7 Worst Ice Levels That Can Slide Right Into the Bin

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ice and snow sound good on paper and look good in TV Christmas specials but in reality they're cold and wet and unpleasant and a magnet for bloodthirsty krampuses it's even worse in video games where icy snow levels crop up all the time subjecting you the player to slightly controls slow movement limited visibility and worst of all compulsory snowboarding but don't take our word for it get a load of these ice levels that can slide all the way into the bin enjoy and beware some minor spoilers for The Following games [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] stay where I can see you Batman each member of Batman's Rogues gallery has something that makes them unique The Joker has a twisted sense of humor poison ivy can control plants and The Riddler tells you what crimes he's going to do before he does them thus making him much easier to catch what crying boss the Penguin's whole thing is that he's like a penguin and as such very into stuff penguins like such as ice and murder I'm telling you given the chance a penguin would do that to you and your whole family in Arkham City The Penguin has taken over the Cyrus Pinckney Institute for natural history and turned it into his base of operations converting the former Museum's main hall into a huge frozen lake the ice looks unstable I need to move slowly take my time everything about this makeshift Iceberg Lounge is the worst from having to walk around slowly on the ice so you don't break it to the fact that you have to get around by laboriously pulling a raft around the place [Music] gun two oh yeah the shark did I not mention the shark honestly put that thing in a top hat give him a few henchmen and call him something like SharkMan Jones and he is easily in the top five deadliest Batman villains of all time and yeah I know who king shark is it's different this is a joke it's a joke I'm making so stay out of the comments king shark fans [Music] in the real world when it snows you get to drink hot cocoa and make snow angels and flake on your social commitments because you know the roads or trains or whatever it's great not so for Donkey Kong who when faced with abundant snow and ice in Donkey Kong Country Must press on with no respite from the three worst things about ice it's slippery it's cold and it's hard all of which can equally be said for Donkey Kong country's gorilla Glacier the icy desolation that lies at the highest point of Donkey Kong Island and if Donkey Kong were a smarter primate he'd steer well clear but here we are folks loping into a series of stages where the DK specific platforming muscle memory you've earned up until now goes right out the window foreign platforms and slopes are super slippery leaving Donkey Kong with all the grace and maneuverability you would expect of a gigantic gorilla on a frozen surface just as well the game doesn't demand precisely timed and placed leaps to keep you from dying oh wait it does I always said the day I returned voluntarily to this level would be the day hell freezes over but now that I think about it it's not clear that gorilla Glacier wasn't built upon the Frozen ruins of hell with its diabolical skinny platforms and frequent visibility tanking snowstorms occasionally for a special treat snow will fall in the background and foreground at the same time obscuring you the environment your enemies and anything else you might have liked to see going on it's a bit like when it rains in that Infamous GTA San Andreas remake but colder and worse oh oh that's that's a lot distracting that is a lot of rain okay colder anyway the slippy slidy snowbound parts of the region give gorilla Glacier the dubious honor of being among the earliest most notorious ice levels in gaming history kicking off a long and terrible tradition of making our lives worse with snow and ice and again poor DK with not so much as a mug of cocoa to take the edge off still at least he has a good excuse for flaking on his social commitments [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] popular in video games the Nurburgring Nord schleifer in Germany is generally considered to be the most challenging race circuit in the world but to be fair that's only because Rainbow Road isn't real thank you [Music] the only thing more colorful is my language the point is with its 140 plus Corners dramatic elevation changes and blind high-speed sections the nordstrifer is plenty challenging even in absolutely perfect conditions you have to wonder then what sort edists would set a challenge on that particular circuit in the dead of winter when the entire thing is covered in snow and ice the answer is the developers of 2007 Xbox 360 game Project Gotham Racing 4 bizarre Creations they're closed now presumably because of this crime against humanity the mission classic snow chaos doesn't just challenge you to make it around the circuit in the worst imaginable conditions but it makes you do it in a nearly 70 year old Maserati 250f Grand Prix car from an era when engines were powerful and brakes absolutely were not foreign the result is a Driving Experience that's slipperier than a politician in a TV interview with you desperately wrestling this piece of 1950s automotive technology around a treacherous circuit in the sort of conditions that would make a polar bear think twice about popping outside you know what bring back rainbow road at least it would mean the sun was coming out all right foreign software's sprawling RPG Elder ring is called the lands between because George RR Martin owns a copy of The Lord of the Rings and a thesaurus this not Middle Earth is made up of a bunch of diverse biomes including the expansive Lakes of Leonia and the hellish everything of Khalid but if you ask us the absolute worst place in all of Elton ring is ordina liturgical town the closest thing the game has to a snow level to even get to ordini you first have to navigate the consecrated snow field which is a snowy maze with a visibility of about four feet foreign seriously Silent Hill monsters would look at this and comment on the poor visibility eventually after hours of Galloping around a mostly white screen fondly remembering when you were allowed to see things in Elton ring you might stumble across ordina liturgical town which on the face of it seems like a pretty regular Town albeit one covered in snow however ordina contains an evergail which transports you to another version of the Town wherein lies a puzzle for you to solve to access the secret area Michaela's Hallock tree the puzzle involves finding three unlit torches and lighting them which sounds simple because I didn't mention the other part which is that the town is also full of invisible assassins who will kill you instantly by stabbing you in your unsuspecting neck come on these black knife assassins are totally invisible come out of nowhere without any warning and will easily drop you in a single hit if you haven't maxed out Your vitality and they make any attempt to navigate ordina a brutal stressful Gauntlet of constant sudden deaths and grumpy sweary restarts anyone hoping for a way around this you can get a special torch which when equipped will reveal these Assassins but all that means really is that you get to see exactly who it is stabbing you in the neck foreign great glad I bothered man remember when we were lost in that snow field that was good times well not good per se more like bad bad times is is what I was going for [Music] the common bottlenose dolphin is a marine mammal that lives in temperate tropical and subtropical oceans which is many oceans but not you will notice any of the ones covered in ice this explains how in Sega Mega Drive classic Echo the dolphin the titular Bottlenose is so desperately out of his depth in the Frozen nightmare that is the Arctic Ocean of the ISO recall for just a second that this game begins with Echo vibing in the warm Waters of a coral reef feasting on the plentiful Nemos and receiving life advice from his podmates [Music] buddy I'm way ahead of you then when a terrifying Sky Vortex sucks up all his friends and food Echo must begin the lonely voyage across planet Earth's vast oceans to solve the mystery so it is all downhill from there for our citation cover star he's not smiling on the inside believe me the ice zone is her particular low point for both Echo the dolphin and you the player about one-third of the way through the game when the music turns all creepy and mournful and you're dumped into a Sub-Zero soup of angry Arctic sharks slippery sea ice and much much worse extremely hostile Arctic spiders [Music] no don't like that technically these are crabs but the game calls them spiders and they look like spiders and so for all intents and purposes this is a kind of gigantic highly aggressive underwater spider and whoa I've just developed a new highly specific phobia cool Echo is not the most combat effective creature at the best of time so you better get used to the sound effect of him taking crab damage as if the Ice Zone weren't horror enough it's followed by two further Arctic set levels named hard water and cold water which feature surface ice that leaves you with fewer and fewer holes through which to stick your snout to breathe the air the Dolphins need to live as well as ice blocks that Zoom around and Crush you to death oh and in case you were wondering yes there are still plenty of Arctic spiders and that's why we live on land [Applause] the year was 1997 Global snowboarding popularity was at an all-time high and the world looked forward to the Sport's first appearance at the Winter Olympics the following year in Nagano Japan perhaps that was the rationale behind adding a snowboarding minigame to Final Fantasy VII with the aim of seizing the Zeitgeist by having Cloud Shred the Gnar down a mountain part way through this otherwise winter sports free role-playing game and truly it might have paid off if this five minute portion of gameplay wasn't the most annoying emulation of snowboarding ever to Grace A Game's console the snowboarding minigame awaits players at the top of icicle in a snowy Resort town from which cloud and the Gang being pursued by the evil Shinra must make a quick Escape therefore Cloud steals a kid's snowboard to ride down the mountain with neria backwards glance or opportunity to first put on something with sleeves I am cold just looking at you Cloud so begins a mini game as difficult to control as it is totally unavoidable foreign that let you steer jump break and even Edge the board for faster turns but those rumors remain unproven because in reality it is nigh on impossible to avoid the sides of this slippery slope the upshot is what the makers of Final Fantasy 7 presumably hoped would be a fun few minutes of carving powder as Cloud the Winter Olympics hopeful turned out to be an ego puncturing ordeal where you kept donking off obstacles like a total chump in a Divergence from the official rules of the Winter Olympics event the slope is also covered in balloons perhaps to try and cheer you up your reward for completing the minigame is unlocking three more snowboarding courses at the Gold saucer amusement park in case you want Cloud to make that career switch from mercenary super soldier to extreme sportsmen [Music] guess what you don't Miss Gasco get that fire lip quick Miss Jones bring in whatever blankets we have Mr Pearson see what we've got in terms of food Davey's dead now don't get me wrong Red Dead Redemption 2 is a fantastic game full of great characters story and said pieces but dear God does it have a rough start that's because it kicks off proceedings with the culture chapter in which the vandalind gang are holed up in the Frozen north of the map hiding out after the botched ferry boat robbery that made them persona non grata in the more hospitable areas of new Austin what really went down back there on that boat we miss you that's what happened come on that means a solid hour of the most expensive lavishly detailed ice level in video game history and while it is very impressive from a technical standpoint it's also an ice level and as such sucks everything about this section of the game is utterly miserable from the freezing and starving other gang members we have a few cans of food and a rabbit for what 10 12 people to the missions which are mostly used slogging through hip deep snow at a snail's pace or riding a horse through hip deep snow unable to see anything that's happening because there's snow everywhere and also it's dark always man this would be like if a Grand Theft Auto game started with you chauffeuring your annoying cousin around the most boring part of the city of women at once oh right the city is like a big older milk and ice cream shop 36 flavors of titty those were the seven worst ice levels that can slide straight into the nearest bin or trash can if you prefer you can't see but Andy is wearing so many big cozy layers including a very cozy looking jacket and now it's my problem anyway if you would like to watch another video from outside Xbox why not this one which is about the seven worst guns we wouldn't shoot our worst enemy with or this video from our sister Channel outside extra which is about seven boss fights that you literally were not allowed to lose by the game am I allowed to have some heat yes fine all right [Music]
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 252,597
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, andy farrant, jane douglas, mike channell, 7 things, top ten, top 10, top five, top 5, countdown, list, ice, snow, levels, winter, christmas, festive, holiday, Iceberg Lounge, batman, arkham city, penguin, icy, shark, Donkey Kong Country, gorilla glacier, Nurburgring, Maserati 250F, project gotham racing 4, Ordina, Liturgical Town, elden ring, Ecco the Dolphin, ice zone, Final Fantasy VII, snowboarding, snowboard, colter, chapter, Red Dead Redemption 2, arthur morgan, start
Id: fySfWMfjTnQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 33sec (993 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 15 2022
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