Top 6 ‘Catfish’ Who Went After Exes | Ranked: Catfish

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- Oh my (bleep) God, dude. - Well? - Hey, babe. I thought you never could love me. - What? Just kinda take us back to whenever it was last year when you got that first message. - She direct messaged me. Normally, direct message mean they want you. - I met my girlfriend via direct message too. - Really? - I DM'ed her. - She knew what was up. - Yeah, she did, she knew. - She knew you hopped in the DM for it, man? - Oh, hell yeah. (laughter) - She's supposed to be in North Carolina just visiting family, so I expect her to come back home to Temple in September. - So she said she's currently a student at Temple. Yeah. You did try to video chat with her, right? - Yeah, the video chat is dark, can't really hear. So, we hung up, and I just gave up on that. September comes, she doesn't come back. I ask why, she gives a real low-key answer. Watching kids, or something dumb. And then eventually, come, like, December, it's just cut it off. - And have you checked her Instagram? - She hasn't posted nothing. I started to feel betrayed, but something could really just be wrong. - Right. - So, I don't wanna feel a certain type of way and then later regret it because something's wrong, or something happened that I don't know about. - Sure. - What do you think happened? - Seems like she was trying to save her own ass. - You think she pulled the plug on it? - Yeah, because I don't think it's her. - We're gonna try and figure this out. No promises. I mean, if this girl unplugged and ditched, like, who knows, she could be anywhere. - We've got some work to do. - I definitely know that bitch. Oh, (bleep). - You know her? - Hell yeah. An ex. - That's an ex? - Yeah. - Hello. - Hi. - Hi. - Hi. Um... - So, you're Chanelle. - That's not Chanelle. - That's not your name? - No. - My name is Christina. - Okay, hello. - Hi. - How are ya? So, I get the impression that you already know Michael. - Yes. So, Michael is my ex-boyfriend, and we dated when we were 16. - Wow. - For about two months. But we lost touch over the years. You know, he went to college, I went to college. - It's like a weird waste of time. - Who is this girl? - A two-month relationship, nothing serious. - You didn't recognize the voice? - She's a good (bleep) actress. - I'm sure you thought about, "I should probably just tell him." - Even I could see, like, Michael need to know, so... - I could have planned things all a lot better. - It's stupid, 'cause I never had a problem with her. So, that's what make it dumb as (bleep). To go through all of that, like, that's so much. - It's a little bit of a psycho move. If she had just kind of... - Came as herself? - Came as herself. - I'd be cool. Probably be as cool as we used to be. - Could you hold on one second, 'cause like, I don't wanna have this whole conversation without the rest of the guys here. Come on back. I'm curious to know why this is happening. 'Cause obviously, like... - I'm curious too. - guys know each other already. And can you explain what-- why this happened? - Okay, so, I created Chanelle to talk to Michael, just because... I missed him. - But if you... I mean, if Christina had, like, texted you or called you... - I never ignored her, so I don't know what's all this about. - Yeah, I mean, like, did you have any reason to think that he wouldn't be interested in getting a cup of coffee? - Well, no, but I didn't know. I just didn't know... - It's a waste of time. 'Cause it's been easier just to contact me. - Do you think you would have been open to talking to her? - Yeah, I never had a problem. - So, that's frustrating, 'cause like, you guys actually did date. It's not like you have no reason to believe that Michael would be interested in you. He has previously been interested in you. - I'm sorry for... all of this. I didn't do it in a malicious way. I really did it because I kinda wanted to... somehow use Chanelle to, like, get to know what was going on with Michael. You know, asking him, like, well, you know, are you seeing anyone? And then, maybe at some point, swoop in as Christina, and it's like, "Oh, hey, Mike," you know? But I got comfortable with being his comforter as Chanelle, 'cause he opened up to Chanelle, and, you know, I didn't expect for that to happen. - Right. You were in a little bit of a... - Slump. - ...slump, and talking to Chanelle definitely, like... - She coulda came as herself. Whatever you're trying didn't work. You just made everything worse. - How strong are your feelings now? - Well, we've stopped talking. - Yeah, what was that about? - So, I wasn't using my own phone. I was using a friend's phone. - The whole time? - The whole time. - Your friend Stacy? - Yes. We aren't speaking, so that's why we stopped. - What if he texted her, like, late at night? Like, who would respond if you weren't there? - Probably her. - Well, I mean, she would ask me, like, "Oh, you know, hey, Mike text, and he said this." - Wow. - If it was... - So sometimes, she would write back for you. - Yeah, and I would just give it the okay. - But that also means that she's seen everything that you guys have said to each other, which is kinda crazy, 'cause, like, you guys were talking about personal stuff. - Yeah. - I don't even wanna hear this (bleep). We can get in the car. - "Dear Nev and Max, I just turned 23 years old "and live in Calvert, Texas. "About eight months ago, I saw pictures "of a beautiful girl online, "and knew I wanted to get to know her more. "And luckily, she messaged me back. She's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen." - ♪ Let me lie with you ♪ ♪ Inside your love ♪ - Get your hands off of me. - That's-- that's-- that's very sweet. - It's sweet, but there's more to life than beauty. - "I'm a dad, so meeting women can really be hard sometimes. "But Jasmine accepts me for who I am, "and says she can't wait to meet my daughter one day. She makes me feel very special." - ♪ So you found someone ♪ ♪♪ - "She is 22 years old." - Okay. - "And lives in Houston, Texas, "which is only a couple hours away from me. "We're both pretty busy. She works at a hotel, and she is working toward becoming a model." - Mmm! - The fact that she's not a model, that's better than him saying, like, "She's a model." "Even with our busy schedules, we message each other all the time." - So, there's a lot of messages. - "We have talked about meeting up." - All right. We've talked about meeting up, but they haven't met up. - "But, whenever it comes time, she is all of a sudden "not available. "I'm not interested in a fling with her, "I want an actual relationship. Please help however you can. Felipe." - Felipe, period. Someone's getting out of the passenger seat. There's a lady on the left and a guy on the right. Do you know who these people are? I know-- I know the female. - Who is she? - You do? - Yeah, I've hung out with her a few times. - Like, dated her? - Yeah. - Did you diss her? - No. - She kinda dissed me. - How you doing? - Hi, I'm good. - What's your name? - My name is Alex. - Alex. - Yes. - Okay, hi. And your name? - Luis. - Luis, good to meet you. I'm Nev, and obviously, Max. - Hi. - Hi. - What's funny? - I'm not laughing, - I'm just... - Nervous. - Yeah. - Nervous, okay. - Who's Jasmine? - Me. - You're Jasmine? - Mm-hmm. - Okay. - Then, who are you? - Well, I'm his best friend. I'm here because I dated Felipe, and I found out that he was messaging Jasmine. - Luis told me. I felt, you know, really hurt. I didn't say anything. I just stopped it. - So, you guys-- wait, have you guys ever met? - No - So, let me just clarify. So... when did you guys start dating? - Like, in June. - So, six months ago. - Mm-hmm. - And according to Felipe, you messaged him... - Way before that. - Right. - Mm-hmm. - You had this profile for Jasmine, and at some point, you saw Felipe, you started talking. - Mm-hmm. - Then after you guys started talking, you guys started dating. - Mm-hmm. - Yeah. - Did you have sex? - Yeah. I didn't even tell Luis about him. I kinda-- kind of wanted, you know, to keep it, like, a secret. - Okay. - And then, when I finally did tell Luis, he told me everything. I've known about this profile for a while. - His Jasmine profile? - Yes, at the beginning, I was, like, totally against it. I was like, you know, why would you do that? But he wasn't gonna listen to me. - For as long as you guys have been friends, he's had this Jasmine profile. - Yeah. - Never really cared until you found out that his fake girl profile was talking to the guy you were sleeping with. - Yeah. - What are the chances that he randomly... - It's a small town. - Very small. - So, everyone-- literally, everyone in town is like friends with everyone. - When I found out that this whole thing was going on, I kinda felt like betrayed. I kinda felt like, why are you doing that? Why are you talking to somebody else if you're supposed to be with me? - So, you felt like Felipe was cheating on you. - I did. I was really hurt. But I moved on, and I just wanted to tell you that I'm sorry. I should have told you, but I just didn't, only because I was nervous about what's gonna happen to Luis. And that's why I didn't open my mouth, and I regret it now because I should've said something. And maybe this would have just stopped earlier. I'm very sorry. (computer chiming) - What?! - No! - I (bleep) knew it! What are you... - I (bleep) knew it! - I said that! - What are you doin here? -<i> I need your help.</i> - So, who are you? - Uh, my name is Johnny. I didn't mean to catfish you. I'm not out to my family. And I've never... dated a guy up until this year. - Okay, Jonathan, I can't believe it's you, it's crazy. - I don't think we've ever known you as Jonathan. You were Johnny. -<i> Yeah.</i> <i> I wasn't sure if you would've helped me</i> <i> being as I was a previous catfish,</i> <i> so I wrote in as Jonathan instead.</i> - So, I take it things didn't work out with Andrew. - I think... based on what we both need, we should be good friends for one another. I think that's more important right now. -<i> We just weren't each other's match.</i> - Wait a second. How does a catfish fall for a catfish? - Get catfished? - You know all the things. - That's right. -<i> We don't know if-- if it's a catfish.</i> <i> It could actually be the person who they say they are.</i> - This is now a sequel. - It's true. - We need a new pick-up line that's funnier than "Meet my balls." - So, his opening line after they matched was, "Are you spaghetti? 'Cause I want you to meat my balls." -<i> What I messaged Connor was, are you a racehorse,</i> Because when I ride, you'll always finish first. (horse neighing, laughter) - There it is. All right, Johnny, we just read your email. For five months, you've been talking to this new guy, Connor. Tell us kinda how it went. <i> - So, we matched on Tinder.</i> <i> We talked for a few months on there.</i> <i> You know, we would just talk every day.</i> <i> And then he just disappeared.</i> - For how long? -<i> About a month.</i> - All right, did he have an excuse for what happened? -<i> Well, he said he lost his phone, or he deleted--</i> <i> Yeah, he lost his phone.</i> - Come on. This guy is-- come on. Johnny. - How can you fall for this, Johnny? - Come on. This guy is full of (bleep). - You're a catfish. -<i> It's a possibility, you know, he's full of (bleep),</i> <i> but I don't wanna believe it.</i> - Wait, here's someone. Here's someone. - Oh, coming on foot. - Is it foot or on a bike? - Through the hedges. - It's a girl. - Do you know this girl? - Yes. - Who is she? - Oh my God. - Hi. - Hi. - How you doing? - Good. - I'm Nev. - Hey. - What's your name? - Shana. - Shana. Hello, this is Max. - Hi. - Hi. - Johnny. - Are you Connor? - Yes. - Oh my God. - Who is Shana? - Just... some girl. - Just some girl? - How do you know Johnny? Why have you created Connor? - Me and him had like a thing going on. - What kind of thing? - Like, we, like, went on dates, we kissed, and... - You hooked up? - Yeah. Like, I fell for him. - When? - Between like, August, September. - Just last year? - What?! - Yeah. - Okay. - So, over the course of a couple weeks. - Yes. - I thought he was gay. - I thought he was straight. - Well... - This is so embarrassing. - According to what you've told us, it seemed-- sounded like you were only interested in men. - You didn't know that. - No. Because we had a thing going on, you know. So, I feel like, if you were gay, why didn't you just tell me? - And did you develop feelings for him? - Yeah, a lot. - And then what happened? - And then, on the show, he comes out as, you know, liking men, and I was like... like, what the hell? - I wasn't talking to her at the time when the episode aired. But were you dating or talking before it did? - Yeah. - How did things end with you guys? - He just like, you know, just stopped talking to me, just dropped me. You at least could've let me know. Don't just leave somebody hanging. You could've just been up front and like, "You know what, this isn't going anywhere, da-da." - Right. - But, it never did. - It sounds very familiar, yeah. - And then, how did the Connor profile come to be? - Um, I saw the show, and I felt like, okay, what could I do to kinda like get back at him maybe a little bit? - You made Connor, you matched on Tinder. - Yes, yes. - How did you know all that stuff about Cameron? - Mutual friends. He used to talk about his ex a lot. - Johnny! - Johnny. - I mean... - Johnny. We'll get to Johnny in a second. Do you still have feelings for Johnny? - Yeah, I do. - This is a very poetic situation, isn't it? Do I need to point out the irony here? - This is (bleep) up. This is so (bleep) up. - I have a defense... - So, let's hear your side. - Let's hear it. So, like... I can't wait! - So, what she said was true. We did have a thing going on. But in my defense, we would only talk through Snapchat, or Facebook, or whatever. - Then you met in person multiple times. - Yeah, but you don't tell some-- I... - No, but you had a way to communicate. - Yeah, but I don't wanna tell somebody-- I don't wanna break somebody's heart in person. - Break my heart in person. You could've told me. It would have been a better-- if you told me, like right now, indirect. - All right, whoa, whoa, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop. Let's do this, okay? - Okay. - Why did you stop... hanging out with Shana? - I don't want this to come off as like, I was just using you or, like, exploring my sexuality, 'cause I did like what we had. But... I just wasn't interested. - But you should've said that. Why didn't you say it? You had plenty of time to say it right in my face, just like now. You had plenty of time to say it. - It's just amazing to me how you spent all day yesterday whining. "Cameron didn't give me clear signals." Meanwhile, you did the exact same thing to Shana. Yes, while what Shana did, pretending to be Connor, and drawing you out into this thing is (bleep) up, it's a wash. This is karma. - Thank you. - You're welcome. - Like, you had plenty of times to tell me. - Yeah, I know. I get that now. - I really don't think you get it whatsoever. - I don't know what to say. This whole thing is embarrassing. - So, how do you think I felt? - Jesus, I can't believe this (bleep) played out this way. - Take us back, you know, five months ago when you got this random phone call, and kinda how everything progressed from there. <i> - So, I was selling my soaps and things like that,</i> <i> and so, every once in a while, you know, I'll get a call.</i> <i> And I got a call from Jack, I let it go to voicemail.</i> <i> I text him. I wanted to know, you know,</i> <i> like if he had any inquiries.</i> <i> He's so funny, he just started, like,</i> <i> kinda flirting with me.</i> <i> And I thought it was funny, and I did it back.</i> - Wow. - What was his line? Like, "I'm feeling really dirty. Do you have any soap? Clean me up?" - Yeah, "I'm a-- I'm a dirty boy." - Can you tell us a little bit about him? -<i> He lives here in Rochester too.</i> - He lives in Rochester! - Wait, time out. Why haven't you guys met? <i> - He works a lot, and I'm busy with my kids.</i> - Do you talk to him on the phone? -<i> No, we don't.</i> - You've only texted? -<i> We only text.</i> - No, but he called you once. - Yeah, but she didn't answer. You're a smart woman. You know that that's pretty weird. <i> - That is weird. But at this point,</i> <i> I've fallen for whoever I've been talking to, honestly.</i> <i> I'm in love.</i> - Wow. -<i> I am very emotionally invested in this relationship.</i> <i> But lately, he hasn't been texting me back.</i> <i> And when he does, it's like late at night.</i> <i> It makes me wonder,</i> <i> am I the only person he's talking to?</i> - You don't know Jack. -<i> (laughs)</i> - Wait, that looks like the guy in the pictures. - It kinda does, right? - Oh, wait, he's dismounted. - That does look like the guy from the picture. - (sighs) - Do you know this person? You know this person? Do you know this person? - Yeah. - You're in trouble. Someone's lying. - It's your ex-husband? (bleep). - No way. Is it really? Your ex-husband. Unbelievable. - So, you were lying to us. You did catfish us! - Hey, I'm Nev. Why don't you just tell us what's going on? Did you know it was her? - No, not until I got, like, to right by this tree right here. - No. - I didn't-- I thought, like, this was gonna be a first time meeting. I-- that's why I'm-- I'm wondering, like, what's going on? - But didn't she tell you her name via the texts? Didn't she say, "My name is Shawny"? - I said my name is Shawny. - Yeah, right. - This is not Shawny. - I don't understand. - What's your name? - Not as Shawny. - Ebony. - Your name is not Shawny? - No. - Why wouldn't you tell us that? - Because I thought that you guys wouldn't help me. - Help you do what? - To try and get my family back together. - You did catfish us. You were right. - I was right! Kind of. - What the hell's going on here? - Well... it all started when I got a new phone, and I called Brandon. - Is that your actual name? - Yeah. - He didn't answer the phone, but he text back later that night trying to see who I was. He told me his name was Jack. - Why didn't you just say your name? - I didn't know who it was. - Okay, right. - Not about to just give anybody my real name. - You know, I didn't tell him who I was. - I just wanna get this straight. So, you got a new phone. - Yeah. - Called Brandon, you didn't answer. - No. - You then texted, "Who is this?" That's how this all started. - Yeah, we weren't talking at the time. We were in the process of separating then. - Wait, so hold on, and what did you think for five months when you couldn't get this girl on the phone? - She said she-- she was doing music. So, I figured, like, maybe... And she talked about traveling a lot, so I figured-- - You, Shawny, was doing music and traveling a lot. You took every chapter out of the catfish book. - Well, he catfished me and I catfished him back. - When did he catfish you? - 'Cause he told me his name was Jack. - That's because you're some stranger hitting him up on, you know... - Yeah. - Time out. Ebony, you did all this stuff. - Yeah. - You lied to us. You lied to Brandon. You lied and cheated your way here... for what? - I felt like I didn't know what else to do, honestly. We were living in the same house and we weren't even talking to one another, and the kids would see that all the time. And I just thought, like, maybe he could talk to me as a different person. How is it that you can just maintain for five months being like the perfect person ever just about? And like, for 16 years, you couldn't even get it together? Like... Why can't we do that as Brandon and Ebony? I don't wanna have to be somebody else to be loved. - So, did you catfish us and him in order to force this conversation? 'Cause you could've had this conversation with him without us, theoretically. - I've tried, but we just argue, and it made it worse, it made everything worse. - Well, what's the deal with Talli? -<i> That's my boyfriend-. No, it's not.</i> -<i> No, he's-- he's my guy.</i> <i> You know, we dating, we together.</i> - How long have you been talking to him? -<i> I met him about a year ago.</i> - Where'd you meet him ? -<i> I met him online, actually.</i> <i> But we do more talking on the phone.</i> <i> That's how I know it's real, because most guys text you.</i> <i> But he-- he actually wants to hear my voice.</i> - And do you love him? -<i> Yeah, I mean, you see me just--</i> <i> you know, I'm blushing talking about him.</i> <i> I get butterflies.</i> - Do you have any doubts that Talli is who he says he is? -<i> I mean, why would I?</i> <i> I mean, I don't think he'd do that to me,</i> <i> because just from, you know.</i> <i> I done told him everything about me,</i> <i> and you know, he done told me everything about him.</i> <i> In a relationship, you gotta have trust.</i> <i> You gotta have trust. If you don't have trust,</i> <i> then you don't got nothing.</i> <i> So, why doubt a person that you wanna be with</i> <i> that you love that say they love you.</i> <i> Why doubt a person?</i> - Oh, boy. - All right. - Got a little bit of a curveball here. - I got something that I need to tell you. - Me and Talli haven't met, and we haven't FaceTimed each other, because I've been talking to him from a fake profile. - So, you catfishing him. - Kinda sorta, like... - I mean... pretty much. - Yeah, pretty much. - Oh my God. (laughing) What? - What are the pictures that you've been using? - I just googled "black girl" and this picture popped up. - And that's all you've shown him the whole time? - Yes. - He thinks I'm this girl named Kerry Taylor. - That's messed up. - Does Kerry speak any differenty? - Yeah. - What does she sound like? (higher-pitched voice) - Hello? Hi, baby. (laughter) - Wow! So, you really got into this. - Yes. - And you're ready to tell him the truth? - I'm ready to come clean. - 'Cause you don't know, I mean, he may not wanna talk to you ever again. - I just hope that he could look past that. I'm still Kerry, I just have a different name and a different look. - I think you should just come out here and sort all this out. - What?! - This is Kerry. - Oh my (bleep) God! - So... - Are you serious? - Wait, wait, wait. - Really, Terrence? - I didn't know it was you. - You know this guy? - Yeah! - Man, this is crazy. - How do you know this guy? - We dated, like, 10, 11 years ago. - What?! - This is crazy! - This ain't right. That's what it is. - It's not right. You catfished me! - Well, you catfished him too. - Yeah, but still, though. - Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on. So, you had a fake profile. - Yes. - And messaged her fake profile. And it just so happened that you guys actually used to date? - Man, that was a long time ago. - It was so long ago. - Are you serious, man? - Oh my God! - So you-- wait, time out. You used to live in St. Louis. I used to live with my mother in St. Louis. - Okay. - I mean, this is a first. - I'm like, oh my (bleep). This is crazy! This was you the whole time? You guys, this is destiny. - No, No. - Uh-uh. - How long were you guys-- - It was a bad, bad relationship. Yes, it was. It was really bad. While we were together, he had three kids on me. You told me you don't even have any kids. You have a lot of kids. - How many kids do you have? - I got four. - He had all those kids on me. - Really? - Yes! - He just a H-O-E. That's all he was. - Tally ho! - Tally ho. - There you go. - How did you make the Talli profile? - It wasn't originally me, it was one of my friends. He made the profile. - Do I know your friend? - Darnell, or... - Darnell? - I-- I'd rather not say his name. - Wait, how did the profile start? - I had a buddy who was using the profile to get females off of it. - Why was he using Talli's picture. - That's something I don't know, and I asked him about it, he was like, "Man, look, it's just getting me females." So I'm like, okay, cool. - But you don't know Talli. - No, I don't really, no. - How long have you been using the account? - About a year and a half. - And who was using it before you? - One of my friends was using it. - So, it's just like a community thing that you just pass on? - I just don't understand. Why are you guys, like, using this profile? Why don't you just make a new one-- I mean... - 'Cause this one works. - So, what do you get out of this? - Definitely didn't get what I wanted. - Right. I need a break. - Tell us the story of Tara. - Well, I actually started, you know, going into the chatrooms, you know, just as a way to meet people that were bi and lesbian. You know, I was looking for that group. And Tara actually was like, "Hey." - Hey. - Yeah, literally just "hey." And then, you know the conversation. - Modern romance. - Love at first "hey" kind of thing. It was really intense. Like, we talked almost every day, completely smitten. It was love. - But then, things changed. - After so many times of like, hey, let's meet, she got into an accident. - Like a car accident? - Yeah. That was when, like, the variety of excuses started. "Oh, I can't talk to you because I suffered some type of injury to my brain." It's like it was always the excuse with "My head is broken" kind of thing. And I was just like, "Okay, whatever." - But you genuinely love her. - Yeah, I-- Like I have like a legit bond with her. I've shared things with her that I wasn't so comfortable telling people that I lives with. Little things in my life, the stuff that I was going through with, you know, college, and, you know, being faced with the whole thing of coming out. - You've used the Internet to really kind of express your sexuality. - Yeah, I would say that. - Has it ever occurred to you that maybe Tara is someone else in the chat room? - You know, there were two people. The first one, Nicole, we were friends for a few months, and then we dated. - In person? - Mm-hmm. - How was that-- like, what was that relationship like? - It was really good. Like, you know, the whole honeymoon phase. And then she just didn't like the fact I was bi. But she was full on lesbian. She hated that. And me and her broke up on bad terms. There was another girl after that. Mary. She was maybe four years older than me. We started off as friends, then we dated. - Where did she live? - Originally Mississippi. And then she actually came here. - So she moved here? - Yeah. - To be with you? - Yeah. - Whoa. - She came with her mom and her five-year-old son. - Did they get their own place? - That was the-- the plan. You know, she told me she had the whole list of plans that she would do, but when she got here, she had no plan. There was some sense of responsibility there to help her in that sense, but, you know, I knew when she got here it was just gonna be a big mess. ♪♪ - Wow. How did that end? - I told her, like, you know, this is too much for me. The responsibility is not, you know, one that I initially thought I would have to be a part of. And she kind of went a little bit nutty on me. ♪♪ Yeah, that situation kind of ended badly as well. - Is she still in your life at all? - No. I don't know where she is, actually. One time, Tara and Mary, actually-- they messaged each other at one point. - Oh, really? - Yeah, like Mary messaged her and like, "Oh, don't-- don't talk to her. You know, that would be bad news for you." You know, pretty much tried to like taint who I was. - This girl sounds like she's definitely not above inventing a new profile, pretending to be someone else in the chatroom. - Right. - Oh. - Someone's coming? - Someone's coming. - Hi. - How are you? - Good. Are you Carol? - Yes. - I'm Nev. You wanna come out? It's pretty cold out here. - Yeah, I wanna talk to Paris. - Yes, I imagine that's why you invited us here. - Oh, my (bleep) God. - Well? - Hey, babe. Thought you never could love me. - What? Do you know each other? - Unreal. - Who is it? - Mary. - It's Mary? - Yeah. - Nice to meet ya. ♪♪ - We spoke to you, didn't we? - Yeah. - Yeah. - And you said you were married and you have a kid. - Right. - Is that true? - Yes. You live here with your family? - I do. - This is just... - Revenge. ♪♪ - Hmm. - Wow, that's a lot of trouble to go to at least from the out-- - But do you know what she's done to me? - Well, we don't know anything. - What did you do, Paris? Tell 'em. - Oh, this is (bleep) great. - Well, we have heard her-- - Oh, I'm sure you have. - Well, I'm curious to hear your side of it. We're up here. We came to meet you. - What's the reason for the revenge? - Well, we had plans to be together. Yeah, where did I end up? - What did you come with? - What did I come with? - A whole lot of baggage. - Who told me to come? - I told you to come, and you told me that you had options as far as, like, what you do when you got here. Then you'd like, "Well, we don't know where we're gonna stay tonight." And you left that to me to be responsible for you, your mother, and your five-year-old. - Oh, is that right? - Yeah, that's really selfish. - No, Paris. She's not telling the whole story. - Okay. - Where did you put me? Don't say I put you anywhere. You did. I gave you an option. You put me there. She stayed in a women's homeless shelter. - So, I'm gonna challenge you a little bit on this, because you lived at home... - Mm-hmm. - So for you to in any way indicate that maybe your new girlfriend could stay with you in your home would've been presumptuous because your mom probably wouldn't have approved of it. - I wouldn't say it wouldn't have-- No, I wouldn't have said that at all, because she stayed the very first night that came here, she stayed. And then when my mom was like, "Okay, this is not gonna happen." What can I do about it? - Can I ask you a question? - Yeah. - So, she was kind of giving you the cold shoulder. - Yeah, and I left her. - You got the hint. - Yep. - And you left. - Mm-hmm. - Where'd you go? - South Carolina. - You moved to South Carolina. - With your mom and your son? - Yep. Where we met my wife. - And are you guys happy? - Absolutely. And let me mind y'all, I took care of myself when I moved to South Carolina. - Good, 'cause you're an adult, and that's important. - Right. - Okay, so you meet this great girl in South Carolina. You're all set and happy and in love with a new girl. What are you doing plotting revenge against this other girl? Why not just cut the cord? Let her go, let the past go. - Why not? Like I said, revenge. - Whose voice were you using on the phone? - Somebody close to me. - Was it your wife? - Yeah. - She kind of understood. - Was that who I spoke to the other day? - Yeah. - Okay. - Wouldn't it be the job of a spouse or a partner, a wife, to tell that this is not right? Just move past it. She kind of dwelled with you? - Like what kind of a person is she? - 'Cause she knows you deserved it. - Oh, yeah, great. - But, you know... - But I'm like done. I'm just done with it. - The joke's kind of on you, though. Because you were out for revenge, and, you know, you got nothing out of it, so... Bye-bye! (bleep) sad excuse for a person.
Channel: MTV Catfish
Views: 1,543,260
Rating: 4.8300056 out of 5
Keywords: irl crush, dramatic catfish, catfish victims, MTV, catfish, catfish meet ups, catfish reveals, reveals, best of, reveal, catfish season 7, hilarious, best moments, top moments, best of catfish, online dating, real life, mystery, uncertainty, forgiveness, shock, shocking, pretend, nev schulman, nev, max, max joseph, relationship, honest, reality, Elle King, MTV Ranked
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 18sec (2058 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 20 2019
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