7 Hardest Secret Levels Only the Best Players Could Beat

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if life were fair then when you discovered a secret area hidden in a video game you would be rewarded with a little treat like a coupon code for 10 off the sequel in actual life though you're much more likely to find the secret area contains nothing but pain more pain and maybe some fiddly difficult platforming if you're good enough to find this place the game seems to say then you're good enough to make it through this extra hard trial and if you're not then please enjoy having your ass handed to you and serves you right for snooping around looking for secret areas jerk yeah way to be video games at any rate contemplate the seven hardest nail secret levels that more or less punished you for finding them and beware secret area spoilers for the following games [Music] [Applause] [Music] all people come here for the same reason to break the curse you're no different i should think hmm doesn't stand a chance the dark souls series relishes any opportunity to have an enemy jump out at you from some hidden corner and attempt to run you through just call it a surprise death day party dark souls 2 dlc crown of the ivory king was no exception to that obviously because the dlc in souls games is notoriously designed for high level players the thing is this dlc also had a secret optional area called the frigid outskirts which delivered a whole new level of unpleasant jerk aciry in order to reach the frigid outskirts you needed to head to the bonfire in a room called the expulsion chamber which sounds like a real fancy name for a bathroom examine the coffin in this chamber and in a move that's probably ill-advised in a game that's so eager to kill you you hop in the coffin and ride it down the snowy hill like an out of control bobsled by the time you slide to a halt you're in the frigid outskirts and something becomes immediately clear that absolutely nothing is clear the entire area is blanketed in a storm that only lets up in certain small areas meaning that for the most part you're contending with absolute white out this naturally gives dark souls 2 the perfect opportunity to surprise you with say a giant frozen horse monster that comes charging out of the storm to flatten you these things endlessly spawn just out of your field of view as well meaning you can never rest easily knowing you've cleared the area like you usually can in a souls game thanks a freaking bunch dark souls 2. unfortunately there's only two ways out of this area once you're in it one is respawning back in the expulsion chamber after dying minus all your souls the other is to press on through the white out navigate a narrow icebridge and then fight two giant mengie saber-toothed tigers ugh this is the worst death day ever [Music] [Music] in a game starring a character as cheery and child friendly as rayman you wouldn't necessarily expect the sort of precision platforming that would have you bellowing swear words at the top of your lungs [Music] at least rayman can't hear pretty sure that in addition to arms and legs he doesn't have ears effing and jeffy is almost mandatory though if you attempt to tackle this optional secret level in rayman origins called land of the livid dead an appropriate title given that every time you die you're going to get a little bit more furious [Applause] [Music] it all sticks look i'm really trying to keep my language in check here the land of the livid dead is particularly tricky you can't take your time because you're forced to keep up the pace to maintain your momentum and you'll have to pull off some of the trickiest jumps and maneuvers in the game to avoid getting impaled drowned or simply falling to your doom and as is becoming a bit of a running theme in this list if you do get to the end there's also a difficult boss fight to polish off as well at least if you manage that final challenge you can take out your pent-up frustration on the names of the people who made the game [Music] not that they learned their lesson the land of the livid dead made a return as the final musical level in rayman legends accompanied by a bunch of grannies belting out surf rock guitar riffs from a series of flying coffins hey if i'm gonna die repeatedly it might as well be to a banging soundtrack yeah sorry sorry pg-13 from here on out i promise heaven and hell are gonna go straight for each other's throats heaven and hell can tear each other to pieces for all i care i've got my own problems to worry about you can tell bayonetta is one of those go-getting type a personalities constantly striving to achieve her goals and perfect her skills while i on the other hand consider the day a win if i find a forgotten fun-sized milky way in the pocket of my bathrobe [Music] looks exhausting only through the lens of bayonetta's ambitious high achieving personality style can we understand her drive to access and beat her game's secret level called lost chapter angel slayer because before bayonetta can even set one high-heeled foot in this lost chapter she and therefore you have to successfully complete all 21 alpheim challenges which is plenty only by completing these 21 increasingly tricky alpheim secret rooms does bayonetta earn the privilege of having everyone and their freaky celestial cousin try to kick her butt in the even secretor angel slayer chapter which by the way consists of 51 fights 51 that's more than plenty that's plenty plus needless to say these 51 fights get harder as you go needful to say they eventually culminate in a fight against bayonetta herself and if there's one thing we've learned about bayonetta it's that she hates to lose now that really does look exhausting i want to say you'll be richly rewarded for clearing the angel slayer chapter but i can't because in fact you're given the unlockable player character zero who is ostensibly a demon but looks like an elderly pirate skeleton stuck in a trash bag and who is too small to show up properly in cutscenes designed for a six foot something action witch i'd take the fun size milky way given the choice [Music] back in the 90s you couldn't have a games console without a mascot that was just the rules but let's be honest sony's first attempt polygon man needed some work and that work specifically was garbage disposal that's why it's a good job crash bandicoot arrived in 1996 and became a huge success for the playstation in spite of no one knowing what the heck a bandicoot actually was still apparently the character was very nearly called willy the wombat so i think we all dodged a bullet there fundamentally crash bandicoot was designed to attract kids to the playstation platform not making those kids cry is likely the reason we never saw a level called stormy ascent in the original game it was apparently cut before release due to its extreme difficulty it must have been a late call as well because the pal version of the game still has a screenshot from stormy ascent on the box people might have complained about it being left out but that's only because they hadn't played it lucky for us the level was remastered and reinstated in all its nightmarish glory as a bonus level in the crash bandicoot insane trilogy in 2017 lucky lucky us what we got was around five to six solid minutes of abject video gaming misery tedious fiddly platforming one-hit kills and multiple opportunities to fall to your death or with the mostly unchanging backdrop of a grey stone castle wall and while you're busy toiling away on those disappearing platforms just to get up a few stories of neocortex's castle in stormy ascent look how quickly crash can climb that same castle when he's on the overworld map unbelievable polygon man would never have done this to us [Music] there's nothing worse than stumbling into a brutally difficult secret area and ending up in way over your head that's why it's rather refreshing that metroidvania game cave story has a signpost at the beginning of the hidden area called bloodstained sanctuary to fully detail the trials and tribulations ahead should you choose to enter yep that about covers it bloodstained sanctuary is an absolute nightmare even the very first segment requires you to boost jump down a narrow spike riddled corridor a brutally difficult test of your precision platforming skills or as cave story likes to call it the warm-up what follows is a series of areas where you are positively inundated from all sides by enemies traps and environmental hazards all of which you have to negotiate with your weapons busted back down to level one off right in the progress this tricky to access area is extremely tough but there's a very good reason to put yourself to all this torture beyond just finely honing your hand-eye coordination endure the bloodstained sanctuary battered and bruised and you'll come up against the game's true final boss who you'll need to defeat to get the game's proper ending he's the creator of the game's cursed demon crown a powerful magic user whose name is pronounced let's say balos because it would severely affect the gravitas of this climactic battle if it was pronounced borlos sounds like the world's worst breakfast cereal if you are faced with an optional area called the path of pain and you choose to proceed into the area called the path of pain despite it being clearly labeled the path of pain then legally speaking you wave your right to complain about how painful it is such a path exists as an optional area in hollow knight where it is accessed by breaking through a wall in the white palace and not turning back even when warned by the game itself that to witness secrets sealed one must endure the harshest punishment one might argue therefore you have been adequately forewarned of how much suffering you're going to endure in the following minutes and probably hours after entering the once again path of pain but you know what i don't even think these fairly explicit warnings can convey exactly how much of a nightmare this sub-area turns out to be with its sudden and very intense singular focus on platforming rather than combat which demands wall jumping and aerial movement timed with the precision of a swiss watch this extremely demanding gauntlet has more spike covered surfaces and spinning saw blades than a trap from one of the later saw movies and where in a sore trap you're supposed to prove your will to live here you are supposed to prove your will to die over and over and over again [Music] finding the one safe route through this assault course of death involves doing a lot of moves you understand to be normal components of platforming like dashing double jumping and wall jumping but strung together in an exact split second sequence that makes a mockery of the imperfection that defines us as fallible beautiful human beings with hopes and dreams which are now it must be said mostly about escaping the path of pain [Music] all in all this is a truly punishing level where if you are skilled and persistent enough to make it through your final leap lands you smack bang in the middle of a surprise boss fight surprise and that's why they don't call it the path of comfortable that and everything else bring over here i can't hold them back much longer you alright sill rest here a while i'm going ahead to finish the job if you're going to imitate an established successful thing we've got a bit of advice just describe it as an homage that's how i'm going to get away with my 10 movie automotive heist saga the brisk and the bad tempered torchlight more than gets away with being an homage to the diablo series of hack and slash rpgs by virtue of the fact that it was made by two of that game's original creators max and eric schaefer still the influence is plain to see with its top down dungeon crawling clicky mouse button combat and more monsters than you can shake a mouldy starfats which i mean is literally what you'll be doing if you pick the alchemist as your starter class there are more than just the superficial similarities to diablo though there's also a secret level which is a direct reference to one of the diablo series own secret levels a sort of secret section if you will you're probably already familiar with the gaming legend that is diablo ii secret cow level a bizarre hidden area filled with bovine enemies wielding pole arms that's what ronald mcdonald sees when he closes his eyes torchlight's tribute to the secret cow level required a different farmyard animal which is why we ended up with the secret horse level accessed by transmuting a bunch of items to enter a sort of equine hellscape the difference is these horses are seriously powerful in fact they are even stronger and harder to kill than the game's actual final boss corrupted dragon ordrak who must be wondering how he got upstaged by an animal that eats using a nose bag speaking of horsepower the brisk and the bad tempered in cinemas 2023 keep an eye out for it those were seven secret levels that put the hard in i hardly know why i bothered coming here how many of them have you personally beaten go on treat yourself to a little brag in the comments you earned it and then please consider subscribing to this channel where there's a video a bit like this one coming out every week if you hit the bell icon you can also have a notification every time we publish one wouldn't that be good okay nice work see you next time
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 372,120
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, andy farrant, jane douglas, mike channell, dark souls 2, dark souls ii, frigid outskirts, secret level, hidden, secrets, bonus, stage, mission, hardest, difficult, most, impossible, 7 things, list, top 5, top five, top 10, top ten, countdown, land of the livid dead, rayman, origins, legends, bayonetta, lost chapter, angel slayer, boss, rush, stormy ascent, crash bandicoot, n sane trilogy, blood stained sanctuary, hollow knight, path of pain, cave story, torchlight, horse, level
Id: NoGwP7hTNI8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 54sec (894 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 13 2022
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