10 Catfish Reveals We’ll NEVER Be Over | Catfish: The TV Show

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- And the time that Jon stopped by her driveway and put something in her car. - That was me. - That was you? And do you live near there or? - No. - Do you live in Ohio? - Yeah. All the times I tried to meet you, I was down there. That was all real. - [Nev] How many times have you made that drive? - I don't know. Around 20 or so. Right, I don't know. - Wow. - [Max] So this is a big investment of your money. - And time. - I guess. I love her, though. (soft tense music) - Oh, there he is. Hey, nice seeing you. - Nice seeing you. - What's up? - Nothing much. Max. Hey. - Hi. - All right, thanks for meeting us. Come on in. - Yeah, yeah no problem. - Let's sit. You can you sit there, Caitlyn. Okay. All right, so. Thank you for meeting up with us. You're finally and you are who you claim to be. I mean you're you. - Right. - I think it be helpful if we maybe just started with your side of all of this and some of the confusion that you think Caitlyn might be feeling. - Well, I don't know exactly what she's confused about right now but I mean, with when we started talking, you know we were having good conversation with each other and we were talking a lot went from doing that to barely nothing. There was like no communication hardly at all. Like it would be like literally two texts a day, maybe, if I was lucky. I got a lot of stuff going on in my life but I can find plenty of time out of a day to talk to somebody I'm interested in. - Okay. I mean, I kinda want to respond. - [Nev] Okay. - I work a new job and my phones not on me. My phone is actually in a locker all day. So, it wasn't intentional for me to respond late to you or for me to not text you as much and I have a two year old daughter. She's my life. It's not the fathers in the picture and helps me at all. It's not like that. - I don't understand the excuse, to be honest. I work more hours than you and I can find time. I know you have a daughter, I understand that, but you're acting like when you get home, you just throw your phone in a trash can and then that's it. - Look, we know a thing or two about long distance relationships. We've been traveling and on the road for five years. So we get it. It's hard to match up. It's just the reality of long distance relationships. - But see, I've been in long distance relationship and that's never been a problem. You're not gonna sit here and tell me that from the time you get home until you go to bed, you were so busy you can't pick up a phone. - You're fighting with me because I didn't text you throughout the day or because I didn't respond to you. It's not that I intentionally meant to do it and I've told you this before-- - That is intentional. - [Caitlyn] It is not intentional, though. - You're saying you can't make time. So if you can't, just say that. - You want me to make time when you want the time. - So if you can make time, why didn't you? - I'm saying when I do make time. Like at nighttime when my daughter's in bed and she's all taken care of, you get mad at me for not texting you throughout the day or texting you. I mean, you have to understand where I'm coming from. I'm a single mom. - I don't because I've dated single moms and I've never had this problem. - Look, this didn't work. Didn't work and I think that you're still blaming it on her. I can tell by your huffing and lack of eye contact with her that you're, what's the gripe? - I just really don't like when someone says they're about something or they get your hopes up for this and that and then they just fall through on everything. Like you should of just said, you know what, I don't got the time for you, that's it, and it would of been fine but you're sitting here leading me on. That's not cool. But, like I said, it's whatever. She doesn't feel that way. I'm just, I'm done with the conversation. - I guess I was putting enough time in. I mean, I have feelings for you, like they're still there. I wouldn't be crying right now if I didn't feel the way I feel. Like this is heartbreaking. - Can you understand that she had trouble finding all the time that you wanted? - I don't believe a word that's coming out of her mouth to be honest. Nothing more to talk about. (soft tense music) - [Nev] Okay, I see someone over there. - Sitting under a tree. I see a woman. I think this is our person. - Well that's not the girl from the picture though, right? - I don't think so. - Not the girl from the picture. - Hi. - Hi. - Sydney, I presume? - Yes. - I'm Max, what's your name? - Nae. - You're Nae? - Yeah. - Okay. - Nae, hi. - Hi. - Nev. Are you the person we've been talking to and the person Luis has been talking to? - [Nae] Yeah. - [Nev] And how did you find that girl who's pictures you used? - You know those things when they're on Facebook and it's like, like if you like McDonald's. - Okay. - I scrolled down through the likes and I found her and I seen that she lived really far away from Dallas. So I just kinda took her pictures, blocked her from the page and. - So you found her profile randomly, downloaded her photos, blocked her, and then you just made up the rest? - Yeah. - 'Cause when we spoke yesterday I asked you. - Yeah. - If you were the girl in the pictures 'cause I didn't think you were. - I didn't think, I really didn't think that I would even show up today. - Well, we're glad that you did. - Okay, so what's true and what's not true? Are you really staying in a shelter? - No. - No. Okay. - Is your mother in prison? - No. - Did your grandmother die? - No. - [Nev] Wow. Why did you make that stuff up? - I mean. It was just, I don't know. Like at the time. It's just hard to explain, I guess. - All right, well. We're here. So take a deep breath and explain. - Okay, at a point in time, I was just really struggling, I guess. I just had my baby. - Okay, so you do have an infant. - Yes, that's true. - Okay. - And, was like, okay baby's gonna need milk, baby's gonna need diapers, baby's gonna need clothes and. And I was just talking to Luis to get him to send me money. - And Luis sent you some money? - Yeah. - Okay. I mean that's messed up. - What kind of person does that? - I mean. - I mean. I understand you were having a hard time but like to lie about who you were and sort of lead him on and get Luis to give you money. What you're describing is a con artist. I mean, I know it doesn't sound like that to you. - No, I mean because I'm not, that's not who I am. Like I basically only did that because of my situation at the time. I was just struggling really bad. - [Max] But you're not homeless? - No. - So where do you live? - [Nae] With my mom. - [Nev] Does your baby dad live with you? - No. - Is he involved at all with you and them? - No. - No. But you live with your mom. - [Nae] Yes. - So for the most part your basic needs are meet. - Yeah because of me, not nobody else. - But you work for money? - No. - No. - So when you say your struggling and you need money it's because your family doesn't have a lot of money and you need to get things for you and your kid? - Yes. - What about getting a job? Okay, so you came up with that stuff so that Luis would send you some money? - Yeah, as messed up as it sounds. - I mean it's messed up. I understand you were struggling but it's really not something you're supposed to do. You know, it's not right. - No, but I mean, like honestly, just wasn't about money. I mean we talked without me asking for money. I really did care for you. - Do you now have feelings for Luis or no? - Um. Yeah. Because I mean, when I talked to him, he was just a little different than, you know, you know like. - How was he different? - 'Cause I mean, he's just really cool and laid back and like I'm not really just used to that. But I mean with him, it was kinda like different. I mean, he takes care of his kids really good. I mean, he works, he's a really hard worker and at the time, like I did really want to try and stop talking to you but I mean it was just really hard because we were talking everyday and everything just felt okay. I kinda like forgot I was me for a second. So when I was talking to Luis and he was like, oh I'm with my girls, I'm doing this, I'm doing that. Of course it was like, okay, well. - I'd like to have a guy like that. - Yeah, my point. I just fell in love with him. I mean, he's great. I was like, okay this is somebody that I do see myself wanting to be with. This is the kind of guy that I would want to be with. That's why I'm coming clean now. 'Cause I do want to move forward from this. I mean like, you're something that I don't have right now. - How do you feel? - Like a dumb ass. I don't know, probably shouldn't have trusted so much. - No, it's not your fault. He has every right to feel however he wants to feel about this. I just want him to know that I still will be there for him at the end of the day. I do still want to be friends. - Everything's like going crazy in my head. I don't even like have all the words in my mind to come out right now but. It just sucks. It sucks, you know? - You seem like you know what you did was wrong. - I do. If I didn't feel bad about what I did, I would of never of showed up. I truly, I really feel horrible. - I think maybe the best thing to do thing is to take a break for now. Let Luis process this and then maybe we'll meet again tomorrow. - Okay. - It's a lot to take in. - Yeah, I'm really sorry. I really am. - All right, so we'll see you hopefully tomorrow. We'll let you know. - Okay. - Good to meet you. - All right. - Bye. (tense rock music) - Is this a Lyft? - [Nev] They're stopping. Oh. - Wait. - Is that him? - Yeah. That's some bull (bleep). - Hey, Chelsea. I'm real. - Hey, Nev. - Lennie. - Tallulah. - Hi. - Well welcome. We're all a little surprised. - Yeah. - Why? - I think there was some things that might of seemed like maybe it wasn't gonna be you coming out of the car. - Like what? - Never Facetimed. - Yeah, I mean. Just kinda hard with my schedule. You know, I have like two different jobs and. - I know but a five minute FaceTime. - Yeah. - I think you're communicating something more by not doing it than just by, okay, hey what's up, I'm a real person. - I guess, yeah. - I have a busy schedule, too. Like I do like two jobs plus my apprenticeship. - Yeah. - You made sort of allusion to there being something that you were concerned or maybe like insecure or uncertain about. Is there something that Chelsea doesn't know? - No, it's just, I mean. She's seen me on TV. You know, like she has that understanding of me. - Yeah but, like I never, had this idea of you that you had to meet this expectation or anything. - I'm just kinda concerned with, you know, like how you picture me in your head versus reality. - Yeah. - We talked to your friend Pierce. He said you might have someone administrating your Facebook page? - Kinda had somebody that was in control of that whenever I was on the TV show. So. - Is someone still actively administrating? - Like I never, that never even crossed my mind. Like, it's just kinda. - Because obviously if you're giving the log in. It's you know. - They can see our messages. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Is there kinda some rules with that? - Yeah, they're not supposed to like snoop too much. - Okay but, we also asked Pierce if the number Chelsea had is the same number he had. - Oh yeah, he might have my older one. - So you have a really old number that you don't use anymore? - I have a work phone, work phone. - Okay. We found some weird names associated with your phone number. Brewman? - Oh that's my sister and my brother in law. - Your sisters Facebook page has your phone number on it. - That's weird, I didn't know that. We have a family plan together. So. - Right but yeah. Still a little weird. I mean, it's almost crazier that it's you and that there was all this mystery around you. Not Facetiming and that could of been easily. - Explained by a few things. Maybe that could of been communicated to her. - Okay, that just brings me to like, the big question for us. Where are you with your feelings towards Chelsea? You guys have obviously talked about being together and maybe starting a family and you're an adult. - Like moving to Utah and having kids and getting married. - Those are some big words. - I've never said that to somebody. Like it's just kinda. That's major, you know? You don't just say those things. - I mean. You know it's kinda like a long distance thing. Flights are kinda expensive. I wanted to save up. That's kinda what I'm doing right now. I'm working like two jobs. You know so I could possibly see her. - But you knew plane tickets were expensive when you said I want to come see you. I can't tell if you really want to make it work or if you kinda like that it can't work and it sort of nice that it's far enough away that like you can have it but not have to do too much. - If it were possible for us to have a relationship, like I would totally be down. It's just, you know, the struggle of, you know, living so far away from each other. - But I think you're jumping to the end of the game. Like, why didn't you ever draw her back? You know? She did one for you. - Well actually, I made one about six months ago for her but I brought in my wrong notebook today. - Cool. - Why don't we just take two seconds, just to check in. We can chat a little bit. You guys can chat a little bit. - It's all a bit of this, I wanted to but I didn't, you know? - Seems like she's upset. - Yeah. - I think that even if there were obstacles, that's a bull (bleep) excuse. - Yeah. I'm here, he's here. - He needs to be showing up here wowing you. - Yeah, he has to talk, please. Like say something. (soft indie music) - Chelsea really thought like, whoa this could be a real relationship. - I'm not like leading her on or anything. - Okay. - You know. If that's what your implying. Well I feel pretty strongly for her it's just, I didn't know if we would ever actually get to meet. - Obviously he's into you but that's not enough. You know what I mean? He needs to be showing up here wowing you. - Yeah. - Mom told me this once. If you turn the volume down, like what's there? - It's like actions, yeah, actions speak louder than words. - She's been sort of pumping the brakes with this other guy that she's started seeing because she's not sure where things are with you. - I didn't realize that. - Yeah. If you really want to make this work, let her know. Why don't we walk over there and you guys can chat. - Okay. - I think the move here is to let you guys talk without us. It be good for you guys to at least sort of know where you are with each other. Take some time. We'll see you guys in a little bit. - This is pretty weird but I'm glad that I can actually meet you. - We're here, I'm real. But what do you want? - I mean I would, you know, I would like a relationship. - You would like one but like you've said that before. - Going about, you know, figuring out how to do that, that's the tough part. - That's, that's just not an answer though, you know like? I don't feel like you ever really had the intention of having anything serious. You just liked the idea and I think I liked the idea, too. But like, that's it. I want to leave today and move on with my life. We'll be friends. - Okay. - But, we'll have a fun hang out day or something. - You want to go get tattoos with me? - I don't want one but I'll hold your hand. (upbeat indie music) - This is your first tattoo? - Yeah. - Yeah. - Its an interesting one. - Oh yeah, it's real weird. - It's real weird. - Real weird. - This is your first tat? - Yeah. - Wow. - So good. All right, then we'll say our goodbye to you. - Cool. - Good to meet you man. What's the story? - I'm excited to like be able to just move on and just be friends, you know? I feel good about it. - Now you can go back with a really clean. - Clear mind. - Clear mind and you get to explore like you can tell Chris. - Yeah. - I'm exited to focus on that. Whatever happens there. - Awesome. - Yeah, thank you for coming on this weird journey with me. I'm gonna miss you guys. I'm gonna miss you. See ya. - Bye, Chelsea. (upbeat indie music) She seemed happy and that's the best we can hope for. Nicely done. - He responded. He said, okay give me a minute. - Okay. He just said what's your Skype name? - [Max] Yeah, just do it. - [Nev] Here. Okay, you ready? - [Miranda] Yeah, I'm ready. I just don't know what I'm gonna say. So if I'm silent, just talk. - Okay, we'll cover if we need to. (phone ringing) (tense music) Could I just talk to you guys first? - Seriously? - Sure. You'll just stand over here. Just us now. (soft tense music) Hello. Hello? Wow. So, your name is? Gabby. I'm obviously a little confused. Just trying to figure out what's going on here. Do you want to fill me in? - Are you James? - Which means you're also Camryn. Okay, and how old are you? Okay. So, what do you consider you and Miranda to be? Okay. - [Max] And why is your family against you meeting us in person? - I imagine you're interest in Miranda is more than just as friends. Would it be wrong of me to assume that you're bisexual or a lesbian? You're not sure. - Does anyone know about Miranda? Do your friends know? Why have you waited so long to tell her the truth? I think the best way to do it would be in person. I kinda think that Miranda should be the one to ask you those questions, not us. I think you should tell it to her, you know? - I guess. - Can you hold on one second? Do you want to sit down and talk to her really fast? So, as you know, this is Miranda. - Hi. Thank you. I'm still in shock right now. One of the big questions I want to know is like why couldn't we do this face to face? If we can't meet face to face then I really don't see us even being able to have a friendship. - It's pretty miraculous and generous of Miranda, considering what's unfolded in the last 30 minutes, to want to give you an opportunity to explain yourself, so you should take that very seriously because that's not something a lot of people would be willing to do. - Exactly. Okay. - We'll wait to hear from you with a time and a place nearby somewhere tomorrow morning where we can meet up and we'll assume that once we have that information it won't change. All right well, we look forward to meeting you. Okay, thanks. Thanks, Gabby. What do you think you are hoping to come away with today from all this? - I want to get explanations, get some answers and I don't know. - [Nev] I do not see her or another car. - [Max] We just continue to wait. - [Nev] The only last thing to do would be just to call again and see if she answers. - She texted me. - Oh did she text you? - Saying sorry again. - Sorry for what? - Says sorry, Miranda. - [Max] For coming or not coming? - I don't know. That's it. It's very vague. I would just call her. If she answers, tell her you're here and see if she's coming or not. (phone ringing) - [Phone] Please leave your message. - She text me. - She did? - Yeah. - [Max] What she say? - She said I really can't come. (tense music) - I think we're dealing with someone who's problems are a lot deeper and harder to solve than hours and I think you know that which is why you're being so adult about this. Someones getting out of their car right now. Who's this guy? We got a walker, guys. - Oh my god. (tense music) My heart's racing. - Hi. Nev. - Tyler. - Nice to meet ya. - I just want to get some things out of the way. How old are you? - 19. - 19. Are you a Dallas Cowboys fan? - Yes. - Okay. Did you really have a friend that had cancer? - Yes. - They passed away? I'm sorry to hear that. - So, expect for the photo, everything you've told her has been honest. - Yes. - How you do feel about Alyssa? - She's the best thing to ever happen to me. I love her. I really do love her and care about her. - She's right in front of you. - Yeah. - Alyssa came a long way to meet you. Whatever you need to say, you should say probably to her. - I do regret sending you the fake picture. I was afraid that if you saw the real me, you wouldn't want to talk to me anymore and I didn't want that at all. I'm sorry. - Like do I really seem like that type of person who would judge? When you know my entire life I've been judged. - You honestly don't. - Okay, so what's your excuse? - It was just a really rough time for me and I just was afraid. - Why wouldn't you talk to her on the phone? - Because honestly for me, it's easier to text. - But why not just an occasional phone call just so she could hear your voice and it would just make you guys a little closer. - Honestly, talking on the phone makes me a little uncomfortable sometimes because I don't know what to say and it's just easier for me to text. - Okay. - Why did you create the profile in the first place? - I was on the internet on my phone and I saw something about Moco Space and so I was like trying to figure out what that was and I clicked on it and I ended up making the profile. The only person I met on there was Alyssa. - But why do you have a lot of fake accounts on Moco Space? - That's my question. - I only thought I had the one. - But your phone number comes up linked to all the other. - 12 accounts. - 12 accounts. - I have no clue what any of those other ones are. Honestly, I don't. - [Nev] They're so similar to yours, that's what's weird. - Now is the time to come out with everything and not lie. We found those other profiles. It was very devastating to Alyssa. I think she just wants to know are you only talking to her? - Yes. - [Max] You're not talking to anyone else? - No. I honestly have no clue about those other profiles. I really don't. - Okay. - I, I don't know 100% if I can believe everything you're telling me. You're not showing any emotion towards what you're saying. - Alyssa, I seriously am sorry I made you feel any type of way about me not being real. Honestly, you are the best thing to ever happen to me. I love you. ♪ Could we be something more ♪ ♪ All that I'm hoping for ♪ - I don't know if I can believe you. (somber indie music) I don't know if it's the same anymore. I'm sorry, I need to walk away. (somber music) (softly crying) - It feels like you're lying. We can't really figure a way that there would be 12 nearly identical profiles that are all linked to the same phone number if they're not yours. - I don't know anything about those other profiles. I really don't. (sobbing) - I feel like I can't believe him. - I want to but I don't know what's up with those other profiles. - It doesn't add up. It doesn't make sense. - I still love her, I still care about her. I'm still willing to do anything for her. Like I said, she's the best thing that ever happened to me and nothings gonna change that. - You're saying all the right things but obviously you understand that like she's gotta rethink her relationship with you now that she's actually meeting you. - Think of the things you want to know and let's go back there and ask him. - I think I'm ready. - I think she's probably feeling like, you know, he said all these things and it was all bull (bleep). You know what I mean? - Yeah. - That's hard for her. - So, I think my biggest question is why me? - Because honestly when I was talking to you, you helped me through a lot of things. You did. I can't tell you how much I appreciate that. You always made me laugh, you always made me smile. You have the greatest personality I've ever seen. You're just really special to me. I would do anything for you and I swear on my Mom's life, I really have no clue about those other profiles, I really don't. - It's like really hard for me to believe that. Literally all 12 are linked to your number. - I would not lie to you expect about the picture, because I did lie to you about that, I'll be honest. But I wouldn't lie about this. - If you really like Alyssa and want a chance with her, now is the time to just come clean. - I'm telling the god honest truth. Those are not my profiles. I have no idea who created 'em and I'm being dead serious on that. (soft reflective music) - I'm sorry for making you feel uncomfortable but you put me in a position where I got hurt and I've been hurt my entire life. - We can make it work. We can figure out someway to make this work. - Those added profiles don't add up. It doesn't make sense to me. You denied my trust for you. I don't think I have anything more to say. (tense music) I feel bad for him. I understand why he did it but it's still no excuse. I felt like he was just saying what I wanted to hear. - That's what he's been doing for the last six months. - True. - [Max] You did really good. - Let's say he does come clean tomorrow. What then? Would you date him? Yeah. - I think so. - [Max] Then look, the door is still open. - All right, so here's what I think we should do. You should send Kharece a text and say something like, hey I'm here with the Catfish crew, we could really use your help. I'd love if you could come over and talk. - [Brendan] She may not even come over. We'll wait and see. (phone vibrating) - Oh. - Whoa, that was fast. - She said she'll be here in 15, 20 minutes. - Okay, well you got 15 minutes to sort of figure out how you feel about all this. - Oh god. Why her? Why couldn't it have been just someone else? I wouldn't have bee this pissed. - Oh god. Oh, oh. (soft tense music) Hey, I'm Nev. - I'm Kharece. - Kharece, nice to meet you. This Karrueche. - Karrueche. - Hi. - Nice to meet you. - You, too. - You know essentially kinda what's been going on with Brendan. He's kinda talking to this girl. We came here to help him figure out who she was and the trail sort of lead to you and from what we understand, you made the McKenna profile. - Yes. - What, does Nikki know? - Yes. - Oh nice, good, well that's great. That's wonderful. - So at what point did you make the Kik account? - I started make a Kik account because these people from Yik Yak were talking to me and I didn't want to give them my information so I just made a random Kik account and then it was like your contacts, Brendan has a Kik account. And then I said, oh I'll talk to him and see what he has to say to this random person. - And then you went and made, you made a text me account then started texting me. - Yes. - Okay, cool. - [Nev] So it got a little out of hand. - Yeah. I did not think it go this far, at all. - Yeah, well it did. You made some wrong judgment there. Yeah. You could of just texted me as Kharece. - Yes, 'cause you totally reply to me. - Well, you didn't try so you don't know. - I know but I didn't lie to you, other than the name and the place I lived. - I know Kharece. I went to school with Kharece for four years and you are nothing like who I was talking to one bit. - But didn't you fall in love with McKenna who happens to be me? - Yeah but it's you. - [Nev] So you really love Brendan? - Yes, I do. - What is it that you love about Brendan? - It's a lot of things. I think he's like super compassionate. When he loves people, he gives his whole being to it and not a lot of people do that and you don't give up on people easily. It's nice. - I appreciate that, I do, and I'm sorry it came down to this but you kinda brought it upon yourself. - Okay. - You seem to be taking this pretty well. - I don't like cry ever. So, I mean I'm hurt inside right now but I'm just not showing it. - Usually, when we have these situations, it's introducing two strangers to each other. You guys are not strangers. You have a very real relationship in real life. So the question is like well what happens to that now? - I just, I just want to kinda think a little bit. - Yeah. - By myself. - All right, well, good to meet you. - Nice to meet you, too. ♪ Stories I've been told ♪ ♪ Crying 'cause I know ♪ (soft tense music) - Hi. - Hello. - Hi. - I'm Nev. - Tricoci. - Are you the friend we've been texting who's been helping us find out what's going on? - Yes. Chris, he's inside the house right now. - But not Chris Chris. - Everything's gonna get explained, once you meet Chris. - But the person Shakinah's bee talking to is in there? - Yes. - Do they know you're, we organized this. - Yes. Y'all can just follow me over here. - Okay. - Before we do this, Shakinah I just really want you to know. - Yeah. - I love you. Chris love you. He love you more than any other girl he ever talk to. He's really into you and I hope that you all go easy on him. - What is going on? - Why did she say I love you? - That. - Chris loves you. That's weird. Right, you've never talked to her right? - No, no, no. - I'm so confused. - [Shakinah] I don't know what's going on. - [Kamie] Be gentle on him? - [Nev] Is she the catfish? Can't tell if the door is opening. - Door keeps opening and closing. So whatever happens. - I'ma say what I have to say. - This doesn't feel good. Hello? - What? - [Nev] Someone else. - Hi. This is Chris. - Wow. - Hi. - Hi. - How you doing? - Good. - Is that your name or is that? - No. - No, okay so. - [Shakinah] What is your name? - Johneesha. - Johneesha. - Johneesha. But you've been Chris this whole time? - Yeah - And maybe you a little bit? - No. - No. - I have been involved. Shakinah, you know me as Betty. - Who's that? - Chris' friend. - Okay. - Why would you lie? Why would you do that? Why would you put somebody else's face on Facebook? - I mean, when you first inboxed me, when we first started talking, it was just a joke. Like I wasn't like really trying to do all that. - I was in a relationship with you, talking to you. That's different. - Yeah. - Hold on a second, how long have you had the profile? - Lot of years. I started when I was like probably in 10th grade. - And how old are you now? - I'm 22. - [Nev] Okay, so it's been awhile. - How many people are you talking to the same way that you were talking to Shakinah? - Not that many. - For as long as her? - Probably longer. - Longer? - Yeah. - Wow. - [Nev] In a romantic way? - I mean, sometimes, yeah. - And do they think you're Chris Brown? - Yeah, some of them do. - So the entire time you've been talking to Shakinah, you've also been talking to other people, Takoya and a few others at least. - You were collecting photos from her, explicit photos. Were you collecting photos from other people? - No - But you realize that that's not okay? - I can't, it's just, can't explain it. I'm sorry. - I just have a hard time believing you when you stand there and not show any kind of emotion and you've known about this. You even participated. At some point did you ever tell her like you gotta stop? This isn't cool. - When I found out she was doing it, I was, you know, tell her it's wrong, you shouldn't do this stuff like that but you know, I didn't want to end our friendship because of it. - Are you attracted to or interested in Shakinah? 'Cause she really was in a relationship with Chris. - Yeah. - This is the moment where you spill the tea and give us everything so that we can understand the situation. - I'm sorry for hurting you and lying to you over the years about who I was. Like, as I was like as a kid. I got bullied a lot. So it kinda took down my self esteem. So basically, it covered up the hard parts of it. - I feel, I feel like there's more to this. There's a lot of people who are insecure. There's a lot of people who get bullied. I was bullied my whole childhood but I didn't necessary grow up to create fake pages and lead relationships on with people for three years. - Yeah. - I been through a lot and you know that. You should of told the truth. I would of felt better. You know, instead of being lied to. (soft somber hip hop) (softly crying) ♪ Guess I'm not that strong ♪ ♪ I should of fallen out of love with you by now ♪ I'm tired being lied to. I'm tired being hurt. Okay. ♪ Should have forgotten what I felt for you by now ♪ - Even though she's apologizing, I'm just not getting the feeling that she truly understands. - She don't, she don't get it. - I don't think she gets how (bleep) up this is. Because if she did, she would be just as emotional as you if not more. - Let's take a minute and then maybe we'll talk some more? - Okay. - Do you think it's okay for me to just go talk to Shakinah real quick? 'Cause I'm not gonna be here later so I just want to be able to, you know. - Yeah, you can walk over there with me and say something. - I just really want to tell you how sorry I am. You know I hate to see you cry and stuff like this and I know it was wrong for us to do stuff like this to you and you deserve a lot better than this because you're a very good person. I'm sorry. - This is horrible. - [Max] I'll do the knock. - Okay. - He's earned the knock. He's been waiting five years to do the knock. It's gonna be okay. Come on, Tanner. - Hey, Tanner, it's Max. It's gonna be okay. We've got Mecca here. She's literally ready for anything and she's pretty scared herself. - Come on, Tanner, come on. - You want to just crack the door open a little so we can talk? Why don't you come out? I think you'd be better off if you just don't think about it and just do it. It's gonna be okay. Come on. (soft tense music) Tanner. - It's Taylor. - Taylor. - Why, why did you do this? - It's just hard to explain, I guess. I'm sorry. - How many other people have you done this to? - Only you. - I'd love to kind of hear how this started for you? - You know, at first I started talking to her as Taylor and then I asked her the question, are you interested in girls? She said no. I didn't respect her decision of what her sexuality was. So that's when Ryan came up in the picture. - So you made up Ryan for Mecca? - Yes. But I never meant to hurt you. That's not my intentions. - Well, I found out something very interesting. That you added me to a group for gays and lesbians and you went on there and acted like me. Saying for people to hit you up and everything on my profile. - I honestly don't remember that. It's been a very long time. - You've used Mecca to go onto this group and post as her. So I think all of us are a little bit confused. - You know, I'm pretty sure you do remember that but I honestly don't. - Look, we're here now. - Right. - We came a very long way. - Right. - We want to give you the benefit of the doubt. There's some things that are hard to believe. - Yeah, you told me that like every week or a couple weeks there was a new death in the family. Were those all true? - No. - No, what about all your friends that have died and stuff? - Yes. - They kill themselves? - Yeah. - Is this not an easy place to be gay? - It's not, it's really not. It's just a town full of like churches. It's just, it's hard to live in a small town where everybody knows everybody. - [Max] Are you out to your family? - I don't know how to tell them or like come out to them or anything like that. - 'Cause when this airs. - It's now or never to come clean to everybody and it's hard. It's about Mecca, it's for Mecca. You mean so much to me to the point where, you know, I had to do this in person and come out to you. I understand what I did to you hurt you. I'm sorry. I may not be the real person but everything that I had for you is completely true. The feelings, the emotions. Everything is true. And I still love you. ♪ For all you know ♪ ♪ You're broke to pieces. ♪ - I just needed some air. Let me just back away for a second. - [Max] Do you want to sit in the car for a second? - Please. ♪ Hold on ♪ ♪ I gotta feel like this is almost over. ♪ - What do you hope is gonna come from your relationship with Mecca now? - What I want to gain is trust from here again and I understand that's gonna take a very long time and she means so much to me. So I don't want her out of my life. I never mean to hurt her the way I did. - [Max] Well look, let's regroup tomorrow and see where we stand. - Thank you. - [Max] Thanks. ♪ I've given everything ♪ ♪ I've given everything ♪ ♪ I've given everything ♪ ♪ And it's over ♪ - Whoa. - Who's this, who's this? - [Nev] Do you know this guy? - No idea. - Don't know this guy. - [Nina] I don't think I do. - Have we seen this guy? - Hey. - Hi. - How you doing? - All right. - I'm Nev. - Hi, nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you. - What's your name? - Miles. - Miles. AKA Jon. - Yeah. - [Nev] You met him? You don't recognize him? - It's been some years. - Does he look different? - Yeah. - [Miles] I was 100 pounds heavier when I met her. - Okay. What took you so long to fess up? - I was afraid of what's gonna happen. You know, I don't know. - [Nev] So everything Jon is made up? - There's no private planes? - [Nev] No car crash, no coma? - Right. - [Nev] And the guy in the pictures, just some random dude from the internet. Right? - Yeah. - Okay. - But everything I've said to you is true. About my feelings for you. - And the time that Jon stopped by her driveway and put something in her car. - That was me. - That was you? Do you live near there or? - No. - Do you live in Ohio. - Yeah. All the times I tried to meet you, I was done there. That was all real. - [Nev] How many times have you made that drive? - I don't know. Around 20 or so. Right, I don't know. - Wow. But you must do pretty well to be able to be so generous. - Yeah. - Or are you giving her a lot of what you have? - Probably half and half of that. - So this is a big investment of your money? - And time. - Yeah. I guess. I love her, though. - I just don't understand why you felt like you weren't good enough. - As me, I told you I had feelings for you before. - You have? - You remember that? - I remember that. - What was your answer? - But you never. - That's not why I did this. I just want to be clear about that. I didn't do this because I was mad at you for saying whatever you said then or whatever. The reason why I did it because I wanted you to understand that there are other people out there that would treat you the way you should be treated. I didn't intend to fall in love with you and I didn't expect you to fall in love with him. - And why didn't you meet her when she moved into a hotel and was on the verge of divorcing her husband? - Well, because of what happened that day with her husband, so. - What happened? - That's up to her to tell. Not me. - [Nev] What? - Mikey had been tracking my car. He found me at the hotel. Thinking I was meeting Jon. - And? - He freaked out. There was big argument. It became a big thing, the cops were called. - So there was big incident that day? - Yeah. And I felt going-- - Were you there? - I was an hour and half, two hours away. - Okay. - And then that happened and I felt if I went down there, it would just put fuel to the fire and I didn't want it to get any worse for her at that moment. But, I mean, I don't know. - So leaving me alone in a hotel room to cry was the better option? - No, it wasn't but. - That's what your actions say. - I know it was a bad choice, bad mistake. You know I care about you. You know I do. - I can't tell. Because is this what you do to people that you care about? You string them along for three years. - Do you want to be with her? - Yeah, more than anything in the world. - So if you want her, convince her. - I care about you, you know that. We have so much in common. I think I could provide everything that I've ever said I would and I want you in my life. I'm still that same person. - But you're not. Certain things that happened in Jon's life. It's all lies. You've been lying this whole time. - I mean I know all you think I am is a liar right now, I understand that, but I want to do those things we talked about. Get a house, move in. The trip to Greece. I want us to do that stuff together. (soft somber music) ♪ How many fires must a girl walks through ♪ ♪ Before it finally rains ♪ - I really don't know what to say. - I'm sorry. I really am. - This is a good place to leave it for today. If you wouldn't mind, we'd love if you stuck around so that maybe tomorrow we can talk with you more. - Sure. - So let's go back to the car. - All right. Good to meet you, Miles. ♪ I don't like the weakness ♪ ♪ I don't like to lie ♪ ♪ Hate the way you close down ♪ ♪ Every time I cry ♪ ♪ Every time I want to talk ♪ ♪ You make it so impossible ♪ ♪ Even when I'm innocent ♪ ♪ You're holding me responsible ♪ ♪ Strip another piece of me ♪ ♪ Take away my dignity ♪ ♪ Never show any sympathy ♪ ♪ And maybe I will learn ♪ ♪ Maybe I will learn ♪ - This is it, man. Finally get an opportunity to meet who James is. Is this what you envisioned? - No, not at all. I didn't think that there were gonna be many lies. - Especially this many. - Especially type like this. It just. It threw me off a little bit. - Oh, someones here. Is this him? Are you James? He is but just very eager to figure out what's going on. - Yeah man, you uh, you been through a lot there, man. - [Nev] Are you okay? Is he gonna be, pretty surprised I guess? Well, why don't you come on back and we'll see how he's doing and. - Kinda putting yourself out on a limb. (tense music) - All right. Here goes nothing. (tense music) (scoffing) What's your name? - Sha'quan. - Sha'quan. - Hi. - Deven. - What's up. - Apparently you guys. - Yeah, we know each other. - Know each other. - So y'all know each other? - [Nev] Were you guys friends or? - We were pretty, we were friends, yeah. - Did anything ever happen? - Occasionally. - Oh. Okay. Did you know he lives here? - Yeah. - You mentioned you had one friend who lives, this is that friend? - Yes. - That's crazy. - So when did you guys last see each other? - Last time I came out to Vegas. - August. - All right, so hold on a second. Here's what I don't understand. You guys had a physical relationship. - Why would you have a fake identity? - I wanted to see how he was doing but every time I tried to talk to him, he doesn't respond. - Is that true? - Yeah. I just. Yeah. - You never really thought that it was a relationship there between, got you. - No. - Did you ever make it clear kinda where you were at with things? - I mean, if I don't text you back why wouldn't that give him that hint. You can't just beat a dead horse. It's already dead. It's (bleep) up. - But if the horse is dead, everybody can say the horse is dead. Sounds like, Sha'quan is it? Is saying he never got the scoop that the horse was dead. (laughing) - I'm sorry, I can't. I'm tired of this (bleep). I'm tired. - Tell us then, in your own words, what was the plan? - Well I texted him to hang out as James and then if you come to Vegas. - Oh, wait a second. So you thought, I'll make a profile as this guy James. I'll invite him to come meet me in Vegas and then when he gets here and James doesn't show up, he'll text you because he knows you live here and you'll just sort of come to the rescue. - Yeah. - You had a plan, though. He did have a plan. - I gotta tell you, that is actually a decent plan. - Hey if it wasn't wrong. - It's messed up. - You thought about some stuff, at least. - So then wait a second. - Dang, bruh. - So when you made the profile, why did you choose that guy? Someone you actually met? Re gifted nudes? - Yeah. - Whoa. - Do you know that Deven follows that guy on Instagram? So it was just a total coincidence that you picked the picture of a guy that Deven actually follows on Instagram? - That's crazy. - That shouldn't matter. - What you didn't wasn't cool and you shouldn't of lied. - I understand that. - At the same time like he likes you and he got a chance to show you a side of him that maybe you would not have otherwise of seen that you really liked. - That's fine and everything but I'm just not into him enough to be in a relationship with him. That's it. But any right person would understand that way before now. - But you've been physical with him. So, I can see how it could be a little confusing. - But you don't say anything, I don't know anything. - Still a lot to take in all at once. - Right. - To kinda collect your thoughts. - Why don't we take a little break? We can meet back up in a little while and see if there's some resolution. - That's fine. - Okay, I'll walk you out. What were you expecting would happen? - I thought he would be upset but not that upset. - Did you ever get the impression that he did really like you? I feel like you should, you should of said that. - I get really nervous around him sometimes. - All right, well look. You deserve some kind of clarity, I think. - What is it? Is it his personality, is it the way he looks? He kinda needs a closure as well. - It wasn't his personalty, that wasn't the problem. I'm just not. Just not attracted to him. What else do you want me to say? - Right, I'm just thinking not attracted to you but I did things that I do with people I'm attracted to. So that can be confusing. - You could be attracted to a hooker but that don't mean you love her.
Channel: MTV Catfish
Views: 1,016,819
Rating: 4.8691959 out of 5
Keywords: victims revealed, nev and kamie, coldeset catfish, kaden, adriana, catfish moments, catfish excuses, catfish meet ups, catfish reveals, reveals, best of, hilarious, best moments, online dating, real life, uncertainty, forgiveness, shock, pretend, nec schulman, nev, relationship, honest, reality, love, catfish, Catfish, Catfish: The TV Show, best of catfish, catfish the tv show, catfish mtv, catfish sneak peek, catfish highlight, catfish reveal, reveal, fake, lying, online, tiktok, tiktok star
Id: GnlurrUWBg8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 36sec (3876 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 06 2020
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