so let me tell you something i'm not even dead and i'm twice the ghost you'll ever be i'm going to drop the um thermometer off because i don't i think we found it i think we've yeah yeah yeah yeah we found our haunting room yeah steven miller stephen miller we've got you steven i just know where you took the photos stephen where are you stephen okay i've got a smudge stick and a lighter that's okay i've got a crucifix okay uh wait let's have a look at the camera did you put the camera in this library i put it in the library yeah i'm hanging out in the library waiting for some ghostings okay oh you know what there are loads of security cameras already set up makes sense yeah it's real i'm getting a lot uh the phone's ringing again okay i'm looking at the library camera i can see mike's flashlight yeah going around i can't it's getting really dark i mean it's darker than it was before but i don't know if that's because everyone had their flashlights on yeah okay i'm not seeing any orbs in the room with mike i'm heading i feel like i'm i was getting some decent emf reading so i'm gonna go back and see if are you gonna try for a five yeah i'm gonna although last time when it hit five um that was right before you got me absolutely [Β __Β ] wild absolutely i'm gonna bring a um uh i'm gonna do a very foolish thing and drop my torch and pick up a ghost book a spirit book because i feel like if a ghost is haunting the library then it probably is quite like it's books it's literally yeah it's literate ghost maybe i can use this lighter as a kind of tool yeah drop a spirit book here in the oh level three level three i've been hanging out in here for ages and i've not seen a single ghost so i'm level three baby not convinced over here in the corner actually behind the desk so i think the desk could be a good spot for the book okay because the emf is good okay and then what we should try is the spirit box yeah yeah what's going on right oh i was in a safety crouch and i didn't even realize hello okay hi um i'll put it on the desk here i'm getting readings on this desk can someone light the desk for me because i haven't got a torch okay so i'm going to put it here next to the phone uh yeah there we go yeah perfect it moved by itself but made by the all right let's leave him alone he's probably shy yeah okay stephen stephen stephen we've left you a book but you can't even write idiot give us a sign give us a sign oh wait you left and i haven't got i've got torch hold on hold on oh it's getting spooky in here it's getting all frozen and spooky all right all right cheese it cheese torch in your phone what everyone's got a torch on their phone oh i see i don't have a mobile phone apparently according to this that seems this game maybe it's set in the uh pre-mobile phone times yeah if you're having a digital camera oh yeah good point inside andy's head there does anyone need a sanity break in the truck let's check yeah let's have a little chill sanity break check the activity spikes as well okay oh kiddo we can barely scrape together enough money for a thermometer but we have an entire truck hmm we spent all our money on the truck okay we've spent all our money on this route 66 glowing crop that is just here okay moderate amounts of total activity yeah no big spikes yet um our sanity is at like 70 80 percent fine okay we're still looking for dirty water in a sink and i can look at a sink oh we could have cleansed the area near the ghost using smudge sticks oh okay maybe i'll do that in the library yeah i'll do that one that might force it to you know come out and do it is that how it works okay um i'll take the spirit box and then we'll have a chat with stephen all right everyone feeling insane and healthy let's go i mean yeah it's all relative isn't it yeah okay once more dear friends into the high school into the high school breach i have a crucifix by the way so do let me know if you see any ghost hunting i'm moon walking backwards into them to the school all right you tell me if there was a ghost right behind me wouldn't you if i could see one but really it's very very dark in here all right let me get the spirit box out have we tried putting any lights on in this place oh i think we did maybe they've gone out and we just didn't notice we didn't oh there's a switch here hang on steven steven miller oh the breaker's gone right don't get the breaker okay i'm getting two on the emfs all right let's go talk to this ghosty in the library i'm just gonna check if he's written in the spirit book okay nothing in this room no nothing new okay what's he doing hold on to school if he's not interested in completing his studies i'm gonna channel uh oh yeah stephen i was gonna say i'm gonna channel the other side but give us a sign break is gone nothing detected all right where are you okay breaker's not gone anymore where are you what do you want here we go the hallway's lit now we can actually see what we're doing are you here give us a sign you get any spirit box readings nothing in the library right now i think he's my i the temperatures are freezing yeah nothing i tell you andy do you want to go outside i can't believe i'm saying this again but like i'll just close the door yeah give me and stephen a minute on our own all right i've locked you in okay thanks cheers good thanks friends to be fair let me just double lock it okay okay where are you where are you why are you just whacking like a few smudge sticks in there have you got what are you where are you far he says far he's not here he's far okay we haven't even looked upstairs yet so what do you want what do you want okay he's gone again but he said far which means he's not in this room stephen what do you want the book's moved has it yeah does it say anything no um oh maybe i just jogged it or something glitched should we go outside um yeah sometimes ghosts can go like through the floor so it could be like directly above us okay this way right all right don't forget i've got no torch only fire switch the lights on oh yeah have it okay so stephen said far and then he said something about what he wanted but i didn't i didn't catch it snacks yeah i want snacks okay slow down sorry wait let me catch up with you sorry i'm scared scared i'm scared i'm scared where are you emf readings where are you hello where are you how are you if you find a dang light switch where are you what do you want on walls aren't they not like in space yes but do you looking at the i'm looking at the walls on the either side and not seeing a lot of light switches temperature is fine why in here you can't stand directly in front of the door mike it opens outwards like are we roughly above the library now i don't know no i don't know where you are gosh it's real dark is there a light switch around here there's got to be a light switch hmm [Music] i feel like a real sucker for not having a torch but i wanted to carry the spirit box a lighter and a smudge dick and apparently i can only do three things so all right i'm just going to stand here in the dark corridor and the temperatures are not weird in any of these places so let me ask it's not either nothing detected it says so is it's hearing me it's it's recognizing my voice but um i guess you get a more diluted kind of haunting when it's such a big space because if you don't run into the ghost you don't get haunted but like it can't be moving that much can it no some other move like i think something oh it's mike's face spooky coming through the door oh i found a light switch oh okay at least stephen joey turner says switch it up jay and ask him how he likes his tea oh jay williams also says please go back to the old room he can't move rooms so maybe it's just like he manifests and then kind of like dissipates rather than actually moves around all right i thought i think some of them can move around some of them have some kind of radius i mean yeah that well let's go back to the library and see if he's written on that book yeah that last spook was like oh light is flashing light flashing lights are flashing okay that's pretty bad very dark so that is quite bad isn't it really okay uh why don't i do a smudge stick for us yeah well yeah i could put the crucifix down if you want uh how do i light this much stick i don't know uh no idea there we go smash stick all right we've got the smudge dip going on do you need to put it down is that how it no no i just it's like doing sage in a house you're just kind of like cleansing cleansing again a lot of light flashing yeah we might be about to experience no light light has gone back oh okay emf reader is oh i dropped it was that it that was it from the smudge dick that was all of the smudging it's going to do it's not a waste of money but we've we're back at the stairs so okay we can should we go back down to the library now yeah let's send it back down to the library where we at least had some readings and stuff okay yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah ghost is getting bored he was like come back i've lost you where are you can you see my light uh i've got oh yeah yeah yeah it's not as you don't get as much light from other people's torches as you might have you would expect yeah yeah budget cuts okay how do you like your tea oh lies flashing in the library okay where are you this is it isn't it let me get my camera out where are where are you how old are you all right crucifix down i hear your steps um he's following us andy i think i've got amazing photos oh no i'm dead he's chasing us i'm dead ah gross fingers now but if you can find my body i can't find a single thing i've got no torch and then mike died and now i'm sorry that's bad he's a sort of like butcher looking guy with an apron he's got like an apron oh no if if i've dropped the camera i don't know if i've dropped the camera but the camera's got some sweet photos oh i see i see dead mic i see dead mic as well have a look for that camera okay uh where's where's the camera did you drop it i don't see your kit it was in my hand so maybe it doesn't oh i was going to say let's take a photo of mike's question wait here's my ski it's over it's like across the room okay blasted across the room i'm going to drop this rubbish smudge stick because it's doing nothing isn't it i'm going to take the camera and i'm going to drop the lighter i'm going to pick up mike's torch this losses my gain and then let's get a photo of mike's dead yeah take a selfie with me yep oh that was the last photo left on it yeah because i took a ton of the actual ghost oh okay i was doing my job i just fled just gonna get a selfie with it yeah okay let's take yourself yeah let me let me get where's the respect you guys and then let's get the f out of here yeah all right we'll just get we'll just guess whatever the girl's ghost is we'll come back for mike's buddy in the morning when it's less scary i can't believe it was that weird butchery apron guy oh lighter flashing i saw him looming down the corridor at me the lights are flashing presumably he's um locked the doors no the door's open i think no wait door is shut oh is it locked andy is it locked are we locked in no it's open a second oh thank goodness all right oh we're out we're out and home and dry and safe okay are you following us in ghostbusters yeah i'm watching you okay all right so let's get our let's get into the nice safe truck and have a cup of tea and talk about what we talk about as you can see total activity wasn't i mean there was nothing that bad was there [Laughter] mike's murder was a maximum of like levels yeah okay my sanity is pretty low and so is yours andy mine is question marks i'm dead no okay so let's have a look at the evidence um we saw freezing temperatures we saw dead mice dead knights now i think that's it right yeah let's have another look at the cameras and see if we can find a ghost orb it's a raythemer or a demon hmm mers like turning the lights on and off but then they all do that yeah they all do that yeah all right we have a um i like spike for mike being dead like spike for mike please rip mike spike a respectful mike spike because mike got spiked by a ghost probably got a spike right through him anything on the cameras nothing on the cameras no ghost balls should i pop back in and see if he's written anything on that book yeah you do that i'll follow you in i'll follow you in andy this will be fun oh yeah i'm gonna um retire to the safety of our ghost truck coward if this was a movie the ghost would definitely followed us out into the ghost yeah being the ghost and you get murdered in the ghost i would get murdered in the ghost truck yeah all right andy back to the library good luck everyone good luck andy don't get murdered oh you should have taken a crucifix do you have a crucifix i have a crucifix yeah oh okay you guys got my camera then so you can see the photos i've got um so if i go through there is no oh yeah you got a really good photo of you just before yeah jane there's no writing on the spirit book no man okay so it's not just if you add the writing in the spirit book does it show you which one it would have been so we can take that off the potential it was ghost writing it would be a demon so we don't think it's a demon uh what about if there were ghost orbs because we haven't seen those okay if there were ghost orbs it would be a mare and what was the third thing it was reef a wraith all right so you reckon it's a race feels like a race to me feels like a wraith oh it's a classic wraith let's say it's a wraith because mike's dead oh you know what that is just a race making she's getting pretty yeah if you see one race there's a hundred race yeah that's the thing they get up in the eaves the activity spiked massively recently oh yeah look at that wow what andy did you walk right past yeah probably i may well have done i don't see any orbs okay all right i reckon it's a wraith i'm calling it let's go let's see all right everyone set your journal to wraith and then let's get the heck out of here can i set my oh i can set my journal i can do whatever hurry go do it quickly quickly quickly uh race race done okay let's see everybody it was it was a race it was a race yes it's all worth it we did it rap mike it was all worth it yeah i died to get those photos oh mikey if you want to show um those photos on the stream like you can go over to the wall um in your garage okay framed on the wall so let's uh let's have a look where i did say i would frame them whereabouts in my garage are they um behind you oh yeah under the window oh yeah okay ah i mean the oh yeah there's the sexy ghost oh wow that's such a good photo such a good photo of a sexy ghost he's like oh the little the little leg the little leg bend lovely can you see above that it's the like butcher ghost yeah here we go apron oh wow look at his weird face look at that that's what got you that's what got you a classic wraith you well guys what a fantastic stream what really good fun that was i can't believe what we've done here and we got a tasty 45 dollars life insurance yeah exactly paid out that's going to pay for like the pizza party for mike and it would be a place party for my wife [Laughter] respectful an irish style would just lay you out on the pool table and and have a respectful chuck e cheese i am half irish so yeah uh yeah all right let's see what the chat with i can't believe what we've done oh we survived everyone the chat is going absolutely ballistic everyone's like whoa yeah congrats my god vr next time zoom warp says oh my gosh oh man no um wow what i wonder i'm gonna scrub back at some point and find out what my heart rate was when i was running away from the ghost that got me i think i think we learned something today about how fast i would abandon mike uh cognitive failure says andy may have won the heart rate contest but mike was the death the pro ghost hunter thank you to be fair jane did a lot of chatting to ghosts i was cowardly to start with but then i yeah i uh mike mike's our ghost photographer for sure yeah yeah well i'm the one about those photos the ghost whisperer and andy is the ghost survivor and he's the ghost heart rate uh maintainer yeah i have the lowest baseline so i mean if you talk about the i think andy wins the challenge definitely uh i think the highest spike may have been jane 113 or whatever it was yeah yeah um well that was something that was a bloody ghostly time it's an absolute nightmare isn't it an absolute nightmare um apparently my heart rate spiked to its highest when i saw that your life insurance had paid out all right i see how it is i see how it is you were thinking about that pizza party and your heart rate just really jumped up yeah well guys this has been really really good fun um hello stream continues uh tomorrow yeah we will be playing dark pictures uh whatever little hope it's called yeah it looks really good actually because you know man of madonna was set on like a ghostly ship go ship um which is good and fine but a little hope looks a bit more kind of like trad ghost story haunted house kind of thing i think something like that yeah or is it maybe a camp i can't remember but some kind of classic ghost setting so we'll be playing that on outside extra with luke and ellen yeah tomorrow afternoon tomorrow really good fun that will be our uh feature as usual uh as well on uh tomorrow on a thursday list feature on outside xbox after the man of uh not man of the damn dark pictures stream uh and then on friday and saturday on friday on outside xbox is part one of the halloween ox venture and um part two will be on outside extra on saturday on actual halloween so actual halloween your actual last actual halloween um thank you so much to all of you for joining us we had so many people joining us it's been getting really really good fun uh started slow but there were some real some real spooks yeah because we were frightened i think mainly but um we really worked up to it and we got probably the best ghost photos you've ever seen so yeah and they were well worth the 45 dollars we got paid for actual murder i can't believe how badly paid ghost hunters are yeah it seems like unfair oh man i've got all these ghost photos in my thing as well that's great yeah they got to unionize really sort of standardize the pay for ghost photos oh there's a really good one of like the butcher guy right behind jane hold on really let's see if we can find it yeah it's on the bottom right of my bottom right of yours yeah do we all have the same photos on the wall i wonder oh yeah if i crouch have you got it you gotta crouch to look at it uh i mean i can see jane there no maybe it's not on my it's not my wall it's not it it looks like it's like a selection isn't it a selection of photos but um it's probably a way to access your other photos yeah yeah a little bit yeah yeah that looks yeah jane running off the side of the screen and there's being pursued yeah i was just i was snapping photos like like nobody's business that's jane the coward running for her life i should be able to change these shouldn't i should be able to like drive a journey my two really good photos sexy sexy made it to the wall and yeah butcher wraith man but not jane fleeing in terror guys it's been an absolute pleasure well i mean it's been horrible obviously but thank you so much for joining us uh and uh we will see you tomorrow hopefully on outside extra for more horror and spooks and things like that it's nearly halloween thanks bye i gotta go have a little lie down yeah [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] do [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] my
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 354,994
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, andy farrant, jane douglas, mike channell, horror, stream, streaming, phasmophobia, phasmaphobia, co-op, co-op gameplay, survival horror, co-op horror, phasmophobia stream, heart rate, challenge, heart rate monitor, jump scare, funny, funny moments, phasmophobia gameplay
Id: 4BS2D_OvChY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 124min 34sec (7474 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 28 2020
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