7 Famous Movie Moments Ruined in the Game Adaptation

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video game adaptations of movies should be brilliant after all by bringing together games and films they combine two of our favorite things and when has that ever gone wrong you get that out of here sadly most tie-in games are not only inferior to the movie on which they're based but also seem to go out of their way to ruin iconic moments from those films by making them hugely weirdly different for no discernible benefit here are seven famous movie moments they've got a dramatic rewrite in the video game version enjoy amber where spoilers ahead for the following games and movies one of the most iconic scenes in the entire Star Wars saga is the climactic duel between Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader in their pie Strikes Back at which point Darth Vader reveals that he was Luke's father all along see we told you there be spoilers it took Star Wars nearly two whole films to get to that moment and Luke had to undergo hours of Jedi training with Yoda before he felt ready to take a run at one of the galaxy's most powerful Sith Lords he was lucky to just lose a hand however in the Japanese Star Wars game on the nez Luke's first encounters with Vader was somewhat different on account of the fact that Vader could transform into a giant scorpion [Music] or a fish or a pterodactyl skeleton go on you can't all be my father according to the fiction of the game these are either shape-shifting aliens who can take on the form of Darth Vader because reasons or illusions meant to represent Luke's fears or just a guess designs for boss enemies that the developers thought were cooler than an asthmatic cyborg with a bucket on his head still this does somewhat undermine the bit when you actually do get to fight the real Vader at the end of the game and he doesn't suddenly turn into a giant shoe or vending machine or something at least the game does write one historic Star Wars wrong and awards a medal to Chewie at the end of the game Oh what so now Han doesn't get a medal that the rebels only have like two medals to go around there we're gonna have to give these ones back when someone asked us something good no wonder people join the Empire probably got tons of medals most of the history we learned from the Back to the Future movies isn't actually real for example Marty McFly didn't invent rock and roll and the hoverboards we actually got in 2015 just made you look like an idiot and go on fire wonder history facts from Back to the Future that was real however is that there definitely was at frisbees pies company and that people did use to throw their empty pie tins around thus inspiring the name of the flying discs that became a popular toy years later in the movie Marty throws one of these frisbees pie tins that jerk cowboy and Biff ancestor Buford Tannen as he's trying to shoot doc this throws off tannins aimed so that the bullet goes harmlessly through doct Act in the Back to the Future 3 game on the Mega Drive however this seems somehow became Marty McFly going on a murderous Frisbee rampage killing six people with pie tins and then a seventh who wanders into the street to see what all the noise is about I guess video game Marty finally snapped after failing the shooting gallery level 30 times in a row [Music] [Applause] we're like Titans [Music] if you saw Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade when you were a kid you'll remember the scene in which main bad guy Donovan drinks from the rock Grail mainly because for the rest of your childhood it was all you saw when you close your eyes at night as if anyone needs reminding this is the scene where Indy and the baddies find the final resting place of the Holy Grail which is to say Jesus's cup from the Last Supper that was used to catch his blood at his crucifixion which has all sorts of magical powers and has presumably been washed since being asked to choose the correct cup from a room full of likely-looking drink where the Nazis go for literally the closest one to them because I guess they've got theater tickets later and need to get away early sorry Elsa are we keeping you she doesn't even look at all of them to be fair one of them's a plate at least you didn't go for that one anyway it turns out that this was the wrong Grail and in a surprise Old Testament style punishment it turns out that drinking from the wrong Grail turns you into a screaming skeleton and then you explode sorry about it Indiana Jones greatest adventures on these snares also presents a version of this iconic scene although it doesn't end in quite the same way you remember from the film as the text on screen helpfully explains Donovan drinks from the wrong Grail and in fright turns into a skeleton [Music] but not like a proper dead skeleton more like a skeleton you have to whip to death in a deeply strange boss battle while the Grail knight looks on not helping thanks a lot mate [Music] anyway whip Donovan's magic bones enough and they'll catch fire sure at which point you've won the game and can enjoy the end cutscene dad I just had to whip a skeleton to death now is not the time Jonathan Harker takes his first two brave steps on his long and perilous journey his single purpose is to read mortal man of this appalling creature and banish his memory from the realms of the living for while he lives terror roams the earth Bram Stoker's Dracula the 1992 film from Francis Ford Coppola was a nuanced take on fictions most famous vampire in that he had a tragic tale of lost love a legitimate beef with the church and occasionally cool sunglasses fans of that film who played the Sega CD video game adaptation however might find themselves wondering if they missed a few scenes in the film because you expect that Jonathan Harker might have been more wary of taking on Count Dracula as a client if on the way to his house he'd had to come through kick 200 bats to death [Music] and personally I think I would have remembered a scene in which Jonathan Harker had to kung fu kick Lucy westenra's head clean off her shoulders brace me my last embrace so he's pumped and it seems unlikely that Francis Ford Coppola would have filmed the scene in which Keanu Reeves had to punch a ghost to death but here we are [Music] where the game diverges most radically from the film though is in Dracula's final moments in the film after being mortally wounded in a fight with Van Helsing's vampire hunters a stricken Dracula finds his peace with Harker's wife Mina who is the reincarnation of his lost love Elizabeta Mina then kills Dracula releasing his spirit reuniting the lovers and breaking his curse in the game yes kung fu kicks come on Harker it's not just a film you're messing with here it's classic literature we're talking about don't you read books [Music] well I guess that answers that question [Music] goldeneye on the n64 was one of the few games that did manage to surpass the movie was based on that's because the movie it was based on didn't have a bit where bombs shot up a bunch of people in an Aztec temple with a laser gun one scene that was arguably handled better in the film than the game was the final showdown between bond and his arch enemy former mi6 agent and traitor Alec Trevelyan in the film their rivalry culminates in a brutal fistfight on the suspended platform of a satellite antenna with the fight very much favouring Trevelyan eventually however bond wins out he winds up holding Trevelyan by his ankles delivers a pithy one-liner and then drops into his death which if you've been keeping an eye on Sean beans career in general shouldn't have come as much of a shock in the video game version of Goldeneye this translates into Trevelyan running around the antenna shouting about his motivations while bond repeatedly shoots him in the back rebellion is immune to bullets up to a certain point at which when finally stands his ground on the suspended platform and generously offers the set up for that same pithy one-liner from the movie the difference here is that halfway through the sentence he's usually been shot clean off the platform with a pair of dual wielded Aziz [Music] then bond casually strolls over to the helicopter and is whisked away to the jungle we're here in Natalia matched their Cuban faces against each other [Music] still more realistic graphics than the surfing bit from Die Another Day if you ask people to name their favorite scene from the Matrix series they'll probably say to the bit with the [ __ ] who or the bit where Keanu Reeves says whoa well that's my favorite bit what you probably won't hear from anyone is the bit where 10,000 agents myths and a load of building rubble form up into a giant Agent Smith Voltron and then neophytes it that's because it doesn't happen in the film where it does happen is the matrix path of neo video game in the final matrix film neo finally defeats Agent Smith by allowing himself to be assimilated which causes an energy surge that deletes Agent Smith and his clones but kills neo in the process this act of sacrifice is key to Neos character arc cementing his position as the savior of mankind and a symbol of hope for humanity's post matrix future but according to the trilogy's directors that were chow skis while that may work in a movie in a video game an ending like that is lame how do we know because they literally turn up in the video game as blocky Atari sprites to tell us this point it's martyred time now maybe that works in a movie but in a video game that Jesus thing is well lame really lame although we take their point it does sort of undermine everything the movies were building towards to just have neo totally owned Agent Smith in a fist fight at least we're assuming this big rubber leastat who is supposed to be agent Smith but it's hard to tell ah okay there we go so neo doesn't sacrifice himself he punches Agent Smith giant face-off and then everyone in Zion celebrates to the strains of Queens we are the champions [Music] [Applause] whoa [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] probably the most pivotal scene in the entire Lord of the Rings trilogy is the fiery finale inside Mount Doom where the titular ring is finally destroyed yes even more pivotal than the bit where Sam talks about potatoes in this scene Frodo and Sam are at their journey's end when Frodo finally submits to the malevolent power of the One Ring and refuses to throw it into the lava below for which thanks a lot Frodo I just sat through nine hours of movie for this just then Frodo is attacked by Gollum the former hobbit like being who is now a twisted version of his former self thanks to the Rings corruption Gollum bites Frodo's finger off to reclaim the ring Frodo and Gollum tussle and both fall over the edge Frodo survives thanks to his friend Sam while Gollum plunges into the lava below in a grim vision of the fate that would otherwise have befallen Frodo and so everyone leaves the cinema thinking about the dark corrupting nature of power and the redemptive nature of friendship and also I really need the bathroom because that film was three hours long and have you seen the size of cinema drinks these days in The Return of the King game for the ps2 and Xbox however the final encounter went a little differently in that game go on bit Frodo's finger off at which point Frodo and Sam drew their swords and absolutely went to town on his stupid Gollum face before stabbing him in the hands while he hung on for dear life yikes I guess now we know why Frodo had to go to the undying lands after he got back from Mount Doom because the cops were sniffing around and he had to disappear until the heat died down thanks for watching this video about scenes from movies that were iconic in the movies but then changed weirdly in the video game adaptation if you're still in the mood for more videos about movie videogames then up here we've got a video from us which is about the times that games couldn't get a star's likeness so they got some random instead and down here is a video from outside extra it's the other way around it's about video game movies they're actually good so you should check those out as well and thanks for watching like and subscribe if you enjoy this we'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 832,294
Rating: 4.93677 out of 5
Keywords: movie games, list, top 10, worst, best, movie adaptations, games of films, games of movies, top 7, 7 things, countdown, outsidexbox, outside xbox, matrix revolutions, matrix path of neo, lord of the rings, return of the king, lord of the rings game, matrix game, goldeneye, indiana jones game, indiana jones and the last crusade, back to the future game, back to the future 3, bram stoker's dracula game, dracula game, funny, funny moments, worst movie games
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 46sec (886 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2018
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