6 ‘Catfish’ No One Suspected | Ranked: Catfish

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The reason why you (bleep) stupid idiots can never find Tony is because I'm Tony. What's happening? What's going on? Why the (bleep) would you do that? "Hi, Nev, I need help in meeting my fiancé Steven!" Wait. "I need help in meeting my fiancé"? Yeah. So she's engaged to someone and according to this, they've never met. That's crazy! "Here's a little background information about how my relationship started. "In 2010, my father passed away. "It was a tough time for me because it was so unexpected and I was very close to him. "My world began to crash. I was drinking every night. "I also began engaging in a lot of sexual activity. "Then, one day, I was going through my friend requests on Facebook and there was Steven. "I didn't think anything of it because I noticed he was an aspiring rapper. "I get a lot of messages from people who are into the music industry "because they see I work at Power 96, one of Miami's top radio stations. "What really got me to start talking to him was the fact "that it seemed like he genuinely cared. "Every day, he reminds me that I am important. "He has been my rock. Now, 2 1/2 years later, I am desperate to meet him. "By the way, he's from Atlanta. "He travels a lot because he does shows to promote himself. "We've never met and I'm fearful that there's a reason why. "I've tried to video chat with him once "but his webcam wasn't working and neither was his microphone. "Please help me finally get to hold Steve. Thank you. Cassandra." How are you? Good. How are you? I'm good. This is my best friend Gladys. Hey, Gladys, is it all right if I sit over here? You're not gonna get one too? I don't know. I'm thinking about it. Put this over here. Okay. How far back do you guys go? We started friends pre-K. First day of school, first person I met. She came up to me and said, "I like pickles." I wouldn't really say she's my best friend. I look at her more like my sister. What's the sort of magic ingredient that makes your friendship so awesome? I mean, we can never stay mad at each other. Yeah. Like, after a while, we'll just look at each other and start laughing. How much has Cassie told you about Steven? He got you out of the hole you were in that you dug yourself. Yeah. She didn't listen to me, her mother, or her sister. She'd go to, like, you know, like the frat parties and stuff like that. I wouldn't tell her about it 'cause she'd try and talk me out of it. Yeah, I'd try to call her. Like, I barely reached her. And then when she started talking to Steve, I started seeing my Cassie back. But the whole proposal... Yeah. That's crazy. ...was a little sketchy to me. Marriage wasn't just like this wild idea that just popped in my head. I really did think about it before I asked. He could be, you know, someone that he's not. Or he can be him. He can be him. (doorbell rings) Did you knock? I rang the doorbell. Hey, guys. Hey, Gladys. Where's Tony? Is he here? Yeah. So, like, his music is adding up to Steve's music. I need to know what's up with that. So, like, you think it's Tony? Did you know about it? (groans) Steve... I made up Steve. Steve is me. But the person you've been... (bleep) that! (Cassie exhales) (screams) (bleep)! Like, I just did it so she can change. I just tried to make a perfect guy, maybe she can have a sense of what a guy is instead of treating her like crap like all the other ones. But Tony's the one she's been talking to. (exhales) I'm shaking. I need to sit down. Is Tony in love with her? He just did it 'cause I asked him to. This is (bleep). So I'm a joke? I'm a joke? I don't know what to tell you, but, I mean, you have every right to be furious and feel totally confused and upset and maybe even betrayed. What the (bleep) is up with that? There are a lot of questions I have and I'm sure you have. I do think it's in your best interest to hear what she has to say, not to say that it's not totally (bleep) up that she's involved in this and that she didn't say something sooner. Show me the phone. I need to see... see the phone. I don't believe, like... You see this says Steve with a heart. (musical ringtone) See? I did it because I love you and because I want you to be a better person than what you were then. "Dear Nev and Max, my name is Infiniti. I'm 19 and work retail..." In New York City! "...at a busy store in New York City, but I'm also working toward becoming a professional dancer." Whoa! "I'm writing you guys because six months ago, I met this guy named Dave online. Dave is a 25-year-old who loves music and me." (laughs) He's got two likes. Yeah. "He's outgoing, funny, and goofy just like I am." ♪ I don't want to run around ♪ "He's the person I talk to in the morning "and he's the last person I say good night to. "He's incredible but he's also kind of a mystery. "Dave being from New York should have made it easy for us to go on a date, "but he's always saying he's traveling for work or his phone's broken. He apologizes and says he'll make it up to me, but he never does." ♪ I don't want to run around no I don't ♪ "Recently, he went to Los Angeles for work "and told me he won't be back until March. "After all this time, I feel like I should have met him, "and I'm through with it. I'm really hoping you guys can help me. Sincerely, Infiniti." "Hey, guys, I found Dave's Instagram but it's locked so I can't see anything. I know we were following each other, so I don't know what the deal is." Well, maybe when she told him that she had called us to be on "Catfish," he locked it up. Ooh! "I have two friends that I told about you guys coming to town. "The first is my best friend Nelly and the second is my friend Nay. They know I'm dating Dave. If you want to talk to them, it's cool." So Nay and Nelly, I would just throw up there as two possible suspects, considering I think this is gonna be a girl because she hasn't talked to him on the phone. Yeah. So let's call the friends now. All right, let's call the friends. (line ringing) <i> Hello?</i> Hey, is this Nelly? It's Nev and Max from "Catfish." <i> Hi.</i> I know that Infiniti told you we were in town, so we were hoping we could talk to you for a minute. Can we FaceTime you? Nelly! <i> Hi.</i> We were just curious to kind of get your take on Dave. Are you skeptical that he might not be who he says he is? Wait. You were supposed to meet in Miami? Wow. So you guys planned a whole trip sort of around him being there. And then he wasn't even there. She's never even talked to him on the phone. She's telling us things that she apparently isn't telling you. She's also not telling us things that clearly have happened. Yeah. All right. Maybe we'll run into you in the next couple days. All right. Thanks, Nelly. So that's interesting. Who is lying now? Right. Is Infiniti just leaving certain details out because she doesn't want to make Dave seem worse than he already does? Or is she telling two different stories to two different sets of people? Right. That might be her. Hey! Hi. How you doin'? Thanks for coming out. Thank you. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you. Come on in. Hi, Nelly. You okay? No. All right. So, I know you know what's been going on with Infiniti and Dave. This morning, I got a phone call from a girl named Cabria. Okay. And she said she didn't like that Ray took the rap for something he didn't do and that we should talk to you. Cabria called and said that? Yeah. You can't be mad at me, okay? Okay? I'm listening. Ray told me that it was him and he told me not to tell you, so I didn't. But... Like, uh... That's it? (Infiniti crying) That's not it. Come on. There's more. (sighs) So, um... So it wasn't Ray. It's been me. You are... You have been Dave this whole time? Yep. Infiniti, you did it to me. Nelly, when did I ever do anything like that to you? You gave that boy my number in high school and you thought it was so funny. Even if so, that was like... that was years ago. Yeah, but... and then I got you back. Hold on a second. You did it as a joke? Yeah. I thought it was funny at first, and then it just went on. So in high school, she gave your number to a boy that liked her as a joke? Yeah, and then it wasn't a joke because he was, like, obsessed. But that ended, right? Yep. And you knew that she had done that and you guys had talked about it and it was resolved to some extent? To some extent. You felt like she had kind of burned you. I just... I didn't think she, like, did anything mean. I thought it was funny. She had kind of pranked you and now you wanted to prank her back? Yep, and then it just went a little too far. Definitely. And Ray? I just asked him, because I didn't want to ruin the friendship. You asked him what? To take the fall. The whole point of Dave was that you would come forward and be like, "Ha ha ha, isn't that funny? I was Dave." Like... But I was, like, waiting for, like, something to happen and she'd, like, come to me and tell me about him to be like, "Oh, that's me," but that never happened until it was, like, too late. You could have just told me. I think you should laugh about it. You might have thought this was funny at the beginning. Yeah, at the beginning, okay, but she took it too far. Like, she did too much. So give us the Nevaeh saga. <i> All right. Well, pretty much, we started talking originally</i> <i> when I was a senior in high school.</i> <i> She had sent me a friend request online,</i> <i> so I instantly just went through her pictures, looked at it,</i> <i> and thought, pretty girl, gorgeous, foxy,</i> <i> and then eventually, she had ended up writing me,</i> <i> and so the conversation turned into more,</i> <i> we talking every day, writing each other.</i> <i> You know, we went on for years.</i> <i> Hugs, kisses, little emojis, a little text messaging and everything.</i> <i> It got serious, you know what I'm saying?</i> <i> And, like, we had a great bond,</i> <i> but as days go on, those doubts built up.</i> You mentioned in your email that you tried to meet up a few times. What happened? <i> So we had agreed to meet at the mall,</i> <i> so, you know, I took that chance</i> <i> and tried to go make something happen.</i> <i> I sat at the mall for maybe two hours, waiting.</i> <i> Eventually, she texted me and said something had came up.</i> <i> "I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you."</i> Sounds like you've never video chatted or Skyped with her. Have you? <i> Yeah, we'll video chat when we do get a chance.</i> So you have video chatted with her? <i> Yeah, but no matter what the situation, it's never daytime.</i> <i> You know, she's always in a dark room,</i> <i> like a "I don't want nobody to see me" dark room.</i> And I'm sure you've said, like, hey, turn the lights on. <i> Yeah, plenty of times, and she's like,</i> <i> "I don't want you to see me like this. My hair isn't done."</i> Okay. Party here! Hey, a party! What's up? Think fast. Whoa! Got 'em! Got 'em! What's up, man? Ooh, I see burgers. There's burgers up here. And then we made all these hot dogs. Oh! We got some for you. So all you guys are friends, or...? Uh, no, that's my brother. Your brother? Really? Yep, that's my little brother. And I'm his godsister. Godsister. Oh, nice. Yeah. What do you guys know about why we're here? I know a little bit. I actually can't wait for him to finally just meet her so he can get that closure that he needs. It's been a couple years. More than that. Right? It's been, like, almost eight years. That's a long time to still be hoping and praying and waiting for somebody. Just get it over with already. It's a long time to string somebody along. Do you think she's real? I think she's somebody that look like Roseanne. (laughter) But what if it's a guy? She's a girl, of course. Well, how do you know? Sitting her, listening to him talk on the phone, you can hear... You've heard her voice? I've heard it, yeah. Oh, okay. It sounds like a girl to you, too? All right. I just hope she can cook. (Ericka laughs) Very mysterious. Hello. Hello. Hi, again. Hi. Yeah. We meet again. Uh... So, it was you the whole time? Why, though? It was just supposed to be a lesson that needed to be learned. When you told me about Ciara, I told you from jump, I didn't think that that was a good idea. Are we talking about the Ciara we just met? So did...? You gotta fill us in here. Ciara told me she had a crush on Alante and I told her not to pursue it. Why? Because you're my friend, that's my brother. I don't want to be in the middle, so I gave her her proof that you were talking to other people on Facebook. Oh! I'm not saying that that's not what happened... Mm-hmm. ...but it feels like you didn't want some other girl to be with Alante because you wanted to be with Alante. No, not at all. That's it. That's my brother. Well, he's not your brother. You're not actually related. No, not blood related. Right. But you're very close and he's your godbrother. Yes. At what point did you make a fake profile, decide to name it Nevaeh? I had already made it. Okay. So it was just something originally that me and all my friends did in high school because I had some friends who were, you know, "Hey, add my boyfriend," or "Add this person," so I added them as Nevaeh's friend, and immediately they would poke her on Facebook, direct message her, and that, right there, was your proof that he'll engage in a conversation with somebody else. So why keep this Nevaeh profile going so long with Alante? Why keep it going for eight years? Because after a while, you know, I told Ciara, I was like, "You think it's time?" You know, "Is it time for me to just let it go?" And Ciara was, "No, write him back." Why do you have her back over his? I mean, because I'm a female so I knew what she was going through. This sounds like bull(bleep). I mean... "Dear Nev, my name is Hundra. I am a 21-year-old girl from Philadelphia. "Please, could you help me? I met an amazing girl named Emily from New York City on Facebook nine months ago." ♪ I had a feeling you broke and the smoke filled you up ♪ "We started out as friends, but our relationship grew into so much more. ♪ Again again again always I'm thinking about you ♪ ♪ Always I'm thinking about you ♪ "Emily is my first girlfriend and the first girl I ever felt this way for. She made me feel like it's okay to be myself and love who I choose." ♪ But in a week might our weakness elude ♪ "I still love her but I feel like she's playing a game. "Even though we both live close, when I try to meet her, it always falls apart. "I even drove to her place one day and at the last minute, she told me she had left." Oh, no! "I know you guys hear a lot of stories. "However, my situation is different. "Me asking you for help is risky. "I may lose a lot doing this. I say this because my family is from Haiti..." Oh! "...and we come from a very strict way of life." "Homosexuality is not tolerated. "I have not told my family that I am dating women and run the risk of them disowning me." Jeez! "I really care for this girl and I'm willing "to show the world who I am to get the answers I need. Can you guys help?" Here she is. Hi. Hi. How are you doing? Good. Nev. Hi, I'm Kels. Kels. Nice to meet you. And this is Hundra, who you don't know yet, but you will shortly. Hi. This has got to be crazy, right? Kind of awkward. A little weird, yeah. All right, so hold on. Let me explain what's up here. Have a seat, have a seat. Basically, nine months ago, Hundra was on Facebook and came across a profile of a girl named Emily with pictures of you that, like, really caught her eye. We spent the last couple days looking into this whole situation and we found some interesting things you might actually be able to help us make sense out of. Lay it on me. Come on. Okay. So, the big question is, do you know a Geralyn? Yeah, my ex-girlfriend. Whoa, okay. Wait! Do you have a girlfriend now? Yes. With my girlfriend now, me and her broke up last... somewhat last year. She had went stormy. Me and Geralyn were friends for a while. We entered a relationship. We broke up because I was still in love with the other girl, so I got back with the other girl. It wasn't like an ugly, nasty breakup, was it? No, I literally just told her how it was and she took it pretty... uh... pretty well, um... Whoa. Okay. Because the number that Hundra is currently talking to her on comes up registered to Geralyn. Oh, my God! I'm a little shocked. I've been picturing you to be Emily this whole time, so I kept staring at her for a long, long time. Oh, my God! I feel like she played with your heart. I don't know what I would have done if that were to happen to me. I don't know. I'm just a little weak right now. No, that's okay. Yeah. Yeah. All right, so now we gotta figure out what to do because it's looking like Geralyn is the person you've been talking to. We feel if you called her, she probably would pick up. She would. So call her? Yeah. (line ringing) <i> Hello?</i> Yo. <i> What's up?</i> So, um, this is gonna sound strange and kind of weird, but I'm with "Catfish." <i> Are you serious?</i> They told me something and I'm with Hundra. Do you know Hundra? <i> (Geralyn laughs)</i> This is funny? <i> No, it's not funny.</i> <i> I don't want to talk about it over the phone. Uh...</i> Okay. Well, would you be willing to meet Hundra? <i> Yes.</i> All right. <i> All right.</i> Bye. Wow! She was sort of trying to, like, laugh it off a little bit. Mm-hmm. What does that mean for you and Geralyn's friendship? Honestly, I don't even know. That's something I think you should work out with her separately. Okay. Text me her address. We'll head over there and we'll talk to her, and then maybe we'll check in with you later. Okay. It was nice to meet you. You too. ♪ Too late ♪ Is this them pulling up? Did you come with Hundra? Uh, no. No. Oh, here she is. So, what's up? Really? So you just steal pictures and talk to people? I'm talking to you. I can hear you. So, speak. Like, do you think that's cool? It's over, though. What's over? What's over? This whole thing is over. What do you mean? She spilled the beans. Y'all playing us. Hundra, you want to tell us something? You knew them already, huh? But there was still something that needed to be done, like, as far as me coming out. That was it? You just wanted to come out? You had to have at least had a reason to want to be on television. I wanted the world to know that I was gay. Why does the world need to know that you're gay? When you're in a culture that hates what you have to become, it's not that easy, so, yeah, in a way, the world should give a (bleep). I don't want to keep lying to myself. What's the world gonna take away from this? Why wouldn't you say, like, "Hey, Hundra, we want to help you, but I'm not about to make my (bleep) ex-girlfriend look like an ass(bleep)." When we came up here yesterday, she made it sound like Geralyn was just trying to, like, put a notch on her belt and, like, convert a straight girl. Oh, my God! Is she blackmailing you? Like, what-- Why would you go through with this? I don't know. You did it for her. I did it for her. Yeah, pretty much. Tell us about Faith. <i> Faith is wonderful. Everything about her I find very fascinating.</i> <i> We want to go to school to be nurses. We're alike in a lot of ways.</i> How old is Faith? <i> Faith is 22.</i> And she lives in Michigan? <i> Yes, and she lives on Mackinac Island, about five hours away from me.</i> I've heard of Mackinac Island. <i> Yeah.</i> You met on IM... <i> IMVU.</i> IMVU. What is that? <i> It is a virtual world where you have an avatar</i> <i> and it's like an actual person.</i> Okay. <i> And you can go into different chat rooms and talk to people.</i> <i> When I met her, I went into a lesbian bar chat room</i> <i> and we just started talking.</i> <i> It was like, "I really like your personality</i> <i> and I want to to get to know you more."</i> <i> So she gave me her number and we started texting.</i> And then you started talking on the phone? <i> Yeah.</i> <i> Yeah.</i> So you know her voice? So when did it go from maybe like a friendship into something a little more<i> romantique?</i> <i> I actually told her I loved her first.</i> <i> I've invested my feelings into this person a lot.</i> <i> She was always, you know, there for me.</i> <i> She was always somebody that I could talk to.</i> <i> She gave me the attention that I wanted.</i> Mm. <i> But after New Year's we were supposed to make plans to meet.</i> <i> She canceled on me and said that she had to study for school</i> <i> and that she was too busy for me.</i> And what happens when you ask her to FaceTime or video chat? <i> When I ask her to video chat, she tells me that her anxiety is really bad,</i> <i> that she can't go on the camera and she doesn't have a camera on her phone.</i> Well, that's, uh, like a lot of excuses. You know those moves. Those are the classic catfish moves. <i> Yeah, I know. I know they're moves, but I guess it just...</i> You gotta have "Faith." You gotta have "Faith." (laughs) <i> I'm sorry, I have to tell you one more thing.</i> Sure. Oh. Okay. You guys have an open relationship?<i> </i> <i> No, we don't.</i> Do they know about each other? <i> Only Sami knows about Faith.</i> How long have you and Sami been together? <i> Almost two years.</i> How does she feel about this? <i> She's really upset with me and she's really angry.</i> <i> Well, see, when I met Faith, me and Sami were going through some stuff</i> <i> when I went on IMVU.</i> Mm. When did you tell her? <i> Um, I told her a few days ago.</i> Oh, so it's real, real fresh. Oh! Wow! So you told her you were writing to the show, AKA, "I've got this girl I'm talking to on the internet." <i> Yeah.</i> So Faith has been a big secret for you for the past seven months. <i> Yeah, and I feel like I'm being torn between two people.</i> How'd you guys meet? I had a friend and I was lonely and I told her, "Hey, find me a girl to go flirt with, talk to," you know? So she gives me Sami's number and I start catching feelings. How long have you lived here? Two years. I moved from Ohio to be with her. Wow. So you know why we're here. Yes. And I assume you're a little... Not happy about this? No. Right. Actually, when she told me, I wanted to throw my ring at her. What ring? We used to be engaged. Um, we called it off, but I still wear it because it was an anniversary gift. So you asked her to marry you. Yes. Whoa. Okay. So what's the thought now for you? I am trying to get her to let all this go. I really do feel like I deserve to know who I've been talking to. I get this. I do. Well, that's why we're here. Why don't we go sit down and see what we can find out. Okay. So when you first started talking to Faith, you said you guys were going through a rough patch. Right. What was going on? Well, it started with a girl that was texting my phone. She was calling me "babe." I was not interested. She's... Another online friend... Yeah. ...who then started sort of pursuing you. Yeah. And you found out or...? Yeah, I found out. That obviously created some issues, some trust issues, I guess. Yeah. Yes. It was difficult, actually. Very difficult. But I forgave her and I gave her that chance because she is somebody I love and she's somebody I want to be with and... That's why it's so difficult right now is because I did forgive her and now she's just doing it all over again. So, wait a second. As you're going through that rough patch, you start a similar friendship with Faith. It wasn't my intention to catch feelings for her. I mean, as, you know, a kid, I wasn't very, you know, attractive. I wasn't very open with myself. I wasn't happy. So getting the attention from other people, like, saying, "Hey, you're beautiful. You're pretty." Like, you know, it means a lot to me and it gives me confidence. But that's fine. People can still say, "Hey, you're beautiful," and you can say, "Thank you." Yeah. But if they then say, like, "What's your number?" or "We should meet up," you should be like, "I'm flattered, but..." Right. And if Sami trusts that you'll do that... Can I actually just step, like, away, please? I know, you know, what I did, it wasn't a good thing to do. I don't want to say that I regret meeting Faith. She was there when I needed somebody. (crying) I feel like (bleep) for doing that, you know? You know, we make mistakes. Like, that's human, you know? Hi. You all right? I'm not okay at all. (sniffling) It hurts a lot, and I try everything I can to make her happy. She is my everything, and for her to do this, it hurts, because I put my everything into this relationship. I left everything in Ohio for her. (exhales) You shouldn't ask someone to marry you if you're not ready. So I was just talking to Sami and she has some stuff she wants to talk about. I know why Faith didn't come around. Faith has been standing in front of you this whole time. I'm Faith. Are you kidding me? No. Why? 'Cause I thought you were gonna cheat on me, so I noticed that you were using IMVU and I got on there and I started talking to you. And as time went by, I couldn't let it go. (crying) (crying) What the (bleep), man? (crying) Take a breath. Just take a breath. (crying) I really don't know how to feel about this at all. I feel like I just got, like, kicked in my ribs. Is this you ending things? No, I don't want to end things. You don't want to end things? No. Okay. I want a future with her and trying to see if she was cheating on me was to see whether or not I have a future or not. But living two lives, I just-- I can't do it anymore. I can't watch her go through this anymore. The only thing I'll say, and this doesn't take away any of the anger and the hurt, is, like, this wasn't someone (bleep) with you. This wasn't someone getting their rocks off by pretending. Yeah. The basis of all of this was love and care. Yeah. I mean, I am glad that it's not, like, some random person. Take the time that you need, you know? Are you cold? A little bit. Yeah. We can go inside. Okay. Come on in, everybody. Well, I guess now that we're all up to speed, Sami, I have a lot of questions, which means Kristina must have a lot of questions. You knew about everything that was going on. What were your intentions? We've been going through a lot, and I know we've been trying to work it out, you know? I thought you were gonna cheat on me, so I did it because I had to know whether or not to keep pushing forward with you or not, but talking to you through Faith, I could feel the connection and I wanted it back because our spark was going away and I didn't want to let it go. I would have loved to reconnect with you as you, not as Faith, but you. Can I ask, like, if we kind of hadn't gotten this ball rolling, did you kind of have a plan? I wanted to make Faith disappear, and that's what I was trying to do. We came all the way here. Why couldn't you have just said something? I did this 'cause I knew you weren't gonna find anything up here. Okay. And so after Faith stood her up, you would be right here to comfort her? Yeah. I wanted you to just walk away from this girl and just go home. I wanted you to choose me. All right, here's a good one. Subject, "My cousin is getting catfished!" Well, it's a family affair. "My name is Carmen. I'm 30 years old and live in Cincinnati, Ohio. "My cousin's name is Antwane, and he is in love with a guy named Tony. "Even though they've never met... Hmm. "...he is convinced that Tony is the one for him. "All I ever hear is how Tony is the cheese to his macaroni "and I don't understand how he can even trust the guy. Plus, Antwane has never even seen a picture of Tony." ♪ I came to find your love under this all ♪ "The only time they talk is when Tony calls, so Antwane just has to wait by the phone." Does Antwane not have Tony's number? I don't know. It's hard to... So it's all on Tony's terms. Right. "Antwane and Tony have been talking for three years and he's never made an effort to come to Cincinnati to see him." ♪ Little voices said we should not go ♪ "He's a very lovable guy but he's easily fooled." He's a romantic. "He's never been in a real relationship "and he's in deep with Tony. "This dude is lying. Please help! Carmen." We're here, actually, because Carmen was concerned about you. Right, 'cause I'm so in love. I know. Every time that I ask you about Tony, it's always I'm a hater. You is! You know, so I'm just trying to look out for you. I don't want nobody to play you. True. You sensitive with certain things and you caring. Would you say that you guys are each other's best friends? Yeah. Mm-hmm. If I need something, he's my rock, I'm his rock. No more addresses? That was it. Well, let's get back in the car. All right. It's cold. Let's go. I don't want to get back in the car. We gotta find him. I mean, we're trying everything we can. Twane, the reason why you (bleep) stupid idiots can never find who Tony is is because I'm Tony. What's happening? What's going on? Why the (bleep) would you do that? Because. What the (bleep)? That (bleep) ain't cool! You get mad off of that little bitty boo (bleep), though? That's (bleep) up! It's life. Deal with it! (bleep)! Wait a second. It all went on for real, three years, I'm thinking it's Tony. You ain't no (bleep) Tony! It's life. You have to deal with it. Playing with my (bleep) life! That's bull(bleep). That's not bull(bleep). It's over. Don't talk to me ever no more, and I mean that (bleep)! It was the right thing to do. Tell your boys not to follow me with their damn cameras. Right. I want a lot of space. Please. Like-- Like ten times more space. I don't even feel like talking about this bull(bleep), you gonna play me like that. And I've been going around with three people, knocking on (bleep) houses, thinking about seeing (bleep) Tony, and I was fat-ass played. Come over here. So what? What you want to do? Come over here. I don't even feel like talking about this (bleep), you gonna play me like that. And I've been going around with three people, knocking on (bleep) houses, thinking about seeing (bleep) Tony. I just want to go home. I'm going home, I'm changing my number, everything in my (bleep) game, and I mean that. So this is, what? Payback? Yeah, it's payback. Payback. For what? For what? Paybacks are so funny. It's so funny to me. Because he... he talk about me in front of, like, everybody, so I was waiting for the right moment, and that was the right moment. Well, I think I share your confusion, disappointment, and disgust. Here, you want to get in the car? Hell, yeah, I want to get in the car. Take those (bleep) cameras off of me. Go ahead, go ahead. I want to go home. You can sit in the front. I'm... I'm sorry. What voice were you using to talk to him? The Tony voice. <i> Go on, you know that I'm thinking about you.</i> <i> Just want you to let you know that, you know, I do care for you.</i> <i> I want to see you. Can't wait to meet you.</i> The Tony voice. He never actually talked to Tony on the chat line, but he felt like he did because I called him like, "You met me off the chat line." 'Cause he always on there and he give his number out. So I started (bleep) talking to him. So he never talked to anyone named Tony on the chat line? No. I've been talking to him for the three years... That's a long... ...that I've been with him, for three years, talked to him, be with him, talked to him, be with him. Instead of everybody that we know, now the world can see. Like, it's one step... Well, what did he say? How did it start? Just one notch up. Said I was a fat, hungry Kelly Price. Every little thing that humiliate somebody, he has said to me. The best way I knew how to get him back is I know that he'd be on the chat line. The joke was always on me, ha ha. So now the joke is on him.
Channel: MTV Catfish
Views: 5,976,407
Rating: 4.8773317 out of 5
Keywords: irl crush, dramatic catfish, catfish victims, MTV, catfish, catfish meet ups, catfish reveals, reveals, best of, reveal, catfish season 7, hilarious, best moments, top moments, best of catfish, online dating, real life, mystery, uncertainty, forgiveness, shock, shocking, pretend, nev schulman, nev, max, max joseph, relationship, honest, reality, Elle King, MTV Ranked
Id: xJnnNXoupWg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 18sec (2298 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 03 2019
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